Export and Import Classification Information

View Export Classifications

Use this page to search for U.S. Export Control Classification Numbers (ECCNs), at the sub-paragraph level, for various Analog Devices products, and to access their corresponding US Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) numbers.

You can export the results to an Excel file.

It is Analog Devices' policy to fully comply with all U.S. laws, regulations, embargos, and sanctions governing the exporting of product, technical data, and technology. Any person or entity exporting or re-exporting ADI products or technical data, directly or indirectly and via any means, including electronic transfer, is wholly responsible for doing so in accordance with the U.S. Export Administration Regulations, and the laws administrated by the Office of Foreign Asset Control, the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls and other U.S. regulatory agencies. ADI assumes no responsibility or liability for a failure to obtain any necessary export approvals. Approvals are dependent upon an item's technical characteristics, the destination, end use, and end user, as well as other activities of the end user.

ADI’s partners, resellers, and distributors are subject to further guidance, pursuant to their specific agreements.


Analog Devices, Inc.
Export Compliance Department
2 Elizabeth Drive
Chelmsford, MA 01824

