ObsoleteDigital Output, High-Precision Angular Rate Sensor
Part Details
The ADIS16130 is a low noise, digital output angular rate sensor (gyroscope) that provides an output response over the complete dynamic range of ±250o/sec.
Its industry-standard serial interface and register structure provide a simple interface that is supported by most MCU, DSP, and FPGA platforms.
By implementing a unique design, the device provides superior stability over variations in temperature, voltage, linear acceleration, vibration, and next-level assembly. In addition, the surface-micro-machining technology used to manufacture the device is the same high volume BiMOS process used by Analog Devices, Inc., for its high reliability automotive sensor products.
Features include a temperature output that provides critical information for system-level calibrations and a digital self-test feature that exercises the mechanical structure of the sensor and enables system-level diagnostics.
The package configuration is a 36 mm × 44 mm × 16 mm module with a standard 24-lead connector interface.
Data Sheet, Rev. A, 4/08
Suggested Replacement Parts
±300°/Sec Precision Angular Rate Sensor
Application Note 3
Evaluation Design File 1
Frequently Asked Question 1
Obsolete Data Sheet 1
Device Drivers 1
This is the most up-to-date revision of the Data Sheet.
Software Resources
Device Drivers 1
Evaluation Software 0
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