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Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC) Solutions

Automatic identification and data capture (AIDC) barcode scanning devices are widely used for real-time inventory tracking within logistics, transportation, and warehouse and retail automation. They can be deployed as mobile tablets, smartphones, or even wrist-worn devices. Our solutions for robust battery management, machine vision, and secure communications lead to less downtime and higher productivity.


Value and Benefits

Analog Devices is focused on delivering the highest system performance in automatic identification and data capture devices. We combine design-level and system-level knowledge with domain expertise across secure authentication, battery management, and depth sensing, allowing our customers to deploy automatic data capture devices faster and extract more value with access to high quality data and insights.

Asset Tracking Distance measurement and object detection play a vital role in AIDC devices. Our Industrial Vision technology, which offers 3D depth sensing with 3D point cloud renders, enables accuracy and efficiency in product dimensioning.

In handheld devices, battery cloning is a big industry problem, both from a revenue loss perspective but also from a safety perspective. Our unique battery pack authentication functionality ensures that only the intended battery is used with the device.

Our battery fuel gauges provide accurate low-temperature state of charge, secure authentication, and internal self-discharge management for battery health monitoring and management.

Maintain optimal device health and employ a predictive maintenance strategy with the highest g accelerometers that detect shocks and impacts, plus increased loudness on micro speakers with Dynamic Speaker Management (DSM) technology.

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Enable accuracy and efficiency in product dimensioning

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Use only the intended battery

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Employ predictive maintenance strategy

Learn how ADI’s industry leading technology is enabling the development of robust, handheld data capture devices, streamlining the secure collection and management of logistics data.

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Solution Resources

Hardware Products

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1-Cell ModelGauge m5 EZ Fuel Gauge with Protector, Internal Self-Discharge Detection and SHA-256 Authentication

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Signal Chains


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Evaluation Boards

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