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Dynamic Speaker Management (DSM) Solutions

Dynamic Speaker Management™ (DSM) is an audio solution that combines high-performance speaker amplifiers with our patented DSM algorithms to create louder and richer sound in space-constrained speaker applications.

DSM smart amplifiers use current and voltage (IV) feedback in combination with our speaker protection algorithms to push maximum loudness and bass response without exceeding the excursion or thermal limits of the speaker.

Explore Applications in Dynamic Speaker Management (DSM) Solutions

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Dynamic Speaker Management (DSM) and Smart Amplifier Solutions

Dynamic Speaker Management (DSM) and Smart Amplifier Solutions

DSM Sound Studio GUI simplifies design and DSM implementation into your audio system. Parameter extraction, tuning, and evaluation are enabled without any other equipment or software.

Dynamic Speaker Management (DSM) and Smart Amplifier Solutions

DSM Sound Studio GUI simplifies design and DSM implementation into your audio system. Parameter extraction, tuning, and evaluation are enabled without any other equipment or software.

How Analog Devices Drives Customer Value

Dynamic Speaker Management provides louder and richer sound without damaging the speaker. Our patented DSM algorithms reduce power consumption, time to market, and design resource overhead.

How ADI Partners with Others to Provide Solutions

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How ADI ensures quality and reliability of its products

See our resources for media to access details about media contact, authorization requests, and available downloads.