Obsolete1700 MHz TO 2400 MHz GaAs Matched RF PA Pre-Driver
Part Details
- GaAs single ended 20 dB fixed gain amplifier
- Internally matched input and output to 50 Ω
- Fully specified gain and output power over temperature and supply
- Small footprint package 3 mm × 3 mm LFCSP
- Operation from 1700 MHz to 2400 MHz
- High third order intercept of +43 dBm
- Output compression point of +28 dBm
- Noise figure 5 dB
- Pin compatible with ADL5322 700 MHz to 1000 MHz device
The ADL5323 is a high linearity GaAs driver amplifier that is internally matched to 50 Ω for operation in the 1700 MHz to 2400 MHz frequency range. The amplifier, which has a gain of 20 dB, has been specially designed for use in the output stage of a cellular base station radio or as an input preamplifier in a multicarrier base station power amplifier. Matching and biasing are all on-chip. The ADL5323 is available in a Pb-free, 3 mm × 3 mm, 8-lead LFCSP package with an operating temperature of -40°C to +85°C.
Data Sheet 1
Application Note 2
Evaluation Design File 1
This is the most up-to-date revision of the Data Sheet.
Tools & Simulations
S-Parameter 1
Sys-Parameter Models for Keysight Genesys
Sys-Parameter models contain behavioral parameters, such as P1dB, IP3, gain, noise figure and return loss, which describe nonlinear and linear characteristics of a device.
Open ToolADIsimRF
ADIsimRF is an easy-to-use RF signal chain calculator. Cascaded gain, noise, distortion and power consumption can be calculated, plotted and exported for signal chains with up to 50 stages. ADIsimRF also includes an extensive data base of device models for ADI’s RF and mixed signal components.
Open ToolADIsimPLL™
ADIsimPLL enables the rapid and reliable evaluation of new high performance PLL products from ADI. It is the most comprehensive PLL Synthesizer design and simulation tool available today. Simulations performed include all key non-linear effects that are significant in affecting PLL performance. ADIsimPLL removes at least one iteration from the design process, thereby speeding the design- to-market.
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