IBIS Models

A collection of IBIS simulation models for Analog Devices' products.

Product DescriptionModel File
AD19282 ADC/8 DAC with PLL, 192 kHz, 24-Bit Codec

AD1938 IBIS Model

AD19338-Channel DAC with PLL and Differential Outputs, 192 kHz, 24 Bits

AD1938 IBIS Model

AD19348-Channel DAC with PLL, 192 kHz, 24 Bits

AD1938 IBIS Model

AD19364 ADC/8 DAC, 192 kHz, 24-Bit CODEC with PLL, Single-Ended Output, I2C Control

AD1936/AD1937 IBIS Model

AD1937Four ADCs/Eight DACs with PLL, 192 kHz, 24-Bit Codec

AD1936/AD1937 IBIS Model

AD19384 ADC/8 DAC with PLL, 192 kHz, 24-Bit CODEC

AD1938 IBIS Model

AD19394 ADC/8 DAC with PLL, 192 kHz, 24-Bit Codec

AD1938 IBIS Model

AD19744 ADC with PLL, 192 kHz, 24-Bit ADC

AD1938 IBIS Model

AD2S1210Variable Resolution, 10-Bit to 16-Bit R/D Converter with Reference Oscillator

AD2S1210 IBIS Model

AD35308-Channel, 16-Bit Voltage Output DACs, SPI

AD3530/AD3530R IBIS Model

AD3530R8-Channel, 16-Bit Voltage Output DACs, On-Chip Reference, SPI

AD3530/AD3530R IBIS Model

AD3541RSingle Channel, 12-/16-Bit, 16 MUPS, Multispan, Multi-IO SPI DAC

AD3542R - IBIS Model

AD3542RDual Channel, 12-/16-Bit, 16 MUPS, Multispan, Multi-IO SPI DAC

AD3542R - IBIS Model

AD3551RSingle Channel, 16-Bit, 33 MUPS, Multispan, Multi-IO SPI DAC

AD3552R IBIS Model

AD3552RDual Channel, 16-Bit, 33 MUPS, Multispan, Multi-IO SPI DAC

AD3552R IBIS Model

AD400016-Bit, 2 MSPS/1 MSPS/500 kSPS, Precision, Pseudo Differential, SAR ADCs

AD4000 Series IBIS Models

AD400116-Bit, 2 MSPS/1 MSPS, Precision, Differential SAR ADCs

AD4000 Series IBIS Models

AD400218-Bit, 2 MSPS/1 MSPS/500 kSPS, Precision, Pseudo Differential, SAR ADCs

AD4000 Series IBIS Models

AD400318-Bit, 2 MSPS/1 MSPS/500 kSPS, Easy Drive, Differential SAR ADCs

AD4000 Series IBIS Models

AD400416-Bit, 2 MSPS/1 MSPS/500 kSPS, Precision, Pseudo Differential, SAR ADCs

AD4000 Series IBIS Models

AD400516-Bit, 2 MSPS/1 MSPS, Precision, Differential SAR ADCs

AD4000 Series IBIS Models

AD400618-Bit, 2 MSPS/1 MSPS/500 kSPS, Precision, Pseudo Differential, SAR ADCs

AD4000 Series IBIS Models

AD400718-Bit, 2 MSPS/1 MSPS/500 kSPS, Easy Drive, Differential SAR ADCs

AD4000 Series IBIS Models

AD400816-Bit, 2 MSPS/1 MSPS/500 kSPS, Precision, Pseudo Differential, SAR ADCs

AD4000 Series IBIS Models

AD401018-Bit, 2 MSPS/1 MSPS/500 kSPS, Precision, Pseudo Differential, SAR ADCs

AD4000 Series IBIS Models

AD401118-Bit, 2 MSPS/1 MSPS/500 kSPS, Easy Drive, Differential SAR ADCs

AD4000 Series IBIS Models

AD402020-Bit, 1.8 MSPS/1 MSPS/500 kSPS, Easy Drive, Differential SAR ADCs

AD4000 Series IBIS Models

AD402120-Bit, 1.8 MSPS/1 MSPS/500 kSPS, Easy Drive, Differential SAR ADCs

AD4000 Series IBIS Models

AD402220-Bit, 1.8 MSPS/1 MSPS/500 kSPS, Easy Drive, Differential SAR ADCs

AD4000 Series IBIS Models

AD4030-2424-Bit, 2 MSPS, SAR ADC

AD4630-24 - IBIS Model

AD4032-2424-Bit, 500 kSPS, SAR ADC

AD4630-24 - IBIS Model

AD4052Compact, Low Power, 16-Bit, 2 MSPS/500 kSPS Easy Drive SAR ADC

AD4052 IBIS Model

AD408020-Bit, 40 MSPS, Differential SAR ADC

AD408x IBIS Model

AD4110-1Universal Input Analog Front End with 24-Bit ADC for Industrial Process Control Systems

AD4110-1 IBIS Model

AD4111Single Supply, 24-Bit, Sigma-Delta ADC with ±10 V and 0 mA to 20 mA Inputs, Open Wire Detection

AD4111 IBIS Model

AD4112Single Supply, 24-Bit, Sigma-Delta ADC with ±10 V and 0 mA to 20 mA Inputs

AD4112 IBIS Model

AD4114Single Supply, Multichannel, 31.25 kSPS, 24-Bit, Sigma-Delta ADC with ±10 V Inputs

AD4114 IBIS Model

AD4115Single-Supply, Multichannel, 125 kSPS, 24-Bit, Sigma-Delta ADC with ±10 V Inputs

AD4115 IBIS Model

AD4116Single Supply, 24-Bit, Sigma-Delta ADC with ±10 V, 10 MΩ Inputs and Buffered Low Level Inputs

AD4116 IBIS Model

AD413424-Bit, 4-Channel Simultaneous Sampling 1.5 MSPS Precision Alias Free ADC

AD4134/AD7134 IBIS Model

AD4170-424-Bit, DC to 50 kHz Input Bandwidth, Multichannel, Low Noise Precision Sigma-Delta ADC with PGA

AD4170-4 IBIS Model

AD4630-1616-Bit, 2 MSPS, Dual Channel SAR ADC

AD4630-24 - IBIS Model

AD4630-2424-Bit, 2 MSPS Dual Channel SAR ADC

AD4630-24 - IBIS Model

AD4632-1616-Bit, 500 kSPS, Dual Channel SAR ADC

AD4630-24 - IBIS Model

AD4632-2424-Bit, 500 kSPS, Dual Channel SAR ADC

AD4630-24 - IBIS Model

AD4680Differential Inputs, 1 MSPS, Dual Simultaneous Sampling SAR ADCs

AD738x IBIS Model

AD4681Differential Inputs, 500 kSPS, Dual Simultaneous Sampling SAR ADCs

AD738x IBIS Model

AD4682Pseudo Differential Input, 1 MSPS/500 kSPS, Dual, Simultaneous Sampling, 16-Bit, SAR ADCs

AD738x IBIS Model

AD4683Pseudo Differential Input, 1 MSPS/500 kSPS, Dual, Simultaneous Sampling, 16-Bit, SAR ADCs

AD738x IBIS Model

AD469516-Bit, 16-Channel, 500 kSPS, Easy Drive Multiplexed SAR ADC

AD4696 Series LFCSP IBIS Model

AD469616-Bit, 16-Channel, 1 MSPS, Easy Drive Multiplexed SAR ADC

AD4696 Series LFCSP IBIS Model

AD469716-Bit, 8-Channel, 500 kSPS, Easy Drive Multiplexed SAR ADC

AD4696 Series LFCSP IBIS Model

AD469816-Bit, 8-Channel, 1 MSPS, Easy Drive Multiplexed SAR ADC

AD4696 Series WLCSP IBIS Model

AD469816-Bit, 8-Channel, 1 MSPS, Easy Drive Multiplexed SAR ADC

AD4696 Series LFCSP IBIS Model

AD4851Buffered, 4-Channel Simultaneous Sampling, 16-Bit 250kSPS DAS

AD4858 IBIS Model

AD4852Buffered, 4-Channel Simultaneous Sampling, 20-Bit 250kSPS DAS

AD4858 IBIS Model

AD4853 Buffered, 4-Channel Simultaneous Sampling, 16-Bit 1MSPS DAS

AD4858 IBIS Model

AD4854 Buffered, 4-Channel Simultaneous Sampling, 20-Bit 1MSPS DAS

AD4858 IBIS Model

AD4855Buffered, 8-Channel Simultaneous Sampling, 16-Bit 250 kSPS DAS

AD4858 IBIS Model

AD4856Buffered, 8-Channel Simultaneous Sampling, 20-Bit 250 kSPS DAS

AD4858 IBIS Model

AD4857Buffered, 8-Channel Simultaneous Sampling, 16-Bit 1 MSPS DAS

AD4858 IBIS Model

AD4858Buffered, 8-Channel Simultaneous Sampling, 20-Bit 1 MSPS DAS

AD4858 IBIS Model

AD5064Fully Accurate, Quad, 16-Bit, Buffered VOUT, 4.5 V to 5.5 V nanoDAC® with SPI Interface

AD5064 IBIS Models

AD5110Single Channel, 128-Position, I2C, ±8% Resistor Tolerance, Nonvolatile Digital Potentiometer

AD5110 IBIS Model

AD5111Single Channel, 128-Position, Up/Down, ±8 % Resistor Tolerance, Nonvolatile Digital Potentiometer

AD5111 IBIS Model

AD5112Single Channel, 64-Position, I2C, ±8% Resistor Tolerance, Nonvolatile Digital Potentiometer

AD5110 IBIS Model

AD5113Single Channel, 64-Position, Up/Down, ±8 % Resistor Tolerance, Nonvolatile Digital Potentiometer

AD5111 IBIS Model

AD5114Single Channel, 32-Position, I2C, ±8% Resistor Tolerance, Nonvolatile Digital Potentiometer

AD5110 IBIS Model

AD5115Single Channel, 32-Position, Up/Down, ±8 % Resistor Tolerance, Nonvolatile Digital Potentiometer

AD5111 IBIS Model

AD5116Single Channel, 64-Position, Push-Button, ±8% Resistor Tolerance, Nonvolatile Digital Potentiometer

AD5116 IBIS Model

AD5121Single Channel, 128-Position, I2C / SPI, Nonvolatile Digital Potentiometer

AD5121/AD5141 IBIS Model

AD5122Dual Channel, 128-Position, SPI, Nonvolatile Digital Potentiometer

AD5122/AD5142 IBIS Model

AD5122ADual Channel, 128-Position, I2C, Nonvolatile Digital Potentiometer

AD5122A/AD5142A IBIS Model

AD5123Quad Channel, 128-Position, I2C, Nonvolatile Digital Potentiometer

AD5123 /AD5143 IBIS Model

AD5124Quad Channel, 128-Position, SPI, Nonvolatile Digital Potentiometer

AD5144/AD5144A/AD5124 IBIS Model

AD5141Single Channel, 256-Position, I2C / SPI, Nonvolatile Digital Potentiometer

AD5121/AD5141 IBIS Model

AD5142Dual Channel, 256-Position, SPI, Nonvolatile Digital Potentiometer

AD5122/AD5142 IBIS Model

AD5142ADual Channel, 256-Position, I2C, Nonvolatile Digital Potentiometer

AD5122A/AD5142A IBIS Model

AD5143Quad Channel, 256-Position, I2C, Nonvolatile Digital Potentiometer

AD5123 /AD5143 IBIS Model

AD5144Quad Channel, 256-Position, I2C / SPI, Nonvolatile Digital Potentiometer

AD5144/AD5144A/AD5124 IBIS Model

AD5144AQuad Channel, 256-Position, I2C, Nonvolatile Digital Potentiometer

AD5144/AD5144A/AD5124 IBIS Model

AD52044-Channel Digital Potentiometer

AD5206 IBIS Model

AD52066-Channel, 256-Position Digital Potentiometer

AD5206 IBIS Model

AD5235Nonvolatile Memory, Dual 1024-Position Digital Potentiometer

AD5235 IBIS Model

AD5254Quad 256-Position I2C Nonvolatile Memory, Digital Potentiometer

AD5254 IBIS Model

AD52701024-Position, 1% Resistor Tolerance Error, SPI Interface and 50-TP Memory Digital Rheostat

AD527x IBIS Model

AD5271256-Position, 1% Resistor Tolerance Error, SPI Interface and 50-TP Memory Digital Rheostat

AD527x IBIS Model

AD52721024-Position, 1% Resistor Tolerance Error, Single Channel I2C Interface and 50-TP Memory Digital Rheostat

AD527x IBIS Model

AD5274256-Position, 1% Resistor Tolerance Error, I2C Interface and 50-TP Memory Digital Rheostat

AD527x IBIS Model

AD5291256-/1024-Position, Digital Potentiometers with Maximum ±1% R-Tolerance Error and 20-TP Memory

AD529x IBIS Model

AD5292256-/1024-Position, Digital Potentiometers with Maximum ±1% R-Tolerance Error and 20-TP Memory

AD529x IBIS Model

AD5293Single Channel, 1024-Position, 1% R-Tolerance Digital Potentiometer

AD529x IBIS Model

AD53022.5 V to 5.5 V, 230 µA, Dual Rail-to-Rail Voltage Output 8-Bit DAC in a 10-Lead MicroSOIC Package

AD5302 IBIS Model

AD53042.5 V to 5.5 V, 500 µA, Quad Voltage Output 8-Bit DAC in a 10-Lead Packages

AD5304 IBIS Model

AD53122.5 V to 5.5 V, 230 µA, Dual Rail-to-Rail Voltage Output 10-Bit DAC

AD5312 IBIS Model

AD53142.5 V to 5.5 V, 500 µA, Quad Voltage Output 10-Bit DAC in 10-Lead Packages

AD5314 IBIS Model

AD53222.5 V to 5.5 V, 230 µA, Dual Rail-to-Rail Voltage Output 12-Bit DAC

AD5322 IBIS Model

AD53242.5 V to 5.5 V, 500 µA Quad Voltage Output 12-Bit DAC in 10-Lead Packages

AD5324 IBIS Model

AD53302.5V to 5.5V, 115µA Parallel Interface Single Voltage-Output 8-Bit DAC

AD5330 IBIS Model

AD5334+2.5V to 5.5V, 500µA Quad Rail-to-Rail Voltage Output 8-Bit DAC with Parallel Interface in 24-lead TSSOP

AD5334 IBIS Model

AD5413Single-Channel, 14-Bit Voltage and Current Output DAC with HART Connectivity

AD5758/AD5753/AD5423/AD5413 - IBIS Model

AD5415Dual 12-Bit, High Bandwidth, Multiplying DAC with 4 Quadrant Resistors and Serial Interface

AD5415 IBIS Model

AD5420Single-Channel, 12-/16-Bit, Serial Input, 4 mA to 20 mA, Current Source DAC, HART Connectivity

AD5420 IBIS Model

AD542116-Bit, Serial Input, Loop-Powered, 4mA to 20mA DAC

AD5421 IBIS Model

AD5423Single Channel, 16-Bit Current/Voltage Output DAC with HART Connectivity

AD5758/AD5753/AD5423/AD5413 - IBIS Model

AD5423Single Channel, 16-Bit Current/Voltage Output DAC with HART Connectivity

AD5423 IBIS Model

AD544312-Bit High Bandwidth Multiplying DAC's with Serial Interface

AD5443 IBIS Model

AD5447Dual 12-Bit, High Bandwidth Multiplying DACs with Parallel Interface

AD5447 IBIS Model

AD5449Dual 12-Bit, High Bandwidth Multiplying DAC with Serial Interface

AD5449 IBIS Model

AD545212-Bit High Bandwidth Multiplying DACs with Serial Interface

AD5452 IBIS Model

AD5541A2.7 V to 5.5 V, Serial-Input, Voltage-Output, 16-/12-Bit nanoDAC™ in 8-lead 3 mm × 3 mm LFCSP

AD5541A IBIS Model

AD5542A2.7 V to 5.5 V, Serial-Input, Voltage-Output, 16-Bit nanoDAC™ in 10-lead LFCSP, 16-lead 3 mm x 3 mm LFCSP, and 16-lead TSSOP

AD5542A IBIS Models

AD5544Quad, Current-Output, Serial-Input 16-/14-Bit DACs

AD5544 IBIS Models

AD5592r8-Channel, 12-Bit, Configurable ADC/DAC with On-Chip Reference, SPI Interface

AD5592R-1 - IBIS Model - LFCSP package

AD5592r8-Channel, 12-Bit, Configurable ADC/DAC with On-Chip Reference, SPI Interface

AD5592R-1 - IBIS Model - WLCSP package

AD5592r8-Channel, 12-Bit, Configurable ADC/DAC with On-Chip Reference, SPI Interface

AD5592R-1 IBIS Model

AD5593R8-Channel, 12-Bit, Configurable ADC/DAC with On-Chip Reference, I2C Interface

AD5593R IBIS Model

AD5600High Temperature, 16-Bit, Unbuffered Voltage Output DAC, SPI Interface 

AD5600 IBIS Model

AD56012.7 V to 5.5 V, <100 μA, 8-Bit nanoDAC, SPI Interface in LFCSP and SC70

AD5601 IBIS Model

AD56112.7 V to 5.5 V, <100 μA, 10-Bit nanoDAC, SPI Interface in LFCSP and SC70

AD5611 IBIS Model

AD5620Single, 12-Bit nanoDAC® with 5 ppm/°C On-Chip Reference in SOT-23

AD5620 IBIS Model

AD56212.7 V to 5.5 V, <100 μA, 12-Bit nanoDAC, SPI Interface in LFCSP and SC70

AD5621 IBIS Model

AD5623RDual 12-Bit nanoDAC® with 5 ppm/°C On-Chip Reference

AD5663R IBIS Model

AD56242.7 V to 5.5 V, 450 µA, Rail-to-Rail Output, Quad, 12-Bit nano DAC®

AD5624/AD5624R/AD5644R/AD5664 IBIS Model

AD5624RQuad,12-Bit nanoDAC® with 5ppm/°C On-Chip Reference

AD5624/AD5624R/AD5644R/AD5664 IBIS Model

AD5627Dual, 12-Bit nanoDAC® with I2C® Interface

AD5667R IBIS Model

AD5627RDual, 12-Bit nanoDAC® with 5 ppm/°C On-Chip Reference, I2C® Interface

AD5667R IBIS Model

AD56412.7 V to 5.5 V, nanoDAC®, SPI Interface in LFCSP and SC70

AD5641 IBIS Model

AD5643RDual 14-Bit nanoDAC® with 5 ppm/°C On-Chip Reference

AD5663R IBIS Model

AD5644RQuad, 14-Bit nanoDAC® with 5ppm/°C On-Chip Reference

AD5624/AD5624R/AD5644R/AD5664 IBIS Model

AD5647RDual, 14-Bit nanoDAC® with 5 ppm/°C On-Chip Reference, I2C® Interface

AD5667R IBIS Model

AD5648Octal, 14-Bit, SPI Voltage Output denseDAC With 5 ppm/°C On-Chip Reference

AD5648 IBIS Model

AD5660Single, 16-Bit nanoDAC® with 5 ppm/°C On-Chip Reference

AD5660 IBIS Model

AD56632.7 V to 5.5 V, 250 μA, Rail-to-Rail Output, Dual 16-Bit nanoDAC®

AD5663R IBIS Model

AD5663RDual 16-Bit nanoDAC® with 5 ppm/°C On-Chip Reference

AD5663R IBIS Model

AD56642.7 V to 5.5 V, 450 µA, Rail-to-Rail Output, Quad, 16-Bit nanoDAC®

AD5624/AD5624R/AD5644R/AD5664 IBIS Model

AD5664RQuad, 16-Bit nanoDAC® with 5ppm/°C On-Chip Reference

AD5664R IBIS Model

AD5665Quad, 16-Bit nanoDAC®, I2C® Interface

AD5665 IBIS Model

AD5667Dual, 16-Bit nanoDAC® with I2C® Interface

AD5667R IBIS Model

AD5667RDual, 16-Bit nanoDAC® with 5 ppm/°C On-Chip Reference, I2C® Interface

AD5667R IBIS Model

AD5668Octal, 16-Bit, SPI Voltage Output denseDAC With 5 ppm/°C On-Chip Reference

AD5668 IBIS Model

AD5672ROctal, 12-Bit nanoDAC+ with 2 ppm/°C Reference, SPI Interface

AD5672R/AD5676/AD5676R IBIS Models

AD5673R16-Channel, 12-Bit nanoDAC+ with 2 ppm/°C Voltage Reference TC, I2C Interface

AD5673R/AD5677 IBIS Model

AD567416-Channel, 12-Bit nanoDAC+ with 2 ppm/°C Voltage Reference Temperature Coefficient, SPI Interface

AD5674 IBIS Model

AD5674R16-Channel, 12-Bit nanoDAC+ with 2 ppm/°C Voltage Reference Temperature Coefficient, SPI Interface

AD5674R IBIS Model

AD5675Octal, 16-Bit nanoDAC+ with I2C Interface

AD5675/AD5675R IBIS Model

AD5675ROctal, 16-Bit nanoDAC+ with 2 ppm/°C Reference, I2C Interface

AD5675/AD5675R IBIS Model

AD5676Octal, 16-Bit nanoDAC+ with SPI Interface

AD5672R/AD5676/AD5676R IBIS Models

AD5676ROctal, 16-Bit nanoDAC+ with 2 ppm/°C Reference, SPI Interface


AD5676ROctal, 16-Bit nanoDAC+ with 2 ppm/°C Reference, SPI Interface

AD5672R/AD5676/AD5676R IBIS Models

AD5677R16-Channel, 12-/16-Bit nanoDAC+ with 2 ppm/°C Voltage Reference TC, I2C Interface

AD5673R/AD5677 IBIS Model

AD567916-Channel, 12-/16-Bit nanoDAC+ with 2 ppm/°C Voltage Reference Temperature Coefficient, SPI Interface

AD5679 IBIS Model

AD5679R16-Channel, 12-/16-Bit nanoDAC+ with 2 ppm/°C Voltage Reference Temperature Coefficient, SPI Interface

AD5679R IBIS Model

AD5681RTiny 12-Bit SPI nanoDAC+, with ±1 LSB INL and 2 ppm/°C Reference

AD5683R/AD5683/AD5682R/AD5681R IBIS Model

AD5682RTiny 14-Bit SPI nanoDAC+, with ±2 LSB INL and 2 ppm/°C Reference

AD5683R/AD5683/AD5682R/AD5681R IBIS Model

AD5683Tiny 16-Bit SPI nanoDAC+, with ±2 (16-Bit) LSB INL and 2 ppm/°C External Reference

AD5683R/AD5683/AD5682R/AD5681R IBIS Model

AD5683RTiny 16-Bit SPI nanoDAC+, with ±2 (16-Bit) LSB INL and 2 ppm/°C Reference

AD5683R/AD5683/AD5682R/AD5681R IBIS Model

AD5684Quad, 12-Bit nanoDAC+™ with SPI Interface

AD5686R IBIS Model

AD5684RQuad, 12-Bit nanoDAC+ with 2 ppm/°C On-Chip Reference and SPI Interface

AD5686R IBIS Model

AD5685RQuad, 14-Bit nanoDAC+ with 2 ppm/°C On-Chip Reference and SPI Interface

AD5686R IBIS Model

AD5686Quad, 16-Bit nanoDAC+ with SPI Interface

AD5686R IBIS Model

AD5686RQuad, 16-Bit nanoDAC+™ with 2 ppm/°C On-Chip Reference and SPI Interface

AD5686R IBIS Model

AD5687Dual, 12-Bit nanoDAC+™ with SPI Interface

AD5686R IBIS Model

AD5687RDual, 12-Bit nanoDAC+ with 2 ppm/°C Reference, SPI Interface

AD5686R IBIS Model

AD5689Dual, 16-Bit nanoDAC+™ with SPI Interface

AD5686R IBIS Model

AD5689RDual, 16-Bit nanoDAC+ with 2 ppm/°C Reference, SPI Interface

AD5686R IBIS Model

AD5691RTiny 12-Bit I2C nanoDAC+, with ±1 LSB INL and 2 ppm/°C Reference

AD5691R/AD5692R/AD5693R IBIS Model

AD5692RTiny 14-Bit I2C nanoDAC+, with ±4 LSB INL and 5 ppm/°C Reference

AD5691R/AD5692R/AD5693R IBIS Model

AD5693Tiny 16-Bit I2C nanoDAC+, with ±2 (16-Bit) LSB INL

AD5691R/AD5692R/AD5693R IBIS Model

AD5693RTiny 16-Bit I2C nanoDAC+, with ±2 (16-Bit) LSB INL and 2 ppm/°C Reference

AD5691R/AD5692R/AD5693R IBIS Model

AD5694Quad, 12-Bit nanoDAC+™ with I2C Interface

AD5696R IBIS Model

AD5694RQuad, 12-Bit nanoDAC+ with 2 ppm/°C Reference, I2C Interface

AD5696R IBIS Model

AD5695RQuad 14-Bit nanoDAC+ with 2 ppm/°C Reference, I2C Interface

AD5696R IBIS Model

AD5696Quad, 16-Bit nanoDAC+™ with I2C Interface

AD5696R IBIS Model

AD5696RQuad 16-Bit nanoDAC+ with 2 ppm/°C Reference, I2C Interface

AD5696R IBIS Model

AD5697RDual 12-Bit nanoDAC+™ with 2 ppm/°C Reference, I2C Interface

AD5696R IBIS Model

AD5700Low Power HART Modem

AD5700/AD5700-1 IBIS Model

AD5700-1Low Power HART Modem with Precision Internal Oscillator

AD5700/AD5700-1 IBIS Model

AD5721Multiple Range, 12-Bit, Unipolar, Voltage Output DACs

AD5761R/AD5761 IBIS Model

AD5721RMultiple Range, 12-Bit, Unipolar Voltage Output DACs with 2 PPM/⁰C Reference

AD5761R/AD5761 IBIS Model

AD5721RMultiple Range, 12-Bit, Unipolar Voltage Output DACs with 2 PPM/⁰C Reference

AD5761R/AD5721R IBIS Model

AD5750Industrial Current/Voltage Output Driver with Programmable Ranges

AD5750 IBIS Model

AD5750-1Industrial Current/Voltage Output Driver with Programmable Ranges

AD5750 IBIS Model

AD5750-2Industrial Current/Voltage Output Driver with Programmable Ranges

AD5750 IBIS Model

AD5753Single-Channel, 16-Bit Current and Voltage Output DAC with Dynamic Power Control and HART Connectivity

AD5758/AD5753/AD5423/AD5413 - IBIS Model

AD5753Single-Channel, 16-Bit Current and Voltage Output DAC with Dynamic Power Control and HART Connectivity

AD5753 IBIS Model

AD5754Complete, Quad, 16-Bit, Serial Input, Unipolar/Bipolar Voltage Output DAC

AD5754 IBIS Model

AD5755Quad Channel, 16-Bit, Serial Input, 4 mA to 20 mA and Voltage Output DAC, Dynamic Power Control

AD5755/AD5755-1 IBIS Model

AD5755-1Quad Channel, 16-Bit, Serial Input, 4 mA to 20 mA and Voltage Output DAC, Dynamic Power Control, HART Connectivity

AD5755/AD5755-1 IBIS Model

AD5758Single-Channel, 16-Bit Current and Voltage Output DAC with Dynamic Power Control and HART Connectivity

AD5758/AD5753/AD5423/AD5413 - IBIS Model

AD5761Multiple Range, 16-Bit, Bipolar, Voltage Output DACs

AD5761R/AD5761 IBIS Model

AD5761RMultiple Range, 16-Bit, Bipolar Voltage Output DACs with 2 PPM/⁰C Reference

AD5761R/AD5761 IBIS Model

AD5761RMultiple Range, 16-Bit, Bipolar Voltage Output DACs with 2 PPM/⁰C Reference

AD5761R/AD5721R IBIS Model

AD576616-Channel, 16-Bit Voltage Output denseDAC

AD5767 IBIS Model

AD576716-Channel, 12-Bit Voltage Output denseDAC

AD5767 IBIS Model

AD5770R6-Channel, 14-Bit, Current Output DAC with On-Chip Reference, SPI Interface

AD5770R IBIS Model

AD5778R2-Channel, 300 mA Current Source Output 16-Bit SoftSpan DAC

AD5778R IBIS Model

AD5790System Ready 20-Bit, ±2 LSB INL, Voltage Output DAC

AD5790 IBIS Model

AD57911 ppm, 20-Bit, ±1 LSB INL, Voltage Output DAC

AD5791 IBIS Model

AD6623104 MSPS, Four-Channel Digital Transmit Signal Processor (TSP)

AD6623 IBIS Models

AD662480 MSPS, Quad Receiver Signal Processor

AD6624 (AD6624A) IBIS Models

AD6624AFour-Channel, 100 MSPS Digital Receive Signal Processor (RSP)

AD6624 (AD6624A) IBIS Models

AD6633Multi-channel (Digital) Transmit Signal Processor (TSP) with VersaCREST™ Crest Reduction Engine

AD6633 IBIS Model

AD663480 MSPS, Dual-Channel, WCDMA Receive Signal Processor (RSP)

AD6634 IBIS Models

AD6636150 MSPS Wideband (Digital) Receive Signal Processor (RSP)

AD6636 IBIS Model

AD6641250 MHz Bandwidth DPD Observation Receiver

AD6641 IBIS Model

AD6643Dual IF Receiver

AD6643 IBIS Model

AD664514-Bit, 80 MSPS/105 MSPS A/D Converter

AD6645 IBIS Models

AD6649IF Diversity Receiver

AD6649 IBIS Model

AD6653IF Diversity Receiver

AD6653 IBIS Models

AD665414-Bit, 92.16 MSPS, 4 & 6-Channel Wideband IF to Base Band Receiver

AD6654 IBIS Model

AD6655IF Diversity Receiver

AD6655 IBIS Models

AD6657A65MHz Bandwidth Quad IF Receiver

AD6657A IBIS Model

AD6672IF Receiver

AD6672 IBIS Model

AD667380 MHz Bandwidth, Dual IF Receiver

AD6673 AMI Model

AD6674385 MHz BW IF Diversity Receiver

AD9680 / AD6674 IBIS Model

AD6676Wideband IF Receiver Subsystem

AD6676 AMI Model

AD667780 MHz Bandwidth, IF Receiver

AD6677 AMI Model

AD667780 MHz Bandwidth, IF Receiver

AD6677 IBIS Model

AD6688RF Diversity and 1.2GHz BW Observation Receiver

AD6688 IBIS Model

AD70911 MSPS, Ultralow Power 12-Bit ADC in 8-Lead LFCSP

AD7091 IBIS Model

AD7091R1 MSPS, Ultralow Power, 12-Bit ADC in 10-Lead LFCSP and MSOP

AD7091R IBIS Model

AD7091R-22-Channel, 1 MSPS, Ultralow Power, 12-Bit ADC in 16-Lead TSSOP

AD7091R-2 IBIS Model

AD7091R-44-Channel, 1 MSPS, Ultralow Power, 12-Bit ADC in 20-Lead TSSOP

AD7091R-4 IBIS Model

AD7091R-54-Channel, I2C, Ultralow Power 12-Bit ADC in 20-Lead LFCSP/TSSOP

AD7091R-5 IBIS Model

AD7091R-88-Channel, 1 MSPS, Ultralow Power, 12-Bit ADC in 24-Lead TSSOP

AD7091R-8 IBIS Model

AD7124-44-Channel, Low Noise, Low Power, 24-Bit, Sigma-Delta ADC with PGA and Reference

AD7124-4 IBIS Models

AD7124-88-Channel, Low Noise, Low Power, 24-Bit, Sigma-Delta ADC with PGA and Reference

AD7124-8 IBIS Model

AD713424-Bit, 4-Channel Simultaneous Sampling 1.5 MSPS Precision Alias Free ADC

AD4134/AD7134 IBIS Model

AD7172-2Low Power, 24-Bit, 31.25 kSPS, Sigma-Delta ADC with True Rail-to-Rail Buffers

AD7172-2 IBIS Model

AD7172-4Low Power,  with 4- or 8-channel, 24-bit, 31.25 kSPS, Sigma-Delta ADC with True Rail-to-Rail Buffers

AD7172-4 IBIS Model

AD7173-8Low Power, 8-/16-Channel, 31.25 kSPS, 24-Bit, Highly Integrated Sigma-Delta ADC

AD7173-8 IBIS Model

AD7175-224-Bit, 250 kSPS, Sigma-Delta ADC with 20 µs Settling and True Rail-to-Rail Buffers

AD7175-2 IBIS Model

AD7175-824-Bit, 8-/16-Channel, 250 kSPS, Sigma-Delta ADC with True Rail-to-Rail Buffers

AD7175-8 IBIS Model

AD7176-224-Bit, 250 kSPS Sigma Delta ADC with 20 µs Settling

AD7176-2 IBIS Model

AD7177-232-Bit, 10 kSPS, Sigma-Delta ADC with 100 µs Settling and True Rail-to-Rail Buffers

AD7177-2 IBIS Model

AD71924.8 kHz Ultra-Low Noise 24-Bit Sigma-Delta ADC with PGA

AD7192 IBIS Model

AD7243CMOS, 12-Bit Serial DACPORT

AD7243 SOIC IBIS Model

AD7243CMOS, 12-Bit Serial DACPORT

AD7243 DIP IBIS Model

AD7266Differential/Single-Ended Input, Dual 2 MSPS, 12-Bit, 3-Channel SAR ADC

AD7266 IBIS Model

AD72763 MSPS, 12-Bit ADC in 8-Lead MSOP and 6-Lead TSOT

AD7276 IBIS Model

AD72988-Channel, 1MSPS, 12-Bit SAR ADC with Temperature Sensor

AD7298 IBIS Models

AD7321500 kSPS, 2-Channel, Software-Selectable, True Bipolar Input, 12-Bit Plus Sign ADC

AD732x IBIS Model

AD7322Software Selectable True Bipolar Input, 2-Channel, 12-Bit Plus Sign ADC

AD732x IBIS Model

AD7323500 kSPS, 4-Channel, Software Selectable True bipolar Input, 12-Bit Plus Sign A/D Converter

AD732x IBIS Model

AD7324Software Selectable True Bipolar Input, 4-Channel, 12-Bit Plus Sign A/D Converter

AD732x IBIS Model

AD7327500 kSPS, 8-Channel, Software Selectable True bipolar Input, 12-Bit Plus Sign A/D Converter

AD732x IBIS Model

AD7328Software Selectable, True Bipolar Input, 8-Channel, 12-Bit Plus Sign A/D Converter

AD732x IBIS Model

AD73291 MSPS , 8-Channel, Software Selectable True Bipolar Input, 12-Bit Plus Sign A/D Converter

AD732x IBIS Model

AD7352Differential Input, Dual, Simultaneous Sampling, 3 MSPS, 12-Bit, SAR ADC

AD7352 IBIS Models

AD7356Differential Input, Dual, Simultaneous Sampling, 5 MSPS, 12-Bit, SAR ADC

AD7356 IBIS Models

AD7357Differential Input, Dual, Simultaneous Sampling, 4.25 MSPS, 14-Bit, SAR ADC

AD7357 IBIS Models

AD73804MSPS Dual Simultaneous Sampling, 16-BIT SAR ADC, Differential Input

AD738x IBIS Model

AD73814MSPS Dual Simultaneous Sampling, 14-BIT SAR ADC, Differential Input

AD738x IBIS Model

AD7383Dual, Simultaneous Sampling, 16-Bit, 4 MSPS, SAR ADCs, Pseudo Differential Input

AD738x IBIS Model

AD7389-4Differential Input, Quad, Internal Reference Simultaneous Sampling, 16-Bit SAR ADC

AD738x IBIS Model

AD7400Isolated Sigma-Delta Modulator

AD7400/AD7401 IBIS Model

AD7400AIsolated Sigma-Delta Modulator

AD7400/AD7401 IBIS Model

AD7401Isolated Sigma-Delta Modulator

AD7400/AD7401 IBIS Model

AD7401AIsolated Sigma-Delta Modulator

AD7400/AD7401 IBIS Model

AD740216-Bit, Isolated Sigma-Delta Modulator

AD7402 IBIS Model

AD740316-Bit, Isolated Sigma-Delta Modulator

AD7403 IBIS Model

AD740316-Bit, Isolated Sigma-Delta Modulator

AD7403-8 IBIS Model

AD740516-Bit, Isolated Sigma-Delta Modulator, LVDS Interface

AD7405 IBIS Model

AD74115Single-Channel, Software Configurable Input and Output

AD74115 - IBIS Model

AD74115HSingle-Channel, Software Configurable Input and Output with HART Modem

AD74115H - IBIS Model

AD74412RQuad-Channel, Software Configurable Input/Output

AD74412R IBIS Model

AD74413RQuad-Channel, Software Configurable Input and Output

AD74413R IBIS Model

AD7457Pseudo Differential Input, 100 kSPS, 12-Bit ADC in 8-Lead SOT-23

AD7457 IBIS Model

AD74661.6 V Micro-Power 12-Bit ADC

AD7466 IBIS Model

AD74761MSPS, 12-Bit ADC in 6 Lead SOT-23

AD7476 IBIS Model

AD7605-44-Channel DAS with 16-Bit, Bipolar Input, Simultaneous Sampling ADC

AD7605-4 IBIS Model

AD76068-Channel DAS with 16-Bit, Bipolar Input, Simultaneous Sampling ADC

AD7606 IBIS Model

AD7606B8-Channel DAS with 16-Bit, 800 kSPS Bipolar Input, Simultaneous Sampling ADC

AD7606B IBIS Model

AD7606C-168-Channel DAS with 16-Bit, 1 MSPS Bipolar Input, Simultaneous Sampling ADC

AD7606C-18 - IBIS Model

AD7606C-188-Channel DAS with 18-Bit, 1 MSPS Bipolar Input, Simultaneous Sampling ADC

AD7606C-18 - IBIS Model

AD761616-Channel DAS with 16-Bit, Bipolar Input, Dual Simultaneous Sampling ADC

AD7616/AD7617 IBIS Model

AD7616-P16-Channel DAS with 16-Bit, Bipolar Input, Dual Simultaneous Sampling ADC with Parallel Interface

AD7616/AD7617 IBIS Model

AD761716-Channel DAS with 14-Bit, Bipolar Input, Dual Simultaneous Sampling ADC

AD7616/AD7617 IBIS Model

AD762116-Bit, 2 LSB INL, 3 MSPS PulSAR® ADC

AD7621 IBIS Models

AD762316-Bit, 1.33 MSPS PulSAR® A/D Converter

AD7623 IBIS Models

AD762516-Bit, 6MSPS PulSAR Differential ADC

AD7625/AD7626 IBIS Model

AD762616-Bit, 10 MSPS, PulSAR Differential ADC

AD7625/AD7626 IBIS Model

AD766416-Bit 570 kSPS CMOS Successive Approximation PulSAR® ADC with No Missing Codes

AD7664 IBIS Model

AD768216-Bit, 4-Channel, 250 kSPS PulSAR ADC

AD7682/AD7689/AD7699/AD7949 IBIS Model

AD7683100 kSPS 16-BIT PulSAR® A/D Converter in µSOIC/QFN

AD7683 IBIS Models

AD768516-Bit, 250 kSPS PulSAR® ADC in MSOP/QFN

AD7685 IBIS Models

AD7686500 kSPS 16-BIT PulSAR® A/D Converter in MSOP/QFN

AD7685 IBIS Models

AD768716-Bit, 1.5 LSB INL, 250 kSPS PulSAR™ Differential ADC in MSOP/QFN

AD7685 IBIS Models

AD7688500 kSPS 16- BIT Differential PulSAR® A/D Converter in µSOIC/QFN

AD7685 IBIS Models

AD768916-Bit, 8-Channel, 250 kSPS PulSAR ADC

AD7682/AD7689/AD7699/AD7949 IBIS Model

AD769018-Bit, 1.5 LSB INL, 400 kSPS PulSAR® Differential ADC in MSOP/QFN

AD7685 IBIS Models

AD769118-Bit, 1.5 LSB INL, 250 kSPS PulSAR® Differential ADC in MSOP/QFN

AD7685 IBIS Models

AD769316-Bit, ±0.5 LSB, 500 kSPS PulSAR® Differential A/D Converter in MSOP/QFN

AD7685 IBIS Models

AD769916-Bit, 8-Channel, 500 kSPS PulSAR ADC

AD7682/AD7689/AD7699/AD7949 IBIS Model

AD770816-Bit 8/10-Channel, Low Voltage, Low Power, Sigma Delta ADC

AD7708 IBIS Model

AD771824-Bit, 8/10-Channel, Low Voltage, Low Power, Sigma Delta ADC

AD7718 IBIS Model

AD77688-Channel, 24-Bit, Simultaneous Sampling ADC, Power Scaling, 110.8 kHz BW

AD7768 IBIS Model

AD7768-1DC to 204 kHz, Dynamic Signal Analysis, Precision 24-Bit ADC with Power Scaling

AD7768-1 IBIS Model

AD7768-44-Channel, 24-Bit, Simultaneous Sampling ADC, Power Scaling, 110.8 kHz BW

AD7768-4 IBIS Model

AD77708-Channel, 24-Bit, 32 kSPS Simultaneous Sampling ADC

AD7770/AD7771/AD7779 IBIS Model

AD77718-Channel, 24-Bit, 128 kSPS Simultaneous Sampling ADC

AD7770/AD7771/AD7779 IBIS Model

AD77798-Channel, 24-Bit, 16 kSPS Simultaneous Sampling ADC

AD7770/AD7771/AD7779 IBIS Model

AD7809+3.3 V to +5 V Quad/Octal 10-Bit DAC

AD7809 IBIS Model

AD7814Temperature Sensor: 10-Bit Digital in 6-Lead SOT-23

AD7814 IBIS Model

AD7862Simultaneous Sampling Dual 250 kSPS 12-Bit ADC

AD7862 IBIS Models

AD7863Simultaneous Sampling Dual 175 kSPS 14-Bit A/D Converter

AD7863 IBIS Model

AD7864High Speed, Low Power, 4-channel Simultaneous Sampling, 12-Bit ADC

AD7864 IBIS Model

AD7865Fast, Low-Power, 4-Channel, Simultaneous Sampling, 14-bit ADC

AD7865 IBIS Model

AD7866Dual 1MSPS, 12-Bit, 2-Channel SAR ADC with Serial Interface

AD7866 IBIS Model

AD78882.7 V to 5.25 V, Micro Power, 8-Channel, 125 kSPS, 12-Bit ADC in 16-Pin TSSOP

