ADL5534-EVALZ is a 4-layer, FR4-based evaluation board. For normal operation it requires a single 5 V/500 mA power supply. The 5 V power supply should be connected to the test loops labeled VPOS and GND. A jumper installed on the 2 pin header, W3, provides bias to amplifier B. Each amplifier maybe powered individually by removing the jumper from W3 and applying power and ground to the appropriate terminals of the 2 pin headers, W1 and W2. The two RF input signals are applied to the SMA connectors labeled IN1 and IN2. The RF output is available at the SMA connectors labeled OUT1 and OUT2.
ADL5534: 20 MHz to 500 MHz Dual IF Amplifier Data Sheet (Rev. B)2008/07/01PDF460 K
ADL5534 Gerber Files2011/09/13ZIP282 kB