iButton数据记录器和iButton帽的IP (进入防护)等级
Thermochron® (DS1922L、DS1922T、DS1921G)和Hygrochron™ (DS1923) iButton®数据记录器可理想用于多个领域。由于具有不锈钢外壳,这些器件尤其适合用于恶劣环境。但是,实际应用中还须注意避免将器件暴露在额定保护等级以上的环境中。本应用笔记给出了IP (进入防护)等级的相关定义和说明。提供了Thermochron和Hygrochron iButton的IP56 (防尘、防水溅射)认证,但这些器件不能长时间淹没在水中。对于需要长期在水中使用的场合,必须使用防水套,例如DS9107 iButton帽。
IP是“Ingress Protection”的首字母缩写,即防止物体侵入设备外壳的能力。IP等级在IEC标准60529中进行了定义,由国际电工委员会制定。IEC 60529将外壳定义为:保护设备不受外界影响,在任何方向提供直接接触保护的部件。1
IEC 60529规范没有包括抗腐蚀能力、结构要求以及结冰、冷却等因素。NEMA 250产品标准(由美国国家电器制造商协会制定)对这些因素及其它方面作出了规定。IP等级的范围更有限,可以作为NEMA等级的补充,但不能替代它。因此,需要谨慎对待互联网发布的有关IP/NEMA的引用信息。关于NEMA出版物的信息,请参考A Brief Comparison of NEMA 250—Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum) and IEC 60529—Degrees of Protection Provided by Enclosures (IP Code)。2
图1. IP等级的格式
有关iButton数据记录器的总体介绍、特性以及如何使用等内容请参见应用笔记3892: “iButton®传感器和温度/湿度数据记录器综述”。尽管iButton可以在一定时间内防水侵入,但却不可长时间浸入水中或处在水气严重的环境中。一个独立实验室³对几种数据记录器的IP56等级进行认证测试:DS1921G (2kB存储器,±1°C精度,-40°C至85°C);DS1922L (8kB存储器,±0.5°C精度,-40°C至85°C); DS1922T (8kB存储器,±0.5°C精度,0°C至125°C)和DS1923 (8kB存储器,±0.5°C/5%RH精度,-20°C至85°C)。
Thermochron DS1921G、DS1922L和DS1922T生产时的初始密封等级达到了IP56,按照图1,IP56可以理解为“防尘”和“防水溅射”保护。但随着使用时间的增长,老化和使用条件会降低密封性。因此,对于完全浸入到液体或类似环境的应用,建议将Thermochron器件放入DS9107 iButton套内。
DS1923 Hygrochron记录湿度,因此它不能置于防水容器中,这将影响其数据测试。在考虑安装Hygrochron时应将其置于空气中,不能与水直接接触,建议采用防护罩。
值得注意的是:不建议将数据记录器浸入任何液体中。如果应用需要将其浸入液体中,需要将该器件放置在防水容器中。合适的防水容器是通过IP68认证的DS9107 (iButton套) (图2)。IP68扩充了浸没于一定压力下的规范。DS9107的IP68等级定义为100英尺(30.5米)水下等效压力,持续时间24小时(表1)。
图2. DS9107 iButton套
- 使用压力容器模拟100英尺(30.5米)水下压力,24小时未发现渗漏
- 使用压力容器模拟可乐、酒和海水液体100英尺(30.5米)下的压力,24小时未发现渗漏或腐蚀
- -40°C至85°C温度循环1000次,使用压力容器模拟100英尺(30.5米)水下压力,未发现渗漏
Temperature Cycle | |||||
Description | Date Code | Condition (°C) | Readpoint | Qty | Fails |
Temp Cycle | 0618 | -40 to 85 | 1000 cys | 77 | 0 |
-40 to 85 | 1000 cys | 77 | 0 | ||
-40 to 85 | 1000 cys | 77 | 0 | ||
Total: | 0 | ||||
Unbiased Moisture Resistance | |||||
Description | Date Code | Condition | Readpoint | Qty | Fails |
Moisture Cycling | 0618 | +121°C, 2atm4 steam, unbiased | 100 cys | 80 | 0 |
+121°C, 2atm steam, unbiased | 100 cys | 80 | 0 | ||
+121°C, 2atm steam, unbiased | 100 cys | 80 | 0 | ||
Liquid Submersion—Water | 0618 | 100ft (30.5m) pressure, +25°C | 24 hrs | 77 | 0 |
100ft. (30.5m) pressure, +25°C | 24 hrs | 77 | 0 | ||
100ft. (30.5m) pressure, +25°C | 24 hrs | 77 | 0 | ||
Liquid Submersion—Wine | 0618 | 100ft. (30.5m) pressure, +25°C | 24 hrs | 22 | 0 |
100ft. (30.5m) pressure, +25°C | 24 hrs | 22 | 0 | ||
100ft. (30.5m) pressure, +25°C | 24 hrs | 22 | 0 | ||
Liquid Submersion—Cola | 0618 | 100ft. (30.5m) pressure, +25°C | 24 hrs | 22 | 0 |
100ft. (30.5m) pressure, +25°C | 24 hrs | 22 | 0 | ||
100ft. (30.5m) pressure, +25°C | 24 hrs | 22 | 0 | ||
Liquid Submersion—Salt Water | 0618 | 100ft. (30.5m) pressure, +25°C | 24 hrs | 22 | 0 |
100ft. (30.5m) pressure, +25°C | 24 hrs | 22 | 0 | ||
100ft. (30.5m) pressure, +25°C | 24 hrs | 22 | 0 | ||
Total: | 0 |
1 IEC 60529 standard quoted in, A Brief Comparison of NEMA 250—Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum) and IEC 60529—Degrees of Protection Provided by Enclosures (IP Code), published by NEMA in 2002. To download this document, see note 2. The IEC60529 standard is available for sale at: www.techstreet.com/cgi-bin/detail?product_id=861222.
2 This comparison of NEMA 250 and IEC 60529 can be found at: https://www.nema.org/Standards/Pages/A-Brief-Comparison-of-NEMA-250-and-IEC-60529.aspx
3 IP56 certification for iButton data loggers can be found here.
All iButton and iButton accessories' certifications can be found here.
4 For more information on pressure measurements, measurement units, and the phase diagram of water, see Stephen R. Turns, Thermal-Fluid Sciences, An Integrated Approach, Chapter 2, "Thermodynamic Properties, Property Relationships, and Processes." Go to: www.cambridge.org/us/engineering/turns/assets/0521850436c02_p046-171.pdf