Single Converter Provides Positive and Negative Supplies

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Charge coupled device (CCD) imagers, LCDs, some op amps and many other circuits require both a positive and negative power supply. Typically, two DC/DC converters are used—one for the positive supply and the other for the negative—but the additional ICs and related circuitry add cost and complexity. There are single converter topologies that develop plus/minus supplies, but usually the second output suffers from poor regulation. In addition, in order to produce a second output of different amplitude, odd transformer turns ratios or post regulators become necessary, which also increases cost, complexity and efficiency losses.

The LT3472 dual DC/DC converter simplifies the design of dual, positive and negative, supplies by combining two switchers that have independent control loops and ±34V output ranges. Figure 1 shows a circuit using the LT3472 that produces two independently regulated power supplies from a single Lithium-ion cell: a 15V, 25mA supply, and a –8V, 35mA supply. A useful application for this could be for amplifier circuits which need to output true zero volts with only a single positive supply available. A low current negative supply and boosted positive supply rail permits full amplifier output swing from 0V to VBATTERY.

Figure 2. Start up sequence.

Figure 3. Efficiency for both outputs loaded at 10% load increments.

Figure 4 shows just how compact a dual output circuit can be.

Figure 4. The compact layout of a dual output converter/inverter.


Jesus Rosales
Jesus Rosales 是 ADI 公司应用部门的应用工程师,工作地点位于美国加利福尼亚州米尔皮塔斯。1995 年加入凌力尔特公司(现为 ADI 的一部分),担任助理工程师;2001 年晋升为应用工程师。此后他一直为升压/反相/SEPIC 系列单片转换器和一些离线隔离应用控制器提供技术支持。他于 1982 年获得湾谷技术学院电子学副学士学位。

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