
Features and Benefits

  • Upgraded with -3 speed grade XC7Z045 FFG900 supporting up to 12.5 Gbps JESD204B Lane Rates
  • 1 GB (PS) DDR3 Component Memory
  • 1 GB (PL) SODIM Memory
  • GigE Ethernet
  • USB Host
  • FMC LPC and HPC Expansion Ports
  • 12 V Adapter powers Zynq® Evaluation Kit
    • Provides Power for RadioVerse Transceiver Evaluation Boards via FMC Connector

Product Details

The Zynq®-7000 All Programmable SoC Evaluation Kit Optimized for JESD204B provides a data capture platform for many of the RadioVerse families of wideband transceiver evaluation boards.  A single 12 V power supply provides power for both the Zynq® and the RadioVerse evaluation boards.  The data capture platform interfaces to the RadioVerse evaluation boards through a variety of interfacing standards including JESD207 and JESD204B.  The JESD204B interface on the Zynq® evaluation system supports up to 12.5 Gbps lane rates.  A variety of interface options allows the evaluation kit to interface directly to a PC monitor, keyboard, and mouse as well to a PC running the Transceiver Evaluation or Prototyping Software Packages.

Comparison of ZC706 and EVAL-TPG-ZYNQ3 is listed as below.

Board FPGA part no. Speed grade Package type GTX speed supported (Gb/s) Transceiver Evaluation Platform Supported
ZC706 XC7Z045 FFG 900 -2 -2 FF 10.3125 AD9371, AD9375
EVAL-TPG-ZYNQ3 XC7Z045 FFG 900 -3 -3 FF 12.5 AD9371, AD9375, ADRV9009, ADRV9008-1/-2

Markets and Technologies

Applicable Parts

Package Contents

  • ZC706 evaluation board upgraded with XC7Z045 FFG900-SOC
  • Power supply
  • For the user guide with AD9371 and AD9375, please refer to the section “AD9371 Demonstration System Overview” of the AD9371 User Guide UG-992. 


Design Tool

SDR Integrated Transceiver Design Resources
This site contains the device documentation packages for the SDR Integrated Transceivers including user guides, IBIS models, and PCB files.