推荐新设计使用Closed Loop Stepper motor controller/driver module 12 to 48V, 3A, 256 µSteps, with USB, CAN, RS485 and S/D Interface
- Up to 256 microsteps per full step
- High-efficient operation, low power dissipation
- Dynamic current control
- Integrated protection: overtemperature and undervoltage
- stallGuard2™ feature for stall detection
- - RS485 2-wire communication interface
- CAN 2.0B communication interface (4x DIP-switch for CAN / RS485 address setting or other settings)
- USB 2.0 full-speed (12Mbit/s) communication interface (mini-USB connector)
- Encoder input: incremental a/b/n (TTL, OC or diff.)
- Dedicated STOP_L / STOP_R inputs
- Up to 8 multi-purpose inputs (+24V compatible, incl. 2 dedicated analog inputs)
- Up to 8 multi-purpose outputs (Open-drain, incl. 2 outputs for currents up to 1A
- Encoder input for incremental a/b/n (TTL, OC or diff.)
- TMCL™ remote (direct mode) and standalone operation with memory for up to 1024 TMCL commands
- Closed-loop support
- Fully supported by TMCL-IDE (PC based integrated development environment
- Supply voltage: +12V to +48V DC
- Motor current: up to 3A RMS (programmable
- Board size: 110mm x 110mm, height 26.3mm max.
The TMCM-1311 is a fully closed single axis stepper control unit for all applications that require high reliability and dynamics. The device is powered by ADI Trinamic StallGuard2™, CoolStep™ and SpreadCycle™ chopper technology. The TMCM-1311 is capable of driving up to 4.3A of current from each output (with proper heatsinking). It is designed for an operating voltage of 9 to 51V. The device provides a RS485, CAN, USB and encoder interface. An integrated protocol processor supplies a high level TMCL communication.
All you need to get started is a power supply and ADI Trinamic's free and easy to use TMCL-IDE. This graphical user interface allows quick setup and supports the use of commands in direct mode, monitors real-time behavior visualized in graphs, and logs and stores data.
Evaluation Software 1
Short for Trinamic Motion Control Language-Integrated Development Environment, the TMCL-IDE is an integrated development environment made for developing applications using ADI Trinamic™ modules and chips. The GUI provides tools for easily setting parameters, for visualizing data in real-time, and for developing and debugging stand-alone applications with TMCL.
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