Product Details
ADL5201-EVALZ is a fully populated, 4-layer, FR4-based evaluation board. For normal operation, it require a 5 V power supply capable of delivering 500 mA and a 3.3 V power supply capable of delivering 1 mA. The 5 V supply is connected to the test loops labeled VPOS and GND. This is the bias for the main amplifier. The open collector outputs are connected to the main bias via the power plane. The 3.3 V supply is connected to the test loops labeled 3.3 V and GND. The RF input is applied to the SMA connector labeled INB-. The RF output is available at the SMA connector labeled OUTB-. A fully differential input and output is easily configured by removing R3 and R47, installing a zero ohm jumper at R4 and R48, removing T1 and T2 and placing jumpers across the transformer pads. The gain control options are controlled via the on board USB micro controller . The evaluation board can be programmed through the USB port of a PC running Windows XP or Vista with Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 installed. The required control software can be downloaded from www.analog.com. Manual operation of the gain control functions is possible using the 3 pin headers and supplied jumpers. Power up is controlled using the 3 pin header labeled PWUP or an external control signal maybe applied using the SMA connector labeled PWUP.
Documentation & Resources
ADL5201 Gerber Files9/12/2011ZIP317 kB