AD8350AR15-EVAL is a 4-layer, FR4-based evaluation board designed to allow easy evaluation of all features of the AD8350. The board is configured to allow easy evaluation using single-ended 50 Ω test equipment. The input and output transformers have a 4-to-1 impedance ratio and transform AD8350's 200 Ω input and output impedances to 50 Ω.AD8350AR20-EVAL is a fully populated, 4-layer, FR4-based evaluation board designed to allow easy evaluation of all features of the AD8350. The board is configured to allow easy evaluation using single-ended 50 Ω test equipment. The input and output transformers have a 4-to-1 impedance ratio and transform AD8350's 200 Ω input and output impedances to 50 Ω.
EVAL-ADDIFFAMP: Differential Driver Evaluation Board Data Sheet (Rev. A)2000/01/01PDF103 kB
AD8350-AR20 Gerber Files2011/09/11ZIP134 kB
AD8350-AR15 Gerber Files2011/09/11ZIP134 kB