AN-1363: Meeting Biasing Requirements of Externally Biased RF/Microwave Amplifiers with Active Bias Controllers
Radio frequency (RF) and microwave amplifiers deliver optimum performance when their biasing is well controlled. The quiescent current established by the biasing circuitry affects critical performance metrics such as linearity and efficiency. While some amplifiers are self biased, many devices require external biasing using multiple supplies that must be sequenced properly for safe operation.
This application note provides an overview of bias sequencing requirements and the effects of using various biasing schemes. It presents an elegant solution for biasing amplifiers using active bias controllers such as the HMC980, HMC980LP4E, HMC981, HMC981LP3E, and HMC920LP5E.
Amplifier Biasing
Power Supply Sequencing
Power supply biasing and sequencing are critical when operating externally biased amplifiers for a number of reasons. Optimizing and controlling the bias level improves the performance of the RF amplifier and results in less part to part variation.
Device damage can result if recommended proper power supply sequencing procedures are not followed. Exceeding breakdown voltage levels can result in instant failure. Long term reliability degrades when out-of-bound conditions are repeated multiple times. This degradation can result in damage that accumulates over time, ultimately manifesting itself as a field failure.
Analog Devices, Inc., offers a wide selection of RF amplifiers. Many of these devices are designed on depletion mode, pseudomorphic, high electron mobility transfer (pHEMT) technology. The transistors used in this process typically require voltage supplies for the drain pins and gate pins. This quiescent drain current is a function of the gate voltage. See Figure 1 for the IV characteristics of a typical field effect transistor (FET) process.
Figure 1. Typical IV Characteristics of a Typical FET Process.
As the gate to source voltage (VGS) increases, more electrons enter the channel, resulting in a higher drain to source current (IDS).
Additionally, as the drain to source voltage (VDS) increases, the drain to source current also increases (in the linear region) due to the higher field force pulling the electrons. In real-world amplifiers, due to effects like channel length modulation, these amplifiers can be broadly categorized into two categories: self biased and externally biased amplifiers.
Self Biased Amplifiers
Self biased amplifiers have an internal circuit that sets the optimal bias point suitable for operation. These amplifiers tend to be best suited for broadband, low powered applications. See Figure 2 for a typical pinout of a self biased amplifier.
Externally Biased Amplifiers
Externally biased amplifiers tend to provide higher performance and more flexibility than self biased amplifiers under specific bias conditions. The quiescent drain current of the amplifier affects parameters such as power compression point, gain, noise figure, intermodulation products, and efficiency. For these high performance externally biased amplifiers, correctly sequencing the supplies is crucial for safe and optimal performance.
This procedure also applies to some other radio frequency integrated circuits (RFICs), such as frequency multipliers, upconverters, and downconverters. These products require similar biasing techniques.
Figure 3 shows the typical connections for the pins of an externally biased amplifier and the corresponding transistor pins. The pin mapping in Figure 3 is a simplified representation of the amplifier.
Figure 3. Typical Connections of an Externally Biased Amplifier.
Many externally biased amplifiers have multiple stages to meet the required gain, bandwidth, and RF power. Figure 4 shows a typical block diagram of the HMC1131, which is a multistage externally biased amplifier.
HMC1131 Biasing and Sequencing Requirements
The HMC1131 is a gallium arsenide (GaAs), pHEMT, monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC), medium power amplifier. It operates from 24 GHz to 35 GHz. The 4‑stage design typically provides a 22 dB gain, 23 dBm output power for 1 dB compression (P1dB), and 27 dBm saturated output power (PSAT) under the bias conditions of VDD = 5 V and IDQ = 225 mA, where VDD is the drain bias voltage and IDQ is the quiescent drain current. The electrical specifications table of the HMC1131 data sheet, for the 24 GHz to 27 GHz frequency range, gives this information. Figure 4 shows the pin connections of the HMC1131.
