

EVAL-ADE7878EBZ can be used for the evaluation of the following:

  • ADE7878, ADE7868, ADE7858, ADE7854, family of parts.
  • The UG-146 User Guide describes the ADE7878 evaluation kit hardware, firmware, and software functionality.
  • Evaluation board designed to be used together with accompanying software to implement a fully functional three-phase energy meter.
  • Easy connection of various external transducers via screw terminals.
  • Easy modification of signal conditioning components using PCB sockets.
  • LED indicators on logic outputs CF1, CF2, CF3, IRQ0, and IRQ.
  • Optically isolated metering components and USB based communication with PC.
  • External voltage reference option available for on-chip reference evaluation.
  • PC COM port-based firmware updates.


The ADE7878 is a high accuracy, 3-phase electrical energy measurement IC with serial interfaces and three flexible pulse outputs. The ADE7878 incorporates seven ADCs, reference circuitry and all       signal processing required to perform total (fundamental and harmonic) active, reactive and apparent energy measurement, fundamental active and reactive energy measurement and rms calculations.

This documentation describes the ADE7878 evaluation kit hardware, firmware and software functionality. The evaluation board contains an ADE7878 and a LPC2368 microcontroller. The ADE7878 and its associated metering components are optically isolated from the microcontroller. The microcontroller communicates with the PC using a USB interface. Firmware updates can be loaded using one PC com port and a regular serial cable. The ADE7878 evaluation board and this documentation, together with the ADE7878 data sheet provide a complete evaluation platform for the ADE7878.

The evaluation board has been designed so that ADE7878 can be evaluated in an energy meter. Using appropriate current transducers, the evaluation board can be connected to a test bench or high voltage (240Vrms) test circuit. On-board resistor dividers networks provide the attenuation for the line voltages. This application note describes how the current transducers should be connected for the best performance. The evaluation board requires two external 3.3V power supplies and the appropriate current transducers.