

17V, Dual 3.5A Synchronous Step-Down Regulator with Ultralow Quiescent Current

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1ku List Price
Starting From $4.84

Part Details

  • Wide VIN Range: 3.1V to 17V
  • Wide VOUT Range: 0.6V to 99% VIN
  • Dual Step-Down Outputs: 3.5A Per Channel
  • Integrated 80mΩ/40mΩ N-Channel MOSFETs. Provide Up to 95% Efficiency
  • No-Load IQ < 8μA with Both Channels Enabled; IQ < 5.5μA with Only One Channel Enabled
  • Programmable Frequency (500kHz to 4MHz) with ±25% Frequency Synchronization Range
  • Configurable for a Two Phase Single Output at Up to 7A
  • ±1.0% Output Voltage Accuracy
  • Current Mode Operation for Excellent Line and Load
  • Transient Response
  • Internal or Programmable External Loop Compensation
  • Thermally Enhanced 3mm × 5mm QFN-24 Package
17V, Dual 3.5A Synchronous Step-Down Regulator with Ultralow Quiescent Current
1.8V/3.3V 1MHz Step-Down Regulator Efficiency & Power Loss vs Load Current at 1MHz Package Image 1
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LTspice® is a powerful, fast and free simulation software, schematic capture and waveform viewer with enhancements and models for improving the simulation of analog circuits.


LTpowerCAD® is a power supply design program which selects power stage components, provides detailed power efficiency, shows quick loop Bode plot stability and load transient analysis, and can export to LTspice for simulation.

Evaluation Kits

eval board

LTC7124 Demo Board | 17VIN, Dual 3.5A Synchronous Step-Down Regulator with Ultra-Low Quiescent Current

Product Details

Demonstration circuit DC2329A features the LTC7124IUDD: a wide input and output voltage range, high efficiency and power density, dual 3.5A DC/DC stepdown monolithic regulator. The input voltage range of the DC2329A is 3.1V to 17V. The default setting of VOUT1 is user selectable from 1.2V, 1.5V and 1.8V at 3.5A max. The default setting of VOUT2 is user selectable from 2.5V, 3.3V and 5.0V at 3.5A max. The default switching frequency of DC2329A is set at 1MHz typical. Programmable peak current limit of either 2.6A or 5A can be achieved by changing the setting of ILIM pin. Selectable internal or external loop compensation allows users more options to optimize the loop bandwidth and output load transient response. A user-selectable mode input is provided to allow users to trade off ripple noise for light load efficiency: pulse skipping mode (PS) or Burst Mode® (BM) of operation delivers higher efficiency at light load while forced continuous conduction mode (FCM) is preferred for noise sensitive applications. The Mode pin can also be used to synchronize the switching frequency to an external clock. Programmable switching frequency ranges from 500kHz to 4MHz with a ±25% synchronization capture range. The constant frequency, peak current mode control architecture and integrated internal or optional external control loop compensation network, allows very fast transient response to line and load changes while maintaining loop stability.




LTC7124 Demo Board | 17VIN, Dual 3.5A Synchronous Step-Down Regulator with Ultra-Low Quiescent Current
DC2329A Evaluation Board DC2329A Evaluation Board - Top View DC2329A Evaluation Board - Bottom View DC2329A

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