
Features and Benefits

  • Simplifies software and application prototyping of IMU’s on Raspberry Pi Platform
    • Direct mounting for software development
    • Ribbon cable mounting for application testing and verification
  • Connects to ADIS16IMU1/PCBZ and ADIS16IMU4/PCBZ compatible IMU devices
  • Connectable to Raspberry Pi 3B+ and 4 through the 40pin GPIO connector

Product Details

This adaptor board allows for easy plug and play connection of Analog Devices Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) devices to the Raspberry Pi platform, providing application and software development.

There are two ways in which to connect your IMU to this adaptor board.

  1. Direct board mounting using the screws and mounting locations provided.
  2. Mount the IMU to a separate ADIS16IMU1/PCBZ or ADIS16IMU4/PCBZ breakout board and use the flexible 16-position ribbon cable to the EVAL-ADISIMU1-RPIZ.

This helps both software development as well as enabling real world application verification with the ability to physically move the sensor.


Device Drivers

ADIS1646x/ADIS1647x/ADIS1650x Linux Device Drivers
This is a Linux industrial I/O (IIO) subsystem driver, targeting serial interface Inertial Measurement Units (IMU). The industrial I/O subsystem provides a unified framework for drivers for many different types of converters and sensors using a number of different physical interfaces (i2c, spi, etc).
ADIS16375/ADIS1648x/ADIS1649x Linux Device Drivers
This is a Linux industrial I/O (IIO) subsystem driver, targeting serial interface Inertial Measurement Units (IMU). The industrial I/O subsystem provides a unified framework for drivers for many different types of converters and sensors using a number of different physical interfaces (i2c, spi, etc).
ADIS1613x Linux Device Drivers
This is a Linux industrial I/O (IIO) subsystem driver, targeting serial interface Inertial Measurement Units (IMU). The industrial I/O subsystem provides a unified framework for drivers for many different types of converters and sensors using a number of different physical interfaces (i2c, spi, etc).

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