To set a target quiescent drain current (IDQ) of 225 mA, set the voltage of the gate bias pins (VGG1 and VGG2) between 0 V and −2 V. To set that negative voltage without damaging the amplifier, follow the recommended biasing sequence during power up and power down. The recommended bias sequence during power up for the HMC1131 is the following:
1. Connect to ground.
2. Set VGG1 and VGG2 to −2 V.
3. Set VDD1 through VDD4, the drain voltage bias pins, to 5 V.
4. Increase VGG1 and VGG2 to set an IDQ of 225 mA.
5. Apply the RF signal.
The recommended bias sequence during power down for the HMC1131 is the following:
1. Turn the RF signal off.
2. Decrease VGG1 and VGG2 to −2 V to reduce IDQ to 0 mA.
3. Decrease VDD1 through VDD4 to 0 V.
4. Increase VGG1 and VGG2 to 0 V.
When the gate voltage (VGGx) is −2 V, the transistors are pinched off. Therefore, IDQ is typically close to zero.
In general, the recommended biasing sequence is similar for most externally biased amplifiers. IDQ, VDDx, and VGGx values are different for different devices. For GaAs devices, VGG is generally set to −2 V or −3 V to turn off the amplifier, while that voltage can be −5 V to −8 V for gallium nitride (GaN) amplifiers. Similarly, VDDx can reach 28 V, even 50 V, for GaN devices, while it is usually less than 13 V for GaAs amplifiers.
In general, for multistage amplifiers, the VGG pins are connected and biased together. By following the same procedure, a user can get the typical performance results provided on the data sheet. Operating the amplifier under different bias conditions may provide different performance.
Figure 5 shows the P1dB vs. the frequency at various supply currents, and Figure 6 shows the output third order intercept (IP3) performance vs. the frequency at various supply currents for the HMC1131.
Cascode Amplifiers
Analog Devices' wideband distributed amplifiers often use a cascode architecture to extend their frequency range. The cascode distributed amplifier uses a fundamental cell of two FETs in series, source to drain. This fundamental cell is duplicated a number of times. This duplication increases the operation bandwidth. Figure 7 shows a simplified schematic for the fundamental cell.
With some exceptions, these cascode-based wideband amplifiers are externally biased.
The HMC637A is a wideband amplifier that uses this cascode topology. The HMC637A is a GaAs, MMIC, metal semiconductor field effect transistor (MESFET) distributed power amplifier that operates between dc and 6 GHz. Figure 8 shows the pin connections for the HMC637A.
The amplifier provides 14 dB of gain, 43 dBm of output IP3, and 30.5 dBm of output power at a 1 dB gain compression under the bias conditions of VDD = 12 V, VGG2 = 6 V, and IDQ = 400 mA. The electrical specifications table of the HMC637A data sheet provides more information.
To set the recommended quiescent drain current of 400 mA, VGG1 must be somewhere between 0 V and −2 V. To set the desired drain current, follow the recommended bias sequence during power up and power down.
The recommended bias sequence for the HMC637A during power up follows:
1. Connect to ground.
2. Set VGG1 to −2 V.
3. Set VDD to 12 V.
4. Set VGG2 to 6 V (VGG2 can be generated using a resistor divider derived from VDD).
5. Increase VGG1 to set a typical quiescent current (IDQ) of 400 mA.
6. Apply the RF signal.
The recommended bias sequence for the HMC637A during power down follows:
1. Turn off the RF signal.
2. Decrease VGG1 to −2 V to set IDQ = 0 mA.
3. Decrease VGG2 to 0 V.
4. Decrease VDD to 0 V.
5. Increase VGG1 to 0 V.
Using Active Bias Controllers to Bias Depletion Mode RF Amplifiers
There are two popular approaches used to externally bias RF amplifiers:
► Constant gate voltage biasing. In this approach, the gate voltage is set to achieve the desired quiescent current (IDQ). This gate voltage value is then kept constant during operation, which typically results in a variable drain current (IDD) under the RF drive.
► Constant drain current biasing. In this approach, the gate voltage value is varied to achieve the desired drain current. The drain current is monitored and the gate voltage is adjusted to maintain a constant drain current for different RF drive levels. This technique is generally referred to as active bias control.
Another approach, a subset of the constant drain current approach, consists of following the constant IDD approach and switching in between multiple constant IDD levels when necessary due to various field scenarios. For instance, a user may bias a power amplifier for high current levels during rainy weather to compensate for the additional rain attenuation. Similarly, a user may bias the same power amplifier for low current levels during clear weather to reduce the power consumption.