AD7888 IBIS Model

AD7894True Bipolar Input, 5 V Single Supply, 14-Bit, Serial 4.5 µs ADC in 8-Pin Package

AD7894 IBIS Model

AD7902Dual Pseudo Differential 16-Bit, 1 MSPS PulSAR ADC 12.0 mW in QSOP

AD7902 IBIS Model

AD7903Dual Differential 16-Bit, 1 MSPS PulSAR 12.0 mW in QSOP

AD7903 IBIS Model

AD791516-Bit, 1 MSPS/500 kSPS PulSAR ADCs in MSOP/LFCSP

AD7915 IBIS Model

AD791616-Bit, 1 MSPS/500 kSPS PulSAR ADCs in MSOP/LFCSP

AD7916 IBIS Model

AD79188-Channel, 1 MSPS, 10-Bit ADC with Sequencer in 20-Lead TSSOP

AD7918 IBIS Model

AD79288-Channel, 1 MSPS, 12-Bit ADC with Sequencer in 20-Lead TSSOP

AD7928 IBIS Model

AD794214-Bit, 250 kSPS PulSAR®, Pseudo Differential ADC in MSOP/LFCSP

AD7685 IBIS Models

AD794414-Bit, 2.5 MSPS, PulSAR 15.5 mW ADC in LFCSP

AD7944/AD7985/AD7986 IBIS Model

AD794614-Bit, 500 kSPS PulSAR® ADC in MSOP

AD7685 IBIS Models

AD794914-Bit, 8-Channel, 250 kSPS PulSAR ADC

AD7682/AD7689/AD7699/AD7949 IBIS Model

AD796018-Bit, 5 MSPS PULSAR® Differential ADC

AD7960 IBIS Model

AD796116-Bit, 5 MSPS PULSAR® Differential ADC

AD7961 IBIS Model

AD798016-Bit, 1 MSPS, PulSAR ADC in MSOP/LFCSP

AD7980 IBIS Models


AD7982 IBIS Models

AD798316-Bit, 1.33 MSPS PulSAR ADC in MSOP/LFCSP

AD7983 IBIS Models

AD798418-Bit, 1.33 MSPS PulSAR 10.5 mW ADC in MSOP/QFN

AD7984 IBIS Model

AD798516-Bit, 2.5 MSPS PulSAR 11 mW ADC in QFN

AD7944/AD7985/AD7986 IBIS Model

AD798618-Bit, 2 MSPS PulSAR 15 mW ADC in QFN

AD7944/AD7985/AD7986 IBIS Model

AD7988-116-Bit Lower Power PulSAR ADCs in MSOP/LFCSP

AD7988-1 IBIS Models

AD7988-516-Bit Lower Power PulSAR ADCs in MSOP/LFCSP

AD7988-5 IBIS Models

AD9054A8-Bit, 200 MSPS/135 MSPS A/D Converter

AD9054A IBIS Models

AD90578-Bit, 40/60/80 MSPS A/D Converter

AD9057 IBIS Models

AD9081MxFE™ Quad, 16-Bit, 12GSPS RFDAC and Quad, 12-Bit, 4GSPS RFADC

AD9081/AD9082/AD9986/AD9988 AMI Model

AD9081MxFE™ Quad, 16-Bit, 12GSPS RFDAC and Quad, 12-Bit, 4GSPS RFADC

AD9081/AD9082/AD9986/AD9988 IBIS Model

AD9082MxFE Quad, 16-Bit, 12 GSPS RF DAC and Dual, 12-Bit, 6 GSPS RF ADC

AD9081/AD9082/AD9986/AD9988 AMI Model

AD9082MxFE Quad, 16-Bit, 12 GSPS RF DAC and Dual, 12-Bit, 6 GSPS RF ADC

AD9081/AD9082/AD9986/AD9988 IBIS Model

AD908316-Channel, 125 MHz Bandwidth, JESD204B Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9083 AMI Download

AD9102Low Power, 14-Bit, 180 MSPS, Digital-to-Analog Converter and Waveform Generator

AD9102 IBIS Model

AD9106Quad, Low Power, 12-Bit, 180 MSPS, Digital-to-Analog Converter and Waveform Generator

AD9106 IBIS Model

ad9114Dual Low Power, 8-Bit TxDAC Digital-to-Analog Converters

AD9114 IBIS Model

AD9115Dual Low Power, 10-Bit TxDAC Digital-to-Analog Converters

AD9115 IBIS Model

AD9116Dual Low Power, 12-Bit TxDAC Digital-to-Analog Converters

AD9116 IBIS Model

AD9117Dual Low Power, 14-Bit TxDAC Digital-to-Analog Converters

AD9117 IBIS Model

AD9122Dual, 16-Bit, 1230 MSPS, TxDAC+® Digital-to-Analog Converter

AD9122 IBIS Model

AD9125Dual, 16-Bit, 1000 MSPS, TxDAC+® Digital-to-Analog Converter

AD9125 IBIS Model

AD912914-Bit, 5.7 GSPS, RF Digital-to-Analog Converter

AD9129 IBIS Model

AD9135Dual, 11-Bit, 2.8 GSPS, TxDAC+® Digital-to-Analog Converter

AD9144/AD9152/AD9154/AD9135/AD9136 AMI Model Download

AD9135Dual, 11-Bit, 2.8 GSPS, TxDAC+® Digital-to-Analog Converter

AD9135 IBIS Model

AD9136Dual, 16-Bit, 2.8 GSPS, TxDAC+® Digital-to-Analog Converter

AD9144/AD9152/AD9154/AD9135/AD9136 AMI Model Download

AD9136Dual, 16-Bit, 2.8 GSPS, TxDAC+® Digital-to-Analog Converter

AD9136 IBIS Model

AD913916-Bit, 1600 MSPS, TxDAC+ Digital-to-Analog Converter

AD9139 IBIS Model

AD9142Dual, 16-Bit, 1600 MSPS, TxDAC+ Digital-to-Analog Converter

AD9142 IBIS Model

AD9142ADual, 16-Bit, 1600 MSPS, TxDAC+ Digital-to-Analog Converter

AD9142A IBIS Model

AD9144Quad, 16-Bit, 2.8 GSPS, TxDAC+® Digital-to-Analog Converter

AD9144/AD9152/AD9154/AD9135/AD9136 AMI Model Download

AD9144Quad, 16-Bit, 2.8 GSPS, TxDAC+® Digital-to-Analog Converter

AD9144 IBIS Model

AD9146Dual, 16-Bit, 1230 MSPS, TxDAC+® Digital-to-Analog Converter

AD9146 IBIS Model

AD9148Quad 16-Bit,1GSPS DAC TxDAC+ Digital-to-Analog Converter

AD9148 IBIS Model

AD9152Dual, 16-Bit, 2.25 GSPS, TxDAC+ Digital-to-Analog Converter

AD9144/AD9152/AD9154/AD9135/AD9136 AMI Model Download

AD9152Dual, 16-Bit, 2.25 GSPS, TxDAC+ Digital-to-Analog Converter

AD9152 IBIS Model

AD9154Quad, 16-Bit, 2.4 GSPS, TxDAC+® Digital-to-Analog Converter

AD9144/AD9152/AD9154/AD9135/AD9136 AMI Model Download

AD9154Quad, 16-Bit, 2.4 GSPS, TxDAC+® Digital-to-Analog Converter

AD9154 IBIS Model

AD916111-Bit, 12 GSPS, RF Digital-to-Analog Converters

AD9161/AD9162 IBIS Model (11x11mm)

AD916216-Bit, 12 GSPS, RF Digital-to-Analog Converters

AD9161/AD9162 IBIS Model (11x11mm)

AD916216-Bit, 12 GSPS, RF Digital-to-Analog Converters

AD9162 IBIS Model (8x8mm)

AD916316-Bit, 12 GSPS, RF DAC and Digital Upconverter

AD9163 IBIS Model

AD916416-Bit, 12 GSPS, RF DAC and Direct Digital Synthesizer

AD9164bbcaz IBIS Model

AD916416-Bit, 12 GSPS, RF DAC and Direct Digital Synthesizer

AD9164bbcz IBIS Model

AD9171Dual, 16-Bit, 6.2 GSPS RF DAC with Single Channelizer

AD9171 IBIS Model

AD9172Dual, 16-Bit, 12.6 GSPS RF DAC with Channelizers

AD9172 IBIS Model

AD9173Dual, 16-Bit, 12.6 GSPS RF DAC with Channelizers

AD9173 IBIS Model

AD9174Dual, 16-Bit, 12.6 GSPS RF DAC and Direct Digital Synthesizer

AD9174 IBIS Model

AD9175Dual, 11-Bit/16-Bit, 12.6 GSPS RF DAC with Wideband Channelizers

AD9175/AD9176 IBIS Model

AD9176Dual, 16-Bit, 12.6 GSPS RF DAC with Wideband Channelizers

AD9175/AD9176 IBIS Model

AD9177Quad, 16-Bit, 12 GSPS RF DAC with Wideband Channelizers

AD9177 AMI Model

AD920310-Bit, 40 MSPS, Low-Power Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9203 IBIS Models

ad920410-Bit, 20 MSPS/40 MSPS/65 MSPS/80 MSPS, 1.8 V Dual Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9204 IBIS Models

AD920712-Bit, 6 GSPS, JESD204B/JESD204C Dual ADC

AD9207/AD9209 AMI Model

AD920814-Bit, 3GSPS, JESD204B, Dual Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9208/AD9689/AD9694/AD9695 AMI Model

AD920814-Bit, 3GSPS, JESD204B, Dual Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9208 IBIS Model

AD920912-Bit, 4GSPS, JESD204B/C, Quad Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9207/AD9209 AMI Model

AD921110-Bit, 200 MSPS/250 MSPS/300 MSPS, 1.8 V Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9211 IBIS Models

AD9212Octal, 10-Bit, 40 MSPS/65 MSPS, Serial LVDS, 1.8 V ADC

AD9212 IBIS Models

AD921312-Bit, 10.25 GSPS, JESD204B, RF Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9213 AMI Download

AD921312-Bit, 10.25 GSPS, JESD204B, RF Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9213 IBIS Model

AD921410-Bit, 65 MSPS/80 MSPS/105 MSPS 3 V Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9214 IBIS Model

AD921510-Bit, 65/80/105 MSPS 3 V A/D Converter

AD9215 IBIS Models

AD921610-Bit, 65/80/105 MSPS Dual A/D Converter

AD9216 IBIS Models

AD921810-Bit, 40/65/80/105 MSPS 3 V Dual Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9218 IBIS Models

AD9219Quad, 10-Bit, 40/65 MSPS Serial LVDS 1.8 V A/D Converter

AD9219 IBIS Model

AD9222Octal, 12-Bit, 40/50/65 MSPS Serial LVDS 1.8 V A/D Converter

AD9222 IBIS Models

AD9228Quad, 12-Bit, 40/65 MSPS Serial LVDS 1.8 V A/D Converter

AD9228 IBIS Model

ad9229Quad 12-Bit, 50/65 MSPS, Serial LVDS A/D Converter

AD9229 IBIS Models

AD923012-Bit, 170 MSPS/210 MSPS/250 MSPS, 1.8 V Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9230 IBIS Models

AD923012-Bit, 170 MSPS/210 MSPS/250 MSPS, 1.8 V Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9230 (11-Bit) IBIS Model

AD923112-Bit, 20 MSPS/40 MSPS/65 MSPS/80 MSPS, 1.8 V Dual Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9231 IBIS Models

AD923312-Bit, 80 MSPS/105 MSPS/125 MSPS, 1.8 V Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9233 IBIS Models

AD923412-Bit, 1 GSPS/500 MSPS JESD204B, Dual Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9234 IBIS Model

AD923512-Bit, 20/40/65 MSPS, 3 V Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9235 IBIS Models

AD923612-Bit, 80 MSPS, 3 V A/D Converter

AD9236 IBIS Models

AD923712-Bit, 20/40/65 MSPS 3 V Low Power A/D Converter

AD9237 IBIS Models

AD923812-Bit, 20 MSPS/40 MSPS/65 MSPS, Dual A/D Converter

AD9238 IBIS Models

AD9239Quad, 12-Bit, 170 MSPS/210 MSPS/250 MSPS Serial Output 1.8 V ADC

AD9239 IBIS Models

AD924414-Bit 40/65 MSPS IF Sampling Analog-To-Digital Converter

AD9244 IBIS Models

AD924514-Bit, 20 MSPS/40 MSPS/65 MSPS/80 MSPS 3 V A/D Converter

AD9245 IBIS Models

AD924514-Bit, 20 MSPS/40 MSPS/65 MSPS/80 MSPS 3 V A/D Converter

AD9245 IBIS Models

AD924614-Bit, 80 MSPS/105 MSPS/125 MSPS, 1.8 V Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9246 IBIS Models

AD9246SAerospace 14-Bit, 125 MSPS, 1.8 V Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9246S IBIS Model

AD9248Dual 14-Bit, 20/40/65 MSPS, 3 V Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9248 IBIS Models

AD925014-Bit, 170 MSPS/250 MSPS, JESD204B, Dual Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9250 AMI Model

AD925114-Bit, 20 MSPS/40 MSPS/65 MSPS/80 MSPS, 1.8 V Dual Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9251 IBIS Models

AD9252Octal, 14-Bit, 50 MSPS, Serial LVDS, 1.8 V ADC

AD9252 IBIS Models

AD9253Quad, 14-Bit, 80 MSPS/105 MSPS/125 MSPS Serial LVDS 1.8 V Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9253 IBIS Model

AD925414-Bit, 150 MSPS, 1.8 V Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9254 IBIS Models

AD925514-Bit, 125 MSPS/105 MSPS/80 MSPS, 1.8 V Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9255 IBIS Models

AD9257Octal, 14-Bit, 40/65 MSPS Serial LVDS 1.8 V A/D Converter

AD9257 IBIS Model

AD925814-Bit, 125 MSPS, 1.8 V Dual Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)

AD9258 IBIS Models

AD9259Quad, 14-Bit, 50 MSPS Serial LVDS 1.8 V ADC

AD9259 IBIS Models

AD926216-Bit, 2.5 MHz/5 MHz/10 MHz, 30 MSPS to 160 MSPS Dual Continuous Time Sigma-Delta ADC

AD9262 IBIS Model

AD926516-Bit, 125 MSPS/105 MSPS/80 MSPS, 1.8 V Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9265 IBIS Models

AD926616-Bit, 20/40/65/80 MSPS, 1.8 V Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9266 IBIS Model

AD926816-Bit, 125 MSPS/105 MSPS/80 MSPS, 1.8 V Dual Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9268 IBIS Models

AD926916-Bit, 20 MSPS/40 MSPS/65 MSPS/80 MSPS, 1.8 V Dual Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9269 IBIS Model

AD9272Octal LNA/VGA/AAF/ADC and Crosspoint Switch

AD9272 IBIS Models

AD9273Octal LNA/VGA/AAF/ADC and Crosspoint Switch

AD9273 IBIS Models

AD9276Octal LNA/VGA/AAF/12-Bit ADC and CW I/Q Demodulator

AD9276 IBIS Models

AD9277Octal LNA/VGA/AAF/14-Bit ADC and CW I/Q Demodulator

AD9277 IBIS Models

AD92838-Bit, 50 MSPS/80 MSPS/100 MSPS ADC

AD9283 IBIS Models

AD92848-Bit, 250 MSPS, 1.8 V Dual Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)

AD9284 IBIS Model

AD9287Quad, 8-Bit, 100 MSPS Serial LVDS 1.8 V A/D Converter

AD9287 IBIS Models

AD92888-Bit, 40/80/100 MSPS Dual A/D Converter

AD9288 IBIS Models

AD9289Quad 8-Bit, 65 MSPS, Serial LVDS A/D Converter

AD9289 IBIS Models

AD941010-Bit, 210 MSPS ADC

AD9410 IBIS Models

AD941110-Bit, 170/200 MSPS 3.3 V A/D Converter

AD9411 IBIS Models

AD943012-Bit, 170/210 MSPS 3.3 V A/D Converter

AD9430 IBIS Models

AD943212-Bit, 105 MSPS Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9432 IBIS Model

AD943312-Bit 105/125 MSPS Analog-To-Digital IF Sampling Converter

AD9433 IBIS Models

AD943412-Bit, 370 MSPS/500 MSPS, 1.8 V Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9434/AD9484 IBIS Model

AD944414-Bit, 80 MSPS A/D Converter

AD9444 IBIS Models

AD944514-Bit, 105 MSPS / 125 MSPS A/D Converter

AD9445 IBIS Models

AD944616-Bit, 80 MSPS / 100 MSPS A/D Converter

AD9446 IBIS Models

AD946016-Bit, 80 MSPS/105 MSPS ADC

AD9460 IBIS Models

AD946116-Bit, 130 MSPS A/D Converter

AD9461 IBIS Models

AD946716-Bit, 200 MSPS/250 MSPS Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9467 IBIS Models

AD94808-Bit, 250 MSPS, 3.3 V A/D Converter

AD9480 IBIS Models

AD94818-Bit, 250 MSPS, 3.3 V A/D Converter

AD9481 IBIS Models

AD94848-Bit, 500 MSPS, 1.8 V Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9434/AD9484 IBIS Model

AD95081.65 GHz Clock Fanout Buffer with Output Dividers and Delay Adjust

AD9508 IBIS Model

AD95101.2 GHz Clock Distribution IC, PLL Core, Dividers, Delay Adjust, Eight Outputs

AD9510 IBIS Models

AD95111.2 GHz Clock Distribution IC, PLL Core, Dividers, Delay Adjust, Five Outputs

AD9511 IBIS Models

AD95121.2 GHz Clock Distribution IC, Two 1.6 GHz Inputs, Dividers, Delay Adjust, Five Outputs

AD9512 IBIS Models

AD9513800 MHz Clock Distribution IC, Dividers, Delay Adjust, Three Outputs

AD9513 IBIS Models

AD95141.6 GHz Clock Distribution IC, Dividers, Delay Adjust, Three Outputs

AD9514 IBIS Models

AD95151.6 GHz Clock Distribution IC, Dividers, Delay Adjust, Two Outputs

AD9515 IBIS Models

AD9516-014-Output Clock Generator with Integrated 2.8 GHz VCO

AD9516 IBIS Models

AD9516-114-Output Clock Generator with Integrated 2.5 GHz VCO

AD9516 IBIS Models

AD9516-214-Output Clock Generator with Integrated 2.2 GHz VCO

AD9516 IBIS Models

AD9516-314-Output Clock Generator with Integrated 2.0 GHz VCO

AD9516 IBIS Models

AD9516-414-Output Clock Generator with Integrated 1.6 GHz VCO

AD9516 IBIS Models

AD9516-514-Output Clock Generator

AD9516 IBIS Models

AD9517-012-Output Clock Generator with Integrated 2.8 GHz VCO

AD9517-x IBIS Models

AD9517-112-Output Clock Generator with Integrated 2.5 GHz VCO

AD9517-x IBIS Models

AD9517-212-Output Clock Generator with Integrated 2.2 GHz VCO

AD9517-x IBIS Models

AD9517-312-Output Clock Generator with Integrated 2.0 GHz VCO

AD9517-x IBIS Models

AD9517-412-Output Clock Generator with Integrated 1.6 GHz VCO

AD9517-x IBIS Models

AD9518-06-Output Clock Generator with Integrated 2.8 GHz VCO

AD9587-x IBIS Models

AD9518-16-Output Clock Generator with Integrated 2.5 GHz VCO

AD9587-x IBIS Models

AD9518-26-Output Clock Generator with Integrated 2.2 GHz VCO

AD9587-x IBIS Models

AD9518-36-Output Clock Generator with Integrated 2.0 GHz VCO

AD9587-x IBIS Models

AD9518-46-Output Clock Generator with Integrated 1.6 GHz VCO

AD9587-x IBIS Models

AD9520-012 LVPECL/24 CMOS Output Clock Generator with Integrated 2.8 GHz VCO

AD9520-x IBIS Models

AD9520-112 LVPECL/24 CMOS Output Clock Generator with Integrated 2.5 GHz VCO

AD9520-x IBIS Models

AD9520-212 LVPECL/24 CMOS Output Clock Generator with Integrated 2.2 GHz VCO

AD9520-x IBIS Models

AD9520-312 LVPECL/24 CMOS Output Clock Generator with Integrated 2 GHz VCO

AD9520-x IBIS Models

AD9520-412 LVPECL/24 CMOS Output Clock Generator with Integrated 1.6 GHz VCO

AD9520-x IBIS Models

AD9520-512 LVPECL/24 CMOS Output Clock Generator

AD9520-x IBIS Models

AD9522-012 LVDS/24 CMOS Output Clock Generator with Integrated 2.8 GHz VCO

AD9522-x IBIS Models

AD9522-112 LVDS/24 CMOS Output Clock Generator with Integrated 2.4 GHz VCO

AD9522-x IBIS Models

AD9522-212 LVDS/24 CMOS Output Clock Generator with Integrated 2.2 GHz VCO

AD9522-x IBIS Models

AD9522-312 LVDS/24 CMOS Output Clock Generator with Integrated 2 GHz VCO

AD9522-x IBIS Models

AD9522-412 LVDS/24 CMOS Output Clock Generator with Integrated 1.6 GHz VCO

AD9522-x IBIS Models

AD9522-512 LVDS/24 CMOS Output Clock Generator

AD9522-x IBIS Models

AD952314-Output, Low Jitter Clock generator

AD9523/AD9523-1 IBIS Model

AD9523-1Low Jitter Clock Generator with 14 LVPECL/LVDS/HSTL/29 LVCMOS Outputs

AD9523/AD9523-1 IBIS Model

AD95246 Output, Dual Loop Clock Generator

AD9524 IBIS Model

AD9525Low Jitter Clock Generator Eight LVPECL Outputs

AD9525 IBIS Models

AD9528JESD204B/JESD204C Clock Generator with 14 LVDS/HSTL Outputs

AD9528 IBIS Model

AD9542Dual DPLL, Quad Input, 10 Output, Multiservice Line Card Clock Translator and Jitter Cleaner

AD9542 IBIS Model

AD9543Quad Input, 10-Output, Dual DPLL/IEEE 1588 Synchronizer and Jitter Cleaner

AD9543 IBIS Model

AD9544Quad Input, 10-Output, Dual DPLL, 1 pps Synchronizer and Jitter Cleaner

AD9544 IBIS Model

AD9545Quad Input, 10-Output, Dual DPLL/IEEE 1588, 1 pps Synchronizer and Jitter Cleaner

AD9545 IBIS Model

AD9546Dual DPLL Digitized Clock Synchronizer

AD9546 IBIS Model

AD9547Dual/Quad Input Network Clock Generator/Synchronizer

AD9547 IBIS Models

AD9548Quad/Octal Input Network Clock Generator/Synchronizer

AD9548 IBIS Models

AD9549Dual Input Network Clock Generator/Synchronizer

AD9549 IBIS Models

AD9551Multiservice Clock Generator

AD9551 IBIS Models

AD9552Oscillator Frequency Up Converter

AD9552 IBIS Models

AD9554-1Quad PLL, Quad Input, Multiservice Line Card Adaptive Clock Translator

AD9554-1 IBIS Model

AD9557Dual-Input Multiservice Line Card Adaptive Clock Translator

AD9557 IBIS Model

AD9558Quad Input Multiservice Line Card Adaptive Clock Translator with Frame Sync

AD9558 IBIS Models

AD9559Dual PLL, Quad Input, Multiservice Line Card Adaptive Clock Translator

AD9559 IBIS Model

AD9571Ethernet Clock Generator, 10 Clock Outputs

AD9571/AD9572 IBIS Model

AD9572Fiber Channel/Ethernet Clock Generator IC, PLL Core, Dividers, 7 Clock Outputs

AD9571/AD9572 IBIS Model

AD9576Dual PLL, Asynchronous Clock Generator

AD9576 IBIS Model

AD960010-Bit, 105 MSPS/125 MSPS/150 MSPS, 1.8 V Dual Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9600 IBIS Models

AD960110-Bit, 200 MSPS/250 MSPS 1.8 V Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9601 IBIS Models

AD960810-Bit, 125/105 MSPS, 1.8 V Dual Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9608 IBIS Model

AD960910-Bit, 20 MSPS/40 MSPS/65 MSPS/80 MSPS, 1.8 V Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9609 IBIS Model

AD961312-bit, 170/210/250 MSPS, 1.8 V Dual Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)

AD9613 IBIS Model

AD962512-Bit, 2.6 GSPS/2.5 GSPS/2.0 GSPS, 1.3 V/2.5 V Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9625 AMI Model

AD962612-Bit, 170 MSPS/210 MSPS/250 MSPS, 1.8 V Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9626 IBIS Models

AD962712-Bit, 80 MSPS/105 MSPS/125 MSPS/150 MSPS, 1.8 V Dual Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9627 IBIS Models

AD9627-1111-Bit, 105 MSPS/150 MSPS, 1.8 V Dual Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9627-11 IBIS Models

AD962812-Bit, 125/105 MSPS, 1.8 V Dual Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9628 IBIS Model

AD962912-Bit, 20 MSPS/40 MSPS/65 MSPS/80 MSPS, 1.8 V Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9629 IBIS Models

AD9633Quad, 12-Bit, 80/105/125 MSPS, Serial LVDS 1.8 V ADC

AD9633 IBIS Model

AD963412-Bit, 170 MSPS/210 MSPS/250 MSPS, 1.8 V Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9634 IBIS Model

AD9635Dual, 12-Bit, 80 MSPS/125 MSPS Serial LVDS 1.8 V Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9635 IBIS Model

AD9637Octal, 12-Bit, 40/80 MSPS Serial LVDS 1.8 V A/D Converter

AD9637 IBIS Model

AD9639Quad 12-Bit, 170/210 MSPS, Serial Output 1.8 V A/D Converter

AD9639 IBIS Models

AD964014-Bit, 80/105/125/150 MSPS, 1.8 V Dual Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9640 IBIS Models

AD964214-Bit, 170 MSPS/210 MSPS/250 MSPS, 1.8 V Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)

AD9642 IBIS Model

AD964314-Bit, 170 MSPS/210 MSPS/250 MSPS, 1.8 V Dual Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)

AD9643 IBIS Model

AD964414-Bit, 80 MSPS/155 MSPS, 1.8V Dual, Serial Output A/D Converter

AD9644 IBIS Model

AD9645Dual, 14-Bit, 80 MSPS/125 MSPS Serial LVDS 1.8 V Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9645 IBIS Model

AD964814-Bit, 125 MSPS/105 MSPS, 1.8 V Dual Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9648 IBIS Model

AD964914-Bit, 20/40/65/80 MSPS, 1.8 V Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9649 IBIS Models

AD965016-Bit, 25 MSPS/65 MSPS/80 MSPS/105 MSPS, 1.8 V Dual Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)

AD9650 IBIS Model

AD9653Quad, 16-Bit, 125 MSPS Serial LVDS 1.8 V Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9653 IBIS Model

AD9655Dual, 16-Bit, 125 MSPS Serial LVDS, 1.8 V Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9655 IBIS Model

AD9656Quad, 16-Bit, 125 MSPS JESD204B 1.8 V Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9656 AMI Model

AD9671Octal Ultrasound AFE with Digital Demodulator, JESD204B

AD9671 AMI Model

AD968014-Bit, 1.25 GSPS/1 GSPS/820 MSPS/500 MSPS JESD204B, Dual Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9680 AMI Model

AD968014-Bit, 1.25 GSPS/1 GSPS/820 MSPS/500 MSPS JESD204B, Dual Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9680 / AD6674 IBIS Model

AD968314-Bit, 170 MSPS/250 MSPS, JESD204B, Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9683 IBIS Model

AD968914-Bit, 2.0 GSPS/2.6 GSPS, JESD204B, Dual Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9208/AD9689/AD9694/AD9695 AMI Model

AD968914-Bit, 2.0 GSPS/2.6 GSPS, JESD204B, Dual Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9689 IBIS Model

AD969014-Bit, 500 MSPS / 1 GSPS JESD204B, Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9690 AMI Model, Rev. 1.2

AD969014-Bit, 500 MSPS / 1 GSPS JESD204B, Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9690 IBIS Model

AD9694Quad 14-Bit, 500 MSPS, 1.2 V/2.5 V Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9208/AD9689/AD9694/AD9695 AMI Model

AD9694Quad 14-Bit, 500 MSPS, 1.2 V/2.5 V Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9694 IBIS Model

AD969514-Bit, 1300 MSPS/625 MSPS, JESD204B, Dual Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9208/AD9689/AD9694/AD9695 AMI Model

AD969514-Bit, 1300 MSPS/625 MSPS, JESD204B, Dual Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9695 IBIS Model

AD969914-Bit, 3 GSPS, JESD204B, Single Analog-to-Digital Converter

AD9208 IBIS Model

AD97048-Bit, 175 MSPS TxDAC Digital-to-Analog Converter

AD9704 IBIS Model

AD970510-Bit, 175 MSPS TxDAC Digital-to-Analog Converter

AD9705 IBIS Model

AD970612-Bit, 175 MSPS TxDAC Digital-to-Analog Converter

AD9706 IBIS Model

AD970714-Bit, 175 MSPS TxDAC Digital-to-Analog Converter

AD9707 IBIS Model

AD97088-Bit, 100 MSPS+ TxDAC® D/A Converter

AD9708 IBIS Models

AD97098-Bit, 125 MSPS Dual TxDAC+ Digital-to-Analog Converter

AD9709 IBIS Models

AD9714Dual, 8-Bit Low Power Digital-to-Analog Converters

AD9714 IBIS Model

AD9715Dual, 10-Bit Low Power Digital-to-Analog Converters

AD9715 IBIS Model

AD9716Dual, 12-Bit Low Power Digital-to-Analog Converters

AD9716 IBIS Model

AD9717Dual, 14-Bit Low Power Digital-to-Analog Converters

AD9717 IBIS Model

AD973614-Bit, 1200 MSPS DACs

AD9736 IBIS Model

AD973914-Bit, 2.5 GSPS, RF Digital-to-Analog Converter

AD9739 IBIS Models

AD974010-Bit, 210 MSPS TxDAC® D/A Converter

AD9740 IBIS Models

AD9741Dual 8-Bit 250 MSPS Digital-to-Analog Converters

AD9741 IBIS Model

AD974212-Bit, 210 MSPS TxDAC® D/A Converter

AD9742 IBIS Models

AD9743Dual 10-Bit 250 MSPS Digital-to-Analog Converters

AD9743 IBIS Model

AD974414-Bit, 210 MSPS TxDAC® D/A Converter

AD9744 IBIS Models

AD9745Dual 12-Bit 250 MSPS Digital-to-Analog Converters

AD9745 IBIS Model

AD9746Dual 14-Bit 250 MSPS Digital-to-Analog Converters

AD9746 IBIS Model

AD9747Dual 16-Bit 250 MSPS Digital-to-Analog Converters

AD9747 IBIS Model

AD97488-Bit, 210 MSPS TxDAC® D/A Converter

AD9748 IBIS Model

AD975010-Bit, 100 MSPS+ TxDAC® D/A Converter

AD9750 IBIS Models

AD975110-Bit, 300 MSPS High Speed TxDAC+® D/A Converter

AD9751 IBIS Models

AD975212-Bit, 100 MSPS+ TxDAC® D/A Converter

AD9752 IBIS Models

AD975312-Bit, 300 MSPS High Speed TxDAC+® D/A Converter

AD9753 IBIS Model

AD975414-Bit, 100 MSPS+ TxDAC® D/A Converter

AD9754 IBIS Models

AD975514-Bit, 300 MSPS High Speed TxDAC+® D/A Converter

AD9755 IBIS Models

AD976010-Bit, 100 MSPS+ TxDAC® D/A Converter

AD9760 IBIS Models

AD976110-Bit, Complete, 40 MSPS, dual Transmit D/A Converter

AD9761 IBIS Models

AD976212-Bit, 100 MSPS+ TxDAC® D/A Converter

AD9762 IBIS Models

AD976310-Bit, 125 MSPS Dual TxDAC+® Digital-to-Analog Converter

AD9767/9765/9763 IBIS Model

AD976310-Bit, 125 MSPS Dual TxDAC+® Digital-to-Analog Converter

AD9763 IBIS Models

AD976414-Bit, 100 MSPS+ TxDAC® D/A Converter

AD9764 IBIS Models

AD976512-Bit, 125 MSPS Dual TxDAC+® Digital-to-Analog Converter

AD9767/9765/9763 IBIS Model

AD976512-Bit, 125 MSPS Dual TxDAC+® Digital-to-Analog Converter

AD9765 IBIS Models

AD976714-Bit, 125 MSPS Dual TxDAC+® Digital-to-Analog Converter

AD9767/9765/9763 IBIS Model

AD976714-Bit, 125 MSPS Dual TxDAC+® Digital-to-Analog Converter

AD9767 IBIS Models

AD9772A14-Bit, 160 MSPS TxDAC+® with 2x Interpolation Filter

AD9772A IBIS Models

AD977312-Bit, 160 MSPS, 2×/4×/8× Interpolating Dual TxDAC® D/A Converter

AD9773 IBIS Models

AD977514-Bit, 160 MSPS, 2×/4×/8× Interpolating Dual TxDAC+® D/A Converter

AD9775 IBIS Models

AD9776Dual 12-Bit, 1 GSPS, Digital-to-Analog Converter

AD9776 IBIS Models

AD9778Dual 14-Bit, 1 GSPS, Digital-to-Analog Converter

AD9778 IBIS Models

AD9779Dual 16-Bit, 1 GSPS, Digital-to-Analog Converter

AD9779 IBIS Models

AD9779ADual, 16-Bit, 1 GSPS, Digital-to-Analog Converter

AD9779A IBIS Models

AD9780Dual 12-Bit, LVDS Interface 500 MSPS DAC

AD9780 IBIS Model

AD9781Dual 14-Bit, LVDS Interface 500 MSPS DAC

AD9781 IBIS Model

AD9783Dual 16-Bit, LVDS Interface 500 MSPS DAC

AD9783 IBIS Model

AD9785Dual 12-Bit 800 MSPS DAC with Low Power 32-Bit Complex NCO

AD9785 IBIS Model

AD978616-Bit, 500 MSPS TxDAC+® D/A Converter

AD9786 IBIS Models

AD9787Dual 14-Bit 800 MSPS DAC with Low Power 32-Bit Complex NCO

AD9787 IBIS Model

AD9788Dual 16-Bit 800 MSPS DAC with Low Power 32-Bit Complex NCO

AD9788 IBIS Model

AD978914-Bit, 2400 MSPS RF DAC with 4-Channel Signal Processing

AD9789 IBIS Model

AD9833Low Power, 12.65 mW, 2.3 V to 5.5 V, Programmable Waveform Generator

AD9833 IBIS Model

AD9850CMOS, 125 MHz Complete DDS Synthesizer

AD9850 IBIS Models

AD9852CMOS 300 MSPS Complete DDS

AD9852 IBIS Models

AD9857CMOS 200 MSPS 14-Bit Quadrature Digital Upconverter

AD9857 IBIS Models

AD98581 GSPS Direct Digital Synthesizer

AD9858 IBIS Model

AD9861Mixed-Signal Front-End (MxFE™) Baseband Transceiver for Broadband Applications

AD9861 IBIS Models

AD9863Mixed-Signal Front-End (MxFE™) Baseband Transceiver for Broadband Applications

AD9863 IBIS Models

AD9864IF Digitizing Subsystem

AD9864 IBIS Models

AD9887Analog and DVI Compatible Digital Interfaces Integrated on a Single Chip

AD9887 IBIS Model

AD9887ADual Interface for Flat Panel Display

AD9887A IBIS Models

AD9888100 MSPS/140 MSPS/170 MSPS Analog Flat Panel Interface

AD9888 IBIS Models

AD99101 GSPS, 14-Bit, 3.3 V CMOS Direct Digital Synthesizer

AD9910 IBIS Model

AD99121 GSPS Direct Digital Synthesizer with 14-Bit DAC

AD9912 IBIS Models

AD9913Low Power 250 MSPS 10-Bit DAC 1.8 V CMOS Direct Digital Synthesizer

AD9913 IBIS Model

AD99143.5 GSPS Direct Digital Synthesizer with 12-bit DAC

AD9914 IBIS Model

AD99152.5 GSPS Direct Digital Synthesizer with 12-bit DAC

AD9915 IBIS Model

AD9954400 MSPS, 14-Bit, 1.8 V CMOS, Direct Digital Synthesizer

AD9954 IBIS Models

AD99562.7 GHz DDS-Based AgileRF™ Synthesizer

AD9956 IBIS Models

AD99571 GSPS Quadrature Digital Upconverter with 18-Bit I/Q Data Path and 14-Bit DAC

AD9957 IBIS Model

AD99594 Channel 500 MSPS DDS with 10-bit DACs

AD9959 IBIS Models

AD996310-/12-Bit, Low Power, Broadband MxFE

AD9963 IBIS Model

AD99864T2R Direct RF Transmitter and Observation Receiver

AD9081/AD9082/AD9986/AD9988 AMI Model

AD99864T2R Direct RF Transmitter and Observation Receiver

AD9081/AD9082/AD9986/AD9988 IBIS Model

AD99884T4R Direct RF Receiver and Transmitter

AD9081/AD9082/AD9986/AD9988 AMI Model

AD99884T4R Direct RF Receiver and Transmitter

AD9081/AD9082/AD9986/AD9988 IBIS Model

AD9993Integrated Mixed Signal Front End MxFE

AD9993 IBIS Model

ADA4254Zero Drift, High Voltage, Low Power, Programmable Gain Instrumentation Amplifier

ADA4254: IBIS Model

ADA4255Zero Drift, High Voltage, Programmable Gain Instrumentation Amplifier with Charge Pump

ADA4255 IBIS Model

ADAQ2387516-Bit, 15 MSPS, μModule Data Acquisition Solution

ADAQ23875 - IBIS Model

ADAQ2387616-Bit, 15 MSPS, μModule Data Acquisition Solution

ADAQ23876 - IBIS Model

ADAQ2387818-Bit, 15 MSPS, μModule Data Acquisition Solution

ADAQ23878 - IBIS Model

ADAQ400116-Bit, 2 MSPS, μModule Data Acquisition Solution

ADAQ4003: IBIS Model

ADAQ400318-Bit, 2 MSPS, μModule Data Acquisition Solution

ADAQ4003: IBIS Model

ADAQ422424-Bit, 2 MSPS, μModule Data Acquisition Solution

ADAQ4224 IBIS Model

ADAQ4380-4Quad, 16-bit, 4 MSPS, Simultaneous Sampling, μModule Data Acquisition Solution

ADAQ4380-4 IBIS Model

ADAQ7767-1Flexible Resistive Input, Anti-Alias, 24-Bit, 1 MSPS, μModule DAQ Solution

ADAQ7767-1 IBIS Model

ADAQ7768-124-Bit Single Channel Precision μModule Data Acquisition System

ADAQ7768-1 - IBIS Model

ADAQ798016-Bit, 1 MSPS, Integrated Data Acquisition Subsystem

ADAQ7980/ADAQ7988 IBIS Model

ADAQ798816-bit, 500 kSPS, Integrated Data Acquisition System

ADAQ7980/ADAQ7988 IBIS Model

ADAR10008 GHz to 16 GHz, 4-Channel, X Band and Ku Band Beamformer

ADAR1000 IBIS Model

ADAR200110 GHz to 40 GHz, 1:4 Channel, 4× Frequency Multiplier/Filter

ADAR2001 IBIS Model

ADAR200410 GHz to 40 GHz, 4-Channel Rx Mixer with 4× LO Multiplier/Filter

ADAR2004 IBIS Model

ADAS302216-Bit, 1 MSPS, 8 Channel Data Acquisition System

ADAS3022/ADAS3023 IBIS Model

ADAS302316-Bit, 8-Channel Simultaneous Sampling Data Acquisition System

ADAS3022/ADAS3023 IBIS Model

ADATE318600 MHz Dual Integrated DCL with PPMU, VHH Drive Capability, Level Setting DACs, and On-Chip Calibration Engine


ADATE3201.25 GHz Dual Integrated DCL with PPMU, Level Setting DACs, and On-Chip Calibration Registers


ADAU13282 ADC/8 DAC with PLL, 192 kHz, 24-Bit Codec

AD1938 IBIS Model

ADAU1361Stereo, Low Power, 96 kHz, 24-Bit Audio Codec with Integrated PLL

ADAU1361/ADAU1761 IBIS Models

ADAU1372Quad ADC, Dual DAC, Low Latency, Low Power Codec

ADAU1372 IBIS Model

ADAU1442SigmaDSP® Digital Audio Processor with Flexible Audio Routing Matrix

ADAU144x IBIS Models

ADAU1445SigmaDSP® Digital Audio Processor with Flexible Audio Routing Matrix

ADAU144x IBIS Models

ADAU1446SigmaDSP® Digital Audio Processor with Flexible Audio Routing Matrix

ADAU144x IBIS Models

ADAU1450SigmaDSP Digital Audio Processor

ADAU1450 IBIS Model

ADAU1451SigmaDSP Digital Audio Processor

ADAU1451 IBIS Model

ADAU1452SigmaDSP Digital Audio Processor

ADAU1452 IBIS Model

ADAU1461SigmaDSP Stereo, Automotive Low Power, 96 kHz, 24-Bit Audio Codec with Integrated PLL

ADAU1361/ADAU1761 IBIS Models

ADAU1462SigmaDSP Compact Digital Audio Processor

ADAU1462 IBIS Model

ADAU1463Sigma DSP, Digital Audio Processor with Increased I2S Flexibility

ADAU1463 IBIS Model

ADAU1466SigmaDSP Compact Digital Audio Processor with Extended Internal Memory

ADAU1466 IBIS Model

ADAU1467Sigma DSP, Digital Audio Processor with Extended Internal Memory and I/O Functionality

