LAST TIME BUY1 Watt Power Amplifier Chip, 10 - 13 GHz
Part Details
- Saturated Output Power: +31 dBm @ 21% PAE
- Output IP3: +38 dBm
- Gain: 19 dB
- DC Supply: +7.0 V @ 750 mA
- 50 Ohm Matched Input/Output
- Die Size: 2.47 x 1.17 x 0.1 mm
The HMC592 is a high dynamic range GaAs PHEMT MMIC 1 Watt Power Amplifier which operates from 10 to 13 GHz. This amplifier die provides 19 dB of gain and +31 dBm of saturated power, at 21% PAE from a +7V supply. The RF I/Os are DC blocked and matched to 50 Ohms for ease of integration into Multi-Chip-Modules (MCMs).
All data is taken with the chip in a 50 ohm test fixture connected via 0.025mm (1 mil) diameter wire bonds of length 0.31mm (12 mils). For applications which require optimum OIP3, Idd should be set for 400 mA, to yield +38 dBm OIP3. For applications which require optimum output P1dB, Idd should be set for 750 mA, to yield +31 dBm Output P1dB.
- Point-to-Point Radios
- Point-to-Multi-Point Radios
- Test Equipment & Sensors
- Military End-Use
- Space
Data Sheet 1
Application Note 1
Quality Documentation 2
This is the most up-to-date revision of the Data Sheet.
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