ObsoleteMedium Power Amplifier Chip, 34 - 46.5 GHz
Part Details
- P1dB Output Power: +24 dBm
- Psat Output Power: +26 dBm
- High Gain: 22 dB
- Output IP3: +34 dBm
- Supply Voltage: Vdd = +6V @ 250 mA
- 50 Ohm Matched Input/Output
- Die Size: 0.90 x 2.22 x 0.1 mm
The HMC1016 is a four stage GaAs PHEMT MMIC Medium Power Amplifier die which operates between 34 and 46.5 GHz. The amplifier provides 22 dB of gain, +26 dBm of saturated output power, and 17% PAE from a +6V supply. With up to +37 dBm IP3 the HMC1016 is ideal for high linearity applications in miltary and space as well as point-to-point and point-to-multi-point radios. The HMC1016 amplifier I/Os are internally matched facilitating integration into mutli-chip-modules (MCMs). All data shown herein was measured with the chip connected via two 0.025mm (1 mil) wire bonds of minimal length 0.31 mm (12 mils).
- Point-to-Point Radios
- Point-to-Multi-Point Radios
- Military & Space
Obsolete Data Sheet 1
This is the most up-to-date revision of the Data Sheet.
Hardware Ecosystem
Parts | Product Life Cycle | Description |
HMC1022A-Die | RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGNS | GaAs, pHEMT, MMIC, 0.25 W Power Amplifier, DC to 48 GHz |