

  • Target Processor: Code compatible across the SHARC processor Family ADSP-213xx, ADSP-214xx & ADSP-215xx/SC5xx
  • Release format: Object code module with C source wrapper
  • Input format: standard DTS core audio bit stream
  • Input bit stream buffer size: minimum of 2348 bytes
  • Framework dependencies: None
  • Output format: non-interleaved 32-bit normalized floating-point samples
  • Sample Rate: 8, 11.025, 12, 16, 22.05, 24, 32, 44.1 and 48kHz
  • Number of output channels: up to 5.1
  • Multi-threading: Fully re-entrant and multi-instancing capable
  • DTS certified on ADSP-21362/3/4/5/6/7/8, ADSP-21462/5/7/9, ADSP-21471/2/5/8/9, ADSP-21481/2/3/5/6/7/8/9, ADSP-21583/4/7 and ADSP-SC582/3/4/7/9 processors


The DTS 5.1 Decoder delivery from ADI has been highly optimized to run on the Analog Devices’ SHARC processor family. The DTS 5.1 Decoder is capable of decoding standard 5.1 DTS bit streams from a DVD-Video disc and the core DTS audio from a BluRay disc. Bitrates up to 1.5mb/s are supported. In addition to outputting the full 5.1 decoded surround sound, the decoder is capable of down-mixing to 2.1/3.1 and 4.1 configurations.

The ADI DTS 5.1 Decoder contains a standard C-callable ‘push’ API. The module has no dependencies on processor peripherals or registers, adding greater system flexibility and ease of use.



CrossCore® Embedded Studio




SigmaStudio for SHARC

SigmaStudio for SHARCはプログラミング、開発、チューニングを行うためのソフトウェア環境です。構築済みの豊富なオーディオ・アルゴリズムを利用して、オーディオ設計者がオーディオ・アプリケーションをグラフィカルな方法で設計、プログラミングできます。


Each module supports the Analog Devices, Inc. (ADI) SHARC Processor family and is a licensed product that is available in object code format. Recipients must sign or accept a license agreement with ADI prior to being shipped or downloading the modules identified in the license agreement.


MIPS Summary:

Processor Family Code Memory (KiB) Data RAM (KiB) Constant Data Tables (KiB) MIPS
Average Average Peak
ADSP-2136x 40.7 38.9 83.5 25.8 28.0
ADSP-214xx 30.6 38.9 83.5 26.0 28.2
ADSP-215xx/SC5xx 31.6 38.9 83.5 32.1 35.3

  • MIPS measured using Fs = 48kHz, bit rate of 1.5mb/s, optimal memory layout, worst case test vector, running on ADSP-21364, ADSP-21469 and ADSP-SC589 EZKits.
  • "Data RAM" for one instance, includes Stack, Scratch, Instance/State, Minimum Input and Output Single Buffers.
  • The DTS 5.1 Decoder library was built using CrossCore® Embedded Studio 2.1.0.


  • Wiindows 7 Professional/Enterprise/Ultimate (32 and 64-bit).
  • Minimum of 2 GHz single core processor, 3.3 GHz dual core is recommended.
  • Minimum of 1 GB memory (RAM), 4 GB is recommended.
  • Minimum of 2 GB hard disk (HDD) space is required.
  • CrossCore® Embedded Studio 2.1.0 for Analog Devices Processors.

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