The MAX16610/MAX16610A evaluation kits (EV kits) are fully assembled and tested boards that provide a working solution to evaluate the MAX16610.
The MAX16610 IC is an integrated controller packaged into a 64-pin, 9mm x 9mm TQFN. The controller generates all the gate signals required for 10 switches in a 4-to-1 switched tank converter (STC) topology. The STC is a highly efficient resonant nonisolated converter that provides voltage conversion from a 40V to 60V high-voltage bus input to a lower nonregulated DC bus output. The
MAX16610/MAX16610A EV kits are designed to provide an already optimized and ready-to-use boards to evaluate the STC converter topology. The EV kits are suitable to show the full functionality of the MAX16610/MAX16610A STC controller and as well give important design rules and suggestions to implement the solution on a custom system board.
All components have been selected and optimized to achieve the best trade-off between performance, size, and overall cost. The EV kits have been developed through an accurate 12-layer PCB (plus top and bottom) layout with all the active devices on the top layer. They are designed to minimize noise and maximize converter efficiency. Test points are available on the board to probe
signals useful during the evaluation of the solution. Layout source files are available and can be provided upon request. For full IC information, refer to the MAX16610/MAX16610A data sheet.
Warning: The EV kits are designed to operate with 40V to 60V DC input voltage. High voltage and high current are present in this application. Follow safe procedures when working with high-current electrical equipment.
Under severe fault or failure conditions, these EV kits can dissipate a large amount of power, which could result in mechanical ejection of the component debris at high velocity. Operate the EV kits with care to avoid possible injury.
Assembly Option
This document is common to both MAX16610GTB+ and MAX16610AGTB+ EV kits and can be used as a technical guide to test both solutions.
Two different EV kits order codes are available. On the silk top, an assembly option is marked to distinguish the two EV kits.
- This EV kit is dedicated to MAX16610AGTB+, marked as assy option 02
- MAX16610#W5EVKIT#
- This EV kit is dedicated to MAX16610GTB+, marked as assy option 01
MAX16610 vs MAX16610 Features
The two MAX16610x part numbers differ only for one
protection feature.
The MAX16610 has enabled a VOUT timeout protection.
This protection feature generates a fault condition that immediately stops any PWM signal if a longer time than 150ms elapses between the EN (enable) signal rising edge and VOUT level > 1V. This protects the converter against any malfunction or misbehavior of its upstream hot-swap converter or load. The 5V bias supply needs to be recycled if a VOUT timeout trips.
The MAX16610A does not support this timeout protection mechanism. Refer to the MAX16610/MAX16610A data sheet for further information on VOUT timeout protection.