- 总水平行长度
- 水平前肩和后肩
- 水平同步脉冲
- 垂直行总数
- 垂直前肩和后肩
- 垂直同步脉冲
- HV偏移
- 像素时钟频率
- 总水平行长度
- 水平前肩和后肩
- 水平同步脉冲
- 偶数场中的垂直行总数
- 偶数场的垂直前肩和后肩
- 偶数场中的垂直同步脉冲
- 奇数场中的垂直行总数
- 奇数场的垂直前肩和后肩
- 奇数场中的垂直同步脉冲长度
- HV偏移
- 像素时钟频率
清单 1. 生成的视频同步Verilog模块
module sync_vg
# (
parameter X_BITS=12,Y_BITS=12)
input wire clk,input wire reset,input wire interlaced,input wire [Y_BITS-1:0] v_total_0,input wire [Y_BITS-1:0] v_fp_0,input wire [Y_BITS-1:0] v_bp_0,input wire [Y_BITS-1:0] v_sync_0,input wire [Y_BITS-1:0] v_total_1,input wire [Y_BITS-1:0] v_fp_1,input wire [Y_BITS-1:0] v_bp_1,input wire [Y_BITS-1:0] v_sync_1,input wire [X_BITS-1:0] h_total,input wire [X_BITS-1:0] h_fp,input wire [X_BITS-1:0] h_bp,input wire [X_BITS-1:0] h_sync,input wire [X_BITS-1:0] hv_offset_0,input wire [X_BITS-1:0] hv_offset_1,output reg vs_out,output reg hs_out,output reg de_out,output reg [Y_BITS:0] v_count_out,output reg [X_BITS-1:0] h_count_out,output reg [X_BITS-1:0] x_out,output reg [Y_BITS:0] y_out,output reg field_out,output wire clk_out);
reg [X_BITS-1:0] h_count;
reg [Y_BITS-1:0] v_count;
reg field;
reg [Y_BITS-1:0] v_total;
reg [Y_BITS-1:0] v_fp;
reg [Y_BITS-1:0] v_bp;
reg [Y_BITS-1:0] v_sync;
reg [X_BITS-1:0] hv_offset;
assign clk_out = !clk;
/* horizontal counter */
always @ (posedge clk)
if (reset)h_count <= 0;elseif (h_count < h_total - 1)h_count <= h_count + 1;elseh_count <= 0;/* vertical counter */
always @ (posedge clk)
if (reset)v_count <= 0;elseif (h_count == h_total - 1)beginif (v_count == v_total - 1)v_count <= 0;elsev_count <= v_count + 1;end/* field */
always @ (posedge clk)
if (reset)beginfield <= 0;v_total <= v_total_0;v_fp <= interlaced ? v_fp_1 : v_fp_0; // In the interlaced mode this value must be inverted as v_fp_1 is still in field0v_bp <= v_bp_0;v_sync <= v_sync_0;hv_offset <= hv_offset_0;endelseif ((interlaced) && ((v_count == v_total - 1) && (h_count == h_total - 1)))beginfield <= field + interlaced;v_total <= field ? v_total_0 : v_total_1;v_fp <= field ? v_fp_1 : v_fp_0; // This order is inverted as v_fp_1 is still in field0v_bp <= field ? v_bp_0 : v_bp_1;v_sync <= field ? v_sync_0 : v_sync_1;hv_offset <= field ? hv_offset_0 : hv_offset_1;endalways @ (posedge clk)
if (reset)
{ vs_out, hs_out, de_out, field_out } <= 4'b0;else begin
hs_out <= ((h_count < h_sync));e_out <= (((v_count >= v_sync + v_bp) && (v_count <= v_total - v_fp - 1)) && \((h_count >= h_sync + h_bp) && (h_count <= h_total - h_fp - 1)));
if ((v_count == 0) && (h_count == hv_offset))vs_out <= 1'b1;else if ((v_count == v_sync) && (h_count == hv_offset))vs_out <= 1'b0;
/* H_COUNT_OUT and V_COUNT_OUT */h_count_out <= h_count;if (field)v_count_out <= v_count + v_total_0;elsev_count_out <= v_count;
/* X and Y coords – for a backend pattern generator */x_out <= h_count - (h_sync + h_bp);if (interlaced)y_out <= { (v_count - (v_sync + v_bp)) , field };elsey_out <= { 1'b0, (v_count - (v_sync + v_bp)) };field_out <= field;end
清单 2. 生成的视频图案Verilog模块
module pattern_vg
# (parameter B=8, // number of bits per channelX_BITS=13,Y_BITS=13,FRACTIONAL_BITS = 12)( input reset, clk_in,input wire [X_BITS-1:0] x,input wire [Y_BITS-1:0] y,input wire vn_in, hn_in, dn_in,input wire [B-1:0] r_in, g_in, b_in,output reg vn_out, hn_out, den_out,output reg [B-1:0] r_out, g_out, b_out,input wire [X_BITS-1:0] total_active_pix,input wire [Y_BITS-1:0] total_active_lines,input wire [7:0] pattern,input wire [B+FRACTIONAL_BITS-1:0] ramp_step);reg [B+FRACTIONAL_BITS-1:0] ramp_values; // 12-bit fractional end for ramp values
always @ (posedge clk_in)
