

3A、4MHz 单片同步降压型 DC/DC 转换器





  • 3A 输出电流
  • 2.25V 至 5.5V 输入电压范围
  • 低输出纹波 Burst Mode® 运行:IQ = 70μA
  • ±输出电压精度为 1%
  • 输出电压低达 0.6V
  • 高效率:高达 95%
  • 低压差运行:100% 占空比
  • 关断电流:≤1μA
  • 可调开关频率:高达 4MHz
  • 可编程的软启动
  • 具有内部补偿功能的可选有源电压定位(AVP)
  • 具有可调脉冲钳位的可选脉冲跳跃/强制连续/Burst Mode 运行
  • 用于启动跟踪或外部参考的输入
  • DDR内存模式,IOUT = ±1.5A
  • 采用耐热性能增强型 20 引脚  (3mm × 4mm) QFN 和 TSSOP 封装
  • 符合汽车应用的 AEC-Q100 标准
3A、4MHz 单片同步降压型 DC/DC 转换器
LTC3612 Application Circuit LTC3612 Pin Configuration LTC3612 Pin Configuration LTC3612 Performance Graph
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部分模型 产品周期 描述
单电源监控器 1
LTC2935 量产 具电源故障输出、可选门限的超低功率监控器
多个输出降压调节器 1
LTC3880 推荐新设计使用 具有数字电源系统管理功能的双输出 PolyPhase 降压型 DC/DC控制器
浪涌抑制器、过压和过流保护 1
LTC4365 推荐新设计使用 欠压、过压和电源反向保护控制器
数字电源系统管理器 1
LTC2974 推荐新设计使用 具有精确输出电流的4通道PMBus电源系统管理器
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eval board

LTC3612EUDC Demo Board | 3A, 4MHz, Monolithic Synchronous Step-Down Regulator, QFN-20 Pkg


Demo Circuit 1310 is a high efficiency, high frequency step-down converter, incorporating the LTC3612 monolithic synchronous regulator. The DC1310A has an input voltage range of 2.25V to 5.5V, and is capable of delivering up to 3A of output current. The output voltage of the DC1310A can be set as low as 0.6V, the reference voltage of the LTC3612. The operating frequency range of the DC1310A is either set to a fixed 2.25 MHz by connecting the frequency pin to SVin, set by an external resistor, or synchronized to an external clock, with a range up to 4 MHz. At low load currents, the DC1310A can operate in either noise sensitive applications, due to the capability of the LTC3612 to operate in pulse-skipping mode, or in high efficiency applications, because the LTC3612 also has Burst-Mode capability.


eval board

LTC3612EFE Demo Board | 3A, 4MHz, Monolithic Synchronous Step-Down Regulator, TSSOP-16E Pkg


Demo Circuit 1574 is a high efficiency, high frequency step-down converter, incorporating the LTC3612 monolithic synchronous regulator. The DC1574A has an input voltage range of 2.25V to 5.5V, and is capable of delivering up to 3A of output current. The output voltage of the DC1574A can be set as low as 0.6V, the reference voltage of the LTC3612. The operating frequency range of the DC1574A is either set to a fixed 2.25 MHz by connecting the frequency pin to SVIN, set by an external resistor, or synchronized to an external clock, with a range up to 4 MHz. At low load currents, the DC1574A can operate in either noise sensitive applications, due to the capability of the LTC3612 to operate in pulse-skipping mode, or in high efficiency applications, because the LTC3612 also has Burst-Mode capability. The Burst Mode clamp can be set externally.

LTC3612EUDC Demo Board | 3A, 4MHz, Monolithic Synchronous Step-Down Regulator, QFN-20 Pkg
DC1310A - Schematic
LTC3612EFE Demo Board | 3A, 4MHz, Monolithic Synchronous Step-Down Regulator, TSSOP-16E Pkg
DC1574A - Schematic


MAX 10 NEEK Dev Kit
MAX 10 NEEK Development Kit 参考设计


  • Analog Devices has worked closely with FPGA and processor manufacturers to develop verified power solutions that optimize cost, size and efficiency in high performance applications
  • Our reference designs are supported by an intuitive design tool set and IP
  • Our team can provide designs for quick prototypes that can speed time to market in the most complex applications
Stratix V Advanced System Development Board
Stratix V Advanced System Development Board 参考设计


  • Analog Devices has worked closely with FPGA and processor manufacturers to develop verified power solutions that optimize cost, size and efficiency in high performance applications
  • Our reference designs are supported by an intuitive design tool set and IP
  • Our team can provide designs for quick prototypes that can speed time to market in the most complex applications
DE0 Nano SoC Dev Platform - Top View
Terasic DE0-Nano-SoC Kit / Atlas-SoC Kit 参考设计


  • Analog Devices has worked closely with FPGA and processor manufacturers to develop verified power solutions that optimize cost, size and efficiency in high performance applications
  • Our reference designs are supported by an intuitive design tool set and IP
  • Our team can provide designs for quick prototypes that can speed time to market in the most complex applications
DE-10 Nano Kit
Terasic DE10-Nano Kit 参考设计


  • Analog Devices has worked closely with FPGA and processor manufacturers to develop verified power solutions that optimize cost, size and efficiency in high performance applications
  • Our reference designs are supported by an intuitive design tool set and IP
  • Our team can provide designs for quick prototypes that can speed time to market in the most complex applications
MAX 10 NEEK Development Kit
MAX 10 NEEK Dev Kit
MAX 10 NEEK Block Diagram
MAX 10 NEEK Power Tree
Stratix V Advanced System Development Board
Stratix V Advanced System Development Board
Stratix V Advanced System Development Board Block Diagram
Stratix V Advanced Systems Development Board Power Tree
Terasic DE0-Nano-SoC Kit / Atlas-SoC Kit
DE0 Nano SoC Dev Platform - Top View
DE0 Nano SoC Dev Platform - Bottom View
DE0 Nano SoC Block Diagram
DE0 Nano SoC Power Tree
Terasic DE10-Nano Kit
DE-10 Nano Kit
DE-10 Nano Kit Block Diagram
DE-10 Nano Power Tree


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