Features and Benefits
- Parts kit for solderless breadboarding of analog circuits
- Analog Devices ICs included: sensors, op amps, converters, comparators, power converters
- Other components included: transistors, LEDs, resistors, potentiometers, capacitors, diodes, inductors
- Surface mount devices conveniently mounted on break out boards
- Assortment of jumper wires for easy solderless connections
- Solderless breadboard included
Product Details
The Analog Parts Kit contains a large selection of components perfect for creating a wide variety of useful analog circuits and devices. Featuring components from Analog Devices, the kit includes transistors, LEDs, resistors, potentiometers, capacitors, diodes, inductors, sensors, and variety of useful ICs including op-amps, converters, comparators, and regulators. The surface mounted ICs are mounted on small daughter boards to facilitate easy connections. A solderless breakout board is included, and the kit also comes with an assortment of jumper wires with pin ends.
Documentation & Resources
ADALP2000 Parts Kit Index10/3/2018WIKI
Active Learning Program: Tools for Students, Makers, and Enthusiasts3/26/2019PDF476K
ADALP2000 Analog Parts Kit Product Highlights1/15/2016PDF39 K
Common-Base & Cascode Amplifier Lab with ADALM1000 and ADALP200012/12/2024
Class A Emitter-Follower Amp Lab with ADALM1000 and ADALP200012/12/2024
Class A Common-Emitter Amplifier Lab with ADALM1000 and ADALP200012/12/2024
A Simple Proximity Sensor Built with the ADALM1000 and ADALP200012/12/2024
A Simple Light Detector that can be Built with the ADALM1000 Source Measurement Unit and the ADALP2000 Analog Parts12/12/2024
Intro to Diodes and LEDs Lab with the ADALM1000 and ADALP200012/12/2024
Intro to Transistors Lab with the ADALM1000 and ADALP200012/12/2024
ADALM2000 Activity: An LED as a Light Sensor1/16/2023
ADALM2000 Activity: CMOS Logic Circuits, D-Type Latch11/4/2022
ADALM2000 Activity: BJT Current Mirror8/6/2020
ADALM2000 Activity: Frequency Response of a Common-Emitter BJT Amplifier7/1/2020
ADALM2000 Activity: Common Emitter Amplifier6/1/2020
ADALM2000 Activity: MOS Transistor Common Source Amplifier5/1/2020
ADALM2000 Activity: The MOS Transistor Connected as a Diode4/1/2020
ADALM2000 Activity: Op Amp Settling Time3/12/2020
ADALM2000 Activity: Op Amp as Comparator2/1/2020
ADALM2000 Activity: The BJT Connected as a Diode1/1/2020
ADALM2000: Zener Diode Regulator12/1/2019
ADALM2000: Differential Temperature Sensor11/1/2019
A Complete Circuits Laboratory on Your Desk, in Your Backpack, and on the Go12/1/2016
The StudentZone is Open10/1/2016