vn_out <= vn_in;hn_out <= hn_in;den_out <= dn_in;
if (reset)ramp_values <= 0;else if (pattern == 8'b0) // no patternbeginr_out <= r_in;g_out <= g_in;b_out <= b_in;endelse if (pattern == 8'b1) // borderbeginif (dn_in && ((y == 12'b0) || (x == 12'b0) || (x == total_active_pix - 1) || (y == total_active_lines - 1)))beginr_out <= 8'hFF;g_out <= 8'hFF;b_out <= 8'hFF;endelsebeginr_out <= r_in;g_out <= g_in;b_out <= b_in;endendelse if (pattern == 8'd2) // moireXbeginif ((dn_in) && x[0] == 1'b1)beginr_out <= 8'hFF;g_out <= 8'hFF;b_out <= 8'hFF;endelsebeginr_out <= 8'b0;g_out <= 8'b0;b_out <= 8'b0;endendelse if (pattern == 8'd3) // moireYbeginif ((dn_in) && y[0] == 1'b1)beginr_out <= 8'hFF;g_out <= 8'hFF;b_out <= 8'hFF;endelsebeginr_out <= 8'b0;g_out <= 8'b0;b_out <= 8'b0;endendelse if (pattern == 8'd4) // Simple RAMPbeginr_out <= ramp_values[B+FRACTIONAL_BITS-1:FRACTIONAL_BITS];g_out <= ramp_values[B+FRACTIONAL_BITS-1:FRACTIONAL_BITS];b_out <= ramp_values[B+FRACTIONAL_BITS-1:FRACTIONAL_BITS];if ((x == total_active_pix - 1) && (dn_in))ramp_values <= 0;else if ((x == 0) && (dn_in))ramp_values <= ramp_step;else if (dn_in)ramp_values <= ramp_values + ramp_step;endend
清单3. 生成的与图案发生器相关的视频同步发生器Verilog顶层模块
module top_sync_vg_pattern
(input wire clk_in,input wire resetb,output reg adv7511_hs, // HS output to ADV7511output reg adv7511_vs, // VS output to ADV7511output wire adv7511_clk, // ADV7511: CLKoutput reg [35:0] adv7511_d, // dataoutput reg adv7511_de, // ADV7511: DEinput wire [5:0] pb) ;/* ************************************* */
`define MODE_1080p
//`define MODE_1080i
//`define MODE_720p
`ifdef MODE_1080p /* FORMAT 16 */
parameter INTERLACED = 1'b0;
parameter V_TOTAL_0 = 12'd1125;
parameter V_FP_0 = 12'd4;
parameter V_BP_0 = 12'd36;
parameter V_SYNC_0 = 12'd5;
parameter V_TOTAL_1 = 12'd0;
parameter V_FP_1 = 12'd0;
parameter V_BP_1 = 12'd0;
parameter V_SYNC_1 = 12'd0;
parameter H_TOTAL = 12'd2200;
parameter H_FP = 12'd88;
parameter H_BP = 12'd148;
parameter H_SYNC = 12'd44;
parameter HV_OFFSET_0 = 12'd0;
parameter HV_OFFSET_1 = 12'd0;
parameter PATTERN_RAMP_STEP = 20'h0222;
parameter PATTERN_TYPE = 8'd4; // RAMP
//parameter PATTERN_TYPE = 8'd1; // OUTLINE
`ifdef MODE_1080i /* FORMAT 5 */
parameter INTERLACED = 1'b1;
parameter V_TOTAL_0 = 12'd562;
parameter V_FP_0 = 12'd2;
parameter V_BP_0 = 12'd15;
parameter V_SYNC_0 = 12'd5;
parameter V_TOTAL_1 = 12'd563;
parameter V_FP_1 = 12'd2;
parameter V_BP_1 = 12'd16;
parameter V_SYNC_1 = 12'd5;
parameter H_TOTAL = 12'd2200;
parameter H_FP = 12'd88;
parameter H_BP = 12'd148;
parameter H_SYNC = 12'd44;
parameter HV_OFFSET_0 = 12'd0;
parameter HV_OFFSET_1 = 12'd1100;
parameter PATTERN_RAMP_STEP = 20'h0222; // 20'hFFFFF / 1920 act_pixels per line = 20'h0222
parameter PATTERN_TYPE = 8'd4; // RAMP
//parameter PATTERN_TYPE = 8'd1; // OUTLINE
`ifdef MODE_720p /* FORMAT 4 */
parameter INTERLACED = 1'b0;
parameter V_TOTAL_0 = 12'd750;
parameter V_FP_0 = 12'd5;
parameter V_BP_0 = 12'd20;
parameter V_SYNC_0 = 12'd5;
parameter V_TOTAL_1 = 12'd0;
parameter V_FP_1 = 12'd0;
parameter V_BP_1 = 12'd0;
parameter V_SYNC_1 = 12'd0;
parameter H_TOTAL = 12'd1650;
parameter H_FP = 12'd110;
parameter H_BP = 12'd220;
parameter H_SYNC = 12'd40;
parameter HV_OFFSET_0 = 12'd0;
parameter HV_OFFSET_1 = 12'd0;
parameter PATTERN_RAMP_STEP = 20'h0333; // 20'hFFFFF / 1280 act_pixels per line = 20'h0333
//parameter PATTERN_TYPE = 8'd1; // BORDER.
