240MHz ARM Cortex-M4 with 13+ ENOB ADC, BGA212

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Starting From $16.86

Part Details

  • Dual 16 bit SAR ADCs with no missing codes, 13+ ENOB, 380ns conversion speed for high precision closed loop control.
  • 240 MHz ARM Cortex M4 Core with Floating Point Unit to support advanced programming models and complex algorithms.
  • 384KB SRAM and 2MB flash memory for large program size.
  • Advanced PWM and timer functions for improved torque ripple and motor performance.
  • SINC filters for glueless connection to AD74xx isolated converters.
  • Harmonic Analysis Engine for compliant grid connection.
  • Ethernet and USB to support networked interfaces.
  • Two CAN interfaces, three UARTS, two SPIs, two SPORTs, eight 32-bit timers, two two-wire interfaces and four quadrature encoder interfaces.
  • 16 bit asynchronous memory bus for external SRAM or FPGA interfacing.
  • 212-ball, 19x19mm CSP_BGA package
  • Up to 105C ambient operating temperature for support of industrial applications.
240MHz ARM Cortex-M4 with 13+ ENOB ADC, BGA212
ADSP-CM40x Functional Block Diagram
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Tools & Simulations

Evaluation Kits

eval board

The ADSP-CM40x EZ-Kit Lite evaluation hardware provides low-cost hardware solutions for evaluating the ADSP-CM40x mixed-signal control processor family.

Features and Benefits

  • ADSP-CM408F mixed-signal control processor
  • 2 – 16-bit t ADCs with 8 inputs each
  • 10/100 Ethernet PHY
  • USB
  • 2 – CAN interfaces ADI ADM3053
  • RS-485 transceiver ADI ADM2682E
  • RS-232 transceiver ADI ADM3252E
  • 256K x 16–bit (4 Mb) SRAM
  • 2 Mb internal quad SPI flash
  • 40 character TWI display
  • Expansion Interface
  • ADSP-CM403F mixed-signal control processors
  • 2 – 16-bit t ADCs with 12 inputs each
  • 2 – 12-bit DACs
  • CAN interface ADI ADM3053
  • RS-232 transceiver ADI ADM3252E
  • 256K x 16–bit (4 Mb) SRAM
  • 2 Mb internal quad SPI flash
  • 40 character TWI display
  • Expansion Interface

Product Details

The ADSP-CM40x mixed-signal control processor family is based on the ARM®Cortex®-M4 core and is designed for motor control and industrial applications. The ADSP-CM40x Evaluation Hardware provides a low cost hardware solution for evaluating the Analog Devices ADSP-CM40x mixed-signal control processor family, and consists of the ADSP-CM403F and ADSP-CM408F EZ-Boards, J-LINK LITE ARM debug probe from Segger and optional probing boards .


The ADSP-CM403F EZ-KIT Lite and ADSP-CM408F EZ-KIT Lite include all hardware necessary to immediately begin evaluation.


The ADSP-CM403F EZ-Board and the ADSP-CM408F EZ-Board can also be purchased separately, if a debug probe is already available to the customer.


The ADSP-CM40x Board Design Database contains all of the electronic information required for the design, layout, fabrication and assembly of the ADSP-CM40x EZ-Boards, and is available to download from the Products Download area on this page.


Two expansion connectors are available for connecting probing boards that extend the system’s evaluation capabilities:

  • Analog 120-Pin Probing Board - The board provides probing points for any analog signal of the 120-pin expansion interface connector.
  • PWM 180-Pin Probing Board - The board provides probing points for any PWM/digital signal of the 180-pin expansion interface connector.


The probing boards are available separately as daughter boards that plug onto the ADSP-CM403F or <adsp-cm408f<> EZ-Board evaluation systems. Another expansion connector is provided for connecting an Anybus® board and/or a memory/FPGA extender card. </adsp-cm408f<>

IAR Embedded Workbench is a complete high-performance C/C++ compiler and debugger toolchain that incorporates a compiler, an assembler, a linker and a debugger into one easy-to-use IDE. It is required for development and purchased directly from IAR Systems. Free evaluation versions are available for download.


The CM40x Enablement Software package provides C language programming environment and Application Programming Interface (API) supporting a quick and easy functional interface to the Analog’s ADSP-CM40x mixed-signal control processor family products. The API abstracts the low-level details of various peripherals (Controller Registers, DMA Engine and Interrupt Controller) into a simple, easy-to-use programming model. It comes in source form with various example programs to shorten your application’s time to market. Current and future versions of the software are available free of charge and always downloadable from here.


The software and documentation pack for the J-Link LITE ARM is available directly from Segger and requires entry of the serial number displayed on the back of the probe to activate it.


For applications that require use of the Ethernet or USB peripherals, the ADZS-CM40x family is supported by Micrium's uC/TCP-IP and uC/USB Device ARM M-Series solutions. Both of these items require use of uC/OS-III® RTOS and all must be purchased directly from Micrium.

,The ADSP-CM40x mixed-signal control processor family is based on the ARM®Cortex®-M4 core and is designed for motor control and industrial applications. The ADSP-CM40x Evaluation HardwareADSP-CM40x mixed-signal control processor family is based on the ARM®Cortex®-M4 core and is designed for motor control and industrial applications. The ADSP-CM40x Evaluation Hardware



The ADSP-CM40x EZ-Kit Lite evaluation hardware provides low-cost hardware solutions for evaluating the ADSP-CM40x mixed-signal control processor family.
ADZS-CM403F EZ-Board ADZS-CM408F EZ-Board Analog 120-Pin Probing Board PWM 180-Pin Probing Board

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