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Dynamic Speaker Management (DSM) and Smart Amplifier Solutions

DSM provides louder (up to 2.5× SPL increase), clearer, and deeper (up to 2 octaves lower bass) audio with easy-to-use tuning tools. Featuring seven-minute speaker characterization, a Debuzzer to help solve buzzing issues, and perceptual power reduction (PPR) which returns up to 25% of free power with no loss in audio fidelity, DSM’s programming-free implementation provides improved reliability and thrives in small, thin form factors.


Value and Benefits

Designing your audio system with DSM Sound Studio can be a quick and easy process that yields demonstrable performance benefits. Programming knowledge is not required. Prototyping can be realized within minutes using just the MAX98390EVSYS and DSM Sound Studio.

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Requires no programming

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Returns up to 25% of free power with no loss in audio fidelity

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Features 7-minute speaker characterization

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