Buck-Boost Voltage Conversion, the Quiet Way


This power management tip briefly explains a buck-boost topology and how releasing new regulators allows for Silent Switcher® technology to be used. Combining a buck-boost topology and Silent Switcher technology brings very low EMI at the highest power conversion efficiency.


In many applications, voltages require upward and downward conversion. For example, if an input voltage range of 6 V to 24 V is available and 12 V is to be generated from it. Classical wide-range power supplies must be capable of such voltage conversions.

Different voltage conversion architectures are capable of voltage conversion upward and downward. These are transformer-based topologies such as flyback regulators, single-ended primary inductor converter (SEPIC) topology, and a 4-switch buck-boost topology.

A 4-switch buck-boost is a very elegant architecture. Four switches are required here, but only one inductor is needed. Figure 1 shows the circuit topology. The coil is always controlled by the four switches in such a way that results in a buck switching regulator converting downward or an upward-converting boost switching regulator. The conversion efficiency is high and the application of this type of circuit is quite simple.

Figure 1. A 4-switch buck-boost voltage conversion architecture.

A switch-mode buck-boost converter works with a certain switching frequency and generates pulsed currents on internal traces of the voltage converter. These are located either on the input side in buck mode when the input voltage is higher than the desired output voltage, or on the output side in boost mode when the input voltage is lower than the desired output voltage. These pulsed currents cause a pulsed magnetic field, thus causing electromagnetic interference (EMI).

Silent Switcher technology has been available to design switch-mode power converters with very good electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) behavior. This technique divides the pulsed currents into two conduction paths, each with a high level of symmetry. This halves the amplitude of the pulsed currents and the symmetry largely cancels out the magnetic fields generated. Figure 2 shows the application of this technique to buck-boost controllers. Red shows the paths of the pulsed currents, whose magnetic fields cancel each other out by a symmetrical arrangement.

Figure 2. A version of Silent Switcher technology that cancels out the magnetic fields of the pulsed current paths.

Figure 2 shows a total of eight switching transistors. A buck-boost circuit based on Silent Switcher technology requires only four switches, just like a conventional buck-boost topology. The additional switches in Figure 2 are drawn to make the symmetrically pulsed current paths recognizable.

With the combination of a buck-boost regulator and Silent Switcher technology, it is now possible to develop combined up and downconverters with very good EMC behavior. For the best EMC behavior, there are regulators with integrated decoupling capacitors, which are referred to as Silent Switcher 2 regulators.  These capacitors from Figure 2 are already integrated into devices such as the LT8350S together with the integrated circuit. This reduces the parasitic effects in the paths of the pulsed currents and thus reduces radiated emissions even further compared to devices with external decoupling capacitors. An available version with external coupling capacitors is the LT8350.

Figure 3 shows a circuit with an LT8350S buck-boost switching regulator. This device can carry up to 6 A switch current and has an input voltage range of 3 V to 40 V. To reduce the generated EMI even further, it is optionally possible to use spread spectrum frequency modulation (SSFM). The circuit in Figure 3 shows the LTspice® simulation model with external circuitry, which is available free of charge.

Figure 3. A Silent Switcher buck-boost ESC with a highly integrated LT8350S.


Buck-boost switching regulators are suitable for voltage converter circuits that must convert voltages up and down. New integrated circuits from Analog Devices, such as the LT8350S, allow developers to execute this topology using Silent Switcher technology to design a switch-mode voltage converter with a very high EMC.


Frederik Dostal

Frederik Dostal

Frederik Dostal是一名拥有20多年行业经验的电源管理专家。他曾就读于德国埃尔兰根大学微电子学专业并于2001年加入National Semiconductor公司,担任现场应用工程师,帮助客户在项目中实施电源管理解决方案,积累了丰富的经验。在此期间,他还在美国亚利桑那州凤凰城工作了4年,担任应用工程师,负责开关模式电源产品。他于2009年加入ADI公司,先后担任多个产品线和欧洲技术支持职位,具备广泛的设计和应用知识,目前担任电源管理专家。Frederik在ADI的德国慕尼黑分公司工作。