ADAU1467 IBIS Model

ADAU1761SigmaDSP Stereo, Low Power, 96 kHz, 24-Bit Audio Codec with Integrated PLL

ADAU1361/ADAU1761 IBIS Models

ADAU17724 ADC, 2 DAC Low-Power Codec with Audio Processor

ADAU1772 IBIS Model

ADAU1961Automotive Stereo, Low Power, 96 kHz, 24-Bit Audio Codec with Integrated PLL

ADAU1361/ADAU1761 IBIS Models

ADAU196212-Channel High Performance Differential Output, 192 kHz, 24-Bit DAC

ADAU1962 IBIS Model

ADAU1962A12-Channel High Performance 192 kHz, 24-Bit DAC

ADAU1962A IBIS Model

ADAU196616-Channel 118 dB SNR Differential Output, 192 kHz, 24-Bit DAC

ADAU1966 IBIS Model

ADAU1966A16-Channel, High Performance, 192 kHz, 24-Bit DAC

ADAU1966A IBIS Model

ADAU1977Quad ADC with Diagnostics (10V Input)

ADAU1977 IBIS Model

ADAU7002Stereo PDM-to-I2S or TDM Conversion IC

ADAU7002 IBIS Model

ADCLK8461.8 V, 6 LVDS/12 CMOS Outputs Low Power Clock Fanout Buffer


ADCLK8541.8 V, 12-LVDS/24-CMOS Output, Low Power Clock Fanout Buffer

ADCLK854 IBIS Models

ADCLK905Ultrafast SiGe ECL Clock/Data Buffers


ADCLK907Ultrafast SiGe ECL Clock/Data Buffers


ADCLK914Ultrafast, SiGe, Open-Collector HVDS Clock/Data Buffer


ADCLK925Ultrafast SiGe ECL Clock/Data Buffers


ADCLK9442.5 V/3.3 V, Four LVPECL Outputs, SiGe Clock Fanout Buffer


ADCLK946Six LVPECL Outputs, SiGe Clock Fanout Buffer


ADCLK948Two Selectable Inputs, 8 LVPECL Outputs SiGe Clock Fanout Buffer


ADCLK950Two Selectable Inputs, 10 LVPECL Outputs, SiGe Clock Fanout Buffer

ADCLK950 IBIS Models

ADCLK954Two Selectable Inputs, 12 LVPECL Outputs, SiGe Clock Fanout Buffer


ADCMP582Ultrafast SiGe Voltage Comparator (Featuring Reduced Swing PECL Output Drivers)


ADE1201Single Channel, Configurable, Isolated Digital Input

ADE1201 IBIS Model

ADE1202Dual Channel, Configurable, Isolated Digital Input

ADE1202 IBIS Model

ADE9000High Performance, Multiphase Energy, and Power Quality Measurement IC

ADE9000 IBIS Model

ADE9078High Performance Polyphase Energy Measurement IC

ADE9078 IBIS Model

ADE9153AEnergy Metering IC with Autocalibration

ADE9153A IBIS Model

ADF41066 GHz integer-N PLL


ADF41066 GHz integer-N PLL


ADF4116Single, Integer-N 550 MHz PLL

ADF4116 IBIS Model

ADF4150Fractional-N/Integer-N PLL Synthesizer

ADF4150 IBIS Model

ADF4151010 GHz, Integer-N/Fractional-N PLL Synthesizer

ADF41510 IBIS Model

ADF4158Direct Modulation/Waveform Generating, 6.1 GHz Fractional-N Frequency Synthesizer

ADF4158 IBIS Model

ADF4159Direct Modulation/Fast Waveform Generating, 13 GHz, Fractional-N Frequency Synthesizer

ADF4159 IBIS Model

ADF4350Wideband Synthesizer with Integrated VCO

ADF4350 IBIS Model

ADF4351Wideband Synthesizer with Integrated VCO

ADF4350 IBIS Model

ADF4360-7Integrated Synthesizer and VCO

ADF4360-7 IBIS Model

ADF4368Microwave Wideband Synthesizer with Integrated VCO

ADF4368 IBIS Model

ADF4371Microwave Wideband Synthesizer with Integrated VCO

ADF4371 IBIS Model

ADF4372Microwave Wideband Synthesizer with Integrated VCO

ADF4372 IBIS Model

ADF4377Microwave Wideband Synthesizer with Integrated VCO

ADF4377 - IBIS Model

ADF4378Microwave Wideband Synthesizer with Integrated VCO and Deterministic General-Purpose Pulse Retimer

ADF4378 IBIS Model

ADF4382Microwave Wideband Synthesizer with Integrated VCO

ADF4382A IBIS Model

ADF4382A2.87GHz to 21GHz Fractional-N PLL/VCO for High Performance Converter Clocking Applications

ADF4382A IBIS Model

ADF4383 Microwave Wideband Synthesizer with Integrated VCO

ADF4383 IBIS Model

ADF5610Microwave Wideband Synthesizer with Integrated VCO

ADF5610 IBIS Model

ADG1206LLow Capacitance, 16-Channel iCMOS Multiplexer with 1.2 V and 1.8 V JEDEC Logic Compliance

ADG1206L - IBIS Model

ADG1207LLow Capacitance, 8-Channel iCMOS Multiplexer with 1.2 V and 1.8 V JEDEC Logic Compliance

ADG1207L - IBIS Model

ADG14011 Ω On Resistance, ±15 V/+12 V/±5 V, iCMOS SPST Switches

ADG1401 IBIS Model

ADG14021 Ω On Resistance, ±15 V/+12 V/±5 V, iCMOS SPST Switches

ADG1402 IBIS Model

ADG1408L4 Ω RON, 8-Channel iCMOS Multiplexers with 1.2 V and 1.8 V JEDEC Logic Compliance

ADG1408L - IBIS Model

ADG1412L1.5 Ω RON, Quad SPST Switch with 1.2 V and 1.8 V JEDEC Logic Compliance

ADG1412L - IBIS Model

ADG14149.5 Ω RON ±15 V/+12 V/±5 V iCMOS Serially-Controlled Octal SPST Switches

ADG1414 IBIS Model

ADG14192.1 Ω On Resistance, ±15 V/+12 V/±5 V, iCMOS SPDT Switch

ADG1419 IBIS Model

ADG14212.1 Ω Maximum On Resistance, ±15 V/+12/±5 V iCMOS Dual SPST Switches

ADG1421 IBIS Model

ADG14222.1 Ω Maximum On Resistance, ±15 V/+12/±5 V iCMOS Dual SPST Switches

ADG1422 IBIS Model

ADG14232.1 Ω Maximum On Resistance, ±15 V/+12/±5 V iCMOS Dual SPST Switches

ADG1423 IBIS Model

ADG1438±15 V/+12 V/±5 V, Single 8 to 1 Multiplexer, Serially Controlled Matrix Switch

ADG1438 IBIS Model

ADG15193.8 Ω On-Resistance, SPDT Switch

ADG1519 - IBIS Model

ADG15344.5 Ω RON, 1.8 V Logic-Compatible Quad SPDT Switch

ADG1534 - IBIS Model

ADG16084.5 Ω RON, 8-Channel ±5 V,+12 V, +5 V, and +3.3 V Multiplexer

ADG1608 IBIS Model

ADG16094.5 Ω RON, 4-Channel ±5 V,+12 V, +5 V, and +3.3 V Multiplexer

ADG1609 IBIS Model

ADG1634L4.7 Ω RON, Quad SPDT Switch with 1.2 V and 1.8 V JEDEC Logic Compliance

ADG1634L IBIS Model

ADG2128I2C CMOS 8 X 12 Analog Switch Array with Dual/Single Supplies

ADG2128 IBIS Model

ADG2188I2C® CMOS 8 × 8 Unbuffered Analog Switch Array with Dual/Single Supplies

ADG2188 IBIS Model

ADG24120.5 Ω RON, ±15 V, +12 V, ±5 V, +5 V/–12 V, Quad SPST Switch

ADG2412 - IBIS Model

ADG24360.5 Ω RON, ±15 V, +12 V, ±5 V, and +5 V/−12 V, Dual SPDT Switch

ADG2436 IBIS Model

ADG3233Low Voltage 1.65 V to 3.6 V, (Up/Down) Logic Level Translation, Bypass Switch

ADG3233 IBIS Model

ADG32422.5 V/3.3 V, 2-Bit, Common Control Level Translator Bus Switch

ADG3242 IBIS Model

ADG32452.5 V/3.3 V, 8 Bit, 2 Port Level Translator, Bus Switch

ADG3245 IBIS Models

ADG32462.5 V/3.3 V, 10 Bit, 2 Port Level Translator, Bus Switch

ADG3246 IBIS Model

ADG32472.5 V/3.3 V, 16-Bit, 2-Port Level Translating, Bus Switch

ADG3247 IBIS Model

ADG3257High Speed, 3.3 V/5 V Quad 2:1 Mux/Demux (4-Bit, 1 of 2) Bus Switch

ADG3257 IBIS Model

ADG3300Low Voltage 1.15 V to 5.5 V, 8-Channel Bidirectional Logic Level Translator

ADG3300 IBIS Model

ADG3304Low Voltage 1.15 V to 5.5 V, 4 Channel, Bidirectional, Logic Level Translator

ADG3304 IBIS Model

ADG3308Low Voltage, 1.15 V to 5.5 V, 8-Channel Bidirectional Logic Level Translator

ADG3308 IBIS Model

ADG406LC2MOS ± 15V 16 Channel High Performance Analog Multiplexer

ADG406 IBIS Model

ADG5204High Voltage, Latch-up Proof, 4-Channel Multiplexer

ADG5204 IBIS Models

ADG5206High Voltage, Latch-Up Proof, 16-Channel Multiplexer

ADG5206 IBIS Models

ADG5208High Voltage Latch-Up Proof, 4-/8-Channel Multiplexers

ADG5208 IBIS Models

ADG5208FFault Protection, −0.4 pC QINJ, 8:1/Dual 4:1 Multiplexers


ADG5209FFault Protection, −0.4 pC QINJ, 8:1/Dual 4:1 Multiplexers


ADG5233High Voltage Latch-Up Proof, Triple SPDT Switches


ADG5233High Voltage Latch-Up Proof, Triple SPDT Switches


ADG5234High Voltage Latch-Up Proof, Quad SPDT Switches


ADG5234High Voltage Latch-Up Proof, Quad SPDT Switches


ADG5243FUser Defined Fault Protection and Detection, 0.8 pC QINJ, Triple SPDT

ADG5243F IBIS Model

ADG5248FUser Defined Fault Protection and Detection, 0.8 pC QINJ, 8:1 Multiplexer

ADG5248F IBIS Model

ADG5249FUser Defined Fault Protection and Detection, 0.8 pC QINJ, Dual 4:1 Multiplexers

ADG5249F IBIS Model

ADG5298High Temperature (up to 210°C), High Voltage, Latch-Up Proof, 8-Channel Multiplexer

ADG5298 IBIS Model

ADG5401FFault Protection, 6 Ω RON, SPST Switch with 0.6 kΩ Feedback Channel

ADG5401F IBIS Model

ADG5412FFault Protection and Detection, 10 Ω RON, Quad SPST Switches

ADG5412F IBIS Model

ADG5421F±60 V Fault Protection and Detection, 11 Ω RON, Dual SPST Switch

ADG5421F: IBIS Model

ADG64120.5 Ω RON, ±20 V, +36 V, Quad SPST Switch

ADG6412 - IBIS Model

ADG64360.5 Ω RON, ±20 V, +36 V, Dual SPDT Switch

ADG6436 IBIS Model

ADG726Differential 16-Channel, 4 Ω 1.8 V to 5.5 V, ±2.5 V, Analog Multiplexer

ADG726 IBIS Model

ADG73132-Channel, Serially Controlled 3.5 Ω 1.8 V to 5.5 V, ±2.5 V, Analog Multiplexer

ADG731 IBIS Model

ADG73232-Channel, 4 Ω 1.8 V to 5.5 V, ±2.5 V, Analog Multiplexer

ADG732 IBIS Model

ADG7421FLow Voltage Fault Protection and Detection, 12 Ω RON, Dual SPST Switch

ADG7421F - IBIS Model

ADG772CMOS Low Power Dual 2:1 Mux/Demux USB 2.0 (480 Mbps)/USB 1.1 (12 Mbps)

ADG772 IBIS Model

ADG774ALow Voltage 400 MHz Quad 2:1 MUX with 3 ns Switching Time

ADG774A IBIS Model

ADGM11210 Hz/DC to 18 GHz, DPDT, MEMS Switch

ADGM1121 - IBIS Model

ADGM13040 Hz/dc to 14 GHz, Single-Pole, Four-Throw MEMS Switch with Integrated Driver

ADGM1304 IBIS Model

ADGS1208SPI-Interface, Low CON & QINJ, ±15V/+12V, 1.8V Logic Control, 8:1 Mux

ADGS1208 IBIS Model

ADGS1209SPI-Interface, Low CON & QINJ, ±15V/+12V, 1.8V Logic Control, Dual 4:1 Muxes

ADGS1209 IBIS Model

ADGS1212SPI Interface, Quad SPST Switch, Low QINJ, Low CON, ±15 V/+12 V, Mux Configurable

ADGS1212 IBIS Model

ADGS1408SPI Interface, 4 Ω RON, ±15 V/+12 V/±5 V, 1.8 V Logic Control, 8:1 Muxes

ADGS1408 IBIS Model

ADGS1409SPI Interface, 4 Ω RON, ±15 V/+12 V/±5 V, 1.8 V Logic Control, Dual 4:1 Muxes

ADGS1409 IBIS Model

ADGS1412SPI Interface, 1.5 Ω RON, ±15 V/+12 V, Quad SPST Switch, Mux Configurable

ADGS1412 IBIS Model

ADGS1414DSPI, 1.5 Ω RON, ±15 V/±5 V/+12 V, High Density Octal SPST Switch

ADGS1414D IBIS Model

ADGS1612SPI Interface, 1 Ω RON, ±5 V, 12 V, 5 V, 3.3 V, Mux Configurable, Quad SPST Switch

ADGS1612 IBIS Model

ADGS2414D0.56 Ω On Resistance High Density Octal SPST Switch

ADGS2414D IBIS Model

ADGS5412SPI Interface, 4× SPST Switches, 9.8 Ω RON, ±20 V/+36 V, Mux Configurable

ADGS5412 IBIS model

ADGS5414SPI Interface, Octal SPST Switches, 13.5 Ω RON, ±20 V/+36 V, Mux

ADGS5414 IBIS Model

ADIN1100Robust, Industrial, Low Power 10BASE-T1L Ethernet PHY

ADIN1100 IBIS Model

ADIN1110Robust, Industrial, Low Power 10BASE-T1L Ethernet MAC-PHY

ADIN1110 IBIS Model

ADIN1200Robust, Industrial, Low Power, 10 Mbps and 100 Mbps Ethernet PHY

ADIN1200 IBIS Model

ADIN1300Robust, Industrial, Low Latency and Low Power 10 Mbps, 100 Mbps, and 1 Gbps Ethernet PHY

ADIN1300 IBIS Model

ADIN2111Low Complexity, 2-Port Ethernet Switch with Integrated 10BASE-T1L PHYs

ADIN2111 IBIS Model

ADIN3310Industrial Ethernet Time Sensitive Networking Switch


ADIN3310Industrial Ethernet Time Sensitive Networking Switch

ADIN6310 IBIS Model

ADIN6310 Industrial Ethernet Time Sensitive Networking Switch


ADIN6310 Industrial Ethernet Time Sensitive Networking Switch

ADIN6310 IBIS Model

ADL5205Dual, 35 dB Range, 1 dB Step Size DGA

ADL5205 IBIS Model

ADL52061.0 GHz DGA with 30 dB Range and 1 dB Step Size

ADL5206 IBIS Model

ADL6316500 MHz to 1000 MHz Transmit VGA for Use with RF DACs and Transceivers

ADL6316/ADL6317 IBIS Model

ADL6317Transmit VGA for Use with RF DACs and Transceivers

ADL6316/ADL6317 IBIS Model

ADL633735 dB Gain, 500 MHz to 5200 MHz Transmit VGA

ADL6337 IBIS Model

ADM101ECraft Port™ Tiny RS-232 Transceiver to Portable Applications

ADM101E IBIS Model

ADM14855 V, High Speed (30 Mbps), Low Power, Half Duplex EIA RS-485 Transceiver

ADM1485 IBIS Model

ADM14865 V, High Speed (30 Mbps), Low Power, Half Duplex RS-485 PROFIBUS Transceiver

ADM1486 IBIS Model

ADM202High Speed, 5 V, 0.1 µF CMOS RS-232 Driver/Receiver

ADM202/ADM202E IBIS Model

ADM202EEMI/EMC Compliant, ±15 kV ESD Protected, RS-232 Line Drivers/Receivers

ADM202/ADM202E IBIS Model

ADM2461E500 kbps, 5.7 kV RMS, Signal Isolated Half Duplex RS-485 Transceiver with ±15 kV IEC ESD

ADM2461E- Ibis Model

ADM2463E500 kbps, 5.7 kV RMS, Signal Isolated Full Duplex RS-485 Transceiver with ±15 kV IEC ESD

ADM2463E IBIS Model

ADM2483Half-Duplex, iCoupler Isolated RS-485 Transceiver

ADM2483 IBIS Model

ADM24862.5 kV Signal Isolated, High Speed (20 Mbps), Half Duplex RS-485 Transceiver

ADM2486 IBIS Model

ADM2561E3 kV RMS Signal and Power Isolated RS-485 Transceiver with ±15 kV IEC ESD

ADM2561E IBIS Model

ADM2563E3 kV RMS Signal and Power Isolated RS-485 Transceiver with ±15 kV IEC ESD

ADM2563E IBIS Model

ADM2565E3 kV RMS Signal and Power Isolated RS-485 Transceiver with ±15 kV IEC ESD

ADM2565E IBIS Model

ADM2567E3 kV RMS Signal and Power Isolated RS-485 Transceiver with ±15 kV IEC ESD

ADM2567E IBIS Model

ADM2582E2.5 kV Signal and Power Isolated, ±15 kV ESD Protected, Full/Half Duplex RS-485 Transceiver (16Mbps)

ADM2582E IBIS Model

ADM2587E2.5 kV Signal and Power Isolated, ±15 kV ESD Protected, Full/Half Duplex RS-485 Transceiver (500kbps)

ADM2587E IBIS Model

ADM2682E16Mbps, 5 kV rms Signal & Power Isolated RS-485 Transceiver with ±15 kV ESD Protection

ADM2682E IBIS Model

ADM2687E500 kbps, 5 kV rms Signal & Power Isolated RS-485 Transceiver with ±15 kV ESD Protection

ADM2687E IBIS Model

ADM2761E5.7 kV RMS Isolated, High Working Voltage, RS-485 Transceiver with ±15 kV IEC ESD

ADM2761E IBIS Model

ADM2763E5.7 kV RMS Isolated, High Working Voltage, RS-485 Transceiver with ±15 kV IEC ESD

ADM2763E IBIS Model

ADM2795ERobust 5 kV RMS Isolated RS-485/RS-422 Transceiver with Level 4 EMC and Full ±42 V Protection

ADM2795E IBIS Model

ADM2861E5.7 kV RMS 500kbps Half Duplex Signal and Power Isolated RS-485 Transceiver with ±15 kV IEC ESD

ADM2861E IBIS Model

ADM2863E5.7 kV RMS 500kbps Full Duplex Signal and Power Isolated RS-485 Transceiver with ±15 kV IEC ESD

ADM2863E IBIS Model

ADM2865E5.7 kV RMS Signal and Power Isolated RS-485 Transceiver with ±15 kV IEC ESD

ADM2865E IBIS Model

ADM2867E5.7 kV RMS Signal and Power Isolated RS-485 Transceiver with ±15 kV IEC ESD

ADM2867E IBIS Model

ADM3050E5.7 kV rms, Signal Isolated, Basic CAN FD Transceiver

ADM3050E IBIS Models

ADM3051High Speed Industrial CAN Transceiver with Bus Protection for 24 V Systems

ADM3051 IBIS Model

ADM3052Isolated CAN Transceiver with Integrated High Voltage, Bus-Side, Linear Regulator

ADM3052 IBIS Model

ADM3053Signal and Power Isolated CAN Transceiver with Integrated Isolated DC-to-DC Converter

ADM3053 IBIS Model

ADM30545 kV rms Signal Isolated High Speed CAN Transceiver with Bus Protection

ADM3054 IBIS Model

ADM3055E5 kV rms, Signal and Power Isolated, CAN Transceiver for CAN FD

ADM3055E IBIS Model

ADM3056E5.7 kV rms, 849 VPEAK Working Voltage, Signal Isolated CAN-FD Transceiver

ADM3056E IBIS Model

ADM3057E3 kV rms, Signal and Power Isolated, CAN Transceiver for CAN FD

ADM3057E IBIS Model

ADM3058E5.7 kV rms, Signal Isolated, High Working Voltage, CAN FD Transceiver with ±15kV IEC ESD

ADM3058E IBIS Model

ADM3061E3.0 V to 5.5 V, ±12 kV IEC ESD Protected, Half Duplex 500 kbps RS-485 Transceiver

ADM3061E IBIS Models

ADM3062E3.0 V to 5.5 V with VIO, ±12 kV IEC ESD Protected, Half Duplex 500 kbps RS-485 Transceiver

ADM3062E IBIS Models

ADM3063E3.0 V to 5.5 V, ±12 kV IEC ESD Protected, Full Duplex 500 kbps RS-485 Transceiver

ADM3063E IBIS Model

ADM3065E3.0 V to 5.5 V, ±12 kV IEC ESD Protected, Half Duplex 50 Mbps RS-485 Transceiver

ADM3065E IBIS Models

ADM3066E3.0 V to 5.5 V with VIO, ±12 kV IEC ESD Protected, Half Duplex 50 Mbps RS-485 Transceiver

ADM3066E IBIS Models

ADM3067E3.0 V to 5.5 V, ±12 kV IEC ESD Protected, Full Duplex 50 Mbps RS-485 Transceiver

ADM3067E IBIS Model

ADM3068E3.0 V to 5.5 V, ±12 kV IEC ESD Protected, 500 kbps/50 Mbps RS-485 Transceiver

ADM3068E IBIS Model

ADM3076E3.3 V, ⅛ Load, ±15kV ESD Protected, RS-485/RS-422 Transceiver (Full Duplex, 16 Mbps, DE/RE)

ADM3076E IBIS Model

ADM3095ELevel 4 EMC Protected RS-485 Transceiver with Full ±42 V Fault Protection

ADM3095E IBIS Model

ADM3202High-Speed, 2-Channel RS232/V.28 Interface Devices

ADM3202 IBIS Models

ADM34853.3 V, Low Power, RS-485/RS-422 Transceiver (Half Duplex, 10 Mbps, Driver/Receiver Enable)

ADM3485 IBIS Model

ADM3485E3.3 V, ±15 kV ESD-Protected, RS-485/RS-422 Transceiver (Half Duplex, 12Mbps, DE/RE)

ADM3485E IBIS Model

ADM34883.3 V, Low Power, RS-485/RS-422 Transceiver (Full Duplex, 250 kbps, Slew Rate Limited)

ADM3488 IBIS Model

ADM3490E3.3 V, ±15 kV ESD-Protected, RS-485/RS-422 Transceiver (Full Duplex, 12Mbps)

ADM3490E IBIS Model

ADM34913.3 V, Low Power, RS-485/RS-422 Transceiver (Full Duplex, 10 Mbps, Driver/Receiver Enable)

ADM3491 IBIS Models

ADM3491E3.3 V, ±15 kV ESD-Protected, RS-485/RS-422 Transceiver (Full Duplex, 12Mbps, DE/RE)

ADM3491E IBIS Model

ADM4168E±15 kV ESD Protected Dual RS-422 Transceiver

ADM4168E IBIS Model

ADM4855 V, Low Power, 5 Mbps, Half Duplex EIA RS-485 Transceiver

ADM485 IBIS Model

ADM5170Octal, RS-232/RS-423 Line Driver

ADM5170 IBIS Model

ADMP421iMEMS® Microphone Omni Directional Microphone with Bottom Port and Digital Output

ADMP421 IBIS model

ADMP441Omnidirectional Microphone with Bottom Port and I2S Digital Output

ADMP441 IBIS model

ADMP521Ultra-Low Noise Microphone with Bottom Port and PDM Digital Output

ADMP521 IBIS model

ADN2850Nonvolatile Memory, Dual 1024-Position Digital Resistor

ADN2850 IBIS Model

ADN461211.3 Gbps 12 × 12 Digital Crosspoint Switch

ADN4612 AMI Model

ADN46207.5 kV RMS/3.75 kV RMS, Dual-Channel LVDS 2.5 Gigabit Isolator (0 Reverse Channels)

ADN4620 - SSOP IBIS Model

ADN46245.7 kV RMS/1.5 kV RMS, Quad-Channel LVDS 2.5 Gigabit Isolator (0 Reverse Channels)


ADN46245.7 kV RMS/1.5 kV RMS, Quad-Channel LVDS 2.5 Gigabit Isolator (0 Reverse Channels)

ADN4624 IBIS Model

ADN46505 kV rms, 600 Mbps Dual Tx or Rx Channel LVDS Isolator

ADN4650 IBIS Model

ADN46515 kV rms, 600 Mbps Dual Tx and Rx Channel LVDS Isolator

ADN4651 IBIS Model

ADN46525 kV/3.75 kV rms, 600 Mbps Dual Channel LVDS Isolator

ADN4652 IBIS Model

ADN46545 kV RMS/3.75 kV RMS, Dual LVDS Gigabit Isolator (0 Reverse Channels)

ADN4654 IBIS Model

ADN46555 kV RMS/3.75 kV RMS, Dual LVDS Gigabit Isolator (Second Channel Reversed)

ADN4655 IBIS Model

ADN46565 kV RMS/3.75 kV RMS, Dual LVDS Gigabit Isolator (First Channel Reversed)

ADN4656 IBIS Model

ADN4661Single, 3 V, CMOS, LVDS, High Speed Differential Driver

ADN4661 IBIS Model

ADN4662Single, 3 V, CMOS, LVDS Differential Line Receiver

ADN4662 IBIS Model

ADN4663Dual, 3 V, CMOS, LVDS High Speed Differential Driver

ADN4663 IBIS Model

ADN4664Dual, 3 V, CMOS, LVDS Differential Line Receiver

ADN4664 IBIS Model

ADN46653 V, LVDS, Quad, CMOS Differential Line Driver

ADN4665 IBIS Model

ADN46663 V, LVDS, Quad CMOS Differential Line Receiver

ADN4666 IBIS Model

ADN46673 V LVDS Quad CMOS Differential Line Driver

ADN4667 IBIS Model

ADN4668 3 V LVDS Quad CMOS Differential Line Receiver

ADN4668 IBIS Model

ADN4680E250 Mbps, Half Duplex, Quad M-LVDS Transceivers

ADN4680E IBIS Model

ADN4690E3.3 V, 100 Mbps, Half-Duplex, High Speed M-LVDS Transceiver with Type 1 Receiver

ADN4690E IBIS Model

ADN4691E3.3 V, 200 Mbps, Half-Duplex, High Speed M-LVDS Transceiver with Type 1 Receiver

ADN4691E IBIS Model

ADN4692E3.3 V, 100 Mbps, Full-Duplex, High Speed M-LVDS Transceiver with Type 1 Receiver

ADN4692E IBIS Model

ADN4693E3.3 V, 200 Mbps, Full-Duplex, High Speed M-LVDS Transceiver with Type 1 Receiver

ADN4693E IBIS Model

ADN4693E-13.3 V, 200 Mbps, Full-Duplex, High Speed M-LVDS Transceiver

ADN4693E-1 IBIS Model

ADN4694E3.3 V, 100 Mbps, Half-Duplex, High Speed M-LVDS Transceiver with Type 2 Receiver

ADN4694E IBIS Model

ADN4695E3.3 V, 100 Mbps, Full-Duplex, High Speed M-LVDS Transceiver with Type 2 Receiver

ADN4695E IBIS Model

ADN4696E3.3 V, 200 Mbps, Half-Duplex, High Speed M-LVDS Transceiver with Type 2 Receiver

ADN4696E IBIS Model

ADN4697E3.3 V, 200 Mbps, Full-Duplex, High Speed M-LVDS Transceiver with Type 2 Receiver

ADN4697E IBIS Model

ADRF57200.5 dB LSB, 6-Bit, Silicon Digital Attenuator, 9 kHz to 40 GHz

ADRF5720/ADRF5721ADRF5730/ADRF5731 IBIS Model

ADRF57212 dB LSB, 4-Bit, Silicon Digital Attenuator, 9 kHz to 40 GHz

ADRF5720/ADRF5721ADRF5730/ADRF5731 IBIS Model

ADRF57300.5 dB LSB, 6-Bit, Silicon Digital Attenuator, 100 MHz to 40 GHz

ADRF5720/ADRF5721ADRF5730/ADRF5731 IBIS Model

ADRF57312 dB LSB, 4-Bit, Silicon Digital Attenuator, 100 MHz to 40 GHz

ADRF5720/ADRF5721ADRF5730/ADRF5731 IBIS Model

ADSP-21060SHARC, 40 MHz, 120 MFLOPS, 5v, floating point

ADSP-21060 IBIS Datafile (BGA Package)

ADSP-21060SHARC, 40 MHz, 120 MFLOPS, 5v, floating point

ADSP-21060 IBIS Datafile (QFP Package)

ADSP-21060LSHARC, 120 MFLOPS, 3.3 v, floating point

ADSP-21060L IBIS Datafile (QFP Package)

ADSP-21060LSHARC, 120 MFLOPS, 3.3 v, floating point

ADSP-21060L IBIS Datafile (BGA Package)

ADSP-21060LSHARC, 120 MFLOPS, 3.3 v, floating point

ADSP-21060 IBIS Datafile (BGA Package)

ADSP-21060LSHARC, 120 MFLOPS, 3.3 v, floating point

ADSP-21060 IBIS Datafile (QFP Package)

ADSP-21061SHARC, 50 MHz, 150 MFLOPS, 5v, floating point

ADSP-21061 IBIS Datafile (QFP Package)

ADSP-21061LSHARC, 44MHz, 150 MFLOPS, 3.3v, floating point

ADSP-21061L IBIS Datafile (BGA Package)

ADSP-21062SHARC, 40 MHz, 120 MFLOPS, 5v, Floating Point

ADSP-21062 IBIS Datafile (QFP Package)

ADSP-21062SHARC, 40 MHz, 120 MFLOPS, 5v, Floating Point

ADSP-21062 IBIS Datafile (BGA Package)

ADSP-21062LSHARC, 40 MHz, 120 MFLOPS, 3.3v, floating point

ADSP-21062 IBIS Datafile (BGA Package)

ADSP-21062LSHARC, 40 MHz, 120 MFLOPS, 3.3v, floating point

ADSP-21062L IBIS Datafile (QFP Package)

ADSP-21065LLow-Cost SHARC, 66 MHz, 198 MFLOPS, 3.3v, Floating Point

ADSP-21065L IBIS Datafile (QFP Package)

ADSP-21160NHigh Performance 32-Bit SHARC DSP, 100 MHz

ADSP-21160N IBIS Datafile BGA Package

ADSP-21161NLow Cost 32-Bit SHARC DSP, 100 MHz

ADSP-21161N R1.1 IBIS Datafile BGA Package

ADSP-21161NLow Cost 32-Bit SHARC DSP, 100 MHz

ADSP-21161N R1.2 IBIS Datafile BGA Package

adsp-21362High Performance 32-Bit Floating-Point SHARC Processor for Automotive Audio

ADSP-21362/3/4/5/6 S R0.x IBIS Datafile (BGA Package)

ADSP-21367High-Performance 32-bit Floating-Point SHARC Processor for Home Theater

ADSP-21367/8/9 IBIS Model (256 PIN SBGA package)

ADSP-21367High-Performance 32-bit Floating-Point SHARC Processor for Home Theater

ADSP-21367/8/9 IBIS Model (208-pin LQFP Package)

ADSP-21368High-Performance 32-bit Floating-Point SHARC Processor for Professional Audio Applications

ADSP-21367/8/9 IBIS Model (256 PIN SBGA package)

ADSP-21368High-Performance 32-bit Floating-Point SHARC Processor for Professional Audio Applications

ADSP-21367/8/9 IBIS Model (208-pin LQFP Package)

ADSP-21369High-Performance 32-bit Floating-Point SHARC Processor for General Purpose Applications

ADSP-21367/8/9 IBIS Model (256 PIN SBGA package)

ADSP-21369High-Performance 32-bit Floating-Point SHARC Processor for General Purpose Applications

ADSP-21367/8/9 IBIS Model (208-pin LQFP Package)

ADSP-21371High-Performance 32-bit Floating-Point SHARC Processor for Automotive Audio

ADSP-21371 SHARC IBIS Datafile MQFP Package (10/2007)

ADSP-21375High-Performance 32-bit Floating-Point SHARC Processor

ADSP-21375 SHARC IBIS Datafile MQFP Package (10/2007)

ADSP-21467High Performance Fourth Generation DSP

ADSP2146x SHARC IBIS Datafile cspBGA Package, (09/2012)

ADSP-21469High Performance Fourth Generation DSP

ADSP2146x SHARC IBIS Datafile cspBGA Package, (09/2012)

ADSP-21477High Performance Fourth Generation DSP

ADSP2147x SHARC IBIS Datafile BGA Package, (05/2012)

ADSP-21477High Performance Fourth Generation DSP

ADSP-2147x SHARC IBIS Datafile LQFP Package (05/2012)

ADSP-21477High Performance Fourth Generation DSP

ADSP-2147x SHARC IBIS Datafile 88-ld LFCSP_VQ Package

ADSP-21478High Performance Fourth Generation DSP

ADSP2147x SHARC IBIS Datafile BGA Package, (05/2012)

ADSP-21478High Performance Fourth Generation DSP

ADSP-2147x SHARC IBIS Datafile LQFP Package (05/2012)

ADSP-21478High Performance Fourth Generation DSP

ADSP-2147x SHARC IBIS Datafile 88-ld LFCSP_VQ Package

ADSP-21479High Performance Fourth Generation DSP

ADSP2147x SHARC IBIS Datafile BGA Package, (05/2012)

ADSP-21479High Performance Fourth Generation DSP

ADSP-2147x SHARC IBIS Datafile LQFP Package (05/2012)

ADSP-21479High Performance Fourth Generation DSP

ADSP-2147x SHARC IBIS Datafile 88-ld LFCSP_VQ Package

ADSP-21483High Performance Fourth Generation DSP

ADSP-2148x SHARC IBIS Datafile 100-Ld LQFP Package (05/2012)

ADSP-21483High Performance Fourth Generation DSP

ADSP-2148x IBIS Data file 176-Ld LQFP package, (02/2012)

ADSP-21483High Performance Fourth Generation DSP

ADSP-2148x SHARC IBIS Datafile 88-Ld LFCSP_VQ Package

ADSP-21486High Performance Fourth Generation DSP

ADSP-2148x SHARC IBIS Datafile 100-Ld LQFP Package (05/2012)

ADSP-21486High Performance Fourth Generation DSP

ADSP-2148x IBIS Data file 176-Ld LQFP package, (02/2012)

ADSP-21486High Performance Fourth Generation DSP

ADSP-2148x SHARC IBIS Datafile 88-Ld LFCSP_VQ Package

ADSP-21487High Performance Fourth Generation DSP

ADSP-2148x SHARC IBIS Datafile 100-Ld LQFP Package (05/2012)

ADSP-21487High Performance Fourth Generation DSP

ADSP-2148x IBIS Data file 176-Ld LQFP package, (02/2012)

ADSP-21487High Performance Fourth Generation DSP

ADSP-2148x SHARC IBIS Datafile 88-Ld LFCSP_VQ Package

ADSP-21488High Performance Fourth Generation DSP

ADSP-2148x SHARC IBIS Datafile 100-Ld LQFP Package (05/2012)

ADSP-21488High Performance Fourth Generation DSP

ADSP-2148x IBIS Data file 176-Ld LQFP package, (02/2012)

ADSP-21488High Performance Fourth Generation DSP

ADSP-2148x SHARC IBIS Datafile 88-Ld LFCSP_VQ Package

ADSP-21489High Performance Fourth Generation DSP

ADSP-2148x SHARC IBIS Datafile 100-Ld LQFP Package (05/2012)

ADSP-21489High Performance Fourth Generation DSP

ADSP-2148x IBIS Data file 176-Ld LQFP package, (02/2012)

ADSP-21489High Performance Fourth Generation DSP

ADSP-2148x SHARC IBIS Datafile 88-Ld LFCSP_VQ Package

ADSP-21560800 MHz SHARC+ DSP with 1024 KB Shared L2 SRAM

ADSP-21560/21561/21564 IBIS Model

ADSP-21561Up to 933 MHz SHARC+ DSP with 1536 KB Shared L2 SRAM

ADSP-21560/21561/21564 IBIS Model

ADSP-21562400MHz SHARC+ DSP with 640KB L1, 256KB Shared L2 SRAM, 120-lead LQFP_EP

ADSP-21562/21563/21565 IBIS Model

ADSP-21563Up to 800MHz SHARC+ DSP with 640KB L1, 512KB Shared L2 SRAM, 120-lead LQFP_EP

ADSP-21562/21563/21565 IBIS Model

ADSP-21564Up to 933 MHz SHARC+ DSP with 2048KB Shared L2 SRAM

ADSP-21560/21561/21564 IBIS Model

ADSP-21565Up to 1GHz SHARC+ DSP with 640KB L1, 1024KB Shared L2 SRAM, 120-lead LQFP_EP

ADSP-21562/21563/21565 IBIS Model

ADSP-21566400MHz SHARC+ DSP with 640KB L1, 256KB Shared L2 SRAM, 400-Ball CSP_BGA

ADSP-21566/21567/21569 IBIS Model

ADSP-21567Up to 800MHz SHARC+ DSP with 640KB L1, 512KB Shared L2 SRAM, 400-Ball CSP_BGA

ADSP-21566/21567/21569 IBIS Model

ADSP-21568 933 MHz SHARC+ DSP with 2048KB Shared L2 SRAM

ADSP-21568 IBIS Model

ADSP-21569Up to 1GHz SHARC+ DSP with 640KB L1, 1024KB Shared L2 SRAM, 400-Ball CSP_BGA

ADSP-21566/21567/21569 IBIS Model

ADSP-21571Dual-core SHARC+ DSP (w/768KB L1), 1MB Shared L2, 176-LQFP

ADSP-SC570/ADSP-SC571/ADSP-21571 IBIS Model LQFPEP Package

ADSP-21573Dual-core SHARC+ DSP (w/768KB L1), 1MB Shared L2, DDR, 400-cspBGA

ADSP-SC572/ADSP-SC573/ADSP-21573 IBIS Model CSPBGA Package

ADSP-21583Dual-core SHARC+ DSP, DDR, 349-cspBGA


ADSP-21583Dual-core SHARC+ DSP, DDR, 349-cspBGA


ADSP-21584Dual-core SHARC+ DSP, DDR, 349-cspBGA


ADSP-21584Dual-core SHARC+ DSP, DDR, 349-cspBGA


ADSP-21587Dual-core SHARC+ DSP, dual DDR, 529-cspBGA


ADSP-21587Dual-core SHARC+ DSP, dual DDR, 529-cspBGA


ADSP-21593Up to 1GHz Dual-SHARC+® DSP with 2x 640KB L1, 2048KB Shared L2 SRAM, 400-Ball FCBGA

ADSP-21593 IBIS Model

ADSP-21594Up to 1 GHz Dual-SHARC+® DSP with 2x 640KB L1, 2048KB Shared L2 SRAM

ADSP-SC594/SC592/21594 IBIS Model

ADSP-21834Up to 800 MHz SHARC®-FX DSP

ADSP-21834/21835 IBIS Model

ADSP-21835Up to 1 GHz SHARC®-FX DSP

ADSP-21834/21835 IBIS Model

ADSP-21836Up to 800 MHz SHARC®-FX DSP

ADSP-21836/21837/SC834/SC835 IBIS Model

ADSP-21837Up to 1 GHz SHARC®-FX DSP

ADSP-21836/21837/SC834/SC835 IBIS Model

ADSP-2184N16-Bit, 80MIPS, 1.8V, 2 Serial Ports, Host Port, 20KB RAM

ADSP-218xN IBIS Datafile (LQFP Package). Version 2.1

ADSP-2185M16-bit, 75 MIPS, 2.5v, 2 serial ports, host port, 80 KB RAM

ADSP-218xM IBIS Datafile (LQFP Package)

ADSP-2185N16-Bit, 80MIPS, 1.8V, 2 Serial Ports, Host Port, 80KB RAM

ADSP-218xN IBIS Datafile (LQFP Package). Version 2.1

ADSP-2186M16-Bit, 75 MIPS, 2.5V, 2 Serial Ports, Host Port, 40 KB RAM

ADSP-218xM IBIS Datafile (LQFP Package)

ADSP-2186N16-Bit, 80MIPS, 1.8V, 2 Serial Ports, Host Port, 40KB RAM

ADSP-218xN IBIS Datafile (LQFP Package). Version 2.1

ADSP-2187N16-Bit, 80MIPS, 1.8V, 2 Serial Ports, Host Port, 160KB RAM

ADSP-218xN IBIS Datafile (LQFP Package). Version 2.1

ADSP-2188M16-bit, 75 MIPS, 2.75v, 2 Serial Ports, Host Port, 256 KB RAM

ADSP-218xM IBIS Datafile (LQFP Package)

ADSP-2188N16-Bit, 80MIPS, 1.8V, 2 Serial Ports, Host Port, 256KB RAM

ADSP-218xN IBIS Datafile (LQFP Package). Version 2.1

adsp-2189m16-bit, 75 MIPS, 2.5v, 2 serial ports, host port, 192 KB RAM

ADSP-218xM IBIS Datafile (LQFP Package)

