Features and Benefits
- Complete Hardware System with Easy Setup, No Tools or Special Equipment Required
- Precharacterized Reference Microspeaker Included
- Easy-to-Use Graphical User Interfaces Software (Windows® 7/10 Compatible)
- DSM Sound Studio
- Quick Demo Using Included Speaker
- Extract: Speaker Parameter Extraction
- Tune: Full Acoustic Tuning Suite
- Evaluate: Compare Different Tunings
- MAX98390 Evaluation Software
- Complete Access to All Hardware Registers
Product Details
For stereo evaluation and design use a MAX98390EVSYS# board with a MAX98390-ST-AUX# stereo expansion board.
The MAX98390C/D evaluation system (EV system) eval- uates the MAX98390C or the MAX98390D boosted Class D audio amplifier with integrated Dynamic Speaker ManagementTM (DSM) IC. DSM senses the voltage and current at the load and uses patented Maxim algorithms to unlock the full potential of the speaker. The EV sys- tem comprises the MAX98390C or the MAX98390D Development Board (DEV board), Maxim’s Audio Interface Board III (AUDINT3), 5V power supply, reference micro- speaker, USB cable, DSM Sound Studio software, and MAX98390 evaluation software.
It is recommended that the DEV board be evaluated with the AUDINT3 board as an EV system. MAX98390C/D supports standard I2S, left-justified, and TDM digital audio interfaces, as well as I2C for control.
The AUDINT3 board provides 1.8V DVDD, USB-to-PCM, and USB-to-I2C interfaces that are needed to evaluate the DEV board, requiring only a single external power supply for VBAT. The Simplified EV System Block Diagram details the DEV board and the AUDINT3 board.
The easy-to-use DSM Sound Studio software has a simple, yet powerful graphical user interface (GUI) that breaks down the DSM design process into three basic steps: extract, tune, and evaluate. Additionally, DSM Sound Studio provides for a 7 minute quick demo to hear the DSM difference using the included reference microspeaker.
There is also the MAX98390 evaluation software that provides complete access to all hardware registers.
- IoT Devices
- Notebook Computers
- Single Li-ion Cell Devices
- Smartphones
- Tablets
- Toys
Markets and Technologies
Applicable Parts
Documentation & Resources
Extract- Automated Parameter Extraction and Setting Limits12/12/2024
How Does DSM Improve Reliability12/12/2024
Getting started with MAX98390EVSYS12/12/2024
Is DSM a Fit for My System?12/12/2024
Perceptual Power Reduction12/12/2024
Quick Demo12/12/2024
Go! Sending Your Speaker to Maxim for Laser Characterization12/12/2024
What is Speaker Laser Characterization and Why Do I Need It?12/12/2024
Micro Speaker 10112/12/2024
Sending Your Final Speaker for Laser Calibration12/12/2024
What is DSM and How Does It Work?12/12/2024
DSM Evaluate12/12/2024
Why Are DSM Smart Amplifiers Valuable?12/12/2024
DSM Smart Amp Overview Video Training Series2/27/2023SERIES
Designing with DSM Video Training Series2/27/2023SERIES
DSM Sound Studio User's Guide for the MAX98390 Video Training Series2/27/2023SERIES