

40A DC/DC μModule Regulator

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1ku List Price
Starting From $45.73

Part Details

  • Stacked Inductor Acts as Heat Sink
  • Wide Input Voltage Range: 4.7V to 15V
  • 0.6V to 3.3V Output Voltage Range
  • ±1.3% Total DC Output Voltage Error Over Line, Load and Temperature (–40°C to 125°C)
  • Differential Remote Sense Amplifier for Precision Regulation
  • Current Mode Control/Fast Transient Response
  • Frequency Synchronization
  • Parallel Current Sharing (Up to 240A)
  • Internal or External Compensation
  • 88% Efficiency (12VIN, 1VOUT) at 40A
  • Overcurrent Foldback Protection
  • 16mm × 16mm × 7.07mm BGA Package
40A DC/DC μModule Regulator
1V, 40A DC/DC μModule Regulator 12VIN , 1VOUT Efficiency vs Output Current Product Package 1
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Data Sheet

This is the most up-to-date revision of the Data Sheet.

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Digital Power System Managers 1
LTC2975 RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGNS 4-Channel PMBus Power System Manager Featuring Accurate Input Current and Energy Measurement
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LTspice® is a powerful, fast and free simulation software, schematic capture and waveform viewer with enhancements and models for improving the simulation of analog circuits.


LTpowerCAD® is a power supply design program which selects power stage components, provides detailed power efficiency, shows quick loop Bode plot stability and load transient analysis, and can export to LTspice for simulation.

Evaluation Kits

eval board

LTC7106 and LTM4636 Demo Board | 7-Bit DAC with PMBus Controlled Step-Down μModule Regulator

Product Details

Demonstration circuit 2830A features the LTM4636EY, a 40A high efficiency, switch mode step-down µModule® regulator which is controlled by the LTC7106EDDB, a precision, bidirectional, 7-Bit current DAC with PMBus interface. The LTC7106 is used to adjust the output voltage of the LTM4636 by way of the PMBus. The LTM4636’s input voltage range is from 4.7V to 15V and the output voltage range is from 0.6V to 3.3V. De-rating is necessary for certain VIN, VOUT, frequency and thermal conditions. The LTC7106 requires an input voltage from 2.5V to 5.5V and on DC2830A it’s powered directly from the DC1613A dongle. The LTC7106 provides three ranges of IDAC output current: Nominal Range (–64µA to 63µA), Range High (–256µA to 252µA) and Range Low (–16µA to 15.75µA). The nominal range is optimized with the highest accuracy. It is recommended that users design the resistor divider using the nominal range of the IDAC setting.

To explore the power system management features of the LTC7106, download the GUI software LTpowerPlay® onto your PC and use ADI’s I2C/SMBus/PMBus Dongle DC1613A to connect to the board. LTpowerPlay allows the user to reconfigure the part on-the-fly, view IDAC current value and fault status.

The LTM4636 and LTC7106 data sheets must be read in conjunction with this demo manual prior to working on or modifying demo circuit DC2830A.

eval board

LTM4636 High Efficiency, PolyPhase 120A Step-Down Power µModule Regulator

Product Details

Demonstration circuit DC2448A-B features a PolyPhase® design using the LTM4636EY, a 40A high efficiency, switch mode step-down power µModule® regulator. The input voltage range is from 4.7V to 15V. When VIN < 5.5V, short PVCC to VIN with R1 = 0Ω, and set R3 = 0Ω and remove R2. The output voltage range is 0.6V to 3.3V. The DC2448A-B can deliver a nominal 120A output current. As explained in the data sheet, output current derating is necessary for certain VIN, VOUT, and thermal conditions. The board operates in continuous conduction mode in heavy load conditions. For high efficiency at low load currents, the MODE_PLLIN jumper selects pulse-skipping mode for noise sensitive applications or Burst Mode® operation in less noise sensitive applications. The MODE_PLLIN pin also allows the LTM4636 to synchronize to an external clock signal. The phases of the three LTM4636s are 0 degrees, 120 degrees and 240 degrees. DC2448A-B has the option of choosing both internal and external compensation circuit for LTM4636. The LTM4636 data sheet must be read in conjunction with this demo manual prior to working on or modifying demo circuit DC2448A-B.