ADSP-2189N16-Bit, 80MIPS, 1.8V, 2 Serial Ports, Host Port, 192KB RAM

ADSP-218xN IBIS Datafile (LQFP Package). Version 2.1

adsp-2191m16-bit Fixed-Point DSP, 160 MIPS, 160K bytes RAM

ADSP-2191M IBIS Datafile (LQFP Package), Version 2.1

adsp-2191m16-bit Fixed-Point DSP, 160 MIPS, 160K bytes RAM

ADSP-2191M IBIS Datafile (BGA Package), Version 2.1

adsp-2191m16-bit Fixed-Point DSP, 160 MIPS, 160K bytes RAM

ADSP-2191M IBIS Datafile (LQFP Package)

ADSP-BF504Low Cost Blackfin with Optimized Peripheral Set for Industrial and General Purpose Applications

ADSP-BF504/BF504F Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 88-Lead LFCSP Package (07/2010)

ADSP-BF504FBlackfin with Executable Flash and Optimized Peripheral Set for Industrial and General Purpose Applications

ADSP-BF504/BF504F Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 88-Lead LFCSP Package (07/2010)

ADSP-BF512Low Power Blackfin with Consumer Devices Connectivity

ADSP-BF512/BF514/BF516/BF518 Rev 0.1 1.8/2.5/3.3V I/O Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 12x12 168-Ball CSP_BGA Package (09/2009)

ADSP-BF512Low Power Blackfin with Consumer Devices Connectivity

ADSP-BF512/BF514/BF516/BF518 Rev 0.1 1.8/2.5/3.3V I/O Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 24x24 176-Lead LQFP Package (09/2009)

ADSP-BF512FLow Power Blackfin with Consumer Devices Connectivity

ADSP-BF512/BF514/BF516/BF518 Rev 0.1 1.8/2.5/3.3V I/O Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 12x12 168-Ball CSP_BGA Package (09/2009)

ADSP-BF512FLow Power Blackfin with Consumer Devices Connectivity

ADSP-BF512/BF514/BF516/BF518 Rev 0.1 1.8/2.5/3.3V I/O Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 24x24 176-Lead LQFP Package (09/2009)

ADSP-BF514Low Power Blackfin with Consumer Devices Connectivity

ADSP-BF512/BF514/BF516/BF518 Rev 0.1 1.8/2.5/3.3V I/O Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 12x12 168-Ball CSP_BGA Package (09/2009)

ADSP-BF514Low Power Blackfin with Consumer Devices Connectivity

ADSP-BF512/BF514/BF516/BF518 Rev 0.1 1.8/2.5/3.3V I/O Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 24x24 176-Lead LQFP Package (09/2009)

ADSP-BF514FLow Power Blackfin with Consumer Devices Connectivity

ADSP-BF512/BF514/BF516/BF518 Rev 0.1 1.8/2.5/3.3V I/O Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 12x12 168-Ball CSP_BGA Package (09/2009)

ADSP-BF514FLow Power Blackfin with Consumer Devices Connectivity

ADSP-BF512/BF514/BF516/BF518 Rev 0.1 1.8/2.5/3.3V I/O Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 24x24 176-Lead LQFP Package (09/2009)

ADSP-BF516Low Power Blackfin with Advanced Embedded Connectivity

ADSP-BF512/BF514/BF516/BF518 Rev 0.1 1.8/2.5/3.3V I/O Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 12x12 168-Ball CSP_BGA Package (09/2009)

ADSP-BF516Low Power Blackfin with Advanced Embedded Connectivity

ADSP-BF512/BF514/BF516/BF518 Rev 0.1 1.8/2.5/3.3V I/O Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 24x24 176-Lead LQFP Package (09/2009)

ADSP-BF516FLow Power Blackfin with Advanced Embedded Connectivity

ADSP-BF512/BF514/BF516/BF518 Rev 0.1 1.8/2.5/3.3V I/O Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 12x12 168-Ball CSP_BGA Package (09/2009)

ADSP-BF516FLow Power Blackfin with Advanced Embedded Connectivity

ADSP-BF512/BF514/BF516/BF518 Rev 0.1 1.8/2.5/3.3V I/O Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 24x24 176-Lead LQFP Package (09/2009)

ADSP-BF518Low Power Blackfin with Advanced Embedded Connectivity

ADSP-BF512/BF514/BF516/BF518 Rev 0.1 1.8/2.5/3.3V I/O Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 12x12 168-Ball CSP_BGA Package (09/2009)

ADSP-BF518Low Power Blackfin with Advanced Embedded Connectivity

ADSP-BF512/BF514/BF516/BF518 Rev 0.1 1.8/2.5/3.3V I/O Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 24x24 176-Lead LQFP Package (09/2009)

ADSP-BF518FLow Power Blackfin with Advanced Embedded Connectivity

ADSP-BF512/BF514/BF516/BF518 Rev 0.1 1.8/2.5/3.3V I/O Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 12x12 168-Ball CSP_BGA Package (09/2009)

ADSP-BF518FLow Power Blackfin with Advanced Embedded Connectivity

ADSP-BF512/BF514/BF516/BF518 Rev 0.1 1.8/2.5/3.3V I/O Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 24x24 176-Lead LQFP Package (09/2009)

ADSP-BF522Low Power Blackfin Processor with Advanced Peripherals and Low Standby Power

ADSP-BF523/BF525/BF527 Rev 0.2 1.8/2.5/3.3 V I/O Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 12x12 289-Ball CSP BGA Package (02/2009)

ADSP-BF522Low Power Blackfin Processor with Advanced Peripherals and Low Standby Power

ADSP-BF522/BF524/BF526 1.8/2.5/3.3 V I/O Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 17x17 208-Ball CSP BGA Package (10/2009)

ADSP-BF522Low Power Blackfin Processor with Advanced Peripherals and Low Standby Power

ADSP-BF522/BF524/BF526 1.8/2.5/3.3 V I/O Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 12x12 289-Ball CSP BGA Package (10/2009)

ADSP-BF522CLow Power Blackfin Processor with Advanced Peripherals and Embedded Stereo Audio CODEC

ADSP-BF523/BF525/BF527 Rev 0.2 1.8/2.5/3.3 V I/O Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 12x12 289-Ball CSP BGA Package (02/2009)

ADSP-BF522CLow Power Blackfin Processor with Advanced Peripherals and Embedded Stereo Audio CODEC

ADSP-BF522/BF524/BF526 1.8/2.5/3.3 V I/O Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 12x12 289-Ball CSP BGA Package (10/2009)

ADSP-BF523Low Power Blackfin Processor with Advanced Peripherals

ADSP-BF523/BF525/BF527 Rev 0.2 1.8/2.5/3.3 V I/O Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 12x12 289-Ball CSP BGA Package (02/2009)

ADSP-BF523Low Power Blackfin Processor with Advanced Peripherals

ADSP-BF523/BF525/BF527 Rev 0.2 1.8/2.5/3.3 V I/O Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 17x17 208-Ball CSP BGA Package (02/2009)

ADSP-BF523CLow Power Blackfin Processor with Advanced Peripherals and Embedded Stereo Audio CODEC

ADSP-BF523/BF525/BF527 Rev 0.2 1.8/2.5/3.3 V I/O Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 12x12 289-Ball CSP BGA Package (02/2009)

ADSP-BF523CLow Power Blackfin Processor with Advanced Peripherals and Embedded Stereo Audio CODEC

ADSP-BF523/BF525/BF527 Rev 0.2 1.8/2.5/3.3 V I/O Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 17x17 208-Ball CSP BGA Package (02/2009)

ADSP-BF524Low Power Blackfin Processor with Advanced Peripherals and Low Standby Power

ADSP-BF523/BF525/BF527 Rev 0.2 1.8/2.5/3.3 V I/O Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 12x12 289-Ball CSP BGA Package (02/2009)

ADSP-BF524Low Power Blackfin Processor with Advanced Peripherals and Low Standby Power

ADSP-BF522/BF524/BF526 1.8/2.5/3.3 V I/O Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 17x17 208-Ball CSP BGA Package (10/2009)

ADSP-BF524Low Power Blackfin Processor with Advanced Peripherals and Low Standby Power

ADSP-BF522/BF524/BF526 1.8/2.5/3.3 V I/O Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 12x12 289-Ball CSP BGA Package (10/2009)

ADSP-BF524CLow Power Blackfin Processor with Advanced Peripherals and Embedded Stereo Audio CODEC

ADSP-BF523/BF525/BF527 Rev 0.2 1.8/2.5/3.3 V I/O Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 12x12 289-Ball CSP BGA Package (02/2009)

ADSP-BF524CLow Power Blackfin Processor with Advanced Peripherals and Embedded Stereo Audio CODEC

ADSP-BF522/BF524/BF526 1.8/2.5/3.3 V I/O Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 12x12 289-Ball CSP BGA Package (10/2009)

ADSP-BF525Low Power Blackfin Processor with Advanced Peripherals

ADSP-BF523/BF525/BF527 Rev 0.2 1.8/2.5/3.3 V I/O Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 12x12 289-Ball CSP BGA Package (02/2009)

ADSP-BF525Low Power Blackfin Processor with Advanced Peripherals

ADSP-BF523/BF525/BF527 Rev 0.2 1.8/2.5/3.3 V I/O Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 17x17 208-Ball CSP BGA Package (02/2009)

ADSP-BF525CLow Power Blackfin Processor with Advanced Peripherals and Embedded Stereo Audio CODEC

ADSP-BF523/BF525/BF527 Rev 0.2 1.8/2.5/3.3 V I/O Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 12x12 289-Ball CSP BGA Package (02/2009)

ADSP-BF525CLow Power Blackfin Processor with Advanced Peripherals and Embedded Stereo Audio CODEC

ADSP-BF523/BF525/BF527 Rev 0.2 1.8/2.5/3.3 V I/O Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 17x17 208-Ball CSP BGA Package (02/2009)

ADSP-BF526Low Power Blackfin Processor with Advanced Peripherals and Low Standby Power

ADSP-BF523/BF525/BF527 Rev 0.2 1.8/2.5/3.3 V I/O Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 12x12 289-Ball CSP BGA Package (02/2009)

ADSP-BF526Low Power Blackfin Processor with Advanced Peripherals and Low Standby Power

ADSP-BF522/BF524/BF526 1.8/2.5/3.3 V I/O Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 17x17 208-Ball CSP BGA Package (10/2009)

ADSP-BF526Low Power Blackfin Processor with Advanced Peripherals and Low Standby Power

ADSP-BF522/BF524/BF526 1.8/2.5/3.3 V I/O Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 12x12 289-Ball CSP BGA Package (10/2009)

ADSP-BF526CLow Power Blackfin Processor with Advanced Peripherals and Embedded Stereo Audio CODEC

ADSP-BF523/BF525/BF527 Rev 0.2 1.8/2.5/3.3 V I/O Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 12x12 289-Ball CSP BGA Package (02/2009)

ADSP-BF526CLow Power Blackfin Processor with Advanced Peripherals and Embedded Stereo Audio CODEC

ADSP-BF522/BF524/BF526 1.8/2.5/3.3 V I/O Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 12x12 289-Ball CSP BGA Package (10/2009)

ADSP-BF527Low Power Blackfin Processor with Advanced Peripherals

ADSP-BF523/BF525/BF527 Rev 0.2 1.8/2.5/3.3 V I/O Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 12x12 289-Ball CSP BGA Package (02/2009)

ADSP-BF527Low Power Blackfin Processor with Advanced Peripherals

ADSP-BF523/BF525/BF527 Rev 0.2 1.8/2.5/3.3 V I/O Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 17x17 208-Ball CSP BGA Package (02/2009)

ADSP-BF527CLow Power Blackfin Processor with Advanced Peripherals and Embedded Stereo Audio CODEC

ADSP-BF523/BF525/BF527 Rev 0.2 1.8/2.5/3.3 V I/O Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 12x12 289-Ball CSP BGA Package (02/2009)

ADSP-BF527CLow Power Blackfin Processor with Advanced Peripherals and Embedded Stereo Audio CODEC

ADSP-BF523/BF525/BF527 Rev 0.2 1.8/2.5/3.3 V I/O Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 17x17 208-Ball CSP BGA Package (02/2009)

ADSP-BF531400 MHz Low Cost Blackfin Processor

ADSP-BF531/BF532/BF533 Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 176-Pin LQFP Package (03/2006)

ADSP-BF531400 MHz Low Cost Blackfin Processor

ADSP-BF531/BF532/BF533 2.5/3.3V I/O Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 160-Ball CSP BGA Package (09/2005)

ADSP-BF532400 MHz High Performance Blackfin Processor

ADSP-BF531/BF532/BF533 1.8 V I/O Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 160-Ball CSP BGA Package (08/2008)

ADSP-BF532400 MHz High Performance Blackfin Processor

ADSP-BF531/BF532/BF533 Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 176-Pin LQFP Package (03/2006)

ADSP-BF532400 MHz High Performance Blackfin Processor

ADSP-BF531/BF532/BF533 2.5/3.3V I/O Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 160-Ball CSP BGA Package (09/2005)

ADSP-BF533High Performance General Purpose Blackfin Processor

ADSP-BF531/BF532/BF533 1.8 V I/O Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 160-Ball CSP BGA Package (08/2008)

ADSP-BF533High Performance General Purpose Blackfin Processor

ADSP-BF531/BF532/BF533 Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 176-Pin LQFP Package (03/2006)

ADSP-BF533High Performance General Purpose Blackfin Processor

ADSP-BF531/BF532/BF533 2.5/3.3V I/O Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 160-Ball CSP BGA Package (09/2005)

ADSP-BF533High Performance General Purpose Blackfin Processor

ADSP-BF531/BF532/BF533 Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile PBGA Package (05/2008)

ADSP-BF534Blackfin Processor with CAN Connectivity for Automotive & Industrial Applications

ADSP-BF534/BF536/BF537 Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 208-Ball CSP BGA Package (08/2007)

ADSP-BF534Blackfin Processor with CAN Connectivity for Automotive & Industrial Applications

ADSP-BF534/BF536/BF537 Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 182-Ball CSP BGA Package (09/2005)

ADSP-BF536Blackfin Processor with Embedded Network Connectivity

ADSP-BF534/BF536/BF537 Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 208-Ball CSP BGA Package (08/2007)

ADSP-BF536Blackfin Processor with Embedded Network Connectivity

ADSP-BF534/BF536/BF537 Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 182-Ball CSP BGA Package (09/2005)

ADSP-BF537Blackfin Processor with Embedded Network Connectivity

ADSP-BF534/BF536/BF537 Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 208-Ball CSP BGA Package (08/2007)

ADSP-BF537Blackfin Processor with Embedded Network Connectivity

ADSP-BF534/BF536/BF537 Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 182-Ball CSP BGA Package (09/2005)

ADSP-BF538Blackfin Processors for Industrial and Peripheral Intensive Applications

ADSP-BF538/BF538F IBIS Model

ADSP-BF538FBlackfin Processor for Industrial and Peripheral Intensive Applications

ADSP-BF538/BF538F IBIS Model

ADSP-BF539Blackfin Processor for Automotive Navigation, Entertainment and Audio Systems

ADSP-BF539/BF539F IBIS Model

ADSP-BF539FBlackfin Processor for Automotive Navigation, Entertainment and Audio Systems

ADSP-BF539/BF539F IBIS Model

ADSP-BF542High Performance Convergent Multimedia Blackfin Processor

ADSP-BF542M/BF544M/BF547M/BF548M/BF549M Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 400-Ball CSP BGA Package (3/2010)

ADSP-BF542High Performance Convergent Multimedia Blackfin Processor

ADSP-BF542/BF544/BF547/BF548/BF549 Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 400-Ball CSP BGA Package (3/2010)

ADSP-BF544High Performance Convergent Multimedia Blackfin Processor

ADSP-BF542M/BF544M/BF547M/BF548M/BF549M Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 400-Ball CSP BGA Package (3/2010)

ADSP-BF544High Performance Convergent Multimedia Blackfin Processor

ADSP-BF542/BF544/BF547/BF548/BF549 Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 400-Ball CSP BGA Package (3/2010)

ADSP-BF547High Performance Convergent Multimedia Blackfin Processor

ADSP-BF542M/BF544M/BF547M/BF548M/BF549M Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 400-Ball CSP BGA Package (3/2010)

ADSP-BF547High Performance Convergent Multimedia Blackfin Processor

ADSP-BF542/BF544/BF547/BF548/BF549 Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 400-Ball CSP BGA Package (3/2010)

ADSP-BF548High Performance Convergent Multimedia Blackfin Processor

ADSP-BF542M/BF544M/BF547M/BF548M/BF549M Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 400-Ball CSP BGA Package (3/2010)

ADSP-BF548High Performance Convergent Multimedia Blackfin Processor

ADSP-BF542/BF544/BF547/BF548/BF549 Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 400-Ball CSP BGA Package (3/2010)

ADSP-BF549High Performance Convergent Multimedia Blackfin Processor

ADSP-BF542M/BF544M/BF547M/BF548M/BF549M Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 400-Ball CSP BGA Package (3/2010)

ADSP-BF549High Performance Convergent Multimedia Blackfin Processor

ADSP-BF542/BF544/BF547/BF548/BF549 Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 400-Ball CSP BGA Package (3/2010)

ADSP-BF561Blackfin Symmetric Multi-Processor for Consumer Multimedia

ADSP-BF561 Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile for 17x17 CSP BGA Package (11/2008)

ADSP-BF561Blackfin Symmetric Multi-Processor for Consumer Multimedia

ADSP-BF561 Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile for 12x12 CSP BGA Package (02/2008)

ADSP-BF561Blackfin Symmetric Multi-Processor for Consumer Multimedia

ADSP-BF561 Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile for 27x27 PBGA Package (02/2008)

ADSP-BF592Low Cost Blackfin with Optimized Peripheral Set for Industrial and General Purpose Applications

ADSP-BF592 Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 64 Lead LFCSP Package (11/2011)

ADSP-BF606Blackfin Dual-Core Processor up to 800 MHz for High Performance Digital Signal Processing Applications

ADSP-BF606/BF607/BF608/BF609 1.8/3.3V I/O Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 19x19 349-Ball CSP_BGA Package (06/2012)

ADSP-BF607Blackfin Dual-Core Processor up to 1GHz for High Performance Digital Signal Processing Applications

ADSP-BF606/BF607/BF608/BF609 1.8/3.3V I/O Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 19x19 349-Ball CSP_BGA Package (06/2012)

ADSP-BF608Blackfin Dual-Core Processor up to 1GHz with Hardware Support for VGA Video Analytics

ADSP-BF606/BF607/BF608/BF609 1.8/3.3V I/O Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 19x19 349-Ball CSP_BGA Package (06/2012)

ADSP-BF609Blackfin Dual-Core Processor up to 1GHz with Hardware Support for HD Video Analytics

ADSP-BF606/BF607/BF608/BF609 1.8/3.3V I/O Blackfin Processor IBIS Datafile 19x19 349-Ball CSP_BGA Package (06/2012)

ADSP-BF700Low Power 200MHz Blackfin+ Embedded Processor with 128KByte L2 SRAM

ADSP-BF700/BF702/BF704/BF706 1.8/3.3V I/O Blackfin+ Processor IBIS Datafile 88-Lead LFCSP Package

ADSP-BF701Low Power 200MHz Blackfin+ Embedded Processor with 128KByte L2 SRAM & DDR2/LPDDR Interface

ADSP-BF701/BF703/BF705/BF707 1.8/3.3V I/O Blackfin+ Processor IBIS Datafile 184-Ball CSP_BGA Package

ADSP-bf702Low Power 400MHz Blackfin+ Embedded Processor with 256KByte L2 SRAM

ADSP-BF700/BF702/BF704/BF706 1.8/3.3V I/O Blackfin+ Processor IBIS Datafile 88-Lead LFCSP Package

ADSP-BF703Low Power 400MHz Blackfin+ Embedded Processor with 256KByte L2 SRAM & DDR2/LPDDR Interface

ADSP-BF701/BF703/BF705/BF707 1.8/3.3V I/O Blackfin+ Processor IBIS Datafile 184-Ball CSP_BGA Package

ADSP-BF704Low Power 400MHz Blackfin+ Embedded Processor with 512KByte L2 SRAM

ADSP-BF700/BF702/BF704/BF706 1.8/3.3V I/O Blackfin+ Processor IBIS Datafile 88-Lead LFCSP Package

ADSP-BF705Low Power 400MHz Blackfin+ Embedded Processor with 512KByte L2 SRAM & DDR2/LPDDR Interface

ADSP-BF701/BF703/BF705/BF707 1.8/3.3V I/O Blackfin+ Processor IBIS Datafile 184-Ball CSP_BGA Package

ADSP-BF706Low Power 400MHz Blackfin+ Embedded Processor with 1MByte L2 SRAM

ADSP-BF700/BF702/BF704/BF706 1.8/3.3V I/O Blackfin+ Processor IBIS Datafile 88-Lead LFCSP Package

ADSP-BF707Low Power 400MHz Blackfin+ Embedded Processor with 1MByte L2 SRAM & DDR2/LPDDR Interface

ADSP-BF701/BF703/BF705/BF707 1.8/3.3V I/O Blackfin+ Processor IBIS Datafile 184-Ball CSP_BGA Package

ADSP-CM402F150MHz ARM Cortex-M4 with 11+ ENOB ADC, LQFP120


ADSP-CM403F240MHz ARM Cortex-M4 with 13+ ENOB ADC, LQFP120


ADSP-CM407F240MHz ARM Cortex-M4 with 11+ ENOB ADC, LQFP176


ADSP-CM408F240MHz ARM Cortex-M4 with 13+ ENOB ADC, LQFP176


ADSP-CM409F240MHz ARM Cortex-M4 with 13+ ENOB ADC, BGA212


ADSP-SC570Single-core SHARC+ (w/384KB L1), arm® Cortex-A5, 1MB Shared L2, 10/100 Ethernet, 176-LQFP

ADSP-SC570/ADSP-SC571/ADSP-21571 IBIS Model LQFPEP Package

ADSP-SC571Dual-core SHARC+ (w/768KB L1), arm® Cortex-A5, 1MB Shared L2, 10/100 Ethernet, 176-LQFP

ADSP-SC570/ADSP-SC571/ADSP-21571 IBIS Model LQFPEP Package

ADSP-SC572Single-core SHARC+ (w/384KB L1), arm® Cortex-A5, 1MB Shared L2, DDR, Gigabit Ethernet, USB, SDIO, 400-cspBGA

ADSP-SC572/ADSP-SC573/ADSP-21573 IBIS Model CSPBGA Package

ADSP-SC573Dual-core SHARC+ (w/768KB L1), arm® Cortex-A5, 1MB Shared L2, DDR, Gigabit Ethernet, USB, SDIO, 400-cspBGA

ADSP-SC572/ADSP-SC573/ADSP-21573 IBIS Model CSPBGA Package

ADSP-SC582Single-core SHARC+ and ARM Cortex-A5 SOC, DDR, Ethernet, USB, 349-cspBGA


ADSP-SC582Single-core SHARC+ and ARM Cortex-A5 SOC, DDR, Ethernet, USB, 349-cspBGA


ADSP-SC583Dual-core SHARC+ and ARM Cortex-A5 SOC, DDR, Ethernet, USB, 349-cspBGA


ADSP-SC583Dual-core SHARC+ and ARM Cortex-A5 SOC, DDR, Ethernet, USB, 349-cspBGA


ADSP-SC584Dual-core SHARC+ and Arm Cortex-A5 SOC, DDR, Ethernet, USB, 349-cspBGA


ADSP-SC584Dual-core SHARC+ and Arm Cortex-A5 SOC, DDR, Ethernet, USB, 349-cspBGA


ADSP-SC587Dual-core SHARC+ and ARM Cortex-A5 SOC, dual DDR, 2xEthernet, 2xUSB, SDIO, 529-cspBGA


ADSP-SC587Dual-core SHARC+ and ARM Cortex-A5 SOC, dual DDR, 2xEthernet, 2xUSB, SDIO, 529-cspBGA


ADSP-SC589Dual-core SHARC+ and ARM Cortex-A5 SOC, dual DDR, 2xEthernet, 2xUSB, SDIO, PCIe, 529-cspBGA


ADSP-SC589Dual-core SHARC+ and ARM Cortex-A5 SOC, dual DDR, 2xEthernet, 2xUSB, SDIO, PCIe, 529-cspBGA


ADSP-SC5921 GHz SHARC+® DSP w/ Integrated Arm® Cortex®-A5

ADSP-SC594/SC592/21594 IBIS Model

ADSP-SC594Up to 1 GHz Dual-SHARC+® DSP w/ Integrated Arm® Cortex®-A5

ADSP-SC594/SC592/21594 IBIS Model

ADSP-SC5961 GHz SHARC+ DSP w/ Integrated Arm® Cortex®-A55

ADSP-SC596/SC598 IBIS Model

ADSP-SC598Up to 1 GHz Dual-SHARC+ DSP w/ Integrated Arm® Cortex®-A55

ADSP-SC596/SC598 IBIS Model

ADSP-SC834Up to 800 MHz SHARC®-FX DSP w/ Integrated Arm® Cortex®-M33

ADSP-21836/21837/SC834/SC835 IBIS Model

ADSP-SC835Up to 1 GHz SHARC®-FX DSP w/ Integrated Arm® Cortex®-M33

ADSP-21836/21837/SC834/SC835 IBIS Model

ADSP-TS101S300 MHz TigerSHARC Processor with 6 Mbit on-chip SRAM

ADSP-TS101S IBIS Datafile BGA Package

ADSP-TS201S500/600 MHz TigerSHARC Processor with 24 Mbit on-chip embedded DRAM

ADSP-TS201S IBIS Datafile BGA Package (09/2003)

ADT730113-Bit, ±1ºC Accurate, MicroPower Digital Temperature Sensor in 6-Lead SOT-23 and 8-Lead MSOP

ADT7301 IBIS Model

ADT7310±0.5°C Accurate, 16-Bit Digital SPI Temperature Sensor

ADT7310 IBIS Model

ADT7320±0.25°C Accurate, 16-Bit Digital SPI Temperature Sensor

ADT7320 IBIS Model

ADT7410±0.5°C Accurate, 16-Bit Digital I2C Temperature Sensor

ADT7410 IBIS Model

ADT7420±0.25°C Accurate, 16-Bit Digital I2C Temperature Sensor

ADT7420 IBIS Model

ADT7422±0.1°C Accuracy, 16-Bit, Digital I2C Temperature Sensor for VSM Applications

ADT7422 IBIS Model

ADT75±1°C Accurate, 12-Bit Digital Temperature Sensor

ADT75 IBIS Model

ADuCM3027Ultra Low Power ARM Cortex-M3 MCU with Integrated Power Management and 128 KB of Embedded Flash Memory

ADuCM3027 IBIS Models

ADuCM3029Ultra Low Power ARM Cortex-M3 MCU with Integrated Power Management and 256 KB of Embedded Flash Memory

ADuCM3029 IBIS Models

ADuCM4050Ultra Low Power ARM Cortex-M4F MCU with Integrated Power Management

ADuCM4050 IBIS Models

ADUM1100iCoupler Digital Isolator

ADuM1100 IBIS Model (All Speed Grades)

ADuM110NRobust 3 kV rms Single Channel Digital Isolator

ADuM110N/ADUM210N IBIS Model

ADUM1200Dual-Channel Digital Isolator (2/0 Channel Directionality)

ADuM1200 IBIS Model (B and C Grades)

ADUM1200Dual-Channel Digital Isolator (2/0 Channel Directionality)

ADuM1200 IBIS Model (A Grade)

ADUM1201Dual-Channel Digital Isolator (1/1 Channel Directionality)

ADuM1201 IBIS Model (A Grade)

ADUM1201Dual-Channel Digital Isolator (1/1 Channel Directionality)

ADuM1201 IBIS Model (B and C Grades)

ADuM120N3.0 kV rms, Dual-Channel Digital Isolators

ADuM120N/ADUuM225N IBIS Model

ADuM121N3.0 kV rms, Dual-Channel Digital Isolators

ADuM121N/ADuM226N IBIS Model

ADUM1233Isolated, Precision Half-Bridge Driver, 0.1 A Output

ADuM1233 IBIS Model

ADUM1240Micropower, Dual-Channel Digital Isolators, Default High (2/0 Channel Directionality)

ADUM1240 IBIS Models

ADUM1241Micropower, Dual-Channel Digital Isolators, Default High (1/1 Channel Directionality)

ADUM1241 IBIS Models

ADUM1245Micropower, Dual-Channel Digital Isolators, Default Low (2/0 Channel Directionality)

ADUM1245 IBIS Models

ADUM1246Micropower, Dual-Channel Digital Isolators, Default Low (1/1 Channel Directionality)

ADUM1246 IBIS Models

ADUM1250Hot Swappable Dual I2C Isolator

ADuM1250 IBIS Model (All Speed Grades)

ADUM1251Hot Swappable, Dual I2C Isolators

ADuM1251 IBIS Model (All Speed Grades)

ADUM1252Ultra-Low Power, Bidirectional I2C Isolator with Extended VDD, Idle-Bus Hot-Swap and Low VOL

ADuM1252 IBIS Model

ADUM1253Ultra-Low-Power, I2C Isolator with Unidirectional SCL, Extended VDD, Idle-Bus Hot-Swap, and Low VOL

ADuM1253 IBIS Model

ADUM1254Bidirectional I2C Isolator with Idle-Bus Hot Swap and Low VOL

ADuM1254 IBIS Model

ADUM1255I2C Isolator with Unidirectional SCL, Idle-bus Hotswap and Low VOL

ADuM1255 IBIS Model

ADuM12803kV rms, Default High, Dual-Channel Digital Isolators (2/0 Channel Directionality)

ADuM1280 IBIS Models

ADuM12813kV rms, Default High, Dual-Channel Digital Isolators (1/1 Channel Directionality)

ADuM1281 IBIS Models

ADuM12853kV rms, Default Low, Dual-Channel Digital Isolators (2/0 Channel Directionality)

ADuM1285 IBIS Models

ADuM12863kV rms, Default Low, Dual-Channel Digital Isolators (1/1 Channel Directionality)

ADuM1286 IBIS Models

ADuM1300Triple-Channel Digital Isolator

ADuM1300 IBIS Model (All Speed Grades)

ADUM1301Triple-Channel Digital Isolator

ADuM1301 IBIS Model (All Speed Grades)

ADuM130DRobust, Triple Ch. Isolator W/ Input Disable & 0 Reverse Channels

ADuM130D IBIS Model

ADuM130ERobust, Triple Ch. Isolator W/ Output Enable & 0 Reverse Channels

ADuM130E IBIS Model

ADuM131DRobust, Triple Ch. isolator W/ Input Disable & 1 Reverse Channel

ADuM131D IBIS Model

ADuM131ERobust, Triple Ch. Isolator W/ Output Enable & 1 Reverse Channel

ADuM131E IBIS Model

ADUM1400Quad-Channel Digital Isolator (4/0 Channel Directionality)

ADuM1400/ADuM2400 5V IBIS Model

ADUM1400Quad-Channel Digital Isolator (4/0 Channel Directionality)

ADuM1400 and ADuM2400 (All Speed Grades)

ADUM1401Quad-Channel Digital Isolator (3/1 Channel Directionality)

ADuM1401/ADuM2401 5V IBIS Model

ADUM1401Quad-Channel Digital Isolator (3/1 Channel Directionality)

ADuM1401 and ADuM2401 (All Speed Grades)

ADUM1402Quad-Channel Digital Isolator (2/2 Channel Directionality)

ADuM1402/ADuM2402 5V IBIS Model

ADUM1402Quad-Channel Digital Isolator (2/2 Channel Directionality)

ADuM1402 and ADuM2402 (All Speed Grades)

ADuM140DRobust, Quad Channel Isolator W/ Input Disable & 0 Reverse Channels

ADuM140D/240D IBIS Model

ADuM140ERobust, Quad Channel Isolator W/ Output Enable & 0 Reverse Channels

ADuM140E/240E IBIS Model

ADuM141DRobust, Quad Channel Isolator W/ Input Disable & 1 Reverse Channel

ADuM141D IBIS Model

ADuM141ERobust, Quad Channel Isolator W/ Output Enable & 1 Reverse Channel

ADuM141E IBIS Model

ADuM142DRobust, Quad Channel Isolator W/ Input Disable & 2 Reverse Channels

ADuM142D/ADuM242D IBIS Model

ADuM142ERobust, Quad Channel Isolator W/ Output Enable & 2 Reverse Channels

ADuM142E/ADuM242E IBIS Model

ADuM1440Micropower Quad-Channel Digital Isolator, Default High (4/0 Channel Directionality)

ADUM1440 IBIS Models

ADuM1441Micropower Quad-Channel Digital Isolator, Default High (3/1 Channel Directionality)

ADUM1441 IBIS Models

ADuM1442Micropower Quad-Channel Digital Isolator, Default High (2/2 Channel Directionality)

ADUM1442 IBIS Models

ADuM1445Micropower Quad-Channel Digital Isolator, Default Low (4/0 Channel Directionality)

ADUM1445 IBIS Models

ADuM1446Micropower Quad-Channel Digital Isolator, Default Low (3/1 Channel Directionality)

ADUM1446 IBIS Models

ADuM1447Micropower Quad-Channel Digital Isolator, Default Low (2/2 Channel Directionality)

ADUM1447 IBIS Models

ADuM150NRobust 3.0 kV rms Five Channel Digital Isolators w/ Fail-Safe & 0 Reverse Channels

ADuM150N IBIS Model

ADuM151NRobust 3.0 kV rms Five Channel Digital Isolators w/ Fail-Safe & 1 Reverse Channel

ADuM151N IBIS Model

ADuM152NRobust 3.0 kV rms Five Channel Digital Isolators w/ Fail-Safe & 2 Reverse Channels

ADuM152N IBIS Model

ADuM160NRobust 3.0 kV rms Six Channel Digital Isolators w/ Fail-Safe & 0 Reverse Channels

ADuM160N IBIS Model

ADuM161NRobust 3.0 kV rms Six Channel Digital Isolators w/ Fail-Safe & 1 Reverse Channel

ADuM161N IBIS Model

ADuM162NRobust 3.0 kV rms Six Channel Digital Isolators w/ Fail-Safe & 2 Reverse Channels

ADuM162N IBIS Model

ADuM163NRobust 3.0 kV rms Six Channel Digital Isolators w/ Fail-Safe & 3 Reverse Channels

ADuM163N IBIS Model

ADuM210N3 kV rms, Single-Channel Digital Isolator

ADuM110N/ADUM210N IBIS Model

ADuM2250Hot-Swappable Dual I2C® Isolators, 5 kV

ADuM2250 IBIS Model (All Speed Grades)

ADuM225NRobust 5.0 kV rms Dual Channel Digital Isolator & 0 Reverse Channels & 8.3mm Creepage

ADuM120N/ADUuM225N IBIS Model

ADuM226NRobust 5.0 kV rms Dual Channel Digital Isolator & 1 Reverse Channel & 8.3mm Creepage

ADuM121N/ADuM226N IBIS Model

ADuM230DRobust 5kV RMS Triple Channel Digital Isolators, Input Disable (3/0 Channel Directionality)

ADuM230D IBIS Model

ADuM230ERobust 5kV RMS Triple Channel Digital Isolators, Output Enable (3/0 Channel Directionality)

ADuM230E IBIS Model

ADuM231DRobust 5kV RMS Triple Channel Digital Isolators, Input Disable (2/1 Channel Directionality)

ADuM231D IBIS Model

ADuM231ERobust 5kV RMS Triple Channel Digital Isolators, Output Enable (2/1 Channel Directionality)

ADuM231E IBIS Model

ADuM2400Quad-Channel Digital Isolator

ADuM1400/ADuM2400 5V IBIS Model

ADuM2400Quad-Channel Digital Isolator

ADuM1400 and ADuM2400 (All Speed Grades)

ADUM2401Quad-Channel Digital Isolator

ADuM1401/ADuM2401 5V IBIS Model

ADUM2401Quad-Channel Digital Isolator

ADuM1401 and ADuM2401 (All Speed Grades)

ADuM2402Quad-Channel Digital Isolator

ADuM1402/ADuM2402 5V IBIS Model

ADuM2402Quad-Channel Digital Isolator

ADuM1402 and ADuM2402 (All Speed Grades)

ADuM240DRobust 5kV RMS Quad Channel Digital Isolators, Input Disable (4/0 Channel Directionality)

ADuM140D/240D IBIS Model

ADuM240ERobust 5kV RMS Quad Channel Digital Isolators, Output Enable (4/0 Channel Directionality)

ADuM140E/240E IBIS Model

ADuM241DRobust 5kV RMS Quad Channel Digital Isolators, Input Disable (3/1 Channel Directionality)

ADuM141D IBIS Model

ADuM241ERobust 5kV RMS Quad Channel Digital Isolators, Output Enable (3/1 Channel Directionality)

ADuM141E IBIS Model

ADuM242DRobust 5kV RMS Quad Channel Digital Isolators, Input Disable (2/2 Channel Directionality)

ADuM142D/ADuM242D IBIS Model

ADuM242ERobust 5kV RMS Quad Channel Digital Isolators, Output Enable (2/2 Channel Directionality)

ADuM142E/ADuM242E IBIS Model

ADuM250NRobust 5.0 kVrms Five Channel Digital Isolator w/ Fail-Safe & 0 Reverse Channels

ADuM250N IBIS Model

ADuM251NRobust 5.0 kVrms Five Channel Digital Isolator w/ Fail-Safe & 1 Reverse Channel

ADuM251N IBIS Model

ADuM252NRobust 5.0 kVrms Five Channel Digital Isolator w/ Fail-Safe & 2 Reverse Channels

ADuM252N IBIS Model

ADuM260NRobust 5.0 kVrms Six Channel Digital Isolator w/ Fail-Safe & 0 Reverse Channels

ADuM260N IBIS Model

ADuM261NRobust 5.0 kVrms Six Channel Digital Isolator w/ Fail-Safe & 1 Reverse Channel

ADuM261N IBIS Model

ADuM262NRobust 5.0 kVrms Six Channel Digital Isolator w/ Fail-Safe & 2 Reverse Channels

ADuM262N IBIS Model

ADuM263NRobust 5.0 kVrms Six Channel Digital Isolator w/ Fail-Safe & 3 Reverse Channels

ADuM263N IBIS Model

ADuM3123Isolated Precision Gate Driver, 4 A Output

ADUM3123 IBIS Model

ADUM31503.75 kV, 6-Channel, SPIsolator Digital Isolator for SPI with Delay Clock

ADuM3150/ADuM4150 IBIS Model

ADUM31513.75 kV, 7-Channel, SPIsolator Digital Isolators for SPI (with 2/1 Aux channel directionality)

ADuM3151/ADuM4151 IBIS Model

ADUM31523.75 kV, 7-Channel, SPIsolator Digital Isolators for SPI (with 1/2 Aux channel directionality)

ADuM3152/ADuM4152 IBIS Model

ADUM31533.75 kV, 7-Channel, SPIsolator Digital Isolators for SPI (with 0/3 Aux channel directionality)

ADuM3153/ADuM4153 IBIS Model

ADUM31543.75 kV, 7-Channel, SPIsolator Multiple Slave, Digital Isolator for SPI

ADuM3154/ADuM4154 IBIS Model

ADUM31653.75 kV RMS Digital Isolators for Isolated USB 2.0 High, Full, and Low Speed

ADuM3165 - IBIS Model

ADUM31663.75 kV RMS Digital Isolators for Isolated USB 2.0 High, Full, and Low Speed

ADuM3166 - IBIS Model

ADUM320N5.7 kV RMS/3.0 kV RMS Dual Digital Isolators

ADUM320N - IBIS Model

ADUM3210Dual-Channel Digital Isolator, Enhanced System-Level ESD Reliability

ADuM3210 IBIS Models

ADUM3211Dual-Channel Digital Isolator, Enhanced System-Level ESD Reliability

ADUM3211 IBIS Models

ADUM321N5.7 kV RMS/3.0 kV RMS Dual Digital Isolators

ADUM321N - IBIS Model

ADuM32233 kV rms Isolated Precision Half-Bridge Driver, 4 A Output

ADuM3223/4223/3224/4224 IBIS Model

ADuM32243kV rms Isolated Precision Half-Bridge Driver, 4A Output for Automotive

ADuM3223/4223/3224/4224 IBIS Model

ADuM3400Quad-Channel, Digital Isolator, Enhanced System-Level ESD Reliability

ADuM3400 IBIS Models

ADuM3401Quad-Channel, Digital Isolator, Enhanced System-Level ESD Reliability

ADuM3401 IBIS Models

ADuM3402Quad-Channel, Digital Isolator, Enhanced System-Level ESD Reliability

ADuM3402 IBIS Models

ADUM340E5.7 kV/3.0 kV rms Quad Digital Isolators

ADuM340E, ADUM341E, ADUM342E - IBIS Model

ADUM341E5.7 kV/3.0 kV rms Quad Digital Isolators

ADuM340E, ADUM341E, ADUM342E - IBIS Model

ADUM342E5.7 kV/3.0 kV rms Quad Digital Isolators

ADuM340E, ADUM341E, ADUM342E - IBIS Model

ADUM3440Quad Channel, High Speed Digital Isolators

ADuM3440 IBIS Model

ADUM3441Quad Channel, High Speed Digital Isolators

ADuM3441 IBIS Model

ADUM3442Quad Channel, High Speed Digital Isolators

ADuM3442 IBIS Model

ADuM3480Small, 3.75 kV RMS Quad Digital Isolators (4/0 Channel Directionality)

ADuM3480 IBIS Models

ADuM3481Small, 3.75 kV RMS Quad Digital Isolators (3/1 Channel Directionality)

ADuM3481 IBIS Models

ADuM3482Small, 3.75 kV RMS Quad Digital Isolators (2/2 Channel Directionality)

ADuM3482 IBIS Models

ADuM362N3.0 kV rms 6-Channel Digital Isolator

ADuM362N IBIS Model

ADuM4120Isolated, Precision Gate Driver with 2 A Output

ADuM4120/ADuM4120-1 IBIS Model

ADuM4120-1Isolated, Precision Gate Driver with 2 A Output

ADuM4120/ADuM4120-1 IBIS Model

ADuM4121High Voltage, Isolated Gate Driver with Internal Miller Clamp, 2 A Output with Thermal Shutdown

