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Reliability Program Overview
Analog Devices (ADI) has always placed the highest emphasis on delivering products that meet the utmost levels of reliability. ADI achieves this by incorporating quality and reliability checks in all realms of product and process design and manufacturing.
Our five-step reliability program includes: Design for Reliability, Built-in Reliability, Device Level Reliability, Wafer Level Reliability, and Reliability Monitoring Program.
Reliability Data & Resources
Analog Devices has a very active reliability monitoring and prediction program to ensure all products shipped are of the highest quality. ADI conducts all major classes of reliability tests on each of its processes utilizing state of the art equipment and methodologies. Results of accelerated environmental stress tests are extrapolated into standard operating conditions to predict useful lifetimes and ensure our products have some of the highest reliability levels in the industry. The links below provide access to reliability data, searchable by product or process/package family.
Wafer Fabrication Data
Data includes the following tests and metrics: High Temperature Operating Life (HTOL), Failures in Time (FIT), Mean Time to Fail (MTTF).
Assembly/Package Process Data
Data includes multiple tests: Autoclave (PCT), Highly Accelerated Stress Test (HAST), High Temperature Storage (HTS), Temperature Cycling Test (TCT), Temperature Humidity Bias (THB), Thermal Shock Test (TST), Unbiased HAST.
Arrhenius/FIT Rate Calculator
Use the Arrhenius/FIT Rate Calculator to calculate failures in time (FIT) rate based on temperature and other parameters.
PPM Calculator
Enter your total number of parts and failures in the PPM Calculator to determine parts per million (PPM) failure rates based on sample size.
Reliability Handbook
The ADI Reliability Handbook focuses on activities and criteria used by ADI to produce reliable, high-quality products that meet customer requirements. The handbook conveys the embedded philosophies of quality and reliability that are embodied in every step of our manufacturing process and personnel.
Reliability Focus Throughout the Product Life Cycle
Reliability Built in From the
Earliest Stages of Development
Building In
The reliability groups work in tandem with the process development and manufacturing engineers when they are developing new technologies to facilitate Building in Reliability (BIR).
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Design for
Reliability experts continuously engage with designers and Manufacturing to design reliability into all new products.
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Evaluation of Failure
Reliability Engineers work closely with Design and Manufacturing Engineers to identify and eliminate potential unintended interactions between product designs, fabrication processes, and IC packages, thus maximizing overall reliability.
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Qualification Planning
Qualification planning methodology allows high-quality reliability decisions to be made about the qualification process and reliability criteria by a team of project engineers who, by the nature of their involvement, are exceptionally knowledgeable on these issues.
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Reliability Validated Prior
to Product Release
Qualification Testing
ADI works with its customers to study and understand the application and environment in which the product will be used to establish the appropriate levels of quality and reliability. These are then built into the product design and manufacturing flows and verified at the qualification stage of the new product cycle.
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EOS/ESD Robustness
ADI design rules and proprietary design techniques for achieving CDM and HBM ESD robustness also guarantee MM ESD robustness.
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Process and Package
Accelerated reliability stress tests are performed to validate product robustness.
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Reliability Validated Throughout
Product Life Cycle
Production units are randomly pulled and subjected to rigorous stress tests to demonstrate product reliability on an ongoing basis.
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Product Analysis
The Analog Devices product analysis groups are dedicated to providing customers with uncompromising support, whatever the issue. ADI demands that product analysis techniques be flawless and that analyst teams be comprised of highly trained and skilled professionals.
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Expertise on ESD
Analog Devices helps customers understand board-level and system-level EOS/ESD Protection.
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