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Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Systems

UAVs have moved beyond traditional ISR applications to become a centerpiece of next-generation strike aircraft planning. These collaborative aircraft have a need for high-accuracy stabilization, navigation, advanced flight control, fast data link communications, and edge processing to support AI functions. Analog Devices’ complete lineup of inertial navigation, wide-band transceiver, precision data acquisition, RF beamforming, and high-speed digitizer solutions is ready for this transformation.


Value and Benefits

Our portfolio provides readily available solutions, enabling rapid UAV electronic system development. Our range of sub-applications includes advanced radio systems, faster data communication, high-accuracy stabilization, navigation, and advanced flight control. These systems leverage technology developed for automotive, wireless communication, instrumentation, and radar markets.

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Provides next-generation stabilization, navigation, and flight control

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Enables rapid UAV development

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Allows for faster data communication








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