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Wind Turbine Solutions

Analog Devices offers a wide range of high-performance data acquisition and signal processing technologies which are used in wind turbines around the world.


Value and Benefits

Our solutions for wind turbine systems facilitate highly granular data acquisition for functions spanning generator and power converter control to system integrity monitoring, all of which serve to maximize operational efficiency and safety.

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Offers isolation technology for signal integrity, robustness, and safety

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Features precision signal chains for highest accuracy measurement

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Enables proactive maintenance for maximum safety and efficiency

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Signal Chains


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Reference Designs

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Completely Integrated 2-Wire, 3-Wire, or 4-Wire RTD Measurement System Using a Low Power, Precision, 24-Bit Σ-Δ ADC
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How to Achieve High Precision Voltage Level Setting Using the AD5542A/AD5541A 16-Bit Voltage Output DAC
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4 mA-to-20 mA Loop-Powered Temperature Monitor Using the ADuC7060/ADuC7061 Precision Analog Microcontroller
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USB Based Temperature Monitor Using the ADuC7122 Precision Analog Microcontroller and an External Thermistor
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Dual-Channel Colorimeter with Programmable Gain Transimpedance Amplifiers and Digital Synchronous Detection
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16-Bit Single-Supply Buffered Voltage Output Digital-to Analog Conversion with Less Than ±1 LSB Integral and Differential Nonlinearity
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Robust Completely Isolated Current Sense Circuit with Isolated Power Supply for Solar Photovoltaic Converters
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Isolated, Multichannel Data Acquisition System with PGIA for Single-Ended and Differential Industrial Level Signals
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High Impedance, High CMR, ±10 V Analog Front End Signal Conditioner for Industrial Process Control and Automation
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Precision Weigh Scale Design Using the AD7791 24-Bit Sigma-Delta ADC with External ADA4528-1 Zero-Drift Amplifiers
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Precision, Low Power, Single-Supply, Fully Integrated Differential ADC Driver for Industrial-Level Signals
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Crest Factor, Peak, and RMS RF Power Measurement Circuit Optimized for High Speed, Low Power, and Single 3.3 V Supply
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Versatile High Precision Programmable Current Sources Using DACs, Op Amps, and MOSFET Transistors

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