

24-Bit, 4-Channel Simultaneous Sampling 1.5 MSPS Precision Alias Free ADC

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Starting From $19.10

Part Details

  • Alias free: inherent anti-alias rejection of 102.5 dB typical in high performance mode
  • Excellent ac and dc performance
    • 108 dB dynamic range at ODR = 374 kSPS, FIR filter, typical
    • 137 dB dynamic range at ODR = 10 SPS, sinc3 filter, typical
    • THD: −120 dB typical with 1 kHz input tone
    • Offset error drift: 0.9 µV/C typical
    • Gain drift: 2 ppm/°C typical
    • INL: ±2 ppm of FSR typical
  • Dynamic range enhancement: 4:1 and 2:1 averaging mode
  • 126 dB, A weighted dynamic range
  • Easy to sync: asynchronous sample rate converter
    • Multidevice synchronization with one signal line
    • Programmable data rates from 0.01 kSPS to 1496 kSPS with resolution of 0.01 SPS
    • Option to control output data rate by external signal
  • Resistive ADC and reference input
  • Linear phase digital filter options
    • Low ripple FIR filter: 32 µdB pass-band ripple, dc to 161.942 kHz
    • Low latency sinc3 filter and sinc6 filter, dc to 391.5 kHz
    • Sinc3 filter with 50 Hz/60 Hz rejection
  • Crosstalk: 130.7 dBFS
  • Daisy-chaining
  • CRC error checking on data and SPI interface
  • Two power modes: high performance mode and low power mode
  • Power supply: 4.5 V to 5.5 V and 1.65 V to 1.95 V
  • 1.8 V IOVDD level
  • External reference: 4.096 V or 5 V
  • Crystal or external CMOS clock of 48 MHz
  • SPI or pin (standalone) configurable operation
  • Operating temperature range: -40°C to 105°C
  • Available in 8 mm × 8 mm, 56-lead LFCSP with exposed pad
24-Bit, 4-Channel Simultaneous Sampling 1.5 MSPS Precision Alias Free ADC
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Tools & Simulations

Precision ADC Driver Tool

The Precision ADC Driver Tool is a web application that simulates the performance of precision ADC and driver combinations. Potential issues with driver selection, kickback settling, and distortion are flagged, and design tradeoffs can be quickly evaluated. Simulations and calculations include system noise, distortion, and settling of the ADC input

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Design Tool 1

Signal Chain Designer - BETA

Signal Chain Designer is a web-based tool designed to create and simulate complex precision signal chains. See your circuit’s performance before you commit to your PCB: transfer function, noise, power consumption, input range, and DC error. Quickly experiment with different parts and architectures. Signal chains can be exported to LTspice for further analysis.

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Virtual Eval - BETA

Simulate performance of ADCs and DACs under your operating conditions.

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LTspice® is a powerful, fast and free simulation software, schematic capture and waveform viewer with enhancements and models for improving the simulation of analog circuits.

Evaluation Kits

eval board

Evaluating the AD4134 24-Bit, 4-Channel, Simultaneous Sampling, 1.5 MSPS Precision Alias Free ADC

Features and Benefits

  • Fully featured evaluation board for the AD4134
  • PC control in conjunction with the SDP-H1 board
  • PC software control and data analysis
  • Standalone hardware capability

Product Details

The EVAL-AD4134FMCZ evaluation kit features the AD4134 24-bit, 4-channel, simultaneous sampling, 1.5 MSPS precision alias free analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The EVAL-AD4134FMCZ draws power from the system demonstration platform (SDP) EVAL-SDP-CH1Z (SDP-H1) board, and the on-board dc-to-dc regulators regulate an external supply of 8 V to 14 V down to 5 V and 1.8 V to supply the AD4134 and peripheral components. A separate reference of 4.096 V generated by the on‑board ADR444. The ADC is clocked by an on-board crystal.

The EVAL-AD4134FMCZ connects to the PC USB port via the SDP-H1 board.

The AD4134 evaluation software running on a PC provides full accessibility to the AD4134 device register map, as well as a data analysis interface to display key parameters and graphics from the conversion result in both time and frequency domains.

For full details on the AD4134, see the AD4134 data sheet, which must be consulted in conjunction with the user guide when using the EVAL-AD4134FMCZ.

Evaluating the AD4134 24-Bit, 4-Channel, Simultaneous Sampling, 1.5 MSPS Precision Alias Free ADC

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