ADuM4121/ADuM4121-1 IBIS Model

ADuM4121-1High Voltage, Isolated Gate Driver with Internal Miller Clamp, 2 A Output

ADuM4121/ADuM4121-1 IBIS Model

ADUM4122Single Gate, Adjustable Slew Rate, Isolated Gate Driver, 3 A Short-Circuit (<3 Ω)

ADUM4122 IBIS Model

ADuM4135Single/Dual-Supply High-Voltage Isolated IGBT Gate Driver with Miller Clamp

ADuM4135 IBIS Model

ADuM4136Single-/Dual-Supply, High Voltage Isolated IGBT Gate Driver

ADuM4136 IBIS Model

ADUM4137High Voltage, Isolated IGBT Gate Driver with Fault Detection

ADUM4137 IBIS Model

ADuM4138High Voltage, Isolated IGBT Gate Driver with Isolated Flyback Controller

ADuM4138 IBIS Model

ADUM414611 A High Voltage Isolated Bipolar Gate Driver with Fault Detection, Miller Clamp

ADuM4146 IBIS Model

ADUM41505kV, 6-Channel, SPIsolator Digital Isolator for SPI with Delay Clock

ADuM3150/ADuM4150 IBIS Model

ADUM41515 kV, 7-Channel, SPIsolator™ Digital Isolators for SPI  (with 2/1 Aux channel directionality)

ADuM3151/ADuM4151 IBIS Model

ADUM41525 kV, 7-Channel, SPIsolator™ Digital Isolators for SPI (with 1/2 Aux channel directionality)

ADuM3152/ADuM4152 IBIS Model

ADUM41535 kV, 7-Channel, SPIsolator™ Digital Isolators for SPI (with 0/3 Aux channel directionality)

ADuM3153/ADuM4153 IBIS Model

ADUM41545 kV, 7-Channel, SPIsolator Multiple Peripheral, Digital Isolator for SPI

ADuM3154/ADuM4154 IBIS Model

ADuM4160Full/Low Speed USB Digital Isolator

ADuM4160 IBIS Model (All Speed Grades)

ADUM41655.7kV rms Digital Isolator for Isolated USB 2.0 High Speed (Upstream Clock Input)

ADUM4165 IBIS Model

ADUM41665.7kV rms Digital Isolator for Isolated USB 2.0 High Speed (Downstream Clock Input)

ADUM4166 IBIS Model

ADuM417740 A Source and 30 A Sink, SiC Isolated Gate Driver with Slew-Rate Control and BISTs

ADUM4177 IBIS Model

ADuM4221Isolated, Half Bridge Gate Driver with Adjustable Dead Time, Dual Input, 4 A Output

ADUM4221 IBIS Model

ADuM4221-1Isolated, Half Bridge Gate Driver with Adjustable Dead Time, Single Input, 4 A Output

ADuM4221-1 IBIS Model

ADuM4221-2Isolated, Half Bridge Gate Driver, Dual Input, 4 A Output

ADuM4221-2 IBIS Model

ADuM42235 KV rms Isolated Precision Half-Bridge Driver, 4 A Output

ADuM3223/4223/3224/4224 IBIS Model

ADuM42245kV rms Isolated Precision Half-Bridge Driver, 4A Output for Automotive

ADuM3223/4223/3224/4224 IBIS Model

ADUM5000Isolated DC/DC Converter

ADuM5000 IBS Models (A Grade)

ADUM50102.5kV rms Isolated DC/DC Converter

ADuM5010/ADuM6010 IBIS Models

ADuM5020Low Emission 500 mW Isolated DC-to-DC Converter

ADuM5020 IBIS Model

ADuM5028Low Emission Isolated DC to DC Converter

ADuM5028 IBIS Model

ADUM5200Dual-Channel Isolators with Integrated DC-to-DC Converter (2/0 channel directionality)

ADuM5200 IBIS Models (A and C Grades)

ADUM5201Dual-Channel Isolators with Integrated DC-to-DC Converter (1/1 channel directionality)

ADuM5201 IBIS Model (A and C Grades)

ADUM5202Dual-Channel Isolators with Integrated DC-to-DC Converter(0/2 channel directionality)

ADuM5202 IBIS Model (A and C Grades)

ADuM5210Dual-Channel Isolators with Integrated DC-to-DC Converter (2/0 Channel Directionality)

ADuM5210 IBIS Models

ADuM5211Dual-Channel Isolators with Integrated DC-to-DC Converter (1/1 Channel Directionality)

ADuM5211 IBIS Models

ADuM5212Dual-Channel Isolators with Integrated DC-to-DC Converter (0/2 Channel Directionality)

ADuM5212 IBIS Models

ADUM5400Quad-Channel Isolator with Integrated DC-to-DC Converter (4/0 channel directionality)

ADuM5400 IBIS Model (A and C Grades)

ADUM5401Quad-Channel, 2.5 kV Isolators with Integrated DC-to-DC Converter (3/1 channel directionality)

ADuM5401 IBIS Model (A and C Grades)

ADUM5402Quad-Channel, 2.5 kV Isolators with Integrated DC-to-DC Converter (2/2 channel directionality)

ADuM5402 IBIS Model (A and C Grades)

ADUM5403Quad-Channel, 2.5 kV Isolators with Integrated DC-to-DC Converter (1/3 channel directionality)

ADuM5403 IBIS Model (A and C Grades)

ADUM5404Quad-Channel, 2.5 kV Isolators with Integrated DC-to-DC Converter (0/4 channel directionality)

ADuM5404 IBIS Model (A and C Grades)

ADuM5410Robust 2.5 kV rms Quad-Channel Isolator with Integrated DC-to-DC Converter & 0 Reverse Channels

ADuM5410/ADuM6410 IBIS Model

ADuM5411Robust 2.5 kV rms Quad-Channel Isolator with Integrated DC-to-DC Converter & 1 Reverse Channel

ADuM5411/ADuM6411 IBIS Model

ADuM5412Robust 2.5 kV rms Quad-Channel Isolator with Integrated DC-to-DC Converter & 2 Reverse Channels

ADuM5412/ADuM6412 IBIS Model

ADum6010Integrated DC-to-DC Converter

ADuM5010/ADuM6010 IBIS Models

ADuM6020Low Emission, 5 kV Isolated DC-to-DC Converters

ADuM6020 IBIS Model

ADuM6028Low Emission, 5 kV Isolated DC-to-DC Converters

ADuM5028 IBIS Model

ADuM6410Robust 3.75 kV rms Quad-Channel Isolator with Integrated DC-to-DC Converter & 0 Reverse Channels

ADuM5410/ADuM6410 IBIS Model

ADuM6411Robust 3.75 kV rms Quad-Channel Isolator with Integrated DC-to-DC Converter & 1 Reverse Channel

ADuM5411/ADuM6411 IBIS Model

ADuM6412Robust 3.75 kV rms Quad-Channel Isolator with Integrated DC-to-DC Converter & 2 Reverse Channels

ADuM5412/ADuM6412 IBIS Model

ADUM6420AQuad-Channel Isolators with Integrated DC-to-DC Converter (4:0 directionality)

ADuM6420A IBIS Model

ADUM6421AQuad-Channel Isolators with Integrated DC-to-DC Converter (3:1 directionality)

ADuM6421A IBIS Model

ADUM6422AQuad-Channel Isolators with Integrated DC-to-DC Converter (2:2 directionality)

ADuM6422A IBIS Model

ADUM6423AQuad-Channel Isolators with Integrated DC-to-DC Converter (1:3 directionality)

ADuM6423A IBIS Model

ADUM6424AQuad-Channel Isolators with Integrated DC-to-DC Converter (0:4 directionality)

ADuM6424A IBIS Model

ADuM7223Isolated Precision Half-Bridge Driver, 4 A Output

ADuM7223 IBIS Model

ADUM74401 kV RMS Quad-Channel Digital Isolator

ADuM7440 IBIS Models

ADUM74411 kV RMS Quad-Channel Digital Isolator

ADuM7441 IBIS Models

ADUM74421 kV RMS Quad-Channel Digital Isolator

ADuM7442 IBIS Model (A and C Grades)

ADuM770116-Bit, Isolated Sigma-Delta Modulator

ADUM770x IBIS Model

ADUM770316-Bit, Isolated, Sigma-Delta ADC

ADuM7703 IBIS Model

ADV7123CMOS, 330 MHz Triple 10-Bit High Speed Video DAC

ADV7123 IBIS Models

ADV7125330MHz Triple 8-Bit High Speed Video DAC

ADV7125 IBIS Models

ADV718010-Bit, 4× Oversampling SDTV Video Decoder

ADV7180 IBIS Models

ADV718210-Bit, SDTV Video Decoder with Differential Inputs

ADV7182 IBIS Model

ADV7182A10-Bit, SDTV Video Decoder with Differential Inputs

ADV7182A IBIS Model

ADV728010-Bit, 4× Oversampled SDTV Video Decoder with Deinterlacer

ADV7280 IBIS Model

ADV728010-Bit, 4× Oversampled SDTV Video Decoder with Deinterlacer

ADV7280M IBIS Model

ADV7280A10-Bit, 4× Oversampled SDTV Video Decoder with Deinterlacer

ADV7280A-M IBIS Model

ADV7280A10-Bit, 4× Oversampled SDTV Video Decoder with Deinterlacer

ADV7280A IBIS Model

ADV7280A10-Bit, 4× Oversampled SDTV Video Decoder with Deinterlacer

ADV7280A-M Differential Interface IBIS Model

ADV728110-Bit, 4× Oversampled SDTV Video Decoder Decoder with Differential Inputs

ADV7281 IBIS Model

ADV728110-Bit, 4× Oversampled SDTV Video Decoder Decoder with Differential Inputs

ADV7281M IBIS Model

ADV728110-Bit, 4× Oversampled SDTV Video Decoder Decoder with Differential Inputs

ADV7281MA IBIS Model

ADV7281A10-Bit, 4× Oversampled SDTV Video Decoder with Differential Inputs

ADV7281A-M Differential Interface IBIS Model

ADV7281A10-Bit, 4× Oversampled SDTV Video Decoder with Differential Inputs

ADV7281A-M IBIS Model

ADV728210-Bit, 4× Oversampled SDTV Video Decoder with Differential Inputs and Deinterlacer

ADV7282 IBIS Model

ADV728210-Bit, 4× Oversampled SDTV Video Decoder with Differential Inputs and Deinterlacer

ADV7282M IBIS Model

ADV7282A10-Bit, 4× Oversampled SDTV Video Decoder with Differential Inputs

ADV7282A-M Differential Interface IBIS Model

ADV7282A10-Bit, 4× Oversampled SDTV Video Decoder with Differential Inputs

ADV7282A IBIS Model

ADV7282A10-Bit, 4× Oversampled SDTV Video Decoder with Differential Inputs

ADV7282A-M IBIS Model

ADV7340Multi-format Video Encoder Six 12-Bit Noise Shaped Video® DACs

ADV7340 IBIS Model

ADV7341Multi-format Video Encoder Six 12-Bit Noise Shaped Video® DACs

ADV7341 IBIS Model

ADV7342Multiformat Video Encoder Six, 11-Bit, 297 MHz DACs

ADV7342 IBIS Model

ADV7343Multiformat Video Encoder with Six, 11-Bit, 297 MHz DACs

ADV7343 IBIS Model

ADV7344Multi-format Video Encoder Six 14-Bit Noise Shaped Video® DACs

ADV7344 IBIS Model

ADV7390Low Power, Chip Scale 10-Bit SD/HD Video Encoder

ADV7390 IBIS Model

ADV7391Low Power, Chip Scale 10-Bit SD/HD Video Encoder

ADV7391 IBIS Model

ADV7392Low Power, Chip Scale 10-Bit SD/HD Video Encoder

ADV7392 IBIS Model

ADV7393Low Power, Chip Scale 10-Bit SD/HD Video Encoder

ADV7393 IBIS Model

ADV7511225 MHz, High Performance HDMI® Transmitter with ARC

ADV7511 IBIS Model

ADV7511W165 MHz High Performance HDMI Transmitter

ADV7511W IBIS Model

ADV7513165 MHz High Performance HDMI Transmitter

ADV7513 IBIS Model

ADV7610Low Power, 165 MHz HDMI Receiver

ADV7610 IBIS Model

ADV7611Low Power 165 MHz HDMI Receiver

ADV7611 IBIS Model

ADV7612Dual Port, Xpressview, 225 MHz HDMI Receiver

ADV7612 IBIS Model

ADV7619Dual Port, Xpressview, 3 GHz HDMI Receiver

ADV7619 IBIS Model

ADV780010-Bit, SDTV/HDTV 3D Comb Filter, Video Decoder, and Graphics Digitizer

ADV7800 IBIS Model

ADV780212-Bit, SDTV/HDTV 3D Comb Filter, Video Decoder, and Graphics Digitizer

ADV7802 IBIS Model

ADV8003Video Signal Processor with Bitmap OSD, Dual HDMI Tx, and Video Encoder

ADV8003 IBIS Model

ADV8005 NatureVue™ Video Signal Processor with Bitmap OSD, Dual HDMI Tx, and Encoder

ADV8005 IBIS Model

ADXL3433-Axis, ±2 g/±4 g/±8 g/±16 g Digital Accelerometer

ADXL343 - IBIS Model

ADXL3453-Axis, ±2 g/±4 g/±8 g/±16 g Digital Accelerometer

ADXL345 - IBIS Model

DAC8412Quad, 12-Bit DAC Voltage Output with Readback

DAC8412 IBIS Model

DG1207Low-Leakage, Single 16-Channel and Dual 8-Channel, Analog Multiplexer

DG1207 IBIS Model

DG1208Low-Leakage, Single 8-Channel and Dual 4-Channel, Analog Multiplexer

DG1208 IBIS Model

DG1209Low-Leakage, Single 8-Channel and Dual 4-Channel, Analog Multiplexer

DG1209 IBIS Model

DS1088Fixed-Frequency EconOscillator™

DS1088 IBIS Model

DS1210Nonvolatile Controller Chip

DS1210 IBIS Model

DS1338I²C RTC with 56-Byte NV RAM

DS1338 IBIS Model

DS1340I²C RTC with Trickle Charger

DS1340 IBIS Model

DS1375I²C Digital Input RTC with Alarm

DS1375 IBIS Model

DS1390Low-Voltage SPI/3-Wire RTCs with Trickle Charger

DS1390 IBIS Model

DS1391Low-Voltage SPI/3-Wire RTCs with Trickle Charger

DS1391 IBIS Model

DS1392Low-Voltage SPI/3-Wire RTCs with Trickle Charger

DS1392 IBIS Model

DS1393Low-Voltage SPI/3-Wire RTCs with Trickle Charger

DS1393 IBIS Model

DS1394Low-Voltage SPI/3-Wire RTCs with Trickle Charger

DS1394 IBIS Model

DS1501Y2K-Compliant Watchdog Real-Time Clocks

DS1501WE IBIS Model

DS1501Y2K-Compliant Watchdog Real-Time Clocks

DS1501YE IBIS Model

DS1620Digital Thermometer and Thermostat

DS1620 IBIS Model

DS1621Digital Thermometer and Thermostat

DS1621 IBIS Model

DS1626High-Precision 3-Wire Digital Thermometer and Thermostat

DS1626 IBIS Model

DS1631High-Precision Digital Thermometer and Thermostat

DS1631 IBIS Model

DS1631AHigh-Precision Digital Thermometer and Thermostat

DS1631A IBIS Model

DS1672I²C 32-Bit Binary Counter RTC

DS1672 IBIS Model

DS1682Total-Elapsed-Time Recorder with Alarm

DS1682 IBIS Model

DS1683Total-Elapsed-Time and Event Recorder with Alarm


DS16873V/5V Real-Time Clock

DS1687/DS1685 IBIS Model

DS17063.3V and 5.0V MicroMonitor

DS1706T IBIS Model

DS1720Econ-Digital Thermometer and Thermostat

DS1720 IBIS Model

DS1721Digital Thermometer and Thermostat

DS1721 IBIS Model

DS1726High-Precision 3-Wire Digital Thermometer and Thermostat

DS1726 IBIS Model

DS1731High-Precision Digital Thermometer and Thermostat

DS1731 IBIS Model

DS1743Y2K-Compliant, Nonvolatile Timekeeping RAMs

DS1743WP120 IBIS Model

DS1747Y2K-Compliant, Nonvolatile Timekeeping RAMs

DS1747WP120 IBIS Model

DS1822Econo 1-Wire Digital Thermometer

DS1822 IBIS Model

DS1843Fast Sample-and-Hold Circuit

DS1843 IBIS Model

DS1856Dual, Temperature-Controlled Resistors with Internally Calibrated Monitors and Password Protection

DS1856 IBIS Model

DS1859Dual, Temperature-Controlled Resistors with Internally Calibrated Monitors

DS1859 IBIS Model

DS18B20Programmable Resolution 1-Wire Digital Thermometer

DS18B20 IBIS Model

DS18S201-Wire Parasite-Power Digital Thermometer

DS18S20 IBIS Model

DS2118MUltra3 LVD/SE SCSI Terminator

DS2118MB_LVD_27 IBIS Model

DS2119MUltra3 LVD/SE SCSI Terminator


DS2120EUltra3 LVD SCSI Terminator

DS2120E_LVD_27 IBIS Model

DS213543.3V/5V E1 Single Chip Transceivers (SCT)

DS21354 IBIS Model

DS21455Quad T1/E1/J1 Transceivers

DS21455 IBIS Model

DS21458Quad T1/E1/J1 Transceivers

DS21458 IBIS Model

DS21485V E1/T1/J1 Line Interface

DS2148G_33 IBIS Model

DS21485V E1/T1/J1 Line Interface

DS2148T_5 IBIS Model

DS21485V E1/T1/J1 Line Interface

DS2148G_5 IBIS Model

DS21485V E1/T1/J1 Line Interface

DS2148T_33 IBIS Model

DS2155T1/E1/J1 Single-Chip Transceiver

DS2155L IBIS Model

DS215543.3V/5V E1 Single Chip Transceivers (SCT)

DS21554 IBIS Model

DS2156T1/E1/J1 Single-Chip Transceiver TDM/UTOPIA II Interface

DS2156 IBIS Model

DS2172Bit Error Rate Tester (BERT)

DS2172 IBIS Model

DS21Q352Quad T1/E1 Transceiver (3.3V, 5.0V)

DS21Q352 IBIS Model

DS21Q485V E1/T1/J1 Line Interface

DS21Q48_5 IBIS Model

DS21Q485V E1/T1/J1 Line Interface

DS21Q48_33 IBIS Model

DS21Q552Quad T1/E1 Transceiver (3.3V, 5.0V)

DS21Q552 IBIS Model

DS2465DeepCover Secure Authenticator with SHA-256 Coprocessor and 1-Wire Master Function

DS2465 IBIS Model

DS2610216-Port Transmission Convergence Device

DS26102 IBIS Model

DS263343.3V, 16-Channel, E1/T1/J1 Short/Long-Haul Line Interface Unit

DS26334 IBIS Model

DS26401Octal T1/E1/J1 Framer

DS26401 IBIS Model

DS26502T1/E1/J1/64KCC BITS Element

DS26502 IBIS Model

DS26503T1/E1/J1 BITS Element

DS26503 IBIS Model

DS26504T1/E1/J1/64KCC BITS Element

DS26504 IBIS Model

DS265144-Port T1/E1/J1 Transceiver

DS26514 IBIS Model

DS265188-Port T1/E1/J1 Transceiver

DS26518 IBIS Model

DS2651916-Port T1/E1/J1 Transceiver

DS26519 IBIS Model

DS26521Single T1/E1/J1 Transceiver

DS26521 IBIS Model

DS26522Dual T1/E1/J1 Transceiver

DS26522 IBIS Model

DS26524Quad T1/E1/J1 Transceiver

DS26524 BSDL Model

DS26528Octal T1/E1/J1 Transceiver

DS26528 IBIS Model

DS28E25DeepCover Secure Authenticator with 1-Wire SHA-256 and 4Kb User EEPROM

DS28E25 IBIS Model

DS3112TEMPE T3 E3 Multiplexer, 3.3V T3/E3 Framer and M13/E13/G.747 MUX

DS3112 IBIS Model

DS31256256-Channel, High-Throughput HDLC Controller

DS31256 IBIS Model

DS3141Single/Dual/Triple/Quad DS3/E3 Framers

DS3141 IBIS Model

DS314126-/8-/12-Channel DS3/E3 Framers

DS31412 IBIS Model

DS3142Single/Dual/Triple/Quad DS3/E3 Framers

DS3142 IBIS Model

DS3143Single/Dual/Triple/Quad DS3/E3 Framers

DS3143 IBIS Model

DS3144Single/Dual/Triple/Quad DS3/E3 Framers

DS3144 IBIS Model

DS31466-/8-/12-Channel DS3/E3 Framers

DS3146 IBIS Model

DS31486-/8-/12-Channel DS3/E3 Framers

DS3148 IBIS Model

DS31503.3V, DS3/E3/STS-1 Line Interface Unit

DS3150Q IBIS Model

DS31503.3V, DS3/E3/STS-1 Line Interface Unit

DS3150T IBIS Model

DS3151Single/Dual/Triple/Quad DS3/E3/STS-1 LIUs

DS3151 IBIS Model

DS3152Single/Dual/Triple/Quad DS3/E3/STS-1 LIUs

DS3152 IBIS Model

DS3153Single/Dual/Triple/Quad DS3/E3/STS-1 LIUs

DS3153 IBIS Model

DS3154Single/Dual/Triple/Quad DS3/E3/STS-1 LIUs

DS3154 IBIS Model

DS3161Single/Dual/Triple/Quad ATM/Packet PHYs for DS3/E3/STS-1

DS3161 IBIS Model

DS3162Single/Dual/Triple/Quad ATM/Packet PHYs for DS3/E3/STS-1

DS3162 IBIS Model

DS3163Single/Dual/Triple/Quad ATM/Packet PHYs for DS3/E3/STS-1

DS3163 IBIS Model

DS3164Single/Dual/Triple/Quad ATM/Packet PHYs for DS3/E3/STS-1

DS3164 IBIS Model

DS3170DS3/E3 Single-Chip Transceiver

DS3170 IBIS Model

DS3171Single/Dual/Triple/Quad DS3/E3 Single-Chip Transceivers

DS3171 IBIS Model

DS3172Single/Dual/Triple/Quad DS3/E3 Single-Chip Transceivers

DS3172 IBIS Model

DS3173Single/Dual/Triple/Quad DS3/E3 Single-Chip Transceivers

DS3173 IBIS Model

DS3174Single/Dual/Triple/Quad DS3/E3 Single-Chip Transceivers

DS3174 IBIS Model

DS3181Single/Dual/Triple/Quad ATM/Packet PHYs with Built-In LIU

DS3181 IBIS Model

DS3182Single/Dual/Triple/Quad ATM/Packet PHYs with Built-In LIU

DS3182 IBIS Model

DS3183Single/Dual/Triple/Quad ATM/Packet PHYs with Built-In LIU

DS3183 IBIS Model

DS3184Single/Dual/Triple/Quad ATM/Packet PHYs with Built-In LIU

DS3184 IBIS Model

DS3231Extremely Accurate I²C-Integrated RTC/TCXO/Crystal

DS3231 IBIS Model

DS3231M±5ppm, I2C Real-Time Clock

DS3231M IBIS Model

DS3234Extremely Accurate SPI Bus RTC with Integrated Crystal and SRAM

DS3234 IBIS Model

DS325066-/8-/12-Port DS3/E3/STS-1 LIU

DS32506 IBIS Model

DS3251Single/Dual/Triple/Quad DS3/E3/STS-1 LIUs

DS3251 IBIS Model

DS325126-/8-/12-Port DS3/E3/STS-1 LIU

DS32512 IBIS Model

DS3252Single/Dual/Triple/Quad DS3/E3/STS-1 LIUs

DS3252 IBIS Model

DS3253Single/Dual/Triple/Quad DS3/E3/STS-1 LIUs

DS3253 IBIS Model

DS3254Single/Dual/Triple/Quad DS3/E3/STS-1 LIUs

DS3254 IBIS Model

DS33M30Ethernet Over SONET/SDH Mapper

DS33M30 IBIS Model

DS33M31Ethernet Over SONET/SDH Mapper

DS33M31 IBIS Model

DS33M33Ethernet Over SONET/SDH Mapper

DS33M33 IBIS Model

DS33R11Ethernet Mapper with Integrated T1/E1/J1 Transceiver

DS33R11 IBIS Model

DS33R41Inverse-Multiplexing Ethernet Mapper with Quad Integrated T1/E1/J1 Transceivers

DS33R41 IBIS Model

DS33X11Ethernet Over PDH Mapping Devices

DS33X11 IBIS Model

DS33X162Ethernet Over PDH Mapping Devices

DS33X162 IBIS Model

DS33X41Ethernet Over PDH Mapping Devices

DS33X41 IBIS Model

DS33X81Ethernet Over PDH Mapping Devices

DS33X81 IBIS Model

DS33Z11Ethernet Mapper

DS33Z11 IBIS Model

DS33Z41Quad IMUX Ethernet Mapper

DS33Z41 IBIS Model

DS33Z44Quad Ethernet Mapper

DS33Z44 IBIS Model

DS34S101Single/Dual/Quad/Octal TDM-Over-Packet Transport Devices

DS34S101 IBIS Model

DS34S102Single/Dual/Quad/Octal TDM-Over-Packet Transport Devices

DS34S102 IBIS Model

DS34S104Single/Dual/Quad/Octal TDM-Over-Packet Transport Devices

DS34S104 IBIS Model

DS34S108Single/Dual/Quad/Octal TDM-Over-Packet Transport Devices

DS34S108 IBIS Model

DS34S13232-Port TDM-over-Packet IC

DS34S132 IBIS Model

DS34T101Single/Dual/Quad/Octal TDM-Over-Packet Chip

DS34T101 IBIS Model

DS34T102Single/Dual/Quad/Octal TDM-Over-Packet Chip

DS34T102 IBIS Model

DS34T104Single/Dual/Quad/Octal TDM-Over-Packet Chip

DS34T104 IBIS Model

DS34T108Single/Dual/Quad/Octal TDM-Over-Packet Chip

DS34T108 IBIS Model

DS4402Two/Four-Channel, I²C Adjustable Current DAC

DS4402 IBIS Model

DS4424Two-/Four-Channel, I²C, 7-Bit Sink/Source Current DAC

DS4424 IBIS Model

DS4432Dual-Channel, I²C Adjustable Sink/Source Current DAC

DS4432 IBIS Model

DS4550I2C and JTAG Nonvolatile 9-Bit I/O Expander Plus Memory

DS4550 IBIS Model

DS75Digital Thermometer and Thermostat

DS75 IBIS Model

DS7505High-Precision Digital Thermometer and Thermostat

DS7505 IBIS Model

FIDO5100Real-Time Ethernet Multiprotocol (REM) Switch

FIDO5100/FIDO5200 IBIS Model

FIDO5200Real-Time Ethernet Multiprotocol (REM) Switch 

FIDO5100/FIDO5200 IBIS Model

HMC1032Clock Generator with Fractional-N PLL & Integrated VCO SMT, 125 - 350 MHz

HMC1032 IBIS Model

HMC1034Clock Generator with Fractional-N PLL & Integrated VCO SMT, 125 - 3000 MHz

HMC1034 IBIS Model

HMC11190.25 dB LSB, 7-Bit, Silicon Digital Attenuator, 0.1 GHz to 6.0 GHz


HMC11220.1 GHz to 6.0 GHz, 0.5 dB LSB, 6-Bit, Silicon Digital Attenuator


HMC1190ABroadband High IP3 Dual Channel Downconverter w/ Fractional-N PLL & VCO, 0.7 - 3.8 GHz

HMC1190A IBIS Model

HMC1197Wideband Direct Quadrature Modulator w/ Fractional-N PLL & VCO, 100 - 4000 MHz

HMC1197 IBIS Model

HMC273A1 dB LSB GaAs MMIC 5-Bit Digital Attenuator, 0.7 to 3.8 GHz


HMC305SGlitch Free 0.5 dB 5-Bit Serial Control Silicon Digital Attenuator, 0.4 - 7.0 GHz


HMC624A0.1 GHz to 6.0 GHz, 0.5 dB LSB, 6-Bit, GaAs Digital Attenuator


HMC675LC3CHigh Speed Latched Comparator-RSCML SMT, 10 GHz


HMC67926 GHz, T Flip-Flop with RESET & Programmable Output Voltage

HMC679 IBIS Model

HMC6832Low Noise, 2:8 Differential, Fanout Buffer

HMC6832a_LVDS IBIS Model

HMC6832Low Noise, 2:8 Differential, Fanout Buffer


HMC7043High Performance, 3.2 GHz, 14-Output Fanout Buffer with JESD204B/JESD204C

HMC7043 IBIS Model

HMC7044High Performance, 3.2 GHz, 14-Output Jitter Attenuator with JESD204B and JESD204C Support

HMC7044 IBIS Model

HMC7044B High Performance, 3.2 GHz, 14-Output Jitter Attenuator with JESD204B and JESD204C Support

HMC7044 IBIS Model

HMC72013 Gbps Fast Rise Time 1:2 Fanout Buffer with Programmable Output Voltage

HMC720 IBIS Model

HMC721LC3C13 Gbps Fast Rise Time XOR / XNOR Gate with Programmable Output Voltage

HMC721 IBIS Model

HMC721LP3E13 Gbps Fast Rise Time XOR / XNOR Gate with Programmable Output Voltage

HMC721 IBIS Model

HMC722LC3C13 Gbps, Fast Rise Time AND/NAND/OR/NOR Gate, with Programmable Output Voltage

HMC722 IBIS Model

HMC722LP3E13 Gbps, Fast Rise Time AND/NAND/OR/NOR Gate, with Programmable Output Voltage

HMC722 IBIS Model

HMC723LC3C13 Gbps Fast Rise Time D-Type Flip-Flop with Programmable Output Voltage

HMC723 IBIS Model

HMC723LP3E13 Gbps Fast Rise Time D-Type Flip-Flop with Programmable Output Voltage

HMC723 IBIS Model

HMC72414 Gbps Fast Rise Time 1:2 Fanout Buffer

HMC724 IBIS Model

HMC72926 GHz, T Flip-Flop w/Reset

HMC729 IBIS Model

HMC74414 Gbps Fast Rise Time 1:2 Fanout Buffer with Programmable Output Voltage & Positive Supply

HMC744 IBIS Model

HMC74513 Gbps, Fast Rise Time XOR/XNOR Gate with Programmable Output Voltage and Positive Supply

HMC745 IBIS Model

HMC74613 Gbps Fast Rise Time AND/NAND / OR/NOR Gate with Programmable Output Voltage

HMC746 IBIS Model

HMC74713 Gbps Fast Rise Time D-Type Flip-Flop with Programmable Output Voltage

HMC747 IBIS Model

HMC74813 Gbps Fast Rise Time 2:1 Selector with Programmable Output Voltage

HMC748 IBIS Model

HMC74926 GHz Fast Rise Time T Flip-Flop with Reset & Programmable Output Voltage

HMC749 IBIS Model

HMC792A0.25 dB LSB GaAs MMIC 6-Bit Digital Attenuator SMT, DC - 6 GHz


HMC80730.6 GHz to 3.0 GHz, 0.5 dB LSB, 6-Bit, Silicon Digital Step Attenuator

HMC8073 IBIS Model

HMC830Fractional-N PLL with Integrated VCO SMT, 25 - 3000 MHz

HMC830 IBIS Model

HMC85028 Gbps 1:2 Fanout Buffer with Programmable Output Voltage

HMC850 IBIS Model

HMC85128 Gbps XOR / XNOR SMT w/Programmable Output Voltage

HMC851 IBIS Model

HMC85328 Gbps D-Type Flip-Flop w/Programmable Output Voltage

HMC853 IBIS Model

HMC85628 Gbps, 5-Bit, Digital Time Delay with Programmable Output Voltage

HMC856 IBIS Model

HMC94013 Gbps 1:4 Fanout Buffer w/Programmable Output Voltage

HMC940 IBIS Model

HMC9873.3V Low Noise 1:9 Fanout Buffer, DC - 8 GHz

HMC987 IBIS Model

LT178560V Fault Protected RS485/RS422 Transceivers

LT1785 IBIS Model

LT179160V Fault Protected RS485/RS422 Transceivers

LT1791 IBIS Model

LTC14803.3V Ultralow Power RS485 Transceiver

LTC1480 - IBIS Model

LTC1665Micropower Octal 8-Bit DACs

LTC1665 IBIS Model

LTC166816-Bit, 50Msps DAC

LTC1668 - IBIS Model

LTC200016-/14-/11-Bit 2.5Gsps DACs

LTC2000 IBIS Model

LTC2000A16-/14-/11-Bit 2.7Gsps DACs

LTC2000 IBIS Model

LTC210716-Bit, 210Msps High Performance ADC

LTC2107 IBIS Model

LTC2140-1212-Bit, 25Msps Low Power Dual ADCs

LTC2185 IBIS model

LTC2140-1414-Bit, 25Msps Low Power Dual ADCs

LTC2185 IBIS model

LTC2141-1212-Bit, 40Msps Low Power Dual ADCs

LTC2185 IBIS model

LTC2141-1414-Bit, 40Msps Low Power Dual ADCs

LTC2185 IBIS model

LTC2142-1212-Bit, 65Msps Low Power Dual ADCs

LTC2185 IBIS model

LTC2142-1414-Bit, 65Msps Low Power Dual ADCs

LTC2185 IBIS model

LTC2143-1212-Bit, 80Msps Low Power Dual ADCs

LTC2185 IBIS model

LTC2143-1414-Bit, 80Msps Low Power Dual ADCs

LTC2185 IBIS model

LTC2144-1212-Bit, 105Msps Low Power Dual ADCs

LTC2185 IBIS model

LTC2144-1414-Bit, 105Msps Low Power Dual ADCs

LTC2185 IBIS model

LTC2145-1212-Bit, 125Msps Low Power Dual ADCs

LTC2185 IBIS model

LTC2145-1414-Bit, 125Msps Low Power Dual ADCs

LTC2185 IBIS model

LTC2150-12Single 12-Bit 170Msps ADCs

LTC2152 IBIS Model

LTC2150-14Single 14-Bit 170Msps ADCs

LTC2152 IBIS Model

LTC2151-12Single 12-Bit 210Msps ADCs

LTC2152 IBIS Model

LTC2151-14Single 14-Bit 210Msps ADCs

LTC2152 IBIS Model

LTC2152-12Single 12-Bit 250Msps ADCs

LTC2152 IBIS Model

LTC2152-14Single 14-Bit 250Msps ADCs

LTC2152 IBIS Model

LTC2153-1212-Bit 310Msps ADC

LTC2152 IBIS Model

LTC2153-1414-Bit 310Msps ADC

LTC2152 IBIS Model

LTC2155-12Dual 12-Bit 170Msps ADC

LTC2157 IBIS model

LTC2155-14Dual 14-Bit 170Msps ADCs

LTC2157 IBIS model

LTC2156-12Dual 12-Bit 210Msps ADC

LTC2157 IBIS model

LTC2156-14Dual 14-Bit 210Msps ADCs

LTC2157 IBIS model

LTC2157-12Dual 12-Bit 250Msps ADCs

LTC2157 IBIS model

LTC2157-14Dual 14-Bit 250Msps ADCs

LTC2157 IBIS model

LTC2158-12Dual 12-Bit 310Msps ADC

LTC2157 IBIS model

LTC2158-14Dual 14-Bit 310Msps ADC

LTC2157 IBIS model

LTC216016-Bit, 25Msps Low Power ADCs

LTC2165 IBIS model

LTC216116-Bit, 40Msps Low Power ADCs

LTC2165 IBIS model

LTC216216-Bit, 65Msps Low Power ADCs

LTC2165 IBIS model

LTC216316-Bit, 80Msps Low Power ADCs

LTC2165 IBIS model

LTC216416-Bit, 105Msps Low Power ADCs

LTC2165 IBIS model

LTC216516-Bit, 125Msps Low Power ADCs

LTC2165 IBIS model

LTC2170-1212-Bit, 25Msps Low Power Quad ADCs

LTC2175/4/3/2/1/0 IBIS Model

LTC2170-1414-Bit, 25Msps Low Power Quad ADCs

LTC2175/4/3/2/1/0 IBIS Model

LTC2171-1212-Bit, 40Msps Low Power Quad ADCs

LTC2175/4/3/2/1/0 IBIS Model

LTC2171-1414-Bit, 40Msps Low Power Quad ADCs

LTC2175/4/3/2/1/0 IBIS Model

LTC2172-1212-Bit, 65Msps Low Power Quad ADCs

LTC2175/4/3/2/1/0 IBIS Model

LTC2172-1414-Bit, 65Msps Low Power Quad ADCs

LTC2175/4/3/2/1/0 IBIS Model

LTC2173-1212-Bit, 80Msps Low Power Quad ADCs

LTC2175/4/3/2/1/0 IBIS Model

LTC2173-1414-Bit, 80Msps Low Power Quad ADCs

LTC2175/4/3/2/1/0 IBIS Model

LTC2174-1212-Bit, 105Msps Low Power Quad ADCs

LTC2175/4/3/2/1/0 IBIS Model

LTC2174-1414-Bit, 105Msps Low Power Quad ADCs

LTC2175/4/3/2/1/0 IBIS Model

LTC2175-1212-Bit, 125Msps Low Power Quad ADCs

LTC2175/4/3/2/1/0 IBIS Model

LTC2175-1414-Bit, 125Msps Low Power Quad ADCs

LTC2175/4/3/2/1/0 IBIS Model

LTC218016-Bit, 25Msps Low Power Dual ADCs

LTC2185 IBIS model

LTC218116-Bit, 40Msps Low Power Dual ADCs

LTC2185 IBIS model

LTC218216-Bit, 65Msps Low Power Dual ADCs

LTC2185 IBIS model

LTC218316-Bit, 80Msps Low Power Dual ADCs

LTC2185 IBIS model

LTC218416-Bit, 105Msps Low Power Dual ADCs

LTC2185 IBIS model

LTC218516-Bit, 125Msps Low Power Dual ADCs

LTC2185 IBIS model

LTC219016-Bit, 25Msps Low Power Dual ADCs

LTC2195 IBIS model

LTC219116-Bit, 40Msps Low Power Dual ADCs

LTC2195 IBIS model

LTC219216-Bit, 65Msps Low Power Dual ADCs

LTC2195 IBIS model

LTC219316-Bit, 80Msps Low Power Dual ADCs

LTC2195 IBIS model

LTC219416-Bit, 105Msps Low Power Dual ADCs

LTC2195 IBIS model

LTC219516-Bit, 125Msps Low Power Dual ADCs

LTC2195 IBIS model

LTC220216-Bit, 10Msps ADC

LTC2203/LTC2202 - IBIS Model

LTC220316-Bit, 25Msps ADCs

LTC2203/LTC2202 - IBIS Model

LTC220416-Bit, 40Msps ADC

LTC2205-LTC2207 IBIS Model

LTC220516-Bit, 65Msps ADCs

LTC2205-LTC2207 IBIS Model

LTC2205-1414-Bit, 65Msps ADC

LTC2205-LTC2207 IBIS Model

LTC2206 16-Bit, 80Msps ADC

LTC2205-LTC2207 IBIS Model

LTC2206-1414-Bit, 80Msps ADC

LTC2205-LTC2207 IBIS Model

LTC220716-Bit, 105Msps ADC

LTC2205-LTC2207 IBIS Model

LTC2207-1414-Bit, 105Msps ADC

LTC2205-LTC2207 IBIS Model

LTC220816-Bit, 130Msps ADC

LTC2208 - IBIS Model

LTC2208-1414-Bit, 130Msps ADC

LTC2208 - IBIS Model

LTC220916-Bit, 160Msps ADC


LTC221616-Bit, 80Msps Low Noise ADC


LTC221716-Bit, 105Msps Low Noise ADC


LTC222212-Bit, 105Msps ADCs

LTC2224 - IBIS Model

LTC222312-Bit, 80Msps ADCs

LTC2224 - IBIS Model

LTC222412-Bit, 135Msps ADC

LTC2224 - IBIS Model

LTC222512-Bit, 10Msps Low Power 3V ADC

LTC2249 - IBIS Model

LTC222612-Bit, 25Msps Low Power 3V ADC

LTC2249 - IBIS Model

LTC222712-Bit, 40Msps Low Power 3V ADCs

LTC2249 - IBIS Model

LTC222812-Bit, 65Msps Low Power 3V ADCs

LTC2249 - IBIS Model

LTC222912-Bit, 80Msps Low Power 3V ADC

LTC2249 - IBIS Model

LTC223210-Bit, 105Msps ADCs

LTC2224 - IBIS Model

LTC223310-Bit, 80Msps ADCs

LTC2224 - IBIS Model

LTC223410-Bit, 135Msps ADC

LTC2224 - IBIS Model

LTC223610-Bit, 25Msps Low Noise 3V ADCs

LTC2249 - IBIS Model

LTC223710-Bit, 40Msps Low Noise 3V ADCs

LTC2249 - IBIS Model

LTC223810-Bit, 65Msps Low Power 3V ADCs

LTC2249 - IBIS Model

LTC223910-Bit, 80Msps Low Noise 3V ADC

LTC2249 - IBIS Model

LTC2240-1010-Bit, 170Msps ADC

LTC2240/LTC2241/LTC2242 - IBIS Model

LTC2240-1212-Bit, 170Msps ADC

LTC2240/LTC2241/LTC2242 - IBIS Model

LTC2241-1010-Bit, 210Msps ADC

LTC2240/LTC2241/LTC2242 - IBIS Model

LTC2241-1212-Bit, 210Msps ADC

LTC2240/LTC2241/LTC2242 - IBIS Model

LTC2242-1010-Bit, 250Msps ADC

LTC2240/LTC2241/LTC2242 - IBIS Model

LTC2242-1212-Bit, 250Msps ADC

LTC2240/LTC2241/LTC2242 - IBIS Model

LTC224514-Bit, 10Msps Low Power 3V ADC

LTC2249 - IBIS Model

LTC224614-Bit, 25Msps Low Power 3V ADCs

LTC2249 - IBIS Model

LTC224714-Bit, 40Msps Low Power 3V ADCs

LTC2249 - IBIS Model

LTC224814-Bit, 65Msps Low Power 3V ADCs

LTC2249 - IBIS Model

LTC224914-Bit, 80Msps Low Power 3V ADC

LTC2249 - IBIS Model

LTC225010-Bit, 105Msps Low Noise 3V ADCs

LTC2249 - IBIS Model

LTC225110-Bit, 125Msps Low Noise 3V ADCs

LTC2249 - IBIS Model

LTC225212-Bit, 105Msps Low Power 3V ADCs

LTC2249 - IBIS Model

LTC225312-Bit, 125Msps Low Power 3V ADCs

LTC2249 - IBIS Model

LTC225414-Bit, 105Msps Low Power 3V ADCs

LTC2249 - IBIS Model

LTC225514-Bit, 125Msps Low Power 3V ADCs

LTC2249 - IBIS Model

LTC2256-1212-Bit, 25Msps Ultralow Power 1.8V ADCs

LTC2261Series - IBIS Model

LTC2256-1414-Bit, 25Msps Ultralow Power 1.8V ADCs

LTC2261Series - IBIS Model

LTC2257-1212-Bit, 40Msps Ultralow Power 1.8V ADCs

LTC2261Series - IBIS Model

LTC2257-1414-Bit, 40Msps Ultralow Power 1.8V ADCs

LTC2261Series - IBIS Model

LTC2258-1212-Bit, 65Msps Ultralow Power 1.8V ADCs

LTC2261Series - IBIS Model

LTC2259-1212-Bit, 80Msps Ultralow Power 1.8V ADCs

LTC2261Series - IBIS Model

LTC2259-1414-Bit, 80Msps Ultra-Low Power 1.8V ADCs

LTC2261Series - IBIS Model

LTC2259-1616-Bit, 80Msps Ultralow Power 1.8V ADC

LTC2259-16 - IBIS Model

LTC2260-1212-Bit, 105Msps Ultralow Power 1.8V ADCs

LTC2261Series - IBIS Model

LTC2260-1414-Bit, 105Msps Ultra-Low Power 1.8V ADCs

LTC2261Series - IBIS Model

LTC2261-1212-Bit, 125Msps Ultralow Power 1.8V ADCs

LTC2261Series - IBIS Model

LTC2261-1414-Bit, 125Msps Ultra-Low Power 1.8V ADCs

LTC2261Series - IBIS Model

LTC2262-1212-Bit, 150Msps Ultralow Power 1.8V ADC

LTC2261Series - IBIS Model

LTC2262-1414-Bit, 150Msps Ultralow Power 1.8V ADC

LTC2261Series - IBIS Model

LTC2263-1212-Bit, 25Msps Low Power Dual ADCs

LTC2268/7/6/5/4/3 IBIS Model

LTC2263-1414-Bit, 25Msps Low Power Dual ADCs

LTC2268/7/6/5/4/3 IBIS Model

LTC2264-1212-Bit, 40Msps Low Power Dual ADCs

LTC2268/7/6/5/4/3 IBIS Model

LTC2264-1414-Bit, 40Msps Low Power Dual ADCs

LTC2268/7/6/5/4/3 IBIS Model

LTC2265-1212-Bit, 65Msps Low Power Dual ADCs

LTC2268/7/6/5/4/3 IBIS Model

LTC2265-1414-Bit, 65Msps Low Power Dual ADCs

LTC2268/7/6/5/4/3 IBIS Model

LTC2266-1212-Bit, 80Msps Low Power Dual ADCs

LTC2268/7/6/5/4/3 IBIS Model

LTC2266-1414-Bit, 80Msps Low Power Dual ADCs

LTC2268/7/6/5/4/3 IBIS Model

LTC2267-1212-Bit, 105Msps Low Power Dual ADCs

LTC2268/7/6/5/4/3 IBIS Model

LTC2267-1414-Bit, 105Msps Low Power Dual ADCs

LTC2268/7/6/5/4/3 IBIS Model

LTC2268-1212-Bit, 125Msps Low Power Dual ADCs

LTC2268/7/6/5/4/3 IBIS Model

LTC2268-1414-Bit, 125Msps Low Power Dual ADCs

LTC2268/7/6/5/4/3 IBIS Model

LTC226916-Bit, 20Msps Low Noise ADC

LTC2269 IBIS Model

LTC227016-Bit, 20Msps Low Noise Dual ADC

LTC2270 IBIS model

LTC227116-Bit, 20Msps Serial Low Noise Dual ADC

LTC2271 IBIS Model

LTC2280Dual 10-Bit, 105Msps Low Noise 3V ADC

LTC2299 - IBIS Model (2280/82/84/86-99)