Analog Devices RF amplifiers are generally characterized with a constant gate voltage, using bench top power supply units.
Designing bias circuits for amplifiers that keep the drain current constant and provide necessary sequencing can be cumbersome. Such control circuits are complicated and require not only multiple external components such as low drop out regulators (LDOs), charge pumps, voltage sequencing, and protection circuits, but also calibration cycles. Such implementations can occupy a large printed circuit board (PCB) area that is often much larger than the amplifier itself.
The HMC981LP3E, HMC980LP4E, and HMC920LP5E are 3 mm × 3 mm, 4 mm × 4 mm, and 5 mm × 5 mm plastic packaged active bias controllers. Figure 9 shows the PCB area required for a typical application, including external passive components.
The Analog Devices active bias controller family offers some key benefits:
► Internal voltage generators generate the required negative voltage required by depletion mode amplifiers. These generators eliminate the need for external negative voltage inverters and reduce external component count, PCB, space and system cost.
► Continuous gate voltage adjustment ensures a constant RF amplifier drain current.
► Bias accuracy improves due to the reduction of device to device variation effects. The gate voltage required to obtain a desired drain current varies from part to part. Active bias controllers adjust the gate voltage level separately for each individual device and reduce the performance difference introduced by device to device variation.
Figure 10 and Figure 11 show typical variations in drain current when constant gate voltage and constant drain current biasing are used. The plots indicate that constant drain current biasing results is smaller part to part variation in drain current and lower drift of the drain current vs. temperature.
Device Number | Supply Range (V) | VDRAIN (V) | IDRAIN (mA) | IGATE (mA) | Over/Under Current Alarm | Short-Circuit Protection | VDRAIN LDO |
Negative Voltage Generator |
HMC920LP5E |
5 to 16.5 | 3 to 15 | 0 to 500 | 4 to +4 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
HMC980LP4E |
5 to 16.5 | 5 to 16.5 | 50 to 1600 | −4 to +4 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
HMC981LP3E | 4 to 12 | 4 to 12 | 20 to 200 | 0.8 to +0.8 | No | Yes | No | Yes |
With an internal feedback loop, the gate voltage varies to maintain a constant drain current through the amplifier under bias, independent of the temperature and amplifier threshold variations. The drain current setpoint is adjusted by an external resistor. Figure 12 shows the RSENSE resistor (R10) connected to Pin 20 of the HMC980LP4E.
Further details on how to calculate the RSENSE and VDD values can be found on the active bias controller data sheets.
Analog Devices offers three active bias controllers: HMC920LP5E, HMC980LP4E, and HMC981LP3E. Table 1 details selected features of these active bias controllers.
The HMC980LP4E provides the ability to source high drain currents, while the HMC981LP3E is best suited for devices that require lower drain currents. In addition to the negative voltage generator, the HMC920LP5E integrates a positive voltage regulator, providing the ability to source drain pins.
Operating Principles
For externally biased amplifiers, Analog Devices data sheets highlight the biasing requirements for VGG and IDD at the bottom of electrical specifications table. For instance, the HMC637A requires its VGG1 pin to be adjusted from −2 V to 0 V to obtain a typical IDQ of 400 mA. In addition, the recommended power-up and power-down sequencing must be followed to avoid damaging the device.
The HMC980LP4E employs integrated control circuitry to manage safe power-up and power-down sequencing.
During power-up, the VDD and VDIG supplies of the bias controller turn on (VDIG turns on before VDD), and then the voltage on VNEG is generated by the internal negative voltage generator (NVG). VNEG starts to decrease and stops when it reaches its default value (typically −2.46 V). The VGATE output voltage also starts to decrease, following VNEG. When VNEG = −2.46 V and VGATE = −2.1 V, the VDRAIN output pin is enabled, and VGATE begins to increase toward 0 V until the setpoint IDD value is reached.
Similar power-down protection circuitry also provides safe powerdown. During power-down, the VGATE output pin always shuts down after the VDD pin, even if there is a short circuit on the VDD pins or on the VGGx pins of the HMC637A amplifier. This feature introduces advanced protection of the amplifier, under excessive drain current scenarios.