eval board

LTM4636 High Efficiency, PolyPhase 160A Step-Down Power µModule Regulator

Product Details

Demonstration circuit DC2448A-C features a PolyPhase® design using the LTM4636EY, a 40A high efficiency, switch mode step-down power µModule® regulator. The input voltage range is from 4.7V to 15V. When VIN < 5.5V, short PVCC to VIN with R1 = 0Ω, and set R3 = 0Ω and remove R2. The output voltage range is 0.6V to 3.3V. The DC2448A-C can deliver a nominal 160A output current. As explained in the data sheet, output current derating is necessary for certain VIN, VOUT and thermal conditions. The board operates in continuous conduction mode in heavy load conditions. For high efficiency at low load currents, the MODE_PLLIN jumper selects pulse-skipping mode for noise sensitive applications or Burst Mode® operation in less noise sensitive applications. The MODE_PLLIN pin also allows the LTM4636 to synchronize to an external clock signal. The phases of the four LTM4636s are 0 degree, 90 degree, 180 degree and 270 degree. DC2448A-C has the option of choosing both internal and external compensation circuit for LTM4636. The LTM4636 datasheet must be read in conjunction with this demo manual prior to working on or modifying demo circuit DC2448A-C.

eval board

LTM4636 High Efficiency, PolyPhase 80A Step-Down Power μModule Regulator

Product Details

Demonstration circuit DC2448A-A features a PolyPhase® design using the LTM®4636EY, a 40A high efficiency, switch mode step-down power μModule® regulator. The input voltage range is from 4.7V to 15V. When VIN < 5.5V, short PVCC to VIN with R1 = 0Ω, and set R3 = 0Ω and remove R2. The output voltage range is 0.6V to 3.3V. The DC2448A-A can deliver a nominal 80A output current. As explained in the data sheet, output current derating is necessary for certain VIN, VOUT, and thermal conditions. The board operates in continuous conduction mode in heavy load conditions. For high efficiency at low load currents, the MODE_PLLIN jumper selects pulse-skipping mode for noise sensitive applications or Burst Mode® operation in less noise sensitive applications. The MODE_PLLIN pin also allows the LTM4636 to synchronize to an external clock signal. The phase shift between the two phases is 180 degree. DC2448A-A has the option of choosing both internal and external compensation circuit for LTM4636. The LTM4636 data sheet must be read in conjunction with this demo manual prior to working on or modifying demo circuit DC2448A-A.

eval board

LTM4636 Demo Board | Buck μModule Regulator, Stacked Inductor, 4.7V ≤ VIN ≤ 15V, VOUT = 0.6V to 3.3V @ 40A

Product Details

Demonstration circuit 2230A-A features the LTM4636EY, a 40A high efficiency, switch mode step-down power μModule® regulator. The input voltage range is from 4.7V to 15V. For input voltage range from 4.7V to 5.5V, short PVCC pin to VIN pin with R8 = R21 = 0Ω and remove R17. The output voltage range is 0.6V to 3.3V. Derating is necessary for certain VIN, VOUT, frequency and thermal conditions. The board operates in continuous conduction mode in heavy load conditions. For high efficiency at low load currents, the MODE_PLLIN jumper selects pulse-skipping mode for noise sensitive applications or Burst Mode® operation in less noise sensitive applications. The MODE_PLLIN pin also allows the LTM4636 to synchronize to an external clock signal. DC2230A-A has the option of choosing both internal and external compensation circuit for LTM4636. Tying the PHASMD pin to different voltage generates certain phase difference between MODE_PLLIN and CLKOUT. The LTM4636 data sheet must be read in conjunction with this demo manual prior to working on or modifying demo circuit DC2230A-A.

LTC7106 and LTM4636 Demo Board | 7-Bit DAC with PMBus Controlled Step-Down μModule Regulator
DC2830A Evaluation Board DC2830A Evaluation Board - Top View DC2830A Evaluation Board - Bottom View
LTM4636 High Efficiency, PolyPhase 120A Step-Down Power µModule Regulator
DC2448A-B Application Circuit DC2448A-B Application Circuit DC2448A-B Image DC2448A-B Application Circuit
LTM4636 High Efficiency, PolyPhase 160A Step-Down Power µModule Regulator
DC2448A-C Application Circuit DC2448A-C Application Circuit DC2448A-C Image DC2448A-C Application Circuit
LTM4636 High Efficiency, PolyPhase 80A Step-Down Power μModule Regulator
DC2448A-A_UG-1332 Image
LTM4636 Demo Board | Buck μModule Regulator, Stacked Inductor, 4.7V ≤ VIN ≤ 15V, VOUT = 0.6V to 3.3V @ 40A
DC2230A-A Demo Board DC2230A-A Demo Board DC2230A-A Demo Board DC2230A-A Demo Board DC2230A-A - Demo Board Image

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