LTC2281Dual 10-Bit, 125Msps Low Power 3V ADC

LTC2285 - IBIS Model (2281/83/85)

LTC2282Dual 12-Bit, 105Msps Low Power 3V ADC

LTC2299 - IBIS Model (2280/82/84/86-99)

LTC2283Dual 12-Bit, 125Msps Low Power 3V ADC

LTC2285 - IBIS Model (2281/83/85)

LTC2284Dual 14-Bit, 105Msps Low Power 3V ADC

LTC2299 - IBIS Model (2280/82/84/86-99)

LTC2285Dual 14-Bit, 125Msps Low Power 3V ADC

LTC2285 - IBIS Model (2281/83/85)

LTC2286Dual 10-Bit, 25Msps Low Noise 3V ADCs

LTC2299 - IBIS Model (2280/82/84/86-99)

LTC2287Dual 10-Bit, 40Msps Low Noise 3V ADCs

LTC2299 - IBIS Model (2280/82/84/86-99)

LTC2288Dual 10-Bit, 65Msps Low Noise 3V ADCs

LTC2299 - IBIS Model (2280/82/84/86-99)

LTC2289Dual 10-Bit, 80Msps Low Noise 3V ADC

LTC2299 - IBIS Model (2280/82/84/86-99)

LTC2290Dual 12-Bit, 10Msps Low Power 3V ADC

LTC2299 - IBIS Model (2280/82/84/86-99)

LTC2291Dual 12-Bit, 25Msps Low Power 3V ADCs

LTC2299 - IBIS Model (2280/82/84/86-99)

LTC2292Dual 12-Bit, 40Msps Low Power 3V ADCs

LTC2299 - IBIS Model (2280/82/84/86-99)

LTC2293Dual 12-Bit, 65Msps Low Power 3V ADCs

LTC2299 - IBIS Model (2280/82/84/86-99)

LTC2294Dual 12-Bit, 80Msps Low Power 3V ADC

LTC2299 - IBIS Model (2280/82/84/86-99)

LTC2295Dual 14-Bit, 10Msps Low Power 3V ADC

LTC2299 - IBIS Model (2280/82/84/86-99)

LTC2296Dual 14-Bit, 25Msps Low Power 3V ADCs

LTC2299 - IBIS Model (2280/82/84/86-99)

LTC2297Dual 14-Bit, 40Msps Low Power 3V ADCs

LTC2299 - IBIS Model (2280/82/84/86-99)

LTC2298Dual 14-Bit, 65Msps Low Power 3V ADCs

LTC2299 - IBIS Model (2280/82/84/86-99)

LTC2299Dual 14-Bit, 80Msps Low Power 3V ADC

LTC2299 - IBIS Model (2280/82/84/86-99)

LTC2313-1212-Bit, 2.5Msps Serial Sampling ADC in TSOT

LTC2313 IBIS Model

LTC2313-1414-Bit, 2.5Msps Serial Sampling ADC in TSOT

LTC2313 IBIS Model

LTC2321-12Dual, 12-Bit + Sign, 2Msps Differential Input ADC with Wide Input Common Mode Range


LTC2321-12Dual, 12-Bit + Sign, 2Msps Differential Input ADC with Wide Input Common Mode Range


LTC2321-14Dual, 14-Bit + Sign, 2Msps Differential Input ADC with Wide Input Common Mode Range


LTC2321-14Dual, 14-Bit + Sign, 2Msps Differential Input ADC with Wide Input Common Mode Range


LTC2321-16Dual, 16-Bit, 2Msps Differential Input ADC with Wide Input Common Mode Range


LTC2321-16Dual, 16-Bit, 2Msps Differential Input ADC with Wide Input Common Mode Range


LTC2323-12Dual, 12-Bit + Sign, 5Msps Differential Input ADC with Wide Input Common Mode Range

LTC2323 IBIS Model (LVDS)

LTC2323-12Dual, 12-Bit + Sign, 5Msps Differential Input ADC with Wide Input Common Mode Range

LTC2323 IBIS Model (CMOS)

LTC2323-14Dual, 14-Bit + Sign, 5Msps Differential Input ADC with Wide Input Common Mode Range

LTC2323 IBIS Model (LVDS)

LTC2323-14Dual, 14-Bit + Sign, 5Msps Differential Input ADC with Wide Input Common Mode Range

LTC2323 IBIS Model (CMOS)

LTC2323-16Dual, 16-Bit, 5Msps Differential Input ADC with Wide Input Common Mode Range

LTC2323 IBIS Model (LVDS)

LTC2323-16Dual, 16-Bit, 5Msps Differential Input ADC with Wide Input Common Mode Range

LTC2323 IBIS Model (CMOS)

LTC2348-16Octal, 16-Bit, 200ksps Differential ±10.24V Input SoftSpan ADC with Wide Input Common Mode Range

LTC2348 IBIS Model

LTC2348-18Octal, 18-Bit, 200ksps Differential ±10.24V Input SoftSpan ADC with Wide Input Common Mode Range

LTC2348 IBIS Model

LTC2364-1616-Bit, 250ksps, Pseudo-Differential Unipolar SAR ADC with 94.7dB SNR

LTC2380 IBIS Model

LTC2364-1818-Bit, 250ksps, Pseudo-Differential Unipolar SAR ADC with 97dB SNR

LTC2380 IBIS Model

LTC2367-1616-Bit, 500ksps, Pseudo-Differential Unipolar SAR ADC with 94.7dB SNR

LTC2380 IBIS Model

LTC2367-1818-Bit, 500ksps, Pseudo-Differential Unipolar SAR ADC with 97dB SNR

LTC2380 IBIS Model

LTC2368-1616-Bit, 1Msps, Pseudo-Differential Unipolar SAR ADC with 94.7dB SNR

LTC2380 IBIS Model

LTC2368-1818-Bit, 1Msps, Pseudo-Differential Unipolar SAR ADC with 97dB SNR

LTC2380 IBIS Model

LTC2369-1818-Bit, 1.6Msps, Pseudo- Differential Unipolar SAR ADC with 96.5dB SNR

LTC2380 IBIS Model

LTC2370-1616-Bit, 2Msps, Pseudo- Differential Unipolar SAR ADC with 94dB SNR

LTC2380 IBIS Model

LTC2372-1616-Bit, 500ksps, 8-Channel SAR ADC with 96dB SNR

LTC2373 IBIS Model

LTC2372-1818-Bit, 500ksps, 8-Channel SAR ADC with 100dB SNR

LTC2373 IBIS Model

LTC2373-1616-Bit, 1Msps, 8-Channel SAR ADC with 96dB SNR

LTC2373 IBIS Model

LTC2373-1818-Bit, 1Msps, 8-Channel SAR ADC with 100dB SNR

LTC2373 IBIS Model

LTC2376-1616-Bit, 250ksps, Low Power SAR ADC with 97dB SNR

LTC2380 IBIS Model

LTC2376-1818-Bit, 250ksps, Low Power SAR ADC with 102dB SNR

LTC2380 IBIS Model

LTC2376-2020-Bit, 250ksps, Low Power SAR ADC with 0.5ppm INL

LTC2380 IBIS Model

LTC2377-1616-Bit, 500ksps, Low Power SAR ADC with 97dB SNR

LTC2380 IBIS Model

LTC2377-1818-Bit, 500ksps, Low Power SAR ADC with 102dB SNR

LTC2380 IBIS Model

LTC2377-2020-Bit, 500ksps, Low Power SAR ADC with 0.5ppm INL

LTC2380 IBIS Model

LTC2378-1616-Bit, 1Msps, Low Power SAR ADC with 97dB SNR

LTC2380 IBIS Model

LTC2378-1818-Bit, 1Msps, Low Power SAR ADC with 102dB SNR

LTC2380 IBIS Model

LTC2378-2020-Bit, 1Msps, Low Power SAR ADC with 0.5ppm INL

LTC2380 IBIS Model

LTC2379-1818-Bit, 1.6Msps, Low Power SAR ADC with 101.2dB SNR

LTC2380 IBIS Model

LTC2380-1616-Bit, 2Msps, Low Power SAR ADC with 96.2dB SNR

LTC2380 IBIS Model

LTC2385-1616-Bit, 5Msps SAR ADC

LTC2385 IBIS Model

LTC2385-1818-Bit, 5Msps SAR ADC

LTC2385 IBIS Model

LTC2386-1616-Bit, 10Msps SAR ADC

LTC2386 IBIS Model

LTC2386-1818-Bit, 10Msps SAR ADC

LTC2386 IBIS Model

LTC2387-1616-Bit, 15Msps SAR ADC

LTC2385 IBIS Model

LTC2387-1818-Bit, 15Msps SAR ADC

LTC2385 IBIS Model

LTC2602Dual 16-Bit Rail-to-Rail DACs in 8-Lead MSOP


LTC2604Quad 16-Bit Rail-to-Rail DACs in 16-Lead SSOP


LTC2612Dual 14-Bit Rail-to-Rail DACs in 8-Lead MSOP


LTC2614Quad 14-Bit Rail-to-Rail DACs in 16-Lead SSOP


LTC2622Dual 12-Bit Rail-to-Rail DACs in 8-Lead MSOP


LTC2624Quad 12-Bit Rail-to-Rail DACs in 16-Lead SSOP


LTC264116-/14-/12-Bit VOUT DACs in 3mm × 3mm DFN

LTC2641 IBIS Model

LTC264216-/14-/12-Bit VOUT DACs in 3mm × 3mm DFN

LTC2642 IBIS Model

LTC2656Octal 16-/12-Bit Rail-to-Rail DACs with 10ppm/°C Max Reference

LTC2656 IBIS Model

LTC2662Five-Channel, 300mA Current-Source-Output 16-/12-Bit SoftSpan DACs

LTC2662 IBIS Model

LTC266816-Channel 16-/12-Bit ±10V VOUT SoftSpan DACs with 10ppm/°C Max Reference

LTC2668 IBIS Model

LTC2672Five-Channel, Current Output DAC with Internal Reference and SPI

LTC2672 - IBIS Model

LTC26868-Channel, 12-/16-Bit Voltage Output SoftSpan DAC

LTC2686 - IBIS Model

LTC268816-Channel, 12-/16-Bit Voltage Output SoftSpan DAC

LTC2688 IBIS Model

LTC28041.8V to 5.5V RS-232 Single and Dual Transceivers

LTC2804 IBIS Model

LTC28453.3V Software-Selectable Mutiprotocol Transceiver

LTC2845 - IBIS Model

LTC28503.3V 20Mbps RS485/RS422 Transceiver

LTC2850 IBIS Model

LTC28513.3V 20Mbps RS485/RS422 Transceiver

LTC2851 IBIS Model

LTC28523.3V 20Mbps RS485/RS422 Transceiver

LTC2852 IBIS Model

LTC28543.3V 20Mbps RS485/RS422 Transceiver with Integrated Switchable Termination

LTC2854 IBIS Model

LTC28553.3V 20Mbps RS485/RS422 Transceiver with Integrated Switchable Termination

LTC2855 IBIS Model

LTC2856-120Mbps and Slew Rate Limited 15kV RS485/RS422 Transceiver

LTC2856-2 IBIS Model

LTC2856-120Mbps and Slew Rate Limited 15kV RS485/RS422 Transceiver

LTC2856-1 IBIS Model

LTC285720Mbps and Slew Rate Limited 15kV RS485/RS422 Transceiver

LTC2857-1 IBIS Model

LTC285720Mbps and Slew Rate Limited 15kV RS485/RS422 Transceiver

LTC2857-2 IBIS Model

LTC285820Mbps and Slew Rate Limited 15kV RS485/RS422 Transceiver

LTC2858-2 IBIS Model

LTC285820Mbps and Slew Rate Limited 15kV RS485/RS422 Transceiver

LTC2858-1 IBIS Model

LTC285920Mbps RS485 Transceiver with Integrated Switchable Termination

LTC2859 IBIS Model

LTC286120Mbps RS485 Transceivers with Integrated Switchable Termination

LTC2861 IBIS Model

LTC2862±60V Fault Protected 3V to 5.5V RS485/RS422 Transceivers

LTC2862 IBIS Model

LTC2862A±60V Fault Protected 3V to 5.5V RS485/RS422 Transceiver with Level 4 IEC ESD

LTC2862A IBIS Model

LTC2863±60V Fault Protected 3V to 5.5V RS485/RS422 Transceivers

LTC2863 IBIS Model

LTC2864±60V Fault Protected 3V to 5.5V RS485/RS422 Transceivers

LTC2864 IBIS Model

LTC2865±60V Fault Protected 3V to 5.5V RS485/RS422 Transceivers

LTC2865 IBIS Model

LTC2870RS232/RS485 Multiprotocol Transceivers with Integrated Termination

LTC2870ife IBIS Model

LTC2870RS232/RS485 Multiprotocol Transceivers with Integrated Termination

LTC2870iufd IBIS Model

LTC2871RS232/RS485 Multiprotocol Transceivers with Integrated Termination

LTC2871ife IBIS Model

LTC2871RS232/RS485 Multiprotocol Transceivers with Integrated Termination

LTC2871iuhf IBIS Model

LTC2872RS232/RS485 Dual Multiprotocol Transceiver with Integrated Termination

LTC2872 IBIS Model

LTC2873Single-Bus RS485/RS232 Multiprotocol Transceiver with Switchable Termination

LTC2873iufd IBIS Model

LTC2875±60V Fault Protected 3.3V or 5V 25kV ESD High Speed CAN FD Transceiver

LTC2875 IBIS Model

LTC2876±60V Rugged PROFIBUS RS485 Transceivers

LTC2876 IBIS Model

LTC2877±60V Rugged PROFIBUS RS485 Transceivers

LTC2877 IBIS Model

LTC2879X±60V Fault Tolerant RS485/RS422 Transceiver with Operation to 175°C

LTC2879X IBIS Model

LTC3882Dual Output PolyPhase Step-Down DC/DC Voltage Mode Controller with Digital Power System Management

LTC3882 IBIS Model

LTC3882-1Dual Output PolyPhase Step-Down DC/DC Voltage Mode Controller with Digital Power System Management

LTC3882 IBIS Model

LTC3884Dual Output PolyPhase Step-Down Controller with Sub-Milliohm DCR Sensing and Digital Power System Management

LTC3884-LTC3884-1 IBIS Model

LTC3887Dual Output PolyPhase Step-Down DC/DC Controller with Digital Power System Management

LTC3887x IBIS Model

LTC3888-1Dual Loop 8-Phase Step-Down DC/DC Controller with Digital Power System Management

LTC3888x IBIS Model

LTC3888-2Dual Loop 8-Phase Step-Down DC/DC Controller with Digital Power System Management

LTC3888x IBIS Model

LTC4300A-1Hot Swappable 2-Wire Bus Buffers

LTC4300A-1 - IBIS Model

LTC4300A-3Level Shifting Hot Swappable 2-Wire Bus Buffer with Enable

LTC4300A-3 IBIS Model

LTC4301Supply Independent Hot Swappable 2-Wire Bus Buffer

LTC4301 IBIS Model

LTC4301LHot Swappable 2-Wire Bus Buffer with Low Voltage Level Translation

LTC4301L IBIS Model

LTC4303Hot Swappable 2-Wire Bus Buffer with Stuck Bus Recovery

LTC4303 IBIS Model

LTC4304Hot Swappable 2-Wire Bus Buffer with Stuck Bus Recovery

LTC4304 IBIS Model

LTC43052-Channel, 2-Wire Bus Multiplexer with Capacitance Buffering

LTC4305 IBIS Model GN Package

LTC43052-Channel, 2-Wire Bus Multiplexer with Capacitance Buffering

LTC4305 IBIS Model DHD Package

LTC43064-Channel, 2-Wire Bus Multiplexer with Capacitance Buffering

LTC4306 IBIS UFD Package

LTC43064-Channel, 2-Wire Bus Multiplexer with Capacitance Buffering

LTC4306 IBIS GN Package

LTC4307 Low Offset Hot Swappable 2-Wire Bus Buffer with Stuck Bus Recovery

LTC4307 IBIS Model

LTC4312Pin-Selectable, 2-Channel, 2-Wire Multiplexer with Bus Buffers

LTC4312 IBIS Model

LTC43132-Wire Bus Buffers with High Noise Margin

LTC4313-1 IBIS Model

LTC43132-Wire Bus Buffers with High Noise Margin

LTC4313-3 IBIS Model

LTC43132-Wire Bus Buffers with High Noise Margin

LTC4313-2 IBIS Model

LTC4314Pin-Selectable, 4-Channel, 2-Wire Multiplexer with Bus Buffers

LTC4314 IBIS Model

LTC43152-Wire Bus Buffer with High Noise Margin

LTC4315 IBIS model

LTC4331I2C Slave Device Extender Over Rugged Differential Link

LTC4331 IBIS Model

LTC4332SPI Extender Over Rugged Differential Link

LTC4332 IBIS Model

LTC6820isoSPI Isolated Communications Interface

LTC6820 IBIS Model

LTC6945Ultralow Noise and Spurious 0.35GHz to 6GHz Integer-N Synthesizer

LTC6945 - IBIS Model

LTC6946Ultralow Noise and Spurious 0.37GHz to 6.39GHz Integer-N Synthesizer with Integrated VCO

LTC6946 - IBIS Model

LTC6947Ultralow Noise 0.35GHz to 6GHz Fractional-N Synthesizer

LTC6947 - IBIS Model

LTC6948Ultralow Noise 0.37GHz to 6.39GHz Fractional-N Synthesizer with Integrated VCO

LTC6948 - IBIS Model

LTC69501.4GHz Low Phase Noise, Low Jitter PLL with Clock Distribution

LTC6950 IBIS Model

LTC6951Ultralow Jitter Multi-Output Clock Synthesizer with Integrated VCO

LTC6951 - IBIS Model

LTC6952Ultralow Jitter, 4.5GHz PLL with 11 Outputs and JESD204B / JESD204C Support

LTC6952 IBIS Model

LTC6953Ultralow Jitter, 4.5GHz Clock Distributor with 11 Outputs and JESD204B/JESD204C Support

LTC6953 IBIS Model

LTC6954Low Phase Noise, Triple Output Clock Distribution Divider/Driver

ltc6954_3.ibs: LTC6954-3 IBIS Model

LTC6954Low Phase Noise, Triple Output Clock Distribution Divider/Driver

ltc6954_1.ibs: LTC6954-1 IBIS Model

LTC6954Low Phase Noise, Triple Output Clock Distribution Divider/Driver

ltc6954_4.ibs: LTC6954-4 IBIS Model

LTC6954Low Phase Noise, Triple Output Clock Distribution Divider/Driver

ltc6954_2.ibs: LTC6954-2 IBIS Model

LTC6957-1Low Phase Noise, Dual Output Buffer/Driver/Logic Converter

LTC6957-3/LTC6957-4 IBIS Model

LTC6957-1Low Phase Noise, Dual Output Buffer/Driver/Logic Converter

LTC6957-2 IBIS Model

LTC6957-1Low Phase Noise, Dual Output Buffer/Driver/Logic Converter

LTC6957-1 IBIS Model

LTM28107.5kVRMS SPI/Digital or I2C µModule Isolator with Transformer Driver

LTM2810Y-S IBIS Model

LTM28107.5kVRMS SPI/Digital or I2C µModule Isolator with Transformer Driver

LTM2810Y-I IBIS Model

LTM2881Complete Isolated RS485/RS422 μModule Transceiver + Power

LTM2881 IBIS Model

LTM28856500VRMS Isolated RS485/RS422 μModule Transceiver + Power

LTM2885 IBIS Model

LTM2889Isolated CAN FD µModule Transceiver and Power

LTM2889 IBIS Model

LTM900312-Bit Digital Pre-Distortion μModule Receiver Subsystem

LTM9003 IBIS Model

LTM9006-1414-Bit, 25Msps Low Power Octal ADCs

LTM9011 IBIS Model

LTM9007-1414-Bit, 40Msps Low Power Octal ADCs

LTM9011 IBIS Model

LTM9008-1414-Bit, 65Msps Low Power Octal ADCs

LTM9011 IBIS Model

LTM9009-1414-Bit, 80Msps Low Power Octal ADCs

LTM9011 IBIS Model

LTM9010-1414-Bit, 105Msps Low Power Octal ADCs

LTM9011 IBIS Model

LTM9011-1414-Bit, 125Msps Low Power Octal ADCs

LTM9011 IBIS Model

MAX1098-Bit, 2.2Gsps ADC with Track/Hold Amplifier and 1:4 Demultiplexed LVDS Outputs

MAX109 IBIS Model

MAX110434-Channel, 16-Bit, Simultaneous Sampling ADCs with PGA, Filter, and 8-/12-Bit Dual-Stage DAC

MAX11043 IBIS Model

MAX110464-/6-/8-Channel, 16-/14-Bit, Simultaneous-Sampling ADCs

MAX11046 IBIS Model

MAX111022Msps/3Msps, Low-Power, Serial 12-/10-/8-Bit ADCs

MAX11102 IBIS Model

MAX111052Msps/3Msps, Low-Power, Serial 12-/10-/8-Bit ADCs

MAX11105 IBIS Model

MAX11108Tiny, 2.1mm x 1.6mm, 3Msps, Low-Power, Serial 12-Bit ADC

MAX11108 IBIS Model

MAX111102Msps/3Msps, Low-Power, Serial 12-/10-/8-Bit ADCs

MAX11110 IBIS Model

MAX111152Msps/3Msps, Low-Power, Serial 12-/10-/8-Bit ADCs

MAX11115 IBIS Model

MAX111162Msps/3Msps, Low-Power, Serial 12-/10-/8-Bit ADCs

MAX11116 IBIS Model

MAX111172Msps/3Msps, Low-Power, Serial 12-/10-/8-Bit ADCs

MAX11117 IBIS Model

MAX111201Msps, Low-Power, Serial 12-/10-/8-Bit, 4-/8-/16-Channel ADCs

MAX11120-MAX11128 IBIS Model

MAX111201Msps, Low-Power, Serial 12-/10-/8-Bit, 4-/8-/16-Channel ADCs

MAX11120-8 IBIS Model

MAX111211Msps, Low-Power, Serial 12-/10-/8-Bit, 4-/8-/16-Channel ADCs

MAX11121 IBIS Model

MAX111211Msps, Low-Power, Serial 12-/10-/8-Bit, 4-/8-/16-Channel ADCs

MAX11120-8 IBIS Model

MAX111221Msps, Low-Power, Serial 12-/10-/8-Bit, 4-/8-/16-Channel ADCs

MAX11120-8 IBIS Model

MAX111231Msps, Low-Power, Serial 12-/10-/8-Bit, 4-/8-/16-Channel ADCs

MAX11120-8 IBIS Model

MAX111241Msps, Low-Power, Serial 12-/10-/8-Bit, 4-/8-/16-Channel ADCs

MAX11120-8 IBIS Model

MAX111251Msps, Low-Power, Serial 12-/10-/8-Bit, 4-/8-/16-Channel ADCs

MAX11120-8 IBIS Model

MAX111261Msps, Low-Power, Serial 12-/10-/8-Bit, 4-/8-/16-Channel ADCs

MAX11120-8 IBIS Model

MAX111271Msps, Low-Power, Serial 12-/10-/8-Bit, 4-/8-/16-Channel ADCs

MAX11120-8 IBIS Model

MAX111281Msps, Low-Power, Serial 12-/10-/8-Bit, 4-/8-/16-Channel ADCs

MAX11120-8 IBIS Model

MAX111293Msps, Low-Power, Serial 12-/10-Bit, 8-/16-Channel ADCs

MAX11129-32 TSSOP IBIS Model

MAX111293Msps, Low-Power, Serial 12-/10-Bit, 8-/16-Channel ADCs

MAX11129-32 TQFN IBIS Model

MAX111303Msps, Low-Power, Serial 12-/10-Bit, 8-/16-Channel ADCs

MAX11129-32 TSSOP IBIS Model

MAX111303Msps, Low-Power, Serial 12-/10-Bit, 8-/16-Channel ADCs

MAX11129-32 TQFN IBIS Model

MAX111313Msps, Low-Power, Serial 12-/10-Bit, 8-/16-Channel ADCs

MAX11129-32 TSSOP IBIS Model

MAX111313Msps, Low-Power, Serial 12-/10-Bit, 8-/16-Channel ADCs

MAX11129-32 TQFN IBIS Model

MAX111323Msps, Low-Power, Serial 12-/10-Bit, 8-/16-Channel ADCs

MAX11129-32 TSSOP IBIS Model

MAX111323Msps, Low-Power, Serial 12-/10-Bit, 8-/16-Channel ADCs

MAX11129-32 TQFN IBIS Model

MAX11135500ksps, Low-Power, Serial 12-/10-/8-Bit, 4-/8-/16-Channel ADCs

MAX11135-43 IBIS Model

MAX11136500ksps, Low-Power, Serial 12-/10-/8-Bit, 4-/8-/16-Channel ADCs

MAX11135-43 IBIS Model

MAX11137500ksps, Low-Power, Serial 12-/10-/8-Bit, 4-/8-/16-Channel ADCs

MAX11135-43 IBIS Model

MAX11138500ksps, Low-Power, Serial 12-/10-/8-Bit, 4-/8-/16-Channel ADCs

MAX11135-43 IBIS Model

MAX11139500ksps, Low-Power, Serial 12-/10-/8-Bit, 4-/8-/16-Channel ADCs

MAX11135-43 IBIS Model

MAX11140500ksps, Low-Power, Serial 12-/10-/8-Bit, 4-/8-/16-Channel ADCs

MAX11135-43 IBIS Model

MAX11141500ksps, Low-Power, Serial 12-/10-/8-Bit, 4-/8-/16-Channel ADCs

MAX11135-43 IBIS Model

MAX11142500ksps, Low-Power, Serial 12-/10-/8-Bit, 4-/8-/16-Channel ADCs

MAX11135-43 IBIS Model

MAX11143500ksps, Low-Power, Serial 12-/10-/8-Bit, 4-/8-/16-Channel ADCs

MAX11135-43 IBIS Model

MAX1115018-Bit, 500ksps, +5V SAR ADC with Internal Reference in µMAX

MAX11150 IBIS Model

MAX1115218-Bit, 500ksps, +5V Unipolar Input, SAR ADC, in Tiny 10-Pin µMAX

MAX11152 IBIS Model

MAX1115418-Bit, 500ksps, 0 to 5V SAR ADC with Internal Reference in TDFN

MAX11154 IBIS Model

MAX1115618-Bit, 500ksps, ±5V SAR ADC with Internal Reference in TDFN

MAX11156 IBIS Model

MAX1115818-Bit, 500ksps, ±5V SAR ADC with Internal Reference in µMAX

MAX11158 IBIS Model

MAX1116016-Bit, 500ksps, +5V SAR ADC with Internal Reference in µMAX

MAX11160 IBIS Model

MAX1116116-Bit, 250ksps, +5V SAR ADC with Internal Reference in µMAX

MAX11161 IBIS Model

MAX1116216-Bit, 500ksps, +5V Unipolar Input, SAR ADC, in Tiny 10-Pin µMAX

MAX11162 IBIS Model

MAX1116316-Bit, 250ksps, +5V Unipolar Input, SAR ADC, in Tiny 10-Pin µMAX

MAX11163 IBIS Model

MAX1116416-Bit, 500ksps, 0 to 5V SAR ADC with Internal Reference in TDFN

MAX11164 IBIS Model

MAX1116516-Bit, 250ksps, 0 to 5V SAR ADC with Internal Reference in TDFN

MAX11165 IBIS Model

MAX1116616-Bit, 500ksps, ±5V SAR ADC with Internal Reference in TDFN

MAX11166 IBIS Model

MAX1116716-Bit, 250ksps, ±5V SAR ADC with Internal Reference in TDFN

MAX11167 IBIS Model

MAX1116816-Bit, 500ksps, ±5V SAR ADC with Internal Reference in µMAX

MAX11168 IBIS Model

MAX1116916-Bit, 250ksps, ±5V SAR ADC with Internal Reference in µMAX

MAX11169 IBIS Model

MAX111904-Channel, Dual, Simultaneous Sampling, 2.2V to 3.6V, 12-Bit, 3Msps SAR ADC in Tiny 3mm x 3mm TQFN Package

MAX11190 IBIS Model

MAX1119212-/14-/16-Bit, 2Msps, Dual Simultaneous Sampling SAR ADCs with Internal Reference

MAX11192 IBIS Model

MAX1119512-/14-/16-Bit, 2Msps, Dual Simultaneous Sampling SAR ADCs with Internal Reference

MAX11195 IBIS Model

MAX1119812-/14-/16-Bit, 2Msps, Dual Simultaneous Sampling SAR ADCs with Internal Reference

MAX11198 IBIS Model

MAX1121424-Bit, 5mW, 140dB SNR, 32ksps Delta-Sigma ADC with Integrated PGA

MAX11214 IBIS Model

MAX1121624-Bit, 10mW, 140dB SNR, 64ksps Delta-Sigma ADC with Integrated PGA

MAX11216 IBIS Model

MAX1125316-Bit, 6-Channel, 64ksps, 6.2nV/√Hz PGA, Delta-Sigma ADC with SPI Interface

MAX11253 IBIS Model

MAX1125424-Bit, 6-Channel, 64ksps, 6.2nV/√Hz PGA, Delta-Sigma ADC with SPI Interface

MAX11254 IBIS Model

MAX1125924-Bit, 6-Channel, 16ksps, 6.2nV/√Hz PGA, Delta-Sigma ADC with I²C Interface

MAX11259 IBIS Model

MAX1126Quad, 12-Bit, 40Msps, 1.8V ADC with Serial LVDS Outputs

MAX1126 IBIS Model

MAX1126Quad, 12-Bit, 40Msps, 1.8V ADC with Serial LVDS Outputs

MAX1126DT IBIS Model

MAX1126124-Bit, 6-Channel, 16ksps, 6.2nV/√Hz PGA, Delta-Sigma ADC with I2C Interface

MAX11261 IBIS Model

MAX1126214-Bit, 500ksps, +5V Unipolar Input, SAR ADC, in Tiny 10-Pin µMAX

MAX11262 IBIS Model

MAX1127Quad, 12-Bit, 65Msps, 1.8V ADC with Serial LVDS Outputs

MAX1127 IBIS Model

MAX1127Quad, 12-Bit, 65Msps, 1.8V ADC with Serial LVDS Outputs

MAX1127DT IBIS Model

MAX1127024-Bit, 10mW, 130dB SNR, 64ksps Delta-Sigma ADC with Integrated PGA

MAX11270 IBIS Model

MAX11284Dual 24-Bit, Low-Power, High-SNR, 4ksps Delta-Sigma ADCs with Integrated PGAs

MAX11284 IBIS Model

MAX11300PIXI, 20-Port Programmable Mixed-Signal I/O with 12-Bit ADC, 12-Bit DAC, Analog Switches, and GPIO

MAX11300 TQFN IBIS Model

MAX11301PIXI, 20-Port Programmable Mixed-Signal I/O with 12-Bit ADC, 12-Bit DAC, Analog Switches, and GPIO

MAX11301 IBIS Model

MAX113211Msps, 10-/12-Bit, 4-/8-/16-Channel ADCs with Post-Mux External Signal Conditioning Access

MAX11321/2/4/5/7/8 TQFN32 IBIS Model

MAX113221Msps, 10-/12-Bit, 4-/8-/16-Channel ADCs with Post-Mux External Signal Conditioning Access

MAX11321/2/4/5/7/8 TQFN32 IBIS Model

MAX113241Msps, 10-/12-Bit, 4-/8-/16-Channel ADCs with Post-Mux External Signal Conditioning Access

MAX11321/2/4/5/7/8 TQFN32 IBIS Model

MAX113251Msps, 10-/12-Bit, 4-/8-/16-Channel ADCs with Post-Mux External Signal Conditioning Access

MAX11321/2/4/5/7/8 TQFN32 IBIS Model

MAX113271Msps, 10-/12-Bit, 4-/8-/16-Channel ADCs with Post-Mux External Signal Conditioning Access

MAX11321/2/4/5/7/8 TQFN32 IBIS Model

MAX113281Msps, 10-/12-Bit, 4-/8-/16-Channel ADCs with Post-Mux External Signal Conditioning Access

MAX11321/2/4/5/7/8 TQFN32 IBIS Model

MAX113293Msps, 12-/10-Bit, 8-/16-Channel ADCs with Post-Mux External Signal Conditioning Access

MAX11329-32 TQFN32 IBIS Model

MAX113303Msps, 12-/10-Bit, 8-/16-Channel ADCs with Post-Mux External Signal Conditioning Access

MAX11329-32 TQFN32 IBIS Model

MAX113313Msps, 12-/10-Bit, 8-/16-Channel ADCs with Post-Mux External Signal Conditioning Access

MAX11329-32 TQFN32 IBIS Model

MAX113323Msps, 12-/10-Bit, 8-/16-Channel ADCs with Post-Mux External Signal Conditioning Access

MAX11329-32 TQFN32 IBIS Model

MAX11335500ksps, 12-/10-Bit, 4-/8-/16-Channel ADCs with Post-Mux External Signal Conditioning Access

MAX11335-40 TQFN32 IBIS Model

MAX11336500ksps, 12-/10-Bit, 4-/8-/16-Channel ADCs with Post-Mux External Signal Conditioning Access

MAX11335-40 TQFN32 IBIS Model

MAX11337500ksps, 12-/10-Bit, 4-/8-/16-Channel ADCs with Post-Mux External Signal Conditioning Access

MAX11335-40 TQFN32 IBIS Model

MAX11338500ksps, 12-/10-Bit, 4-/8-/16-Channel ADCs with Post-Mux External Signal Conditioning Access

MAX11335-40 TQFN32 IBIS Model

MAX11339500ksps, 12-/10-Bit, 4-/8-/16-Channel ADCs with Post-Mux External Signal Conditioning Access

MAX11335-40 TQFN32 IBIS Model

MAX11340500ksps, 12-/10-Bit, 4-/8-/16-Channel ADCs with Post-Mux External Signal Conditioning Access

MAX11335-40 TQFN32 IBIS Model

MAX1141024-Bit Multi-Channel Low-Power 1.9ksps Delta-Sigma ADC with PGA

MAX11410 IBIS Model

MAX11410A24-Bit Multi-Channel Low-Power 1.9ksps Delta-Sigma ADC with PGA

MAX11410A IBIS Model

MAX116012.7V to 3.6V and 4.5V to 5.5V, Low-Power, 4-/8-/12-Channel, 2-Wire Serial 8-Bit ADCs

MAX11601 IBIS Model

MAX1162912-Bit, 300ksps ADCs with FIFO and Internal Reference

MAX11629 IBIS Model

MAX11662500ksps, Low-Power, Serial 12-/10-/8-Bit ADCs

MAX11662 IBIS Model

MAX11663500ksps, Low-Power, Serial 12-/10-/8-Bit ADCs

MAX11663 IBIS Model

MAX11664500ksps, Low-Power, Serial 12-/10-/8-Bit ADCs

MAX11664 IBIS Model

MAX11665500ksps, Low-Power, Serial 12-/10-/8-Bit ADCs

MAX11665 IBIS Model

MAX1190016-Bit, 1Msps, Low-Power, Fully Differential SAR ADC

MAX11900-5 IBIS Model

MAX1190116-Bit, 1.6Msps, Low-Power, Fully Differential SAR ADC

MAX11900-5 IBIS Model

MAX1190218-Bit, 1Msps, Low-Power, Fully Differential SAR ADC

MAX11900-5 IBIS Model

MAX1190318-Bit, 1.6Msps, Low-Power, Fully Differential SAR ADC

MAX11900-5 IBIS Model

MAX1190420-Bit, 1Msps, Low-Power, Fully Differential SAR ADC

MAX11900-5 IBIS Model

MAX1190520-Bit, 1.6Msps, Low-Power, Fully Differential SAR ADC

MAX11900-5 IBIS Model

MAX119474 Channel AISG Integrated Transceiver

MAX11947 IBIS Model

MAX11960Dual Simultaneous Sampling, 20-Bit, 1Msps, Differential SAR ADC

MAX11960 IBIS Model

MAX1198Dual, 8-Bit, 100Msps, 3.3V, Low-Power ADC with Internal Reference and Parallel Outputs

MAX1198 IBIS Model

MAX12131.8V, 12-Bit, 170Msps ADC for Broadband Applications

MAX1213 IBIS Model

MAX1213N1.8V, Low-Power, 12-Bit, 170Msps ADC for Broadband Applications

MAX1213N IBIS Model

MAX12141.8V, 12-Bit, 210Msps ADC for Broadband Applications

MAX1214 IBIS Model

MAX1214N1.8V, Low-Power, 12-Bit, 210Msps ADC for Broadband Applications

MAX1214N IBIS Model

MAX12151.8V, 12-Bit, 250Msps ADC for Broadband Applications

MAX1215 IBIS Model

MAX1215N1.8V, 12-Bit, 250Msps ADC for Broadband Applications

MAX1215N IBIS Model

MAX12392.7V to 3.6V and 4.5V to 5.5V, Low-Power, 4-/12-Channel, 2-Wire Serial, 12-Bit ADCs

