过期Latchable ± 15 V, 4-Channel High Performance Analog Mulitplexer
The ADG429 is a monolithic CMOS analog multiplexer comprising four differential channels. On-chip address and control latches facilitate microprocessor interfacing. The ADG429 switches one of four differential inputs to a common differential output as determined by the 2-bit binary address lines A0 and A1. An EN input on both devices is used to enable or disable the device. When disabled, all channels are switched OFF. All the control inputs, address and enable inputs are TTL compatible over the full specified operating temperature range. This makes the part suitable for bus-controlled systems such as data acquisition systems, process controls, avionics and ATEs because the TTL compatible address latches simplify the digital interface design and reduce the board space required.
CMOS、 ± 15 V、8通道锁存式模拟多路复用器
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