

  • Input Voltage Range: 3.8V to 20V
  • Resistor Programmed: 3.3V Output Voltage
  • Maximum Output Current: 200mA
  • Jumper Turns Regulator ON or Connects the EN Pin to a Connector to Turn the Regulator ON or OFF Externally
  • Jumper Connects the SENSE/ADJ Pin to the OutputThrough a Resistor Divider or Directly
  • VIN, VOUT, and GND Test Points for Regulations and Dropout Voltage Monitoring
  • Component Placeholders for an RC Network that canReduce Noise when the SENSE/ADJ Pin Connects to the Output Through a Resistor Divider
  • Component Placeholder for a Soft-Start Capacitor
  • SS Test Point for Soft-Start Voltage Monitoring -LFCSPPackage Evaluation Board Only
  • 6-Lead (2mm x 2mm) LFCSP Package or an 8-LeadSOIC Package


The ADPL42002 evaluation boards evaluate the ADPL42002, a 20V, 200mA, low noise, CMOS, low dropout (LDO) linear regulator.

See the Ordering Information section for the two types of evaluation boards available to evaluate the ADPL42002. One board features a 6-lead, 2mm x 2mm LFCSP package, while the other utilizes an 8-lead SOIC package.

The evaluation boards provide a 3.3V output over an input range of 3.8V to 20V. The maximum output current is 200mA, but output current is also limited by the thermal dissipation of the ADPL42002. The evaluation boards use the adjustable version of the ADPL42002. A resistor divider programs the output of the adjustable ADPL42002 to 3.3V. Noise performance for the adjustable ADPL42002 can be made comparable to a fixed output ADPL42002 by installing optional RC network components into the placeholders that the evaluation board printed circuit board (PCB) designs provide. The evaluation boards can easily be configured with a jumper for fixed output versions of the ADPL42002 that normally have their SENS/ADJ pin connected directly to the output.

In addition to connectors for the input voltage, output voltage, EN control signal and ground, the evaluation boards provide test points for the input, output, and SS pin (for the LFCSP package) voltages. A jumper normally connects the EN pin to the VIN input, but the jumper can be repositioned so EN can be driven externally at its connector instead. A pull-down resistor is also connected to the EN pin to drive the pin low when the device needs to be turned off.

For more details, refer to the ADPL42002 data sheet, which must be consulted in addition to this user guide when using the ADPL42002 evaluation boards.