MAX1239 IBIS Model

MAX12527Dual, 65Msps, 12-Bit, IF/Baseband ADC

MAX12527 IBIS Model

MAX1255314-Bit, 65Msps, 3.3V ADC

MAX12553 IBIS Model

MAX1255414-Bit, 80Msps, 3.3V ADC

MAX12554 IBIS Model

MAX1255514-Bit, 95Msps, 3.3V ADC

MAX12555 IBIS Model

MAX12557Dual, 65Msps, 14-Bit, IF/Baseband ADC

MAX12557 IBIS Model

MAX12900Ultra-Low-Power 4-20mA Sensor Transmitter

MAX12900 IBIS Model

MAX12930Two-Channel, Low-Power, 3kVRMS and 5kVRMS Digital Isolators

MAX12930E IBIS Model

MAX12930Two-Channel, Low-Power, 3kVRMS and 5kVRMS Digital Isolators

MAX12930B IBIS Model

MAX12930Two-Channel, Low-Power, 3kVRMS and 5kVRMS Digital Isolators

MAX12930C IBIS Model

MAX12930Two-Channel, Low-Power, 3kVRMS and 5kVRMS Digital Isolators

MAX12930F IBIS Model

MAX12931Two-Channel, Low-Power, 3kVRMS and 5kVRMS Digital Isolators

MAX12931F IBIS Model

MAX12931Two-Channel, Low-Power, 3kVRMS and 5kVRMS Digital Isolators

MAX12931E IBIS Model

MAX12931Two-Channel, Low-Power, 3kVRMS and 5kVRMS Digital Isolators

MAX12931C IBIS Model

MAX12931Two-Channel, Low-Power, 3kVRMS and 5kVRMS Digital Isolators

MAX12931B IBIS Model

MAX12935Two-Channel, Fast, Low Power, 5kVRMS Digital Isolators

MAX12935 IBIS Model

MAX13013+1.2V to +3.6V, 0.1µA, 100Mbps, Single-/Dual-/Quad-Level Translators

MAX13013 IBIS Model

MAX13014+1.2V to +3.6V, 0.1µA, 100Mbps, Single-/Dual-/Quad-Level Translators

MAX13014 IBIS Model

MAX13050Industry-Standard High-Speed CAN Transceivers with ±80V Fault Protection

MAX13050 IBIS Model

MAX13051±80V Fault-Protected CAN Transceiver with Autobaud

MAX13051 IBIS Model

MAX13052Industry-Standard High-Speed CAN Transceivers with ±80V Fault Protection

MAX13052 IBIS Model

MAX13053Industry-Standard High-Speed CAN Transceivers with ±80V Fault Protection

MAX13053 IBIS Model

MAX13053Industry-Standard High-Speed CAN Transceivers with ±80V Fault Protection

MAX13053AE IBIS Model

MAX13054Industry-Standard High-Speed CAN Transceivers with ±80V Fault Protection

MAX13054 IBIS Model

MAX13054Industry-Standard High-Speed CAN Transceivers with ±80V Fault Protection

MAX13054AE IBIS Model

MAX13088E+5.0V, ±15kV ESD-Protected, Fail-Safe, Hot-Swap, RS-485 Transceivers

MAX13088E IBIS Model

MAX13235E3Mbps RS-232 Transceivers with Low-Voltage Interface, ±15kV HBM ESD

MAX13235E IBIS Model

MAX13236E3Mbps RS-232 Transceivers with Low-Voltage Interface, ±15kV HBM ESD

MAX13236E IBIS Model

MAX132531A Spread-Spectrum Push-Pull Transformer Driver for Isolated Power Supplies

MAX13253 IBIS Model

MAX1434Octal, 10-Bit, 50Msps, 1.8V ADC with Serial LVDS Outputs

MAX1434 IBIS Model

MAX1434Octal, 10-Bit, 50Msps, 1.8V ADC with Serial LVDS Outputs

MAX1434DT IBIS Model

MAX1436Octal, 12-Bit, 40Msps, 1.8V ADC with Serial LVDS Outputs

MAX1436 IBIS Model

MAX1436Octal, 12-Bit, 40Msps, 1.8V ADC with Serial LVDS Outputs

MAX1436DT IBIS Model

MAX1436BOctal, 12-Bit, 40Msps, 1.8V ADC with Serial LVDS Outputs


MAX1436BOctal, 12-Bit, 40Msps, 1.8V ADC with Serial LVDS Outputs

MAX1436B IBIS Model

MAX1437Octal, 12-Bit, 50Msps, 1.8V ADC with Serial LVDS Outputs

MAX1437 IBIS Model

MAX1437BOctal, 12-Bit, 50Msps, 1.8V ADC with Serial LVDS Outputs


MAX1437BOctal, 12-Bit, 50Msps, 1.8V ADC with Serial LVDS Outputs

MAX1437B IBIS Model

MAX1438Octal, 12-Bit, 65Msps, 1.8V ADC with Serial LVDS Outputs

MAX1438 IBIS Model

MAX1438Octal, 12-Bit, 65Msps, 1.8V ADC with Serial LVDS Outputs

MAX1438DT IBIS Model

MAX14430Four-Channel, Fast, Low-Power, 3kVRMS and 3.75kVRMS Digital Isolators

MAX14430 IBIS Model

MAX14431Four-Channel, Fast, Low-Power, 3kVRMS and 3.75kVRMS Digital Isolators

MAX14431 IBIS Model

MAX14432Four-Channel, Fast, Low-Power, 3kVRMS and 3.75kVRMS Digital Isolators

MAX14432 IBIS Model

MAX14434Four-Channel, Fast, Low-Power, 5kVRMS Digital Isolators

MAX14434 IBIS Model

MAX14435Four-Channel, Fast, Low-Power, 5kVRMS Digital Isolators

MAX14435 IBIS Model

MAX14436Four-Channel, Fast, Low-Power, 5kVRMS Digital Isolators

MAX14436 IBIS Model

MAX144836-Channel, Low-Power, 3.75kVRMS SPI Digital Isolator

MAX14483 IBIS Model

MAX14509AEUSB 2.0 Hi-Speed and Audio Switches with Negative Signal Capability

MAX14509 IBIS Model

MAX14661Beyond-the-Rails 16:2 Multiplexer

MAX14661 IBIS Model

MAX14662Beyond-the-Rails Octal SPST Switches

MAX14662 IBIS Model

MAX14774Quad SPST/Dual SPDT Beyond-The-Rails Analog Switches

MAX14774 IBIS Model

MAX14775E±65V Fault Protected 500Kbps/20Mbps Half-Duplex RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers

MAX14775E IBIS Model

MAX14776E±65V Fault Protected 500Kbps/20Mbps Half-Duplex RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers

MAX14776E IBIS Model

MAX14777Quad Beyond-the-Rails -15V to +35V Analog Switch

MAX14777 IBIS Model

MAX14778Dual ±25V Above- and Below-the-Rails 4:1 Analog Multiplexer

MAX14778 IBIS Model

MAX14779Quad SPST/Dual SPDT Beyond-The-Rails Analog Switches

MAX14779 IBIS Model

MAX14781EHalf-Duplex RS-485 Transceiver with Polarity Correction

MAX14781E IBIS Model

MAX14782E500Kbps 3.3V to 5V RS-485/RS-422 Transceiver with ±35kV HBM ESD Protection

MAX14782E IBIS Model

MAX14783EHigh-Speed 3.3V/5V RS-485 Transceiver with ±35kV HBM ESD Protection

MAX14783E IBIS Model

MAX14784EFull-Duplex, ±35kV ESD-Protected, RS-485 Transceivers for High-Speed Communication

MAX14784E IBIS Model

MAX14786EFull-Duplex, ±35kV ESD-Protected, RS-485 Transceivers for High-Speed Communication

MAX14786E IBIS Model

MAX14787EFull-Duplex, ±35kV ESD-Protected, RS-485 Transceivers for High-Speed Communication

MAX14787E IBIS Model

MAX14789EFull-Duplex, ±35kV ESD-Protected, RS-485 Transceivers for High-Speed Communication

MAX14789E IBIS Model

MAX14819Dual IO-Link Master Transceiver with Integrated Framers and L+ Supply Controllers

MAX14819 IBIS Model

MAX14819ADual IO-Link Master Transceiver with Integrated Framers and L+ Supply Controllers

MAX14819A IBIS Model

MAX148220µA, 1/8-Unit-Load, Slew-Rate-Limited, RS-485 Transceivers

MAX1482 IBIS Model

MAX14826IO-Link Device Transceiver

MAX14826 IBIS Model

MAX14827IO-Link Device Transceiver

MAX14827 IBIS Model

MAX14827ALow-Power, Ultra-Small, Dual Driver, IO-Link Device Transceiver

MAX14827A IBIS Model

MAX14828Low-Power, Ultra-Small IO-Link Device Transceiver

MAX14828 IBIS Model

MAX14829Low Power IO-Link Device Transceiver with Dual Drivers

MAX14829 IBIS Model

MAX148320µA, 1/8-Unit-Load, Slew-Rate-Limited, RS-485 Transceivers

MAX1483 IBIS Model

MAX14830Quad Serial UART with 128-Word FIFOs

MAX14830 IBIS Model

MAX14832One-Time Programmable Industrial Sensor Output Driver

MAX14832 IBIS Model

MAX1483624V Dual-Output Sensor Transceiver

MAX14836 IBIS Model

MAX1483824V Pin-Configurable Industrial Sensor Output Drivers

MAX14838 IBIS Model

MAX1483924V Pin-Configurable Industrial Sensor Output Drivers

MAX14839 IBIS Model

MAX14851Six-Channel Digital Isolator

MAX14851 IBIS Model

MAX148532.75kVRMS Isolated 500kbps/25Mbps Full-Duplex RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers with ±35kV ESD Protection and Integrated Transformer Driver

MAX14853 IBIS Model

MAX148552.75kVRMS Isolated 500kbps/25Mbps Full-Duplex RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers with ±35kV ESD Protection and Integrated Transformer Driver

MAX14855 IBIS Model

MAX148744.5V to 36V Dual Relay/Valve/Motor Driver

MAX14874 IBIS Models

MAX148782.75kV, 3.5kV, and 5kV Isolated CAN Transceivers

MAX14878 IBIS Model

MAX148792.75kV, 3.5kV, and 5kV Isolated CAN Transceivers

MAX14879 IBIS Model

MAX148802.75kV, 3.5kV, and 5kV Isolated CAN Transceivers

MAX14880 IBIS Model

MAX148825kVRMS Isolated CAN Transceiver with Integrated Transformer Driver

MAX14882 IBIS Model

MAX14883ECAN Transceiver with ±60V Fault Protection Selectable Polarity

MAX14883E IBIS Model

MAX14890EIncremental Encoder Interface for RS-422, HTL, and TTL with Digital Inputs

MAX14890E IBIS Model

MAX14891EQuad Fault-Protected RS-485/RS-422 Receiver with Fault Detection


MAX14900EOctal, High-Speed, Industrial, High-Side Switch

MAX14900E IBIS Model

MAX14900EOctal, High-Speed, Industrial, High-Side Switch


MAX14906Quad-Channel Industrial Digital Output, Digital Input

MAX14906 IBIS Model

MAX14912Octal High-Speed, High-Side Switch/Push-Pull Driver

MAX14912 IBIS Model

MAX14914High-Side Switch with Settable Current-Limiting, Push-Pull Driver Option, and Digital Input Configuration

MAX14914 IBIS Model

MAX14915Compact Industrial Octal High-Side Switch with Diagnostics

MAX14915 IBIS Model

MAX14916Compact Industrial Octal 1A/Quad 2A High-Side Switch with Diagnostics

MAX14916 IBIS Model

MAX14916ACompact Industrial Octal 1A/Quad 2A High-Side Switch with Diagnostics

MAX14916A IBIS Model

MAX14917Industrial Octal High-Side Switch

MAX14917 IBIS Model

MAX14919Industrial-Protected Quad-Channel Low-Side Switch

MAX14919 IBIS Model

MAX14919AIndustrial-Protected Quad-Channel Low-Side Switch

MAX14919 IBIS Model

MAX149304-Channel, 1kVRMS, and 2.75kVRMS, Digital Isolators

MAX14930-2 IBIS Model

MAX149314-Channel, 1kVRMS, and 2.75kVRMS, Digital Isolators

MAX14930-2 IBIS Model

MAX149324-Channel, 1kVRMS, and 2.75kVRMS, Digital Isolators

MAX14930-2 IBIS Model

MAX14934Four-Channel, 5kVRMS Digital Isolators

MAX14934-6 IBIS Model

MAX14935Four-Channel, 5kVRMS Digital Isolators

MAX14934-6 IBIS Model

MAX14936Four-Channel, 5kVRMS Digital Isolators

MAX14934-6 IBIS Model

MAX16029Dual-/Triple-/Quad-Voltage, Capacitor-Adjustable, Sequencing/Supervisory Circuits

MAX16029 IBIS Model

MAX16132Low-Voltage, Precision, Single/Dual/Triple/Quad-Voltage μP Supervisors

MAX16132 IBIS Model

MAX16133Low-Voltage, Precision, Single/Dual/Triple/Quad-Voltage μP Supervisors

MAX16133 IBIS Model

MAX16134Low-Voltage, Precision, Single/Dual/Triple/Quad-Voltage μP Supervisors

MAX16134 IBIS Model

MAX16135Low-Voltage, Precision, Single/Dual/Triple/Quad-Voltage μP Supervisors

MAX16135 IBIS Model

MAX16136High-Precision Supervisory ICs with Window Watchdog and Overvoltage Indicator

MAX16136 IBIS Model

MAX161371% Accuracy Single-Window Voltage Monitor with BIST

MAX16137 IBIS Model

MAX16138±0.7% Accuracy Single-Window Voltage Monitor with BIST

MAX16138 IBIS Model

MAX16140nanoPower, Tiny Supervisor with Manual Reset Input

MAX16140 IBIS Model

MAX16143High-Voltage Supervisors with Manual Reset Input

MAX16143 IBIS Model

MAX16145High-Voltage Supervisors with Manual Reset Input

MAX16145 IBIS Model

MAX16147High-Voltage Supervisors with Manual Reset Input

MAX16147 IBIS Model

MAX16149High-Voltage Supervisors with Manual Reset Input

MAX16149 IBIS Model

MAX16151High Voltage Pushbutton On/Off Controller

MAX16151 IBIS Model

MAX16152nanoPower Supervisor and Watchdog Timer

MAX16152 IBIS Model

MAX16158nanoPower, Tiny Supervisor with Manual Reset Input

MAX16158 IBIS Model

MAX16160High-Accuracy 4-Channel, Any-Input Supervisory Circuits

MAX16160 IBIS Model

MAX16162nanoPower Supply Supervisors with Glitch-Free Power-Up

MAX16162 IBIS Model

MAX16163nanoPower On/Off Controller with Programmable Sleep Time

MAX16163 IBIS Model

MAX16164nanoPower On/Off Controller with Programmable Sleep Time

MAX16164 IBIS Model

MAX16165Highly Integrated, 4-Channel Sequencer and Supervisor

MAX16165 IBIS Model

MAX16166Highly Integrated, 4-Channel Sequencer and Supervisor

MAX16166 IBIS Model

MAX16182Nano Power, Tiny Supervisor with Manual Reset Input

MAX16182 IBIS Model

MAX16191Ultra-High, 0.35% Accuracy Supervisory Circuit

MAX16191 IBIS Model

MAX161930.3% Accuracy Dual-Channel Supervisory Circuit

MAX16193 IBIS Model

MAX16895Ultra-Small, High Accuracy, Adjustable Sequencing/Supervisory Circuits

MAX16895 IBIS Model

MAX19517Dual-Channel, 10-Bit, 130Msps ADC

MAX19517 3V IBIS Model

MAX19517Dual-Channel, 10-Bit, 130Msps ADC

MAX19517 IBIS Model

MAX1969212-Bit, 2.3Gsps Multi-Nyquist DAC

MAX19692 IBIS Model

MAX1969312-Bit, 4.0Gsps High-Dynamic Performance Wideband DAC

MAX19693 IBIS Model

MAX1970710-Bit, 45Msps, Ultra-Low-Power Analog Front-End

MAX19707 IBIS Model

MAX197773Msps, Low-Power, Serial 12-Bit ADC

MAX19777 IBIS Model

MAX200522A Synchronous -Buck LED Drivers with Integrated MOSFETs

MAX20052 IBIS Model

MAX20067Automotive 3-Channel Display Bias IC with VCOM Buffer, Level Shifter, and I2C Interface

MAX20067 IBIS Model

MAX20086Dual/Quad Camera Power Protectors

MAX20086 IBIS Model

MAX20087Dual/Quad Camera Power Protectors

MAX20087 IBIS Model

MAX20088Dual/Quad Camera Power Protectors

MAX20088 IBIS Model

MAX20089Dual/Quad Camera Power Protectors

MAX20089 IBIS Model

MAX202+5V, RS-232 Transceivers with 0.1µF External Capacitors

MAX202 IBIS Model

MAX203+5V, RS-232 Transceivers with 0.1µF External Capacitors

MAX203 IBIS Model

MAX2032712V Capable, Low-RON, Beyond-the-Rails DPDT Analog Switches

MAX20327 IBIS Model

MAX20331High-Voltage Protection 3.5mm Audio Line OVP

MAX20331 IBIS Model

MAX20333Adjustable Current-Limit Switch with Low Power Mode

MAX20333 IBIS Model

MAX20334OverVoltage and Surge-Protected Dual SPDT Data Line Switch

MAX20334 IBIS Model

MAX20336Ultra-Small, Low-RON, Beyond-the-Rails DPST Analog Switches

MAX20336 IBIS Model

MAX20357Power Line Communication with ModelGauge Fuel Gauge and Charger

MAX20357 IBIS Model

MAX20411Automotive High-Efficiency Single 16A/22A/ 30A/40A Step-Down Converter Family

MAX20411 IBIS Model

MAX20431Four-/Three-Output Mini PMICs for Safety Applications

MAX20431 IBIS Model

MAX20480Four- to Seven-Input Automotive Power-System Monitor Family

MAX20480 IBIS Model

MAX20743Integrated, Step-Down Switching Regulator with PMBus

MAX20743 IBIS Models

MAX208+5V, RS-232 Transceivers with 0.1µF External Capacitors

MAX208 IBIS Model

MAX22000Industrial Configurable Analog I/O

MAX22000 IBIS Model

MAX2200512-Channel Factory-Calibrated Configurable Industrial-Analog Input

MAX22005 IBIS Model

MAX22007Four-Channel 12-Bit Configurable Analog Output with Integrated Voltage Reference

MAX22007 IBIS Model

MAX22025Compact, Isolated, Half-Duplex RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers with AutoDirection Control

MAX22025 IBIS Model

MAX22025FCompact, Isolated, Half-Duplex RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers with AutoDirection Control

MAX22025F IBIS Model

MAX22026Compact, Isolated, Half-Duplex RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers with AutoDirection Control

MAX22026 IBIS Model

MAX22026FCompact, Isolated, Half-Duplex RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers with AutoDirection Control

MAX22026F IBIS Model

MAX22027Compact, Isolated, Half-Duplex RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers with AutoDirection Control

MAX22027 IBIS Model

MAX22027FCompact, Isolated, Half-Duplex RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers with AutoDirection Control

MAX22027F IBIS Model

MAX22028Compact, Isolated, Half-Duplex RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers with AutoDirection Control

MAX22028 IBIS Model

MAX22028FCompact, Isolated, Half-Duplex RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers with AutoDirection Control

MAX22028F IBIS Model

MAX22088Home Bus System (HBS) Compatible Transceiver

MAX22088 IBIS Model

MAX22163Reinforced, Fast, Low-Power, Six-Channel Digital Isolators

MAX22163 IBIS Model

MAX22164Reinforced, Fast, Low-Power, Six-Channel Digital Isolators

MAX22164 IBIS Model

MAX22165Reinforced, Fast, Low-Power, Six-Channel Digital Isolators

MAX22165 IBIS Model

MAX22166Reinforced, Fast, Low-Power, Six-Channel Digital Isolators

MAX22166 IBIS Model

MAX22190Octal Industrial Digital Input with Diagnostics

MAX22190 IBIS Model

MAX22191Ultra-Low-Power, Parasitically Powered Digital Input

MAX22191 IBIS Model

MAX22194Quad Industrial Sink/Source Digital Input

MAX22194 IBIS Model

MAX22195High-Speed, Octal, Industrial Digital Input with Parallel Output

MAX22195 IBIS Model

MAX22196Octal Industrial Sink/Source Digital Input

MAX22196 IBIS Model

MAX22199Octal Industrial Digital Input

MAX22199 IBIS Model

MAX2220036V, 1A Octal Integrated Serial-Controlled Solenoid and Motor Driver

MAX22200 IBIS Model

MAX2223Ultra-Wideband, Direct-Conversion, L-Band Satellite Tuner

MAX2223 IBIS Model

MAX22245Reinforced, Fast, Low-Power Two-Channel Digital Isolators

MAX22245 IBIS Model

MAX22246Reinforced, Fast, Low-Power Two-Channel Digital Isolators

MAX22246 IBIS Model

MAX22288Home Bus System (HBS) Compatible Transceiver

MAX22288 IBIS Model

MAX22290Reinforced, Fast, Low-Power, Two-Channel Digital Isolators

MAX22290 IBIS Model

MAX22291Reinforced, Fast, Low-Power, Two-Channel Digital Isolators

MAX22291 IBIS Model

MAX22344Reinforced, Fast, Low-Power, Four-Channel 3.75kVRMS Digital Isolators

MAX22344 IBIS Model

MAX22345Reinforced, Fast, Low-Power, Four-Channel 3.75kVRMS Digital Isolators

MAX22345 IBIS Model

MAX22346Reinforced, Fast, Low-Power, Four-Channel 3.75kVRMS Digital Isolators

MAX22346 IBIS Model

MAX22420Reinforced, Ultra-Low-Power, Two-Channel Digital Isolators

MAX22420 IBIS Model

MAX22421Reinforced, Ultra-Low-Power, Two-Channel Digital Isolators

MAX22421 IBIS Model

MAX22441Reinforced, Ultra-Low-Power, 4-Channel Digital Isolators

MAX22441 IBIS Model

MAX22444Reinforced, Fast, Low-Power, Four-Channel Digital Isolators

MAX22444 IBIS Model

MAX22445Reinforced, Fast, Low-Power, Four-Channel Digital Isolators

MAX22445 IBIS Model

MAX22446Reinforced, Fast, Low-Power, Four-Channel Digital Isolators

MAX22446 IBIS Model

MAX22481.9GHz Power Amplifier

MAX2248 IBIS Model

MAX22500E100Mbps Half-Duplex RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers for Long Cables

MAX22500E IBIS Model

MAX22501E100Mbps Half-Duplex RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers for Long Cables

MAX22501E IBIS Model

MAX22502E100Mbps Full-Duplex RS-485/RS-422 Transceiver for Long Cables

MAX22502E IBIS Model

MAX22503E100Mbps Full-Duplex 3V/5V RS-485/RS-422 Transceiver with High EFT Immunity

MAX22503E IBIS Model

MAX22505±40V High-Speed USB Port Protector

MAX22505 IBIS Model

MAX22506E50Mbps Half-Duplex RS-485/RS-422 Transceiver with High EFT Immunity

MAX22506E IBIS Model

MAX22507E50Mbps Full-Duplex RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers with High EFT Immunity

MAX22507E IBIS Model

MAX22508E50Mbps Full-Duplex RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers with High EFT Immunity

MAX22508E IBIS Model

MAX22513Surge Protected Dual Driver IO-Link Device Transceiver with DC-DC

MAX22513 IBIS Model

MAX22514Surge Protection IO-Link Device Transceiver with DC-DC

MAX22514 IBIS Model

MAX22515IO-Link Transceiver with Integrated Protection

MAX22515 IBIS Model

MAX22517Self-Powered, Two-Channel, 3.5kVRMS Digital Isolator

MAX22517 IBIS Model

MAX22518Self-Powered, Two-Channel, 3.5kVRMS Digital Isolator

MAX22518 IBIS Model

MAX22519Self-Powered, Two-Channel, 3.5kVRMS Digital Isolator

MAX22519 IBIS Model

MAX22564Reinforced, Fast, Low-Power, Six-Channel Digital Isolators

MAX22564 IBIS Model

MAX22565Reinforced, Fast, Low-Power, Six-Channel Digital Isolators

MAX22565 IBIS Model

MAX22664Reinforced, Fast, Low-Power, Six-Channel Digital Isolators

MAX22664 IBIS Model

MAX22665Reinforced, Fast, Low-Power, Six-Channel Digital Isolators

MAX22665 IBIS Model

MAX22700DUltra-High CMTI Isolated Gate Drivers

MAX22700D WB IBIS Model

MAX22700DUltra-High CMTI Isolated Gate Drivers

MAX22700D NB IBIS Model

MAX22700EUltra-High CMTI Isolated Gate Drivers

MAX22700E WB IBIS Model

MAX22700EUltra-High CMTI Isolated Gate Drivers

MAX22700E NB IBIS Model

MAX22701DUltra-High CMTI Isolated Gate Drivers

MAX22701D WB IBIS Model

MAX22701DUltra-High CMTI Isolated Gate Drivers

MAX22701D NB IBIS Model

MAX22701EUltra-High CMTI Isolated Gate Drivers

MAX22701E IBIS Model

MAX22701EUltra-High CMTI Isolated Gate Drivers

MAX22701E NB IBIS Model

MAX22702DUltra-High CMTI Isolated Gate Drivers

MAX22702D NB IBIS Model

MAX22702DUltra-High CMTI Isolated Gate Drivers

MAX22702D WB IBIS Model

MAX22702EUltra-High CMTI Isolated Gate Drivers

MAX22702E WB IBIS Model

MAX22702EUltra-High CMTI Isolated Gate Drivers

MAX22702E NB IBIS Model

MAX22820Reinforced, Ultra-Low-Power, Two-Channel Digital Isolators

MAX22820 IBIS Model

MAX22821Reinforced, Ultra-Low-Power, Two-Channel Digital Isolators

MAX22821 IBIS Model

MAX22840Reinforced, Ultra-Low-Power, 4-Channel Digital Isolators

MAX22840 IBIS Model

MAX22841Reinforced, Ultra-Low-Power, 4-Channel Digital Isolators

MAX22841IBIS Model

MAX22881Reinforced, Ultra-Low-Power, 4-Channel Digital Isolators

MAX22881 IBIS Model

MAX232+5V-Powered, Multichannel RS-232 Drivers/Receivers

MAX232 IBIS Model

MAX238+5V-Powered, Multichannel RS-232 Drivers/Receivers

MAX238 IBIS Model

MAX240012.5Gbps, Tx Burst-Mode Laser Transceiver

MAX24001 IBIS Model

MAX240021.25Gbps to 2.5Gbps SFP Laser Transceiver

MAX24002 IBIS Model

MAX25222CAutomotive 4-Channel TFT-LCD Power Supply with VCOM Buffer and ASIL B Features

MAX25222C IBIS Models

MAX2550Band I, V, and VIII WCDMA Femtocell Transceiver with GSM Monitoring

MAX2550 IBIS Model

MAX255044 x 24 Automotive LED Matrix Drivers with ASIL Features

MAX25504 IBIS Model

MAX255054 x 24 Automotive LED Matrix Drivers with ASIL Features

MAX25505 IBIS Model

MAX2551Band II and V WCDMA Femtocell Transceiver with GSM Monitoring

MAX2551 IBIS Model

MAX255104-Channel, Low-Voltage, 120mA LED Backlight Drivers with Integrated Boost Converter

MAX25510 IBIS Model

MAX2552Band III, IV, IX, and X WCDMA Femtocell Transceiver with GSM Monitoring

MAX2552 IBIS Model

MAX258500mA Push-Pull Transformer Driver for Isolated Power Supplies

MAX258 IBIS Model

MAX2680400MHz to 2.5GHz, Low-Noise, SiGe Downconverter Mixers

MAX2680 IBIS Model

MAX2681400MHz to 2.5GHz, Low-Noise, SiGe Downconverter Mixers

MAX2681 IBIS Model

MAX2682400MHz to 2.5GHz, Low-Noise, SiGe Downconverter Mixers

MAX2682 IBIS Model

MAX2686GPS/GNSS Low-Noise Amplifiers

MAX2686 IBIS Model

MAX2693LGPS/GNSS Low-Noise Amplifiers with Integrated LDO

MAX2693L IBIS Model

MAX2769CUniversal GNSS Receiver

MAX2769C IBIS Model

MAX2771Multiband Universal GNSS Receiver

MAX2771 IBIS Model

MAX2828Single-/Dual-Band 802.11a/b/g World-Band Transceiver ICs

MAX2828 IBIS Model

MAX2829Single-/Dual-Band 802.11a/b/g World-Band Transceiver ICs

MAX2829 IBIS Model

MAX28372.3GHz to 2.7GHz Wireless Broadband RF Transceiver

MAX2837 IBIS Model

MAX28505GHz, 4-Channel MIMO Transmitter

MAX2850 IBIS Model

MAX28515GHz, 5-Channel MIMO Receiver

MAX2851 IBIS Model

MAX287023.5MHz to 6000MHz Fractional/Integer-N Synthesizer/VCO

MAX2870 IBIS Model

MAX287123.5MHz to 6000MHz Fractional/Integer-N Synthesizer/VCO

MAX2871 IBIS Model

MAX30001Ultra-Low-Power, Single-Channel Integrated Biopotential (ECG, R-to-R, and Pace Detection) and Bioimpedance (BioZ) AFE

MAX30001 IBIS Model

MAX30002Ultra-Low-Power, Single-Channel Integrated Bioimpedance (BioZ) AFE

MAX30002 IBIS Model

MAX30003Ultra-Low Power, Single-Channel Integrated Biopotential (ECG, R to R Detection) AFE

MAX30003 IBIS Model

MAX30004Ultra-Low Power, Single-Channel Integrated Biopotential HR Detection AFE

MAX30004 IBIS Model

MAX3002+1.2V to +5.5V, ±15kV ESD-Protected, 0.1µA, 35Mbps, 8-Channel Level Translators


MAX30102High-Sensitivity Pulse Oximeter and Heart-Rate Sensor for Wearable Health

MAX30102 IBIS Model

MAX30112Optimized Pulse-Oximeter and Heart Rate AFE for Wearable Health

MAX30112 IBIS Model

MAX3013+1.2V to +3.6V, 0.1µA, 100Mbps, 8-Channel Level Translators

MAX3013 IBIS Model

MAX3023+1.2V to +3.6V, 0.1µA, 100Mbps, Single-/Dual-/Quad-Level Translators

MAX3023 IBIS Model

MAX3042±10kV ESD-Protected, Quad 5V RS-485/RS-422 Transmitters

MAX3042B IBIS Model

MAX3051+3.3V, 1Mbps, Low-Supply-Current CAN Transceiver

MAX3051 IBIS Model

MAX3078E+3.3V, ±15kV ESD-Protected, Fail-Safe, Hot-Swap, RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers

MAX3078E IBIS Model

MAX3094E±15kV ESD-Protected, 10Mbps, 3V/5V, Low-Power Quad RS-422/RS-485 Receivers

MAX3094E IBIS Model

MAX3096±15kV ESD-Protected, 10Mbps, 3V/5V, Quad RS-422/RS-485 Receivers

MAX3096 IBIS Model

MAX31328±3.5ppm, I2C RTC with Integrated Crystal and Power Management

MAX31328 IBIS Model

MAX31329Low-Current, Real-Time Clock with I2C, Power Management, and Integrated Crystal

MAX31329 IBIS Model

MAX31331Ultra-Low-Power, I2C Real-Time Clock and Power Management

MAX31331 IBIS Model

MAX31334Ultra-Low-Power Real Time Clock with Integrated Power Switch

MAX31334 IBIS Model

MAX31341CLow-Current, Real-Time Clock with I2C Interface and Power Management

MAX31341C IBIS Model

MAX31342Low-Current, Real-Time Clock with I2C Interface

MAX31342 IBIS Model

MAX31343±5ppm, I2C Real-Time Clock with Integrated MEMS Oscillator

MAX31343 IBIS Model

MAX31629I2C Digital Thermometer and Real-Time Clock

MAX31629 IBIS Model

MAX31722Digital Thermometers and Thermostats with SPI/3-Wire Interface

MAX31722 IBIS Model

MAX31723Digital Thermometers and Thermostats with SPI/3-Wire Interface

MAX31723 BIS Model

MAX317303-Channel Remote Temperature Sensor

MAX31730 IBIS Model

MAX31760Precision Fan-Speed Controller with Nonvolatile Lookup Table

MAX31760 IBIS Model

MAX318201-Wire Ambient Temperature Sensor

MAX31820 IBIS Model

MAX31856Precision Thermocouple to Digital Converter with Linearization

MAX31856 IBIS Model

MAX31865RTD-to-Digital Converter

MAX31865 IBIS Model

MAX31875Low-Power I2C Temperature Sensor in WLP Package

MAX31875 IBIS Model

MAX3221+3V to +5.5V RS-232 Transceivers with AutoShutdown

MAX3221 IBIS Model

MAX3222E±15kV ESD-Protected, Down to 10nA, 3.0V to 5.5V, Up to 1Mbps, True RS-232 Transceivers

MAX3222E IBIS Model

MAX3225E±15kV ESD-Protected, 1µA, 1Mbps, 3.0V to 5.5V, RS-232 Transceivers with AutoShutdown Plus

MAX3225E IBIS Model

MAX3227E±15kV ESD-Protected, 1µA, 1Mbps, 3.0V to 5.5V, RS-232 Transceivers with AutoShutdown Plus

MAX3227E IBIS Model

MAX32323.0V to 5.5V, Low-Power, Up to 1Mbps, True RS-232 Transceivers

MAX3232 IBIS Model

MAX3232E±15kV ESD-Protected, Down to 10nA, 3.0V to 5.5V, Up to 1Mbps, True RS-232 Transceivers

MAX3232E IBIS Model

MAX3233E±15kV ESD-Protected, 1µA, 250kbps, 3.3V/5V, Dual RS-232 Transceivers with Internal Capacitors

MAX3233E IBIS Model

MAX3235E±15kV ESD-Protected, 1µA, 250kbps, 3.3V/5V, Dual RS-232 Transceivers with Internal Capacitors

MAX3235E IBIS Model

MAX3241E±15kV ESD-Protected, Down to 10nA, 3.0V to 5.5V, Up to 1Mbps, True RS-232 Transceivers

MAX3241E IBIS Model

MAX32590DeepCover Secure Microcontroller with ARM926EJ-S Processor Core

MAX32590 IBIS Model

MAX32672High-Reliability, Tiny, Ultra-Low-Power Arm Cortex-M4F Microcontroller with 12-Bit 1MSPS ADC

MAX32672 IBIS Model

MAX3280E±15kV ESD-Protected 52Mbps, 3V to 5.5V, SOT23 RS-485/RS-422 True Fail-Safe Receivers

MAX3280E IBIS Model

MAX3283E±15kV ESD-Protected 52Mbps, 3V to 5.5V, SOT23 RS-485/RS-422 True Fail-Safe Receivers

MAX3283 IBIS Model

MAX329520Mbps, +3.3V, SOT23 RS-485/RS-422 Transmitters

MAX3295 IBIS Model

MAX33011E+5V, 5Mbps CAN Transceiver with ±65V Fault Protection, Fault Detection and Reporting, ±25V CMR, and ±40kV ESD Protection

MAX33011E IBIS Model

MAX33012E+5V, 5Mbps CAN Transceiver with ±65V Fault Protection, Fault Detection and Reporting, ±25V CMR, and ±40kV ESD Protection

MAX33012E IBIS Model

MAX33014E+5V, 5Mbps CAN Transceiver with ±65V Fault Protection, Fault Detection and Reporting, ±25V CMR, and ±40kV ESD Protection

MAX33014E IBIS Model

MAX33015E+5V, 5Mbps CAN Transceiver with ±65V Fault Protection, Fault Detection and Reporting, ±25V CMR, and ±40kV ESD Protection

MAX33015E IBIS Model

MAX3301EUSB On-the-Go Transceivers and Charge Pumps

MAX3301E IBIS Model

MAX33040E+3.3V, 5Mbps CAN Transceiver with ±40V Fault Protection, ±25V CMR, and ±40kV ESD in 8-Pin SOT23

MAX33040E IBIS Model

MAX33041E+3.3V, 5Mbps CAN Transceiver with ±40V Fault Protection, ±25V CMR, and ±40kV ESD in 8-Pin SOT23

MAX33041E IBIS Model

MAX33042E+5V, 4Mbps CAN Transceiver with ±40V Fault Protection, ±25V CMR, and ±40kV ESD in 8-Pin SOT23

MAX33042E IBIS Model

MAX33045E20Mbps, Half-Duplex RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers with ±40kV ESD Protection

MAX33045E IBIS Model

MAX33046E20Mbps, Half-Duplex RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers with ±40kV ESD Protection

MAX33046E IBIS Model

MAX33048E20Mbps Full-Duplex RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers with ±40kV ESD Protection

MAX33048E IBIS Model

MAX33070E+3.3V and +5.0V, RS-485 Half Duplex Transceiver with ±65V Fault Protection, ±40V CMR, and ±40kV ESD

MAX33070E IBIS Model

MAX33071E+3.3V and +5.0V, RS-485 Half Duplex Transceiver with ±65V Fault Protection, ±40V CMR, and ±40kV ESD

MAX33071E IBIS Model

MAX33072E+3V to +5.5V, Polarity Invert RS-485 Half-Duplex Transceiver with ±65V Fault Protection, ±40V CMR, and ±40kV ESD

MAX33072E IBIS Model

MAX33073E+3V to +5.5V, Polarity Invert RS-485 Half-Duplex Transceiver with ±65V Fault Protection, ±40V CMR, and ±40kV ESD

MAX33073E IBIS Model

MAX33076EHigh-Speed Quad RS-485/RS-422 Receivers with ±65V Fault-Tolerant Inputs

MAX33076E IBIS Model

MAX33077EHigh-Speed Quad RS-485/RS-422 Receivers with ±65V Fault-Tolerant Inputs

MAX33077E IBIS Model

MAX33078EHigh-Speed Quad RS-485/RS-422 Receivers with ±65V Fault-Tolerant Inputs

MAX33078E IBIS Model

MAX33079EHigh-Speed Quad RS-422/RS-485 Receivers with ±65V Fault Protection, ±25V CMR, and ±25kV ESD Protection

MAX33079E IBIS Model

MAX33250E600V Isolated 2Tx/2Rx and 1Tx/1Rx RS-232 Transceiver with ±15kV ESD and Integrated Capacitors

MAX33250E IBIS Model

MAX33251E600V Isolated 2Tx/2Rx and 1Tx/1Rx RS-232 Transceiver with ±15kV ESD and Integrated Capacitors

MAX33251E IBIS Model

MAX3344E±15kV ESD-Protected USB Transceivers in UCSP with USB Detect

MAX3344E IBIS Model

MAX3345E±15kV ESD-Protected USB Transceivers in UCSP with USB Detect

MAX3345E IBIS Model

MAX3346E±15kV ESD-Protected USB Transceiver in UCSP

MAX3346E IBIS Model

MAX33623.3V, High-Speed, RS-485/RS-422 Transceiver in SOT Package

MAX3362 IBIS Model

MAX3372E±15kV ESD-Protected, 1µA, 16Mbps, Dual/Quad Low-Voltage Level Translators in UCSP

MAX3372E IBIS Model

MAX3373E±15kV ESD-Protected, 1µA, 16Mbps, Dual/Quad Low-Voltage Level Translators in UCSP

MAX3373E IBIS Model

MAX3377E±15kV ESD-Protected, 1µA, 16Mbps, Dual/Quad Low-Voltage Level Translators in UCSP

MAX3377E IBIS Model

MAX3378E±15kV ESD-Protected, 1µA, 16Mbps, Dual/Quad Low-Voltage Level Translators in UCSP

MAX3378E IBIS Model

MAX3387E3V, ±15kV ESD-Protected, AutoShutdown Plus RS-232 Transceiver for PDAs and Cell Phones

MAX3387E IBIS Model

MAX3440E±15kV ESD-Protected, ±60V Fault-Protected, 10Mbps, Fail-Safe RS-485/J1708 Transceivers

MAX3440E IBIS Model

MAX34417SMBus Four-Channel Very Wide Dynamic Range Power Accumulator

MAX34417 IBIS Model

MAX3441E±15kV ESD-Protected, ±60V Fault-Protected, 10Mbps, Fail-Safe RS-485/J1708 Transceivers

MAX3441E IBIS Model

MAX3442E±15kV ESD-Protected, ±60V Fault-Protected, 10Mbps, Fail-Safe RS-485/J1708 Transceivers

MAX3442E IBIS Model

MAX3443E±15kV ESD-Protected, ±60V Fault-Protected, 10Mbps, Fail-Safe RS-485/J1708 Transceivers

MAX3443E IBIS Model

MAX3444E±15kV ESD-Protected, ±60V Fault-Protected, 10Mbps, Fail-Safe RS-485/J1708 Transceivers

MAX3444E IBIS Model

MAX3453E±15kV ESD-Protected USB Transceivers

MAX3453E IBIS Model

MAX3454E±15kV ESD-Protected USB Transceivers

MAX3454E IBIS Model

MAX3455E±15kV ESD-Protected USB Transceivers

MAX3455E IBIS Model

MAX3456E±15kV ESD-Protected USB Transceivers

MAX3456E IBIS Model

MAX3460+5V, Fail-Safe, 20Mbps, PROFIBUS RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers

MAX3460 IBIS Model

MAX3461+5V, Fail-Safe, 20Mbps, PROFIBUS RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers

MAX3461 IBIS Model

MAX3462+5V, Fail-Safe, 20Mbps, PROFIBUS RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers

MAX3462 IBIS Model

MAX3463+5V, Fail-Safe, 20Mbps, PROFIBUS RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers

