Linear Design Seminar, 1995
Linear Design Seminar, Edited by Walt Kester, Analog Devices, 1995, ISBN-0-916550-15-X.
This book was used in a general purpose linear seminar including basics of amplifiers, data converters, data acquisition, filtering, and hardware design techniques. The book was designed to give the engineer a background in the fundamentals of linear systems.
The Linear Design Seminar book is available for download:
- Outline (pdf)
- Section 1: Operational Amplifiers (pdf)
- Section 2: Special Purpose Amplifiers (pdf)
- Section 3: Analog Signal Processing Circuits (pdf)
- Section 4: Sampled Data Systems (pdf)
- Section 5: Data Converters (pdf)
- Section 6: Interfacing to ADCs and DACs (pdf)
- Section 7: Data Acquisition System Fundamentals (pdf)
- Section 8: Support Circuitry (pdf)
- Section 9: Transducer Interfacing
- Section 10: Passive and Active Analog Filtering (pdf)
- Section 11: Mixed Signal Circuit Techniques (pdf)
- Index (pdf)
- Linear Design Seminar - zip file of entire book