

Low Power Selectable Gain Differential ADC Driver, G = 1, 2, 3

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1ku List Price
Starting From $3.52

Part Details

  • High performance at low power
  • High speed
    -3 dB bandwidth of 750 MHz, G = 1
    0.1 dB flatness to 210 MHz, VOUT, dm = 2 V p-p, RL, dm = 200 Ω
    Slew rate: 2900 V/µs, 25% to 75%
    Fast 0.1% settling time of 9 ns
  • Low power: 9.5 mA per amplifier
  • Low harmonic distortion
    108 dB SFDR @ 10 MHz
    98 dB SFDR @ 20 MHz
  • Low output voltage noise: 9.2 nV/√Hz, G = 1, RTO
  • ±0.2 mV typical input offset voltage
  • Selectable differential gains of 1, 2, and 3
  • Differential-to-differential or single-ended-to-differential operation
  • Adjustable output common-mode voltage
  • Input common-mode range shifted down by one VBE
  • Wide supply range: +3 V to ±5 V
  • Available in 16-lead and 24-lead LFCSP packages
Low Power Selectable Gain Differential ADC Driver, G = 1, 2, 3
ADA4950-1 Functional Block Diagram
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Tools & Simulations

SPICE Model 1

ADI DiffAmpCalc™

ADI's new ADI DiffAmpCalc™ is a free, downloadable calculator for designing differential amplifier circuits. The tool is easy to use and features an interactive user interface to quickly get you up and running.

Open Tool

Evaluation Kits


ADA4950-1 Evaluation Board

Product Details

These evaluation boards are designed to help users evaluate the ADA4950-1. The evaluation board is a BARE BOARD. There are no components or amplifiers soldered to the board. These parts must be obtained separately from the table below or on the product page. Free samples may also be requested. The unpopulated board enables users to quickly customize and prototype a variety of op amp circuits, which minimizes risk and reduces time to market.

The User Guide contains all the required documentation to build the board, including schematics, assembly drawing, and Bill of Materials.

ADA4950-1 Evaluation Board

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