parameter PATTERN_TYPE = 8'd4; // RAMP
wire reset;
assign reset = !resetb;
wire [11:0] x_out;
wire [12:0] y_out;
wire [7:0] r_out;
wire [7:0] g_out;
wire [7:0] b_out;
/* ********************* */
sync_vg # (.X_BITS(12), .Y_BITS(12)) sync_vg
.clk(clk_in),.reset(reset),.interlaced(INTERLACED),.clk_out(), // inverted output clock - unconnected
) ;
pattern_vg # (.B(8), // Bits per channel.X_BITS(12),.Y_BITS(12),.FRACTIONAL_BITS(12)) // Number of fractional bits for ramp patternpattern_vg (.reset(reset),.clk_in(clk_in),.x(x_out),.y(y_out[11:0]),.vn_in(vs),.hn_in(hs),.dn_in(de),.r_in(8'h0), // default red channel value.g_in(8'h0), // default green channel value.b_in(8'h0), // default blue channel value.vn_out(vs_out),.hn_out(hs_out),.den_out(de_out),.r_out(r_out),.g_out(g_out),.b_out(b_out),.total_active_pix(H_TOTAL - (H_FP + H_BP + H_SYNC)), // (1920) // h_total - (h_fp+h_bp+h_sync).total_active_lines(INTERLACED ? (V_TOTAL_0 - (V_FP_0 + V_BP_0 + V_SYNC_0)) + (V_TOTAL_1 - (V_FP_1 + V_BP_1 +V_SYNC_1)) : (V_TOTAL_0 - (V_FP_0 + V_BP_0 + V_SYNC_0))), // originally: 13'd480.pattern(PATTERN_TYPE),.ramp_step(PATTERN_RAMP_STEP));assign adv7511_clk = ~clk_in;
always @ (posedge clk_in)
adv7511_d[35:24] <= { r_out, 4'b0 };adv7511_d[23:12] <= { g_out, 4'b0 };adv7511_d[11:0] <= { b_out, 4'b0 };adv7511_hs <= hs_out;adv7511_vs <= vs_out;adv7511_de <= de_out;end
清单4. ADV7511/ADV7511W/ADV7513脚本
72 01 00 ; Set N Value(6144)
72 02 18 ; Set N Value(6144)
72 03 00 ; Set N Value(6144)
72 15 00 ; Input 444 (RGB or YCrCb) with Separate Syncs
72 16 61 ; 44.1kHz fs, YPrPb 444
72 18 46 ; CSC disabled
72 40 80 ; General Control Packet Enable
72 41 10 ; Power Down control
72 48 48 ; Reverse bus, Data right justified
72 48 A8 ; Set Dither_mode - 12-to-10 bit
72 4C 06 ; 12 bit Output
72 55 00 ; Set RGB444 in AVinfo Frame
72 55 08 ; Set active format Aspect
72 96 20 ; HPD Interrupt clear
72 98 03 ; ADI required Write
72 98 02 ; ADI required Write
72 9C 30 ; ADI required Write
72 9D 61 ; Set clock divide
72 A2 A4 ; ADI required Write
72 43 A4 ; ADI required Write
72 AF 16 ; Set HDMI Mode
72 BA 60 ; No clock delay
72 DE 9C ; ADI required write
72 E4 60 ; ADI required Write
72 FA 7D ; Nbr of times to search for good phase
将清单1描述的视频同步发生器连接到一个视频图案发生器。图案发生器将一个像素颜色值分配给由计数器(H_CNT, V_CNT)表示的屏幕上特定位置(X, Y)。
图1. 简化功能框图
ADV751x所有器件都包含颜色空间转换模块、上变频器和下变频器。因此,使用能够产生RGB 444信号的视频图案发生器即足以从ADV7511输出其它标准,如YCbCr 422和YCbCr444等。
图2. FPGA生成的720p、60 Hz斜坡图案视频流
ADV7511 Data Sheet. Analog Devices, Inc.
ADV7511W Data Sheet. Analog Devices, Inc.
ADV7513 Data Sheet. Analog Devices, Inc.
Keith Jack, Video Demystified: A Handbook for the Digital Engineer, 5th Edition. Newnes, 2007.
CEA-861-D Specification. Consumer Electronics Association.