

±1°C Fail-Safe Remote/Local Temperature Sensors with SMBus Interface

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Starting From $4.98

Part Details

  • Two Alarm Outputs: Active-Low ALERT and Active-Low OVERT
  • Pin-Programmable Threshold for Active-Low OVERT Limit
  • Programmable Under/Overtemperature Active-Low ALERT Limit
  • Dual Channel: Measures Remote and Local Temperature
  • 11-Bit, 0.125°C Resolution for Remote Temperature Measurements
  • High Accuracy ±1°C (max) from +60°C to +100°C (Remote)
  • No Calibration Required
  • SMBus/I²C-Compatible Interface
  • SMBus Timeout Prevents SMBus Lockup
±1°C Fail-Safe Remote/Local Temperature Sensors with SMBus Interface
MAX6680, MAX6681: Typical Operating Circuit
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Hardware Ecosystem

Parts Product Life Cycle Description
Digital Temperature Sensors 2
MAX6654 PRODUCTION 1°C Accurate Remote/Local Temperature Sensor with SMBus Serial Interface
MAX6690 PRODUCTION 2°C Accurate Remote/Local Temperature Sensor with SMBus Serial Interface
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Evaluation Kits


Evaluation System/Evaluation Kit for the MAX6681

Features and Benefits

  • Measure and Display Temperature of the MAX6681 and a Remote Sensor
  • Programmable Alarms and Configuration
  • I²C/SMBus Compatible
  • Easy-to-Use Menu-Driven Software
  • Assembled and Tested
  • Include Windows 95/98/2000-Compatible Software and Demo PC Board

Product Details

The MAX6681 evaluation system (EV system) consists of a MAX6681 evaluation kit (EV kit) and a companion Maxim system management bus (SMBus™) interface board.

The MAX6681 EV kit is an assembled and tested PC board that demonstrates the MAX6681 temperature sensor. The MAX6681 monitors its temperature and the junction temperature of an external diode-connected transistor. It converts the temperature to 8-bit or 11-bit 2-wire serial data. (Note: 11-bit resolution is for the external sensor only.)

The MAX6681 EV kit includes the external diode-connected transistor (a 2N3906 transistor) soldered to the board, but removable. The board can then be connected through a twisted pair to a remote diode close to your system.

The Maxim SMBus interface board (MAXSMBus) allows an IBM®-compatible PC to use its parallel port to emulate an Intel® SMBus 2-wire interface. Windows® 95/98/2000-compatible software provides a user-friendly interface to exercise the features of the MAX6681. The program is menu driven and offers a graphic interface with control buttons and status display. (Note: Windows 2000 requires the installation of a driver; refer to Win2000.pdf or Win2000.txt located on the diskette.)

Order the MAX6681EVSYS for a complete IBM PC-based evaluation of the MAX6681. Order the MAX6681EVKIT if you already have an SMBus interface.

Evaluation System/Evaluation Kit for the MAX6681

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