Features and Benefits
- Full featured evaluation board for the AD9142A
- Includes options to evaluate:
- DAC only (I & Q DAC output)
- DAC and ADL537X quadrature modulator
- USB interface for configuration
- Data pattern generator and SPI software interfaces
Product Details
The AD9142A evaluation board, AD9142A-M5372-EBZ, has the ADL5372 modulator on board and the AD9142A-M5375-EBZ has the ADL5375 modulator on-board. The evaluation boards connects to a controller board for quick evaluation of AD9142A. The user must apply power, a clock source, a digital data source, and be able to observe the DAC output on either a spectrum analyzer or an oscilloscope. A clock distribution chip AD9516 is included on this EVB as a clock fan-out and frequency divider for the DACCLK, REFCLK and ADS7-V2EBZ or SDP-H1 input clock. The evaluation board comes with software which are ACE (Analysis | Control | Evaluation) and DPG Downloader Lite software that allows the user to program the SPI port. Via the SPI port, the DUT and clock circuitry can be programmed into any of its various operating modes.
Markets and Technologies
Applicable Parts
Documentation & Resources
AD9142A Evaluation Board Documentation2/26/2014WIKI