FET-Input IC Electrometers

AD515L Op Amp Has Ib <75fA, EOS <1mV, Low Price, Guarded Inputs, Low Dissipation, Internal Compensation

The AD515J/K/L are a family of FET-input electrometer op amps in the hermetically-sealed TO-99 package with an external guard connection. Maximum bias current (+25°C) is exceptionally low (75fA for AD515L, 150fA (K), 300fA (J)). Read full article



David Kress

David Kress earned both his BSCE and MSCE for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. David was first a designer of medical electronic equipment before joining Analog Devices in 1972 as an IC designer. Over the years, he has been involved in analog chip design, wafer fabrication engineering, and new product development and management. For many years David led ADI's technical support team, and he was the Director of Technical Marketing before he retired 2018.