Wideband RF Transceiver Evaluation Software
Wideband RF Transceiver Evaluation Software
These are the evaluation boards that are available for the AD9371/AD9375, ADRV9002 and ADRV9008/ADRV9009 Wideband RF transceivers and their corresponding compatible software.
ADRV9001-SDK Evaluation Software Ver. 0.27.0 (C0 only)
ADRV9001-SDK Evaluation Software Ver. 0.15.0 (B0 and C0)
The Narrow/Wide-Band RF Transceiver Software Development Kit (SDK) package offers customers the following during the various stages:
- Evaluation Stage – Transceiver Evaluation Software (TES)
- Prototyping Stage – Access to EVB system from within MATALB and Python environments, evaluation system FPGA example code, DLLs and ADRV9001 resource files
- Production Stage – ANSI C API Driver Code
This compressed file is used with the ADRV9002NP/W1/PCBZ and ADRV9002NP/W2/PCBZ evaluation boards. This software enables ADRV9002 transceiver testing and can emulate ADRV9003/ADRV9004 using the evaluation board and the Windows TES GUI. In addition, programs such as MATLAB and Python can interface directly with the evaluation platform allowing automated testing. All layers of the evaluation software are present in this compressed file including FPGA code example, DLLs, ADRV9001 resource files and the firmware binary file used by the ARM® processor on the transceiver. For more information refer to ADRV9001 EVALUATION SYSTEM section of UG-1828: ADRV9001 System Development User Guide (Rev. PrB).
There are two Evaluation Software download options available for each transceiver via the links below. The GUI zip file is used with the evaluation board for initial testing of the transceiver, while the API zip file is intended for use in the customer system. Both are required but have different uses and may be downloaded at different times depending on customer needs.
There is a third download package available for use on the AD9375 only. This contains the digital pre-distortion (DPD) evaluation GUI zip file that is used to determine settings required for optimizing transmitter performance on the AD9375 when the internal DPD algorithm is utilized.
There is a fourth download package available for use on the Small Cell Radio Reference Design ADRV-DPD1. This contains the software tool (SCES) to support configuration of ADRV-DPD for evaluation and development. The Windows GUI and DPD GUI software are not compatible with the ADRV-DPD hardware. The SCES must be used to configure and control the ADRV-DPD board.
AD9371/AD9375 Evaluation Software with GUI for Evaluation Board Ver. 2068
ADRV9008/ADRV9009 Evaluation Software with GUI for Evaluation Board Ver. 6.0 (
This compressed file is used with the evaluation board. This software enables transceiver testing using the evaluation board and the Windows GUI. In addition, programs such as Matlab, LabView, C#, Python, and others that support .net can interface directly with the evaluation platform allowing automated testing of the transceivers. All layers of the evaluation software are present in this compressed file but the API is compiled for use with the other layers. API source code for use in the customer system is available from the link below. The firmware file used by the ARM® processor on the transceiver is also contained within this compressed Evaluation Software file. The AD9371/AD9375 GUI works with the AD9371 Filter Wizard as well, which generates optimized AD9371/AD9375 FIR filters for custom sample rates and bandwidth configurations. By using the Filter Wizard to create a new profile, the GUI can utilize the new profile to evaluate the performance with the evaluation kit. Note that all files within the zip folder must be used together. For example, the ARM file from one release version cannot be used with GUI files from another release version.
AD9371/AD9375 API Source Code Ver. 3566
ADRV9008/ADRV9009 API Source Code Ver. 6.0 (6.2.1)
This compressed file contains the API source code, source code documentation (.chm Doxygen help file), and the firmware file that is used by the ARM® processor on the transceivers. The code in this download is intended for use in a customer system. The API source code would be integrated with the rest of the customer code and compiled for the target system. Note that the files within the zip must be used together. For example, the ARM file from one zip file can’t be used with the other API files from another version. The binary file containing the ARM firmware is also included in this zip file in the app director.
ADRV9008-x and ADRV9009 Profile Configuration Tool (Filter Wizard) Ver. 2.5
The ADRV9008/ADRV9009 Profile Configuration Tool is used to design the transmitter and receiver FIR filters for the ADRV9008/ADRV9009 product family. This tool creates filters which equalize the desired passband, taking into account the signal transfer functions through the entire analog and digital signal path in the ADRV9008/ADRV9009 transceiver. The tool also generates ADC profiles and custom clock settings that can be used with the Transceiver Evaluation Software to evaluate system performance. Any custom configuration of sampling rates and bandwidths must use this tool to create a profile that can be used by in a customer system or with the evaluation kit. The Filter Wizard is available as a stand-alone executable.
AD9371/AD9375 Windows GUI and API Release Notes (pdf)
ADRV9008/ADRV9009 Windows GUI and API Release Notes (pdf) Ver. 6.2.2
DPD GUI for AD9375 Ver. 3.100
This file is the DPD GUI that is used with the evaluation board. This software allows the AD9375 DPD settings to be evaluated and optimized for a given power amplifier. It also provides evaluation capability for the CLGC and VSWR features available in the AD9375.
DPD GUI Release Notes (pdf)
AD9375 Small Cell Radio Reference Design Evaluation Software GUI Ver. 0.4.2
This compressed file contains a software installer to be used with the Small Cell Radio Reference Design ADRV-DPD1. This software enables manual Small Cell Radio Reference Design testing using a Windows GUI. In addition, programs such as Matlab, LabView, C#, Python, and others that support Microsoft .NET, can interface directly with the evaluation platform allowing automated testing of the Small Cell Radio Reference Design. All layers of the evaluation software are present in this compressed file but the API is compiled for use with the other layers. API source code for use in the customer system is the same as the link above. The firmware file used by the ARM® processor on the AD9375 is also contained within this compressed evaluation software file. Note that all files within the zip folder must be used together. For example, the ARM® file from one release version cannot be used with GUI files from another release version.
Note: There is a known issue that is intermittently observed where loading large Tx Waveform Data to the system may cause the GUI to hang and may require a forced close and restart of the GUI.
ADRV-DPD1 Software VDE-0884-10-2018-3-14.pdf Notes (pdf)
Download SDCARD Image (zip)
MD5 Checksum: fe98c122ccb5ec0b7683f7f976a066aa
The ADRV9371-SDCARD included with the evaluation kit was up to date at the time of packaging the kit. If an update is necessary, the user will be prompted to update the image when connecting to the GUI. If the card does not function properly or users would like to create their own SD card, this image file can be downloaded and used to write a new card or overwrite the ADRV9371-SDCARD included with the evaluation kit. To program a card using this image, follow the programming instructions after downloading the image to a local drive. Note that an 8 GB minimum SD card is required when programming a new card.
Download SDCARD Image (zip)
The ADRV9009-SDCARD included with the evaluation kit was up to date at the time of packaging the kit. If an update is necessary, the user will be prompted to update the image when connecting to the GUI. If the card does not function properly or users would like to create their own SD card, this image file can be downloaded and used to write a new card or overwrite the ADRV9009-SDCARD included with the evaluation kit. To program a card using this image, follow the programming instructions after downloading the image to a local drive. Note that an 8 GB minimum SD card is required when programming a new card.
ADRV9001 TES SD Card Image Making Software
Download ADRV9001 TES SD Card Image Making Software (zip)
The software is capable to re-image SD cards that then can be used with TES software (for SDK13 or higher). Alternatively, download the images for either SD card directly with the links above.
For instructions and more information refer to our guide on EngineerZone.