

3.3 GHz Ultralow Distortion RF/IF Differential Amplifier


Part Details

  • −3 dB bandwidth of 3.3 GHz (AV = 6 dB)
  • Pin-strappable gain adjust: 6 dB, 12 dB, 15.5 dB
  • Differential or single-ended input to differential output
  • Low noise input stage: 2.1 nV/√Hz RTI @ AV = 12 dB
  • IMD3s of −94 dBc at 250 MHz center
  • Slew rate: 9.8 V/ns
  • Fast settling of 2 ns and overdrive recovery of 3 ns
  • Low broadband distortion (AV = 6 dB)
    10 MHz: −91 dBc HD2, −98 dBc HD3
    70 MHz: −102 dBc HD2, −90 dBc HD3
    140 MHz: −104 dBc HD2, −87 dBc HD3
    250 MHz: −80 dBc HD2, −94 dBc HD3
  • Single-supply operation: 3 V to 3.6 V
  • Power-down control
  • Fabricated using the high speed XFCB3 SiGe process
3.3 GHz Ultralow Distortion RF/IF Differential Amplifier
ADL5562 Functional Block Diagram ADL5562 Pin Configuration
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Tools & Simulations

S-Parameter 1

Sys-Parameter Models for Keysight Genesys

Sys-Parameter models contain behavioral parameters, such as P1dB, IP3, gain, noise figure and return loss, which describe nonlinear and linear characteristics of a device.

Open Tool


ADIsimRF is an easy-to-use RF signal chain calculator. Cascaded gain, noise, distortion and power consumption can be calculated, plotted and exported for signal chains with up to 50 stages. ADIsimRF also includes an extensive data base of device models for ADI’s RF and mixed signal components.

Open Tool


ADIsimPLL enables the rapid and reliable evaluation of new high performance PLL products from ADI. It is the most comprehensive PLL Synthesizer design and simulation tool available today. Simulations performed include all key non-linear effects that are significant in affecting PLL performance. ADIsimPLL removes at least one iteration from the design process, thereby speeding the design- to-market.

Open Tool

Evaluation Kits


ADL5562 Evaluation Board

Product Details

ADL5562-EVALZ is a fully populated, 4-layer, FR4-based evaluation board designed to allow easy evaluation of all features of the ADL5562. The evaluation board integrates a prototype area for output impedance matching to the desired load and it requires only a single supply within the range of 3.0 V to 3.6 V.

ADL5562 Evaluation Board

Reference Designs

16-Bit, 250 MSPS Wideband Receiver Front End Gains, Losses, and Signal Levels
CN0227 Circuits from the lab

High Performance, 16-Bit, 250 MSPS Wideband Receiver with Antialiasing Filter

Features and Benefits

  • 16-Bit, 250MSPS Wideband Reciever
  • Antialiasing Filter
  • 72dB SNR @ 120MHz Input
  • 82dB SFDR @ 120MHz Input
High Performance, 16-Bit, 250 MSPS Wideband Receiver with Antialiasing Filter
16-Bit, 250 MSPS Wideband Receiver Front End Gains, Losses, and Signal Levels

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