

  • Flexible system clock input accepts crystal, crystal oscillator, or external reference clock
  • Dedicated pad for mounting crystal or crystal oscillator
  • DAC output easily accessible via SMA connector
  • SMA connectors provided for external reconstruction filter
  • Easy to use Windows graphical user interface
  • Software control of all AD9912 features
  • Power supplies that are easily separated
  • Connection via USB port
  • Dedicated SMA connectors for CMOS, DAC, and HSTL outputs
  • Residual phase noise at 250 MHz
    10 Hz offset: −113 dBc/Hz
    1 kHz offset: −133 dBc/Hz
    100 kHz offset: −153 dBc/Hz
    40 MHz offset: −161 dBc/Hz


The AD9912 evaluation board is an evaluation platform for the AD9912 direct digital synthesizer (DDS). It easily connects to a host computer via a USB interface and allows easy access to all AD9912 features via the Windows®-based evaluation software and graphical user interface. 



4.06 M
AD9912 Evaluation Software Installer (Rev. 2.0.0)
This installer contains USB drivers that are both 32- and 64-bit compatible. Note: Older AD9912 evaluation boards will need to have the USB controller EEPROM re-flashed in order to use this driver.
1.72 K
AD9912 Evaluation Board USB Flash Programmer Readme
EVB flash readme: This file contains instructions for re-flashing the USB controller on an older eval board so that the evaluation board is compatible with the newer 64-bit USB driver. The USB driver is also 32-bit compatible.
7.35 M
Evaluation Board USB Flash Programmer
Contains the EXE file for re-flashing the USB EEPROM.