

  • Enables quick prototyping
  • Edge mounted SMA connector provisions
  • Easy connection to test equipment and other circuits
  • ±5 V and +3.3 V to supply the external circuit


The SSM6322 evaluation board, the SSM6322CP-EBZ, evaluates the SSM6322 which is offered in a 24-lead LFCSP package. The SSM6322CP-EBZ evaluation board is a 4-layer printed circuit board (PCB) designed to quickly evaluate the performance of the device and reduce design time. The SSM6322CP-EBZ accepts SMA edge mounted connectors to test equipment or other circuitry.

Complete specifications for the SSM6322 device are provided in the SSM6322 data sheet and should be consulted in conjunction with user guide UG-1097 when using the evaluation board.