LTspice® Technical Information and Guides
LTspice® is a high performance SPICE simulation software, schematic capture and waveform viewer with enhancements and models for easing the simulation of analog circuits. Below are resources organized to help you get started or perform more advanced LTspice simulations.
Getting Started with LTspice
Your LTspice journey begins here. Learn the fundamentals of this powerful simulation software, from basic navigation to essential functions and computations that will help you analyze and improve your analog circuit design.
LTspice Essentials
Once you’ve mastered the basics of LTspice, you’re ready to go deeper with the resources below. Learn how to use LTspice for more complex simulations by manipulating parameters, pulling in external data, adjusting for noise, and more.
Plotting a Parameter Against Something Other Than Time (e.g. Resistance)
Using an Intrinsic Symbol for a Third-Party Model
Using Time-Dependent Exponential Sources to Model Transients
Models of ISO 7637-2 & ISO 16750-2 Transients
How to Generate a Bode Plot with LTspice
Get the Most out of LTspice
Learn advanced techniques and functions that will enable you to get the most out of LTspice and contextualize your data within real-world designs.
Simulating SAR ADC Analog Inputs
Using LTspice to Characterize Capacitor Banks
Model Transfer Functions by Applying the Laplace Transform in LTspice
Audio WAV Files: Using Stereo and Encrypting Voice Messages
How to Select a Boost Regulator/Controller IC and Use LTspice to Select Peripheral Components
How to Use LTspice to Produce Bode Plots for LED Drivers
Behavioral Sources, Parameters, and Expression Evaluation in LTspice®︎
Using LTspice for Engineered Power and MEMS Signal Chain Simulation
Using LTspice to Analyze Vibration Data in Condition-Based Monitoring Systems
Extracting Switch Mode Power Supply Loop Gain in Simulation and Why You Usually Don't Need To
Modeling Safe Operating Area Behavior of N-channel MOSFETs