Adjusting the Default VNEG and VGATE Threshold Values
The default value for VNEG (−2.46 V) is shown in Figure 13. Due to the internal logic that exists inside the HMC980LP4E, this value of the VNEG voltage limits the VGATE output voltage range of the HMC980LP4E. With the default configuration, the typical VGATE output swing is between −2.1 V and 0 V. That is, there is approximately 400 mV of headroom between VNEG and the most negative voltage that VGATE can reach.
For some RF amplifiers, gate voltages that are more negative than −2.1 V are required. Also, some RF amplifiers have a gate voltage absolute maximum rating (AMR) that is greater (more positive) than −2.1 V. The default value of VNEG (−2.46 V) and the VGATE threshold value (VGATE_THRESHOLD = −2.1V) can be adjusted using external resistors (R5, R6, R7, and R8) as shown in Figure 14 (VGATE_THRESHOLD is the voltage at which the negative going VGATE reaches its most negative value and starts tending positive).
VNEG can be either decreased or increased relative to its default value. As VNEG is adjusted, the value of VGATE_THRESHOLD must also be adjusted and at least 0.3 V greater (more positive) than VNEG. For example, if VNEG is to be reduced to −2.5V, VGATE_THRESHOLD must be reduced to −2.2 V or greater (more positive). The external resistors for setting VNEG and VGATE_THRESHOLD are set according to the following equations.
Decreasing VNEG
If the desired VNEG < −2.46 V,

where VREF is 1.44 V. For example, if the desired VNEG is −3.2 V, set VGATE_THRESHOLD to −2.9 V.
R6 = 221 kΩ, R8 = 372 kΩ, and R5 = R7 = open.
Increasing VNEG
If the desired VNEG > −2.46 V

Equation 3 and Equation 4 can also be used to adjust the VNEG and VGATE_THRESHOLD voltages on the HMC981LP3E and the HMC920. For the HMC981LP3E, the default value for VNEG is −2.5 V and VREF is equal to 1.42 V. For the HMC920, the default value for VNEG is −2.5 V and VREF is equal to 1.5 V.
Reducing the Rise Time of the VGATE Voltage
A delay exists between the enable signal and the settling of VGATE. This delay is due to a combination of the internal propagation delay of the bias controller and the settling time of the VGATE voltage. The VGATE settling time is affected by the shunt capacitors used on the connection between the VGATE output pin of the active bias controller pin and the VGG1 input pin of the RF amplifier. The HMC980LP4E typical enable waveform (see Figure 15) shows a VGATE settling time of greater than 1 ms.
The external circuitry affects the VGATE rise time but not the propagation delay. Figure 16 shows a typical connection between the HMC980LP4E and an RF amplifier. Generally, a shunt capacitor is added to the VGG1 pin of the RF amplifier. For stability, a resistor is sometimes placed in series with this capacitor (R1 in Figure 16).
When C1 = 10 µF and R1 = 0 Ω, the typical rise time is greater than 1.5 ms (see Figure 17). Reducing C1 to 1 µF reduces the rise time to 131 µs (see Figure 18).
When C1 = 100 nF, the VGATE rise time is reduced to 15.5 µs, but the signal has overshoot and ringing (see Figure 19). Adding a series resistor, R1, with a value of 68 Ω (with C1 equal to 100 nF) improves the response and keeps the rise time within a similar level (see Figure 20).
Daisy Chain Operation
Where multiple active bias controllers are controlling multiple cascaded RF amplifiers, they can be used in a daisy-chain configuration. The TRIGOUT output of the active bias controller activates when the VDRAIN, VG2, and VGATE output voltages settle. Using the TRIGOUT signal to enable another bias controller with the enable pin (EN) improves system safety. A daisy-chain configuration has many applications Figure 21 and Figure 22 show two applications. The number of amplifier stages and bias controllers can be increased.
Figure 23 shows the VDRAIN and VGATE responses of two active bias controllers in a daisy-chain configuration, powering two amplifiers individually. The second bias controller is enabled by the trigger signal from the first bias controller. This architecture ensures that the second amplifier enables after the first.
Testing the Functionality of an Active Bias Controller
Without the active bias controller connected to an RF amplifier and operating in a closed loop, it is difficult to test the device’s full functionality. However some useful diagnostic checks can be carried on out the standalone device.
