

4-Channel, 16-Bit, Continuous Time Data Acquisition ADC

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Part Details

  • Low noise: 2.4 nV/√Hz input referred voltage noise at maximum gain setting
  • Wide input signal bandwidth: 500 kHz at 1.2 MSPS sample rate, 16-bit resolution
  • Additional sample rates supported: 300 kSPS, 450 kSPS, 600 kSPS, 900 kSPS, and 1.8 MSPS
  • 4 differential simultaneous sampling channels
  • No active antialiasing filter required
  • Selectable equalizer
  • LNA and PGA with 45 dB gain range in 6 dB steps
  • Flexible data port supports serial or parallel mode
  • Supports FSK mode for FMCW radar systems
  • On-chip 1.5 V reference
  • Internal oscillator/PLL input: 16 MHz to 54 MHz High speed serial data interface
  • See datasheet for additional features

4-Channel, 16-Bit, Continuous Time Data Acquisition ADC

ADAR7251 Functional Block Diagram ADAR7251 Pin Diagram
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Evaluation Kits

eval board

ADAR7251 Evaluation Board

Features and Benefits

  • 4-layer PCB (3.1x2.5in form factor)
  • Single 5V power supply options
  • Power indicator/general-purpose LEDs
  • Reset and download push buttons
  • 80-pin connector interface for MMIC board
  • 120-pin interface for SDP-B board
  • Test points to access ADAD7251 pins

Product Details

The ADAR7251 is a 16bit Delta-Sigma ADC designed for 24GHz/77GHz Radar systems in a 7 mm x 7mm LFCSP-SS package.

Evaluation Board Overview

The ADAR7251 mini board allows a user to program, debug and evaluate the performance of the ADAR7251. Its small form factor makes it the ideal hardware for evaluation of Radar systems using the easy interface to MMIC and DSP. The MMIC and DSP Board (SDP-B) are available from the or contact ADI sales. The GUI for the board can be downloaded.

Evaluation Kit Contents
  • Evaluation Board with 5V Adapter

eval board

Radar Demonstration Platform. Evaluates Radar chipset including the ADF5901, ADF5904 and ADF4159.

Features and Benefits

This evaluation board is obsolete and no longer recommended. The replacement board is the TinyRad Demonstration Platform.

  • Out-of-the-box Radar demonstration platform. 
  • Evaluates 24GHz Radar chipset 
  • Antenna to bits functionality. 
  • Accompanying software GUI to evaluate:
    • FMCW
    • Range Doppler
    • Digital Beam Forming.

Product Details

The 24 GHz radar sensor platform called Demorad is a novel microwave radar evaluation platform solution with out-of-the-box software examples and easy startup of radar sensor all done within minutes. Demorad platform enables rapid product prototyping aimed at R&D interests in investigating radar and developing radar sensor products that can measure real-time information such as target/object presence, its movement, angular position, velocity, and range from the sensor.

The Demorad platform provides both hardware and software that allows for very fast evaluation and development of 24 GHz radar without the need to have RF microwave and signal chain system expertize, and significantly reduces development time and system expertize during product development phases.

A high performance RF and analog full signal chain including DSP processing, that is, an RF to bits solution is provided that allows for flexible processing on raw acquisition data, allowing radar experiments on a state-of-the art level hardware in a very short time.

Full software support of 24 GHz radar ICs using a software graphical user interface (GUI) and in DSP radar support function libraries with added capability to write raw data for post processing on PC using Matlab tools.

Figure 1. Demorad 24GHz Evaluation Software Window showing Range-Doppler mode.

Demorad Details

The Demorad uses ADI’s 24 GHz, multichannel radar solution. The sensor consists of a single PCB with 2 transmitter/4 receiver antennas on the front side connected to the 24 GHz RF chipset and data  acquisition ADC’s and DSP on the reverse side. This forms the basis for a reference design that customers can use to build their final product design.

Figure 2. Demorad full signal chain.

The Demorad uses FMCW radar to detect range and velocity of objects up to 200 m away with a resolution of approximately 75 cm. The field of view (FOV) is approximately 120° in azimuth and 15° in elevation based on the antenna array design. By combining antennas as used in digital beam forming (DBF), the Demorad uses DBF to calculate angular information in the FOV.

Figure 3. Demorad system setup.


  • Traffic monitoring and car parking
  • UAV/drone collision avoidance and altimeters
  • Monitoring and security systems

ADAR7251 Evaluation Board
ADAR7251 Evalaution Board
Radar Demonstration Platform. Evaluates Radar chipset including the ADF5901, ADF5904 and ADF4159.
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