Obsolete±14,000°/sec Digital Gyroscope Sensor
Part Details
- Yaw rate gyroscope with range scaling
±3500°/sec, ±7000°/sec, and ±14,000°/sec settings - 2429 SPS sample rate
- Wide sensor bandwidth: 360 Hz
- No external configuration required to start data collection
Start-up time: 170 ms
Sleep mode recovery time: 2.5 ms
- Factory-calibrated sensitivity and bias
Calibration temperature range: −40°C to +70°C - SPI-compatible serial interface
- Embedded temperature sensor
- See data sheet for additional features
The ADIS16266 is a programmable digital gyroscope that combines industry-leading MEMS and signal processing technology in a single compact package. It provides accuracy performance that requires full motion calibration with any other MEMS gyroscope in this class. When power is applied, the ADIS16266 automatically starts up and begins sampling sensor data, without requiring configuration commands from a system processor. An addressable register structure and a common serial peripheral interface (SPI) provide simple access to sensor data and configuration settings. Many digital processor platforms support the SPI with simple firmware level instructions.
The ADIS16266 provides several programmable features for in-system optimization. The Bartlett window FIR filter length and sample rate settings provide users with controls that enable noise vs. bandwidth optimization. The digital input/output lines offer options for a data ready signal that helps the master processor efficiently manage data coherency, an alarm indicator signal for triggering master processor interrupts, and a general-purpose function for setting and monitoring system level digital controls/ conditions.
The ADIS16266 is pin-compatible with the ADIS16265 and comes in an LGA package (11.2 mm × 11.2 mm × 5.5 mm) that meets Pb-free solder reflow profile requirements, per JEDEC J-STD-020. It offers an extended operating temperature range of −40°C to +105°C.
Applications- Platform control and stabilization
- Navigation
- Medical instrumentation
- Robotics
Suggested Replacement Parts
Programmable Digital Gyroscope Sensor
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Obsolete Data Sheet 1
Device Drivers 1
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