MAX3463 IBIS Model

MAX3464+5V, Fail-Safe, 20Mbps, PROFIBUS RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers

MAX3464 IBIS Model

MAX3483AE+3.3V-Powered, ±20kV ESD-Protected, 20Mbps and Slew-Rate-Limited RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers

MAX3483AE IBIS Model

MAX3483E3.3V Powered, ±15kV ESD-Protected, 12Mbps, Slew-Rate-Limited True RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers

MAX3483E IBIS Model

MAX34853.3V Powered, 10Mbps and Slew-Rate Limited, True RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers

MAX3485 IBIS Model

MAX3485E3.3V Powered, ±15kV ESD-Protected, 12Mbps, Slew-Rate-Limited True RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers

MAX3485E IBIS Model

MAX3486E3.3V Powered, ±15kV ESD-Protected, 12Mbps, Slew-Rate-Limited True RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers

MAX3486E IBIS Model

MAX3488E3.3V Powered, ±15kV ESD-Protected, 12Mbps, Slew-Rate-Limited True RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers

MAX3488E IBIS Model

MAX34903.3V Powered, 10Mbps and Slew-Rate Limited, True RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers

MAX3490 IBIS Model

MAX3491E3.3V Powered, ±15kV ESD-Protected, 12Mbps, Slew-Rate-Limited True RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers

MAX3491E IBIS Model

MAX3518DOCSIS 3.0 Upstream Amplifier

MAX3518 IBIS Model

MAX3519DOCSIS 3.0 Upstream Amplifier

MAX3519 IBIS Model

MAX3521DOCSIS 3.0 Upstream Amplifier

MAX3521 IBIS Model

MAX3523Low-Power DOCSIS 3.1 Programmable-Gain Amplifier

MAX3523 IBIS Model

MAX3535E+3V to +5V, 2500VRMS Isolated RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers with ±15kV ESD Protection

MAX3535E IBIS Model

MAX3600Laser Driver for Projectors

MAX3600 IBIS Model

MAX3690+3.3V, 622Mbps SDH/SONET 8:1 Serializer with Clock Synthesis and TTL Inputs


MAX3710125Mbps to 2.5Gbps Integrated Limiting Amplifier/Burst-Mode Laser Driver with Dual-Loop Power Control

MAX3710 IBIS Model

MAX37352.7Gbps, Low-Power SFP Laser Drivers


MAX37363.2Gbps, Low-Power, Compact, SFP Laser Driver


MAX3737Multirate Laser Driver with Extinction Ratio Control


MAX3738155Mbps to 4.25Gbps SFF/SFP Laser Driver with Extinction Ratio Control


MAX3740A3.2Gbps SFP VCSEL Driver with Diagnostic Monitors




MAX37442.7Gbps SFP Transimpedance Amplifiers with RSSI

MAX3744ED IBIS Model

MAX3747A155Mbps to 3.2Gbps, Low-Power SFP Limiting Amplifiers


MAX3748Compact 155Mbps to 4.25Gbps Limiting Amplifier


MAX3750+3.3V, 2.125Gbps/1.0625Gbps Fibre-Channel Port Bypass ICs

MAX3750 IBIS Model

MAX3761Low-Power, 622Mbps Limiting Amplifiers with Chatter-Free Power Detect for LANs


MAX3762Low-Power, 622Mbps Limiting Amplifiers with Chatter-Free Power Detect for LANs

MAX3762CD IBIS Model

MAX3762Low-Power, 622Mbps Limiting Amplifiers with Chatter-Free Power Detect for LANs


MAX37812.75Gbps Dual Mux/Buffer

MAX3781 IBIS Model

MAX37832.7Gbps Dual Mux/Buffer with Loopback

MAX3783 IBIS Model

MAX37845Gbps PCB Equalizer


MAX37845Gbps PCB Equalizer


MAX37856.25Gbps, 1.8V PC Board Equalizer


MAX37951Gbps to 4.25Gbps Multirate VCSEL Driver with Diagnostic Monitors


MAX37991Gbps to 14Gbps, SFP+ Multirate Limiting Amplifier and VCSEL Driver

MAX3799 IBIS Model

MAX38003.2Gbps Adaptive Equalizer and Cable Driver


MAX38023.2Gbps Quad Adaptive Cable Equalizer with Cable Driver


MAX3803DC-Coupled, UCSP 3.125Gbps Equalizer


MAX380412.5Gbps Settable Receive Equalizer


MAX380510.7Gbps Adaptive Receive Equalizer


MAX3815TMDS Digital Video Equalizer for DVI/HDMI Cables


MAX3840+3.3V, 2.7Gbps Dual 2 x 2 Crosspoint Switch


MAX384112.5Gbps, CML, 2 x 2 Crosspoint Switch


MAX3845DVI/HDMI 2:4 TMDS Fanout Switch and Cable Driver

MAX3845 IBIS Model

MAX38612.7Gbps Post Amp with Automatic Gain Control




MAX3869+3.3V, 2.5Gbps SDH/SONET Laser Driver with Current Monitors and APC

MAX3869ED IBIS Model

MAX3872Multirate Clock and Data Recovery with Limiting Amplifier


MAX3872Multirate Clock and Data Recovery with Limiting Amplifier


MAX3873Low-Power, Compact 2.5Gbps/2.7Gbps Clock-Recovery and Data-Retiming IC


MAX3880+3.3V, 2.488Gbps, SDH/SONET 1:16 Deserializer with Clock Recovery


MAX3885+3.3V, 2.488Gbps, SDH/SONET 1:16 Deserializer with LVDS Outputs


MAX3890+3.3V, 2.5Gbps, SDH/SONET 16:1 Serializer with Clock Synthesis and LVDS Inputs


MAX3892+3.3V, 2.5Gbps/2.7Gbps, SDH/SONET 4:1 Serializer with Clock Synthesis


MAX394010Gbps EAM Driver with Integrated Bias Network

MAX3940E_D IBIS Model

MAX394110Gbps EAM Driver with Integrated Bias Network


MAX39451.0625Gbps to 11.3Gbps, SFP+ Dual-Path Limiting Amplifier

MAX3945 IBIS Model

MAX394811.3Gbps, Low-Power, DC-Coupled Laser Driver

MAX3948 IBIS Model

MAX3966LED Driver with Programmable Prebias Voltage


MAX39803.125Gbps XAUI Quad Equalizer


MAX39813.125Gbps XAUI Quad Cable Equalizer


MAX399110Gbps Clock and Data Recovery with Limiting Amplifier


MAX399210Gbps Clock and Data Recovery with Equalizer


MAX3996+3.0V to +5.5V, 2.5Gbps VCSEL and Laser Driver


MAX40080Precision, Fast Sample-Rate, Digital Current-Sense Amplifier

MAX40080 IBIS Model

MAX40109Precision Signal Conditioning AFE for Pressure Sensor Applications

MAX40109 IBIS Model

MAX41460300MHz–960MHz ASK and (G)FSK Transmitter with SPI Interface

MAX41460 IBIS Model

MAX41461300MHz–960MHz ASK Transmitter with I2C Interface

MAX41461 IBIS Model

MAX41462300MHz–960MHz ASK Transmitter with I2C Interface

MAX41462 IBIS Model

MAX41463300MHz–960MHz (G)FSK Transmitter with I2C Interface

MAX41463 IBIS Model

MAX41464300MHz–960MHz (G)FSK Transmitter with I2C Interface

MAX41464 IBIS Model

MAX41470290MHz to 960MHz ASK/FSK Receiver with SPI Interface

MAX41470 IBIS Model

MAX41473290MHz to 960MHz ASK/FSK Receiver with I2C Interface

MAX41473 IBIS Model

MAX41474290MHz to 960MHz ASK/FSK Receiver with I2C Interface

MAX41474 IBIS Model

MAX42500Four- to Seven-Input Industrial Power System Monitor Family

MAX42500 IBIS Model

MAX44000Ambient and Infrared Proximity Sensor

MAX44000 IBIS Model

MAX4641High-Speed, Low-Voltage, 4 Ohm, Dual SPST CMOS Analog Switches

MAX4641 IBIS Model

MAX47140.8-Ohm, Low-Voltage, Single-Supply SPDT Analog Switch in SC70

MAX4714 IBIS Model

MAX47174.5Ω/20Ω, 300MHz Bandwidth, Dual SPDT Analog Switches in UCSP

MAX4717 IBIS Model

MAX47184.5Ω/20Ω, 300MHz Bandwidth, Dual SPDT Analog Switches in UCSP

MAX4718 IBIS Model

MAX471920Ω, 300MHz Bandwidth, Dual SPDT Analog Switch in UCSP

MAX4719 IBIS Model

MAX4760High-Bandwidth, Quad DPDT Switches

MAX4760 IBIS Model

MAX47800.7Ω , Low-Voltage, Quad 2:1 Analog Multiplexers

MAX4780 IBIS Model

MAX4820+3.3V/+5V, 8-Channel, Cascadable Relay Drivers with Serial/Parallel Interface

MAX4820 IBIS Model

MAX4821+3.3V/+5V, 8-Channel, Cascadable Relay Drivers with Serial/Parallel Interface

MAX4821 IBIS Model

MAX485Low-Power, Slew-Rate-Limited RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers

MAX485 IBIS Model

MAX487Low-Power, Slew-Rate-Limited RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers

MAX487 IBIS Model

MAX4885Complete VGA 1:2 or 2:1 Multiplexer

MAX4885 IBIS Model

MAX489010/100/1000 Base-T Ethernet LAN Switch

MAX4890 IBIS Model

MAX489110/100/1000 Base-T Ethernet LAN Switch

MAX4891 IBIS Model

MAX489210/100/1000 Base-T Ethernet LAN Switch

MAX4892 IBIS Model

MAX4906High-/Full-Speed USB 2.0 Switches

MAX4906F IBIS Model

MAX4907High-/Full-Speed USB 2.0 Switches

MAX4907F IBIS Model

MAX4947Hex SPDT Data Switch

MAX4947 IBIS Model

MAX4948Hex SPDT Data Switch

MAX4948 IBIS Model

MAX4951SATA I/SATA II Bidirectional Re-Driver

MAX4951 IBIS Model

MAX4983EHigh-Speed USB 2.0 Switches with ±15kV ESD

MAX4983E IBIS Model

MAX521414-/16-Bit, Low-Power, Buffered Output, Rail-to-Rail DACs with SPI Interface

MAX5214 IBIS Model

MAX521514-/16-Bit, Low-Power, Buffered Rail-to-Rail DACs with I²C Interface

MAX5215/7 IBIS Model

MAX521714-/16-Bit, Low-Power, Buffered Rail-to-Rail DACs with I²C Interface

MAX5215/7 IBIS Model

MAX531818-Bit, High-Accuracy Voltage Output DAC with Digital Gain, Offset Control, and SPI Interface

MAX5318 IBIS Model

MAX5394Single, 256-Tap Volatile, SPI, Low-Voltage Linear Taper Digital Potentiometer

MAX5394 IBIS Model

MAX5395Single, 256-Tap Volatile, I2C, Low-Voltage Linear Taper Digital Potentiometer

MAX5395 IBIS Model

MAX5487Dual, 256-Tap, Nonvolatile, SPI-Interface, Linear-Taper Digital Potentiometers

MAX5487 IBIS Model

MAX5488Dual, 256-Tap, Nonvolatile, SPI-Interface, Linear-Taper Digital Potentiometers

MAX5488 IBIS Model

MAX5489Dual, 256-Tap, Nonvolatile, SPI-Interface, Linear-Taper Digital Potentiometers

MAX5489 IBIS Model

MAX5700Ultra-Small, Dual-Channel, 8-/10-/12-Bit Buffered Output DACs with Internal Reference and SPI Interface

MAX5700/1/2 IBIS Model

MAX5701Ultra-Small, Dual-Channel, 8-/10-/12-Bit Buffered Output DACs with Internal Reference and SPI Interface

MAX5700/1/2 IBIS Model

MAX5702Ultra-Small, Dual-Channel, 8-/10-/12-Bit Buffered Output DACs with Internal Reference and SPI Interface

MAX5700/1/2 IBIS Model

MAX5703Ultra-Small, Single-Channel, 8-/10-/12-Bit Buffered Output Voltage DACs with Internal Reference and SPI Interface

MAX5705 IBIS Model

MAX5704Ultra-Small, Single-Channel, 8-/10-/12-Bit Buffered Output Voltage DACs with Internal Reference and SPI Interface

MAX5805 IBIS Model

MAX5704Ultra-Small, Single-Channel, 8-/10-/12-Bit Buffered Output Voltage DACs with Internal Reference and SPI Interface

MAX5705 IBIS Model

MAX5705Ultra-Small, Single-Channel, 8-/10-/12-Bit Buffered Output Voltage DACs with Internal Reference and SPI Interface

MAX5805 IBIS Model

MAX5705Ultra-Small, Single-Channel, 8-/10-/12-Bit Buffered Output Voltage DACs with Internal Reference and SPI Interface

MAX5705 IBIS Model

MAX5713Ultra-Small, Quad-Channel, 8-/10-/12-Bit Buffered Output DACs with Internal Reference and SPI Interface

MAX5713 IBIS Model

MAX5714Ultra-Small, Quad-Channel, 8-/10-/12-Bit Buffered Output DACs with Internal Reference and SPI Interface

MAX5714 IBIS Model

MAX5715Ultra-Small, Quad-Channel, 8-/10-/12-Bit Buffered Output DACs with Internal Reference and SPI Interface

MAX5715 IBIS Model

MAX571716- and 20-Bit Voltage DACs

MAX5717 IBIS Model

MAX571916- and 20-Bit Voltage DACs

MAX5719 IBIS Model

MAX5723Ultra-Small, Octal-Channel, 8-/10-/12-Bit Buffered Output DACs with Internal Reference and SPI Interface

MAX5723 IBIS Model

MAX5724Ultra-Small, Octal-Channel, 8-/10-/12-Bit Buffered Output DACs with Internal Reference and SPI Interface

MAX5724 IBIS Model

MAX5725Ultra-Small, Octal-Channel, 8-/10-/12-Bit Buffered Output DACs with Internal Reference and SPI Interface

MAX5725 IBIS Model

MAX5800Ultra-Small, Dual-Channel, 8-/10-/12-Bit Buffered Output DACs with Internal Reference and I²C Interface

MAX5800/1/2 IBIS Model

MAX5801Ultra-Small, Dual-Channel, 8-/10-/12-Bit Buffered Output DACs with Internal Reference and I²C Interface

MAX5800/1/2 IBIS Model

MAX5802Ultra-Small, Dual-Channel, 8-/10-/12-Bit Buffered Output DACs with Internal Reference and I²C Interface

MAX5800/1/2 IBIS Model

MAX5805Ultra-Small, Single-Channel, 8-/10-/12-Bit Buffered Output Voltage DACs with Internal Reference and I2C Interface

MAX5805 IBIS Model

MAX5813Ultra-Small, Quad-Channel, 8-/10-/12-Bit Buffered Output DACs with Internal Reference and I²C Interface

MAX5813/4/5 IBIS Model

MAX5823Ultra-Small, Octal Channel, 8-/10-/12-Bit Buffered Output DACs with Internal Reference and I2C Interface

MAX5823 IBIS Model

MAX5824Ultra-Small, Octal Channel, 8-/10-/12-Bit Buffered Output DACs with Internal Reference and I2C Interface

MAX5824 IBIS Model

MAX5825Ultra-Small, Octal Channel, 8-/10-/12-Bit Buffered Output DACs with Internal Reference and I2C Interface

MAX5825 IBIS Model

MAX58329-Channel, 14-Bit, Current DAC with I2C Interface

MAX5832 IBIS Model

MAX585014-Bit 3.072Gsps RF DAC

MAX5850 IBIS Model

MAX5860Scalable High-Density Downstream Cable QAM Modulator

MAX5860 IBIS Model

MAX586816-Bit, 5Gsps Interpolating and Modulating RF DAC

MAX5868 IBIS Model

MAX586916-Bit, 5.9Gsps Interpolating and Modulating RF DAC with JESD204B Interface

MAX5869 IBIS Model

MAX587312-Bit, 200Msps, High-Dynamic-Performance, Dual DAC with CMOS Inputs

MAX5873 IBIS Model

MAX587816-Bit, 250Msps, High-Dynamic-Performance, Dual DAC with LVDS Inputs

MAX5878 IBIS Model

MAX587914-Bit, 2.3Gsps Direct RF Synthesis DAC with Selectable Frequency Response

MAX5879 IBIS Model

MAX589116-Bit, 600Msps, High-Dynamic-Performance DAC with LVDS Inputs

MAX5891 IBIS Model

MAX589312-Bit, 500Msps Interpolating and Modulating Dual DAC with CMOS Inputs

MAX5893 IBIS Model

MAX589414-Bit, 500Msps, Interpolating and Modulating Dual DAC with CMOS Inputs

MAX5894 IBIS Model

MAX589516-Bit, 500Msps Interpolating and Modulating Dual DAC with CMOS Inputs

MAX5895 IBIS Model

MAX589816-Bit, 500Msps, Interpolating and Modulating Dual DAC with Interleaved LVDS Inputs

MAX5898 IBIS Model

MAX6070Low-Noise, High-Precision Series Voltage References

MAX6070 IBIS Model

MAX6071Low-Noise, High-Precision Series Voltage References

MAX6071 IBIS Model

MAX6072High-Precision, Dual-Output Series Voltage Reference

MAX6072 IBIS Model

MAX6315Open-Drain SOT µP Reset Circuit

MAX6315 IBIS Model

MAX63165-Pin µP Supervisory Circuits with Watchdog and Manual Reset

MAX6316 IBIS Model

MAX63283-Pin, Ultra-Low-Power SC70/SOT µP Reset Circuits

MAX6328 IBIS Model

MAX6356Dual/Triple-Voltage µP Supervisory Circuits

MAX6356 IBIS Model

MAX6369Pin-Selectable Watchdog Timers

MAX6369 IBIS Model

MAX6370Pin-Selectable Watchdog Timers

MAX6370 IBIS Model

MAX6381SC70/µDFN, Single/Dual Low-Voltage, Low-Power µP Reset Circuits

MAX6381 IBIS Model

MAX6384SC70/µDFN, Single/Dual Low-Voltage, Low-Power µP Reset Circuits

MAX6384 IBIS Model

MAX6416Low-Power, Single/Dual-Voltage µP Reset Circuits with Capacitor-Adjustable Reset Timeout Delay

MAX6416 IBIS Model

MAX6604Precision Temperature Monitor for DDR Memory Modules

MAX6604 IBIS Model

MAX6610Precision, Low-Power, 6-Pin SOT23 Temperature Sensors and Voltage References

MAX6611 IBIS Model

MAX6611Precision, Low-Power, 6-Pin SOT23 Temperature Sensors and Voltage References

MAX6611 IBIS Model

MAX6620Quad Linear Fan-Speed Controller

MAX6620 IBIS Model

MAX66259-Bit/12-Bit Temperature Sensors with I²C-Compatible Serial Interface in a SOT23

MAX6625 IBIS Model

MAX66392-Channel Temperature Monitor with Dual, Automatic, PWM Fan-Speed Controller

MAX6639 IBIS Model

MAX6648Precision SMBus-Compatible Remote/Local Temperature Sensors with Overtemperature Alarms

MAX6691 IBIS Model

MAX66541°C Accurate Remote/Local Temperature Sensor with SMBus Serial Interface

MAX6654 IBIS Model

MAX6692Precision SMBus-Compatible Remote/Local Temperature Sensors with Overtemperature Alarms

MAX6691 IBIS Model

MAX6696Dual Remote/Local Temperature Sensors with SMBus Serial Interface

MAX6696 IBIS Model

MAX66977-Channel Precision Temperature Monitor

MAX6697 IBIS Model

MAX6700Low-Voltage, High-Accuracy, Triple/Quad Voltage µP Supervisory Circuits in SOT Package

MAX6700 IBIS Model

MAX6701Low-Voltage, SOT23, µP Supervisors with Power-Fail In/Out, Manual Reset, and Watchdog Timer

MAX6701 IBIS Model

MAX6703Low-Voltage, SOT23, µP Supervisors with Power-Fail In/Out, Manual Reset, and Watchdog Timer

MAX6703 IBIS Model

MAX6710Low-Voltage, High-Accuracy, Triple/Quad Voltage µP Supervisory Circuits in SOT Package

MAX6710 IBIS Models

MAX6730ASingle-/Dual-/Triple-Voltage µP Supervisory Circuits with Independent Watchdog Output

MAX6730A IBIS Models

MAX6731ASingle-/Dual-/Triple-Voltage µP Supervisory Circuits with Independent Watchdog Output

MAX6731A IBIS Model

MAX6746µP Reset Circuits with Capacitor-Adjustable Reset/Watchdog Timeout Delay

MAX6746 IBIS Model

MAX6816±15kV ESD-Protected, Single/Dual/Octal, CMOS Switch Debouncers

MAX6816 IBIS Model

MAX6831Dual, Ultra-Low-Voltage SOT23 µP Supervisors with Manual Reset and Watchdog Timer

MAX6831 IBIS Model

MAX6895Ultra-Small, Adjustable Sequencing/Supervisory Circuits

MAX6895/9 IBIS Model

MAX6899Ultra-Small, Adjustable Sequencing/Supervisory Circuits

MAX6895/9 IBIS Model

MAX690T3.0V/3.3V Microprocessor Supervisory Circuits

MAX690T IBIS Model

MAX696610-Port Constant-Current LED Drivers and I/O Expanders with PWM Intensity Control

MAX6966T IBIS Model

MAX73014-Wire-Interfaced, 2.5V to 5.5V, 20-Port and 28-Port I/O Expander

MAX7301 IBIS Model

MAX731418-Port GPIO with LED Intensity Control, Interrupt, and Hot-Insertion Protection

MAX7314 IBIS Model

MAX7321I2C Port Expander with 8 Open-Drain I/Os

MAX7321 IBIS Model

MAX7326I²C Port Expander with 12 Push-Pull Outputs and Four Inputs

MAX7326 IBIS Model

MAX73581-to-8 I²C Bus Switches/Multiplexers with Bus Lock-up Detection, Isolation, and Notification

MAX7358 IBIS Model

MAX7500Digital Temperature Sensors and Thermal Watchdog with Bus Lockup Protection

MAX7500 IBIS Model

MAX7933.0V/3.3V Adjustable Microprocessor Supervisory Circuits

MAX793 IBIS Model

MAX8033-Pin Microprocessor Reset Circuits

MAX803 IBIS Model

MAX8093-Pin Microprocessor Reset Circuits

MAX809 IBIS Model

MAX8103-Pin Microprocessor Reset Circuits

MAX810 IBIS Model

MAX8114-Pin µP Voltage Monitors with Manual Reset Input

MAX811S IBIS Model

MAX8114-Pin µP Voltage Monitors with Manual Reset Input

MAX811 IBIS Model

MAX8124-Pin µP Voltage Monitors with Manual Reset Input

MAX812 IBIS Model

MAX8214-Pin, µP Voltage Monitors with Pin-Selectable Power-On Reset Timeout Delay

MAX821L IBIS Model

MAX8214Five Universal Voltage Monitors, Complete µP Voltage Monitoring

MAX8214 IBIS Model

MAX8235-Pin Microprocessor Supervisory Circuits with Watchdog Timer and Manual Reset

MAX823T IBIS Model

MAX86170BLow-Noise AFE for Pulse Oximeter and Heart Rate Monitor

MAX86170B IBIS Model

MAX86171Low-Noise AFE for Pulse Oximeter and Heart Rate Monitor

MAX86171 IBIS Model

MAX86177Quad-Channel AFE for Low-Power Heart Rate Monitor and Pulse Oximeter

MAX86177 IBIS Model

MAX9110Single/Dual LVDS Line Driver with Ultra-Low Differential Skew in SOT23

MAX9110 IBIS Model

MAX9111Single/Dual LVDS Line Receivers with Ultra-Low Pulse Skew in SOT23

MAX9111 IBIS Model

MAX9112Single/Dual LVDS Line Driver with Ultra-Low Differential Skew in SOT23

MAX9112 IBIS Model

MAX9113Single/Dual LVDS Line Receivers with Ultra-Low Pulse Skew in SOT23

MAX9113 IBIS Model

MAX9121Quad LVDS Line Receivers with Integrated Termination and Flow-Through Pinout

MAX9121 IBIS Model

MAX9122Quad LVDS Line Receivers with Integrated Termination and Flow-Through Pinout

MAX9122 IBIS Model

MAX9123Quad LVDS Line Driver with Flow-Through Pinout

MAX9123 IBIS Model

MAX9124Quad LVDS Line Driver

MAX9124 IBIS Model

MAX9125Quad LVDS Line Receivers with Integrated Termination

MAX9125 IBIS Model

MAX9129Quad Bus LVDS Driver with Flow-Through Pinout

MAX9129 IBIS Model

MAX9130Single 500Mbps LVDS Line Receiver in SC70

MAX9130 IBIS Model

MAX9152800Mbps, LVDS/LVPECL-to-LVDS 2 x 2 Crosspoint Switch

MAX9152 IBIS Model

MAX9153Low-Jitter, 800Mbps, 10-Port LVDS Repeaters with 100Ω Drive

MAX9153 IBIS Model

MAX9155Low-Jitter, Low-Noise LVDS Repeater in an SC70 Package

MAX9155 IBIS Model

MAX9157Quad Bus LVDS Transceiver

MAX9157 IBIS Model

MAX9163Bus LVDS 3.3V Single Transceiver

MAX9163 IBIS Model

MAX91694-Port LVDS and LVTTL-to-LVDS Repeaters

MAX9169 IBIS Model

MAX91704-Port LVDS and LVTTL-to-LVDS Repeaters

MAX9170 IBIS Model

MAX9171Single/Dual LVDS Line Receivers with "In-Path" Fail-Safe

MAX9171 IBIS Model

MAX9172Single/Dual LVDS Line Receivers with "In-Path" Fail-Safe

MAX9172 IBIS Model

MAX9173Quad LVDS Line Receiver with Flow-Through Pinout and "In-Path" Fail-Safe

MAX9173 IBIS Model

MAX9174670MHz LVDS-to-LVDS and Anything-to-LVDS 1:2 Splitters

MAX9174 IBIS Model

MAX9175670MHz LVDS-to-LVDS and Anything-to-LVDS 1:2 Splitters

MAX9175 IBIS Model

MAX9176670MHz, LVDS-to-LVDS and Anything-to-LVDS, 2:1 Multiplexers

MAX9176 IBIS Model

MAX9177670MHz, LVDS-to-LVDS and Anything-to-LVDS, 2:1 Multiplexers

MAX9177 IBIS Model

MAX9180400Mbps, Low-Jitter, Low-Noise LVDS Repeater in an SC70 Package

MAX9180 IBIS model

MAX9181Low-Jitter, Low-Noise LVPECL-to-LVDS Level Translator in an SC70 Package

MAX9181 IBIS Model

MAX920510-Bit Bus LVDS Serializers

MAX9205 IBIS Model

MAX920610-Bit Bus LVDS Deserializers

MAX9206 IBIS Model

MAX9209Programmable DC-Balanced 21-Bit Serializers

MAX9209_9213DCB IBIS Model

MAX9213Programmable DC-Balanced 21-Bit Serializers

MAX9209_9213NDCB IBIS Model

MAX9214Programmable DC-Balance 21-Bit Deserializers


MAX921727-Bit, 3MHz-to-35MHz DC-Balanced LVDS Serializer

MAX9217 IBIS Model

MAX921827-Bit, 7MHz-to-35MHz DC-Balanced LVDS Deserializer

MAX9218 IBIS Model

MAX922322-Bit, Low-Power, 5MHz to 10MHz Serializer and Deserializer Chipsets

MAX9223 IBIS Model

MAX922422-Bit, Low-Power, 5MHz to 10MHz Serializer and Deserializer Chipsets

MAX9224 IBIS Model

MAX92406.25MHz to 100MHz, 25-Bit GMSL Deserializer for Coax or STP Cable with Line Fault Detect

MAX9240 IBIS Model 1.8V Rev 2.0

MAX92406.25MHz to 100MHz, 25-Bit GMSL Deserializer for Coax or STP Cable with Line Fault Detect

MAX9240 IBIS Model 3.3V Rev 2.0

MAX9240A6.25MHz to 100MHz, 25-Bit GMSL Deserializer for Coax or STP Cable with Line Fault Detect

MAX9240A IBIS Model 1.8V Rev 3.0

MAX9240A6.25MHz to 100MHz, 25-Bit GMSL Deserializer for Coax or STP Cable with Line Fault Detect

MAX9240A IBIS Model 3.3V Rev 3.0

MAX924221-Bit Deserializers with Programmable Spread Spectrum and DC Balance

MAX9242 IBIS Model

MAX924727-Bit, 2.5MHz-to-42MHz DC-Balanced LVDS Serializer

MAX9247 IBIS Model

MAX924827-Bit, 5MHz to 42MHz DC-Balanced LVDS Deserializers

MAX9248 IBIS Model

MAX9249Gigabit Multimedia Serial Link Serializer with LVDS System Interface

MAX9249 IBIS Model Rev 1.8V

MAX9249Gigabit Multimedia Serial Link Serializer with LVDS System Interface

MAX9249 IBIS Model Rev 3.3V

MAX9257Programmable Serializer/Deserializer with UART/I²C Control Channel

MAX9257 IBIS Model

MAX9258Programmable Serializer/Deserializer with UART/I²C Control Channel

MAX9258 IBIS Model

MAX9259Gigabit Multimedia Serial Link with Spread Spectrum and Full-Duplex Control Channel

MAX9259 IBIS Model Rev 1.2

MAX9259Gigabit Multimedia Serial Link with Spread Spectrum and Full-Duplex Control Channel

MAX9259 IBIS Model Rev 1.1

MAX9260Gigabit Multimedia Serial Link with Spread Spectrum and Full-Duplex Control Channel

MAX9260 IBIS Model Rev 1.1

MAX9260Gigabit Multimedia Serial Link with Spread Spectrum and Full-Duplex Control Channel

MAX9260 IBIS Model Rev 1.2

MAX9265HDCP Gigabit Multimedia Serial Link Serializer with LVDS System Interface

MAX9265 IBIS Model Rev 1.8V

MAX9265HDCP Gigabit Multimedia Serial Link Serializer with LVDS System Interface

MAX9265 IBIS Model Rev 3.3V

MAX9266HDCP Gigabit Multimedia Serial Link Deserializer with LVDS System Interface

MAX9266 IBIS Model

MAX927116-Bit GMSL Serializer with Coax or STP Cable Drive

MAX9271 IBIS Model 3.3V Rev 2.0

MAX927116-Bit GMSL Serializer with Coax or STP Cable Drive

MAX9271 IBIS Model 1.8V Rev 2.0

MAX927228-Bit GMSL Deserializer for Coax or STP Cable

MAX9272 IBIS Model 1.8V Rev 2.0

MAX927228-Bit GMSL Deserializer for Coax or STP Cable

MAX9272 IBIS Model 3.3V Rev 2.0

MAX927322-Bit GMSL Serializer with Coax or STP Cable Drive

MAX9273 IBIS Model 3.3V Rev 2.0

MAX927322-Bit GMSL Serializer with Coax or STP Cable Drive

MAX9273 IBIS Model 1.8V Rev 2.0

MAX92753.12Gbps GMSL Serializers for Coax or STP Output Drive and Parallel Input

MAX9275/9 IBIS Model 1.8V Rev 1.1

MAX92763.12Gbps GMSL Deserializers for Coax or STP Input and Parallel Output

MAX9276 IBIS Model

MAX92773.12Gbps GMSL Serializers for Coax or STP Output Drive and LVDS Input

MAX9277/81 IBIS Model 1.8V Rev 1.1

MAX92773.12Gbps GMSL Serializers for Coax or STP Output Drive and LVDS Input

MAX9277/81 IBIS Model 3.3V Rev 1.1

MAX92783.12Gbps GMSL Deserializers for Coax or STP Input and LVDS Output

MAX9278 IBIS Model

MAX92793.12Gbps GMSL Serializers for Coax or STP Output Drive and Parallel Input

MAX9275/9 IBIS Model 1.8V Rev 1.1

MAX92813.12Gbps GMSL Serializers for Coax or STP Output Drive and LVDS Input

MAX9277/81 IBIS Model 1.8V Rev 1.1

MAX92813.12Gbps GMSL Serializers for Coax or STP Output Drive and LVDS Input

MAX9277/81 IBIS Model 3.3V Rev 1.1

MAX92823.12Gbps GMSL Deserializers for Coax or STP Input and LVDS Output

MAX9282 IBIS Model

MAX9286Quad 1.5Gbps GMSL Deserializer with Coax or STP Input and CSI-2 Output

MAX9286 IBIS Model

MAX92883.12Gbps GMSL Deserializers for Coax or STP Input and MIPI CSI-2 Output

MAX9288/90 IBIS Model 1.8V Rev 1.0

MAX92883.12Gbps GMSL Deserializers for Coax or STP Input and MIPI CSI-2 Output

MAX9288/90 IBIS Model 3.3V Rev 1.0

MAX92903.12Gbps GMSL Deserializers for Coax or STP Input and MIPI CSI-2 Output

MAX9288/90 IBIS Model 1.8V Rev 1.0

MAX92903.12Gbps GMSL Deserializers for Coax or STP Input and MIPI CSI-2 Output

MAX9288/90 IBIS Model 3.3V Rev 1.0

MAX9310A1:5 Clock Driver with Selectable LVPECL Inputs/Single-Ended Inputs and LVDS Outputs

MAX9310A IBIS Model

MAX93111:10 Differential LVPECL/LVECL/HSTL Clock and Data Drivers

MAX9311 IBIS Model

MAX9312Dual 1:5 Differential LVPECL/LVECL/HSTL Clock and Data Drivers

MAX9312 IBIS Model

MAX93151:5 Differential LVPECL/LVECL/HSTL Clock and Data Driver

MAX9315 IBIS Model

MAX93161:5 Differential LVPECL/LVECL/HSTL Clock and Data Driver

MAX9316 IBIS Models

MAX9317ADual 1:5 Differential Clock Drivers with LVPECL Inputs and LVDS Outputs

MAX9317A IBIS Model

MAX93201:2 Differential LVPECL/LVECL/HSTL Clock and Data Drivers

MAX9320 IBIS Model

MAX9320B1:2 Differential PECL/ECL/LVPECL/LVECL Clock and Data Driver

MAX9320b IBIS Model

MAX9321ADifferential LVPECL/LVECL/HSTL Receiver/Drivers

MAX9321A IBIS Model

MAX9322LVECL/LVPECL 1:15 Differential Divide-by-1/Divide-by-2 Clock Driver

MAX9322 IBIS Model

MAX9323One-to-Four LVCMOS-to-LVPECL Output Clock and Data Driver

MAX9323 IBIS Model

MAX9324One-to-Five LVPECL/LVCMOS Output Clock and Data Driver

MAX9324 IBIS Model

MAX9370LVTTL/TTL-to-Differential LVPECL/PECL Translators

MAX9370 IBIS Model

MAX9371LVTTL/TTL-to-Differential LVPECL/PECL Translators

MAX9371 IBIS Model

MAX9374Differential LVPECL-to-LVDS Translators

MAX9374 IBIS Model

MAX9375Single LVDS/Anything-to-LVPECL Translator

MAX9375 IBIS Model

MAX9376LVDS/Anything-to-LVPECL/LVDS Dual Translator

MAX9376 IBIS Model

MAX9381Lowest Power 3.0GHz ECL/PECL Differential Data and Clock D Flip-Flop

MAX9381 IBIS Model

MAX9388Differential 5:1 or 4:1 ECL/PECL Multiplexers with Single/Dual Output Buffers

MAX9388 IBIS Model

MAX9390Anything-to-LVDS Dual 2 x 2 Crosspoint Switches

MAX9390 IBIS Model

MAX93942:1 Multiplexers and 1:2 Demultiplexers with Loopback

MAX9394 IBIS Model

MAX93952:1 Multiplexers and 1:2 Demultiplexers with Loopback

MAX9395 IBIS Model

MAX9601Dual ECL and Dual/Quad PECL, 500ps, Ultra-High-Speed Comparators

MAX9601 IBIS Model

MAX96543.3V, HD/SD Triple-Channel Filter Amplifiers with Shutdown

MAX9654 IBIS Model

MAX9670516-Bit GMSL Serializer with High-Immunity/Bandwidth Mode and Coax/STP Cable Drive

MAX96705 IBIS Model

MAX9670614-Bit GMSL Deserializer with Coax or STP Cable Input

MAX96706 IBIS Model

MAX9670714-Bit GMSL Serializer with High Immunity/Bandwidth Mode and Coax/STP Cable Drive

MAX96707 IBIS Model

MAX9670814-Bit GMSL Deserializer with Coax or STP Cable Input

MAX96706 IBIS Model

MAX9670914-Bit GMSL Serializer with High-Immunity Mode and Coax/STP Cable Drive

MAX96709 IBIS Model

MAX9671114-Bit GMSL Serializer with High Immunity/Bandwidth Mode and Coax/STP Cable Drive

MAX96711 IBIS Model

MAX96714Single GMSL2/GMSL1 to CSI-2 Deserializer

MAX96714/F/R IBIS Model

MAX96714FSingle GMSL2/GMSL1 to CSI-2 Deserializer

MAX96714/F/R IBIS Model

MAX96714RSingle GMSL2/GMSL1 to CSI-2 Deserializer

MAX96714/F/R IBIS Model

MAX96716ADual GMSL2 to CSI-2 Deserializer

MAX96716A IBIS Model

MAX96716FDual GMSL2 to CSI-2 Deserializer

MAX96716F IBIS Model

MAX96717CSI-2 to GMSL2 Serializer

MAX96717 IBIS Model

MAX96717FCSI-2 to GMSL2 Serializer

MAX96717F IBIS Model

MAX96717RCSI-2 to GMSL2 Serializer

MAX96717R - IBIS Model

MAX96724Quad Tunneling GMSL2/1 to CSI-2 Deserializer

MAX96724 - IBIS Model

MAX96724FQuad Tunneling GMSL2/1 to CSI-2 Deserializer

MAX96724F IBIS Model

MAX96724RQuad Tunneling GMSL2/1 to CSI-2 Deserializer

MAX96724R - IBIS Model

MAX96751GMSL2 Serializer with HDMI 2.0 Input

MAX96751 IBIS Model

MAX96752GMSL2 Deserializer with Dual LVDS (OLDI) Output

MAX96752 IBIS Model

MAX98357ATiny, Low-Cost, PCM Class D Amplifier with Class AB Performance

MAX98357A/MAX98357B IBIS Model

MAX98357BTiny, Low-Cost, PCM Class D Amplifier with Class AB Performance

MAX98357A/MAX98357B IBIS Model

MAX98360ATiny, Cost-Effective, Plug-and-Play Digital Class-D Amplifier

MAX98360A IBIS Model

MAX98360BTiny, Cost-Effective, Plug-and-Play Digital Class-D Amplifier

MAX98360B IBIS Model

MAX98360CTiny, Cost-Effective, Plug-and-Play Digital Class-D Amplifier

MAX98360C IBIS Model

MAX98360DTiny, Cost-Effective, Plug-and-Play Digital Class-D Amplifier

MAX98360D IBIS Model

MAX98363Tiny, Cost-Effective, SoundWire, Class D Amplifier

MAX98363 IBIS Model

MAX98366 15V Plug-and-Play Class-D Amplifier with Ultrasound Support

MAX98366 IBIS Model

MAX98388Digital Input Class-D Amplifier with IV Feedback and Brownout Protection

MAX98388 IBIS Model

MAX98389Digital Input Class-D Amplifier with IV Feedback and Brownout Protection

MAX98389 IBIS Model

MAX9839728V Digital Input, Class-DG Amplifier with IVSENSE, Ultra-Low IQ, and Brownout Prevention

MAX98397 IBIS Model

MAX99302MHz to 1.6GHz 45dB RF-Detecting Controllers and RF Detector

MAX9930 IBIS Model

MAX99312MHz to 1.6GHz 45dB RF-Detecting Controllers and RF Detector

MAX9931 IBIS Model

MAX99322MHz to 1.6GHz 45dB RF-Detecting Controllers and RF Detector

MAX9932 IBIS Model

MAX99332MHz to 1.6GHz 45dB RF-Detecting Controllers and RF Detector

MAX9933 IBIS Model

MAX9947AISG Integrated Transceiver

MAX9947 IBIS Model

MAX999Single/Dual/Quad, Ultra-High-Speed, +3V/+5V, Beyond-the-Rails Comparators

MAX999 IBIS Model

MAXM225102.5kVRMS Complete Isolated RS-485/RS-422 Module Transceiver + Power

MAXM22510 IBIS Model

MAXM225112.5kVRMS Complete Isolated RS-485/RS-422 Module Transceiver + Power

MAXM22511 IBIS Model

PHY1040125Mbps to 1.25Gbps VCSEL/Laser Driver and Postamplifier

PHY1040 IBIS Model

PHY2078125Mbps to 2.5Gbps FTTx Burst-Mode Laser Driver/Postamplifier

PHY1078/PHY2078 IBIS Model

SC1894225MHz to 3800MHz RF Power Amplifier Linearizer (RFPAL)

SC1894 IBIS Model

SC1905698MHz to 3800MHz RF Power Amplifier Linearizer (RFPAL)

SC1905 IBIS Model

SC2200Dual RF Power Amplifier Linearizer (RFPAL)

SC2200 IBIS Model

SSM351531 W, Filterless, Class-D Digital Input Audio Amplifier

SSM3515 IBIS Model

SSM35822×, 31.76 W, Digital Input, Filterless Stereo Class-D Audio Amplifier

SSM3582/SSM3582A IBIS Model

SSM3582A2×, 31.76 W, Digital Input, Filterless Stereo Class D Audio Amplifier

SSM3582/SSM3582A IBIS Model

SSM4567Digital 2.5 W, 5.1 V, Boost Class-D Audio Amplifier with Output Sensing

SSM4567 IBIS Model