製造中止16-bit, 20 MIPS, 5v, 2 serial ports
- 製品モデル
- 1
- 1Ku当たりの価格
- 価格は未定
- 20 MIPS, 50 ns Maximum Instruction Rate
- Separate On-Chip Buses for Program and Data Memory
- Program Memory Stores Both Instructions and Data (Three-Bus Performance)
- Dual Data Address Generators with Modulo and Bit-Reverse Addressing
- Efficient Program Sequencing with Zero-Overhead Looping: Single-Cycle Loop Setup
- Automatic Booting of On-Chip Program Memory from Byte-Wide External Memory (e.g., EPROM )
- Double-Buffered Serial Ports with Companding Hardware, Automatic Data Buffering, and Multichannel Operation
- Three Edge- or Level-Sensitive Interrupts
- Low Power IDLE Instruction
- PLCC Package
The ADSP-2104 and ADSP-2109 processors are single-chip microcomputers optimized for digital signal processing (DSP) and other high speed numeric processing applications. The ADSP-2104/ADSP-2109 processors are built upon a common core. Each processor combines the core DSP architecture- computation units, data address generators, and program sequencer- with differentiating features such as on-chip program and data memory RAM (ADSP-2109 contains 4K words of program ROM), a programmable timer, and two serial ports.
Fabricated in a high speed, submicron, double-layer metal CMOS process, the ADSP-2104/ADSP-2109 operates at 20 MIPS with a 50 ns instruction cycle time. The ADSP-2104L and ADSP-2109L are 3.3 volt versions which operate at 13.824 MIPS with a 72.3 ns instruction cycle time. Every instruction can execute in a single cycle. Fabrication in CMOS results in low power dissipation.
データシート 1
アプリケーション・ノート 11
技術記事 2
プロセッサ・マニュアル 1
ソフトウェア・マニュアル 1
製品モデル | ピン/パッケージ図 | 資料 | CADシンボル、フットプリント、および3Dモデル |
ADSP-2104BPZ-80 | 68 ld PLCC |
製品モデル | 製品ライフサイクル | PCN |
6 18, 2010 - 07_0093 Conversion to Laser Mark for all ADSPXXXX, ADSSTXXXX, and PC Audio Codecs Ink on Plastic Encapsulated Parts |
ADSP-2104BPZ-80 | 製造中止 | |
9 10, 2012 - 11_0112 ADI Corporate Obsolescence Notice-October 2011 (Standard Products) |
ADSP-2104BPZ-80 | 製造中止 |
ソフトウェアおよびツール異常 1
評価用ソフトウェア 0