- 心拍数、血液酸素飽和度(SpO2)のアルゴリズムが組み込まれた手首装着型プラットフォーム
- HRV、呼吸数、睡眠の質のライブラリ・アルゴリズム
- ウェアラブルなヘルス・バンド・フォーム・ファクタ
- MAX32664センサー・ハブ
- MAX86174A PPGアナログ・フロントエンド
- 3軸加速度センサー
- Windows®およびAndroidのGUI
- リモートでの患者モニタリング/バイタル・サイン・パッチ
マーケット & テクノロジー
Details Section
The MAXREFDES105# enables quick evaluation of hardware and embedded firmware for heart rate and SpO2 monitoring on a wrist-based platform which significantly shortens development time for custom fitness, health, and clinical applications. Figure 3 shows the system diagram of MAXREFDES105#.
The MAXREFDES105# platform includes the following key components:
- Micro board, which includes the MAX32630 microcontroller, MAX20303 power-management integrated circuit (PMIC), dual-mode Bluetooth, and 6-axis accelerometer and gyroscope.
- Sensor board, which includes the MAX86174A AFE, optical heart-rate sensor with one green light-emitting diode (LED), one red LED, one infrared (IR) LED, two photodiodes, and MAX32664C biometric sensor hub with an embedded algorithm for heart rate and SpO2 monitoring.
- MAXDAP-TYPE-C board for use during a firmware upgrade for the micro board.
- Health sensor band enclosure and straps.
- Hardware design files, firmware, and software.
- To apply for the NDA, fill out the request form and agree to the Terms and Conditions.
- Applying for an NDA does not necessarily guarantee approval or shipment of any device or software.
- NDA is subject to approval by the Customer Service Team and will notify applicants accordingly.
- If the NDA is approved, customers will need to register for a MyAnalog account (for existing account holders, please log in with your details) in order to access the zip file under the Software Development section (note that this will appear only for approved MyAnalog accounts).
- This zip file contains the Windows software GUI, Firmware updates, collateral such as API documents, host source code, and other resources as they become available.
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