► When IDD = 0 mA, there must be a negligible voltage drop across between the VDD input pin and the VDRAIN output pin. Therefore, VDRAIN must be almost equal to VDD.
► VNEG is typically −2.46 V.
► VGATE hits a maximum value of VNEG + 4.5 V, which is typically 2.04 V. These numbers apply to HMC980 (die and packaged versions). For the HMC981 (die and packaged versions) and HMC920LP5E controllers, the correct values can be obtained from the device data sheets.
Biasing Multiple Rf Amplifiers With a Single Active Bias Controller
It is possible to bias two or more amplifiers using a single active bias controller. To do so, calculate the RSENSE value based on the total combined drain current of the two amplifiers.
Note, however, that using this approach limits the benefits that an active bias controller offers for the following reasons:
► An active bias controller is not able to compensate device-to-device gate voltage variation that is common with GaAs devices. As a result, two devices that are being be biased using one gate voltage, may have different drain currents (the gate voltage is adjusted so that the combined drain currents are equal to the setpoint current).
► If one of the amplifiers draws excessive current due to a short circuit or other failure mechanisms, the bias controller shuts down all amplifiers under bias. Although this does not damage the devices, it limits system functionality.
Typical Active Bias Controller Application Circuits
Biasing the HMC460LC5 with the HMC981LP3E
To bias the HMC460LC5 with the HMC981LP3E, do the following:
► Set R10 to 426 Ω to set IDD = 75 mA for the HMC981LP3E. Use a standard resistor value of 430 Ω, which results in a VDD value of 8.75 V.
► Use R4 and R6 to ensure that the VGATE voltage is within the Absolute Maximum Ratings section of the HMC981LP3E data sheet. Refer to the Adjusting the Default VNEG and VGATE Threshold Values section for details.
► The shunt VGG capacitor values can be reduced to increase the rise time (see HMC460LC5 in Figure 25). Refer to the Reducing the Rise Time of the VGATE Voltage section for further details.
Biasing the HMC1082LP4E with the HMC980LP4E
To bias the HMC1082LP4E with the HMC980LP4E, do the following:
► Set R10 to 680 Ω to set IDD = 220 mA for the HMC980LP4E, which results in a VDD value of 5.62 V.
► Use R5 and R7 to ensure that the VGATE voltage is within the Absolute Maximum Ratings section of the HMC980LP4E data sheet. Refer to the Adjusting the Default VNEG and VGATE Threshold Values section for details.
► The shunt VGG capacitor values can be reduced to increase the rise time (see the HMC1082LP4E in Figure 26). Refer to the Reducing the Rise Time of the VGATE Voltage section for further details.
Biasing the HMC659LC5 with the HMC980LP4E
To bias the HMC659LC5 with the HMC980LP4E, do the following:
► Set R10 to 500 Ω to set IDD = 300 mA for the HMC980LP4E.
► Use a common resistor value of 510 Ω, which results in a VDD value of 8.84 V.
► Use R3 and R4 to set VGG2 for the HMC980LP4E.
Biasing the HMC659LC5 with the HMC920LP5E
To bias the HMC659LC5 with the HMC920LP5E, do the following:
► Set RSENSE to 549 Ω to set IDD = 300 mA for the HMC920LP5E.
► Set R8 to 30.9 kΩ to set VDRAIN = 8 V.
► Use R20 and R22 to ensure that the VGATE voltage is within the Absolute Maximum Ratings section of the HMC920LP5E data sheet. Refer to the Adjusting the Default VNEG and VGATE Threshold Values section for details.
► The shunt VGGx capacitor values can be reduced to increase the rise time (see HMC659LC5 in Figure 28). Refer to the Reducing the Rise Time of the VGATE Voltage section for further details.
Operating RF amplifiers with an active bias controller ensures correct on or off sequencing and reduces amplifier to amplifier variability.
The active bias controller family from Analog Devices addresses the biasing requirements of externally biased RF or microwave components, such as FETs, amplifiers, multipliers, optical modulator drivers and frequency converters that operate on drain voltages and drain currents of 16.5 V and 1.6 A respectively. These devices offer significant configurability in terms of voltage and current ranges, alarm thresholds and response time.