Symbols, Footprints & 3D Models
Analog Devices has partnered with Ultra Librarian and Samacsys to offer vendor neutral 2D symbols and footprints and 3D .stp models compatible with all of the popular CAD systems. You may either download the model files directly from the product page as shown below or you can search the Ultra Librarian and/or Samacsys libraries and convert to the format of your choice.
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Ultra Librarian Reader
Ultra Librarian Reader is a tool that converts a BXL file into any of the 30 CAD file formats currently offered by Ultra Librarian.
Samacsys Library Loader
The models you download on Component Search Engine or from our models on our partner websites will go directly into your ECAD Tool. The Library Loader helper seamlessly allows you to access your downloaded models through your tool, preview them and add the models into your project. Click the button below to